Never trust a nigger named Lester


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The one on the right is trans right? that jawline is obscene for a woman


He's going to get fat and nag his husband?

what does that mean? elaborate for us, please.

Candy Crowly fact checked Romney on the fly during a debate in 2012 and made Romney look very stupid. Basically she took sides to help Obama.

In actuality, Crowly wasn't even correct. But it didn't matter, since joe six pack didn't follow up on the issue and just saw Romney looking stupid.

*Never trust a nigger, or anyone named Lester

Can I get this in non-retard?

Trump doesnt stutter like that so he will be fine. he will just be like "EXCUSE ME, LESTER"

fuck he was pathetic there

Cunty Crawly was such a fucking cunt. And I voted for Obama

>Please Proceed Governor

Fucking savage

Well, we are fucked. It was a pleasure to shitpost with you guys.

Candy Crowley's "fact-check" was actually incorrect.

Trump will call out the lying media for all the world to see if they try. He knows what he is doing.


Pick only one.

Trump won't put up with that and won't stutter like Romney did.

But /ourguy/ Trump isn't a bitch like Romney so he'll fuck them up.

That is the whitest looking black ever.

the obama administration spent 2 weeks talking about "spontaneous demonstrations over a video", when they knew on the night of the attack it was a planned, orchestrated terrorist action by al quaeda

obongo deied this, and the "moderator" joined him in his lie

R.Money was right, 100%.
crowley flapped her flabby jowls and lied her blubberous ass off to make obongo look less incompetent

crowley and obongo were BOTH lying, in fact Hill-Dawg kept the lie about "spontaneous demonstrations" going longer than even obongo did.

she was still squawking about "the video" 2 months after obongo had already conceded that benghazi was a planned attack.

All these Neo-cons are fucking pathetic, they'll be lined up agaisnt the wall with the globalist democrats on the day we take this country back.

Trump must be afraid of pesky facts.

This. Trump doesn't stutter at all.

Looking good on TV is all that matters for the plebs though.

I remember when Anderson Cooper tried to trip Donald up like that… The Donald handled pretty well.

He was like a crabby dad giving Anderson a spanking

I'm going to admit that I am not Cred Forums-tier at all and am basically a neocon. I hated Trump at fist, but it was looking back at this moment when I realized I wanted Trump to win. Democrats deserve to lose to Trump.

Fuck them so much.

stop with this our guy meme

Cred Forums, he's a republican.

>implying everyone isn't against Trump

but what it means is Lester "pulling a Candy" would mean Lester going full retard/nigger

I saw that as a cry for help from the moderator personally

NBC got a lot of heat for "progressive" blogs over Lauer during to quesiton Shitler

However Trump is no Romney so is Lester tries to pull a Crowley he can expect to be pimp slapped by God Emperor

NBC News has a lot of baggage as a new network. Most recently Trayvon 911 tape editing and the Brian Williams saga.

Was that when he pulled out the transcript he had written down when Anderson tried to call him out on a "lie" and he got obliterated and was made to read the paper to everyone?

Even if he trips on a word he immediately interrupts himself, makes a filler comment and starts again where he left off. Its like he's the fucking master.

Trust nobody not even yourself

One of the main goals of this election is to crush the republicans. We havent gave birth to the new party yet. Still corpses to be buried.

People worried about 'fact checking' seem to cling to closely to the idea that facts even matter.

It's just as easy for Trump to go "that's just not true" and move on.

Trump is going to call Lester a nigger at the debates. You heard it here first.



He let Obama walk all over him. That's why he lost that part of the debate.

>NBC got a lot of heat for "progressive" blogs over Lauer during to quesiton Shitler

To be honest, I can't even believe Cred Forums let them get away with that fabrication. about Vester? :^)

They don't matter but perception matters. If you have a nigger moderator taking sides with one and calling the other a liar it's going to have an impact on some of the morons watching who haven't followed the election at all up to this point.


was mentioning that he'll of course be "fair" to donald because he's "a black republican" in the most leftist of all 50 states

he's not


Trump has the strongest personality of any candidate we have ever had. His campaign has been strengthened by him calling out the media for its bullshit, and the American public nodding along and say yes, your right Mr. Trump, the media is bullshit.

It would be a huge mistake for the media to attack him. He will eat the negative energy and spit it at Hillary.

Sounds great, video link / sauce?

>the media and shills still think they can stump trump

Very sad

>trust nobody not even yourself

Let him try, Trump's not Shitt Romney. Moderators have already tried to gun for Trump this cycle, he handles them pretty well.

He legit looks like a white Jew in black face

YFW Romney was literally JEB

Trumps force of personality has made this election cycle absolute comedy gold. If he allows himself to look like an idiot tomorrow and get walked over, he is confirmed a Democrat plant.


REKT, both Anderson and my sides

the media is the real enemy

He isn't.
I'm dead certain the main reason he is doing this is because Obama insulted him publicly.

He is going to make that man hand him the white house.

>post yfw trump calls lester holt out on his bullshit and then calls him a nigger on national television

is holt considered black

>f he allows himself to look like an idiot tomorrow and get walked over, he is confirmed a Democrat plant.

thats not in his nature

Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking for months. He is such a fucking shitposter, he's gonna make king nigger hand over his job to the guy who lead a campaign questioning where you were born. My sides will be in orbit when obongo has to shake Trump's hand.

So are kikeservatives like Ben Shapiro.

That's why if Trump calls shillary out on all of her lies he will cause the viewer to distrust her

he was trying to bring the rape victims to the debate, he's already asserting dominance

Trump handled it so masterfully, most people don't even notice it. Trump handled it so well people on the left thought the moderator was biased against Hillary. That demonstrates how good Trump is at persuasion.

Everyone in this video is awkward and autistic as fuck, desu senpai

So much this

I didnt even watch that debate and could feel that poor mormon bastard was quaking in his boots

She didn't do anything wrong here, if Romney would have taken control of the situation and not been a stuttering faggot he could have easily come out on top

Papa Bill said Lester was a good man.

Papa Bill keeps giving trump campaign hints on defeating Hillary, hints in keeping composure. He gave us the berther thing so trump could end it before debate

Literal Nigger Jew?

It doesn't matter, if Lester attacks Trump it'll just help Trump by exposing liberal bias. If he doesn't attack Trump then Trump will steamroll Hillary. Trump is literally Xanatos from Gargoyles.

If If If If If If If If If If If If If If you

Remember whats his face guy that no one listens to his radio show.

Duey or Huey fuckface. Fucken Trump savagely goes good thing no one listens to your radio program.

Trump will call him out on that shit:
You're pulling a Candy Crowley on me, Lester...
Lester will be humiliated... advantage Trump.

Holy smokes, Trump completely flipped the tables in that interview. I hope tomorrow night we have a moment like that. No wonder Hillary is prepping so hard

Yeah she did. She was wrong.

this could work but joe six pack doesnt know who that is

he can just not stumble/stutter like a faggot romney and stump lester in the classic sense

Holt is based.

Whilst you are only wearing your underwear.

now this is the classic stumping im hoping to see

perception > facts

I swear to Christ if the (((((moderator))))) "fact-checks" Trump and he makes them read off a piece of paper like this I will lose my mind.

i hope every one of these faggots gets tried in the court of law for collusion (especially in regards to romney)
i remember benghazi happening and thinking it won romney the election. what a joke

No. But she's related to Aleister Crowley. Rofl.

Trump will have his coat full of fact checks for Hillary.

I would be surprised if the nigger didn't.
He's going to crutch her through the whole night tomorrow it's going to be sick.

Debate need halftime shows with live fact checking.

>Never Trust a Nigger

you could have stopped there

> swinging 50's dixie doll profile pic

fat feminist detected

In name only. A third of conservatives are democrats that have invaded the party.

remember when trump owned a "fact checking" moderator

Trump's going to be calling him Lester the molester when it's over

ok but this is Hillary vs Trump not Romney vs Obama.
Trump won't choke like this
Hillary is not likable enough to make comments like that, also this whole attack is fucking retarded, why would he bring it up.

hahahah he pulled out the fucking papers

Yea he'll have shit prepared

Trump is going to bait them into fact checking something that turns out to be actually true.


I hope he does something like that in the debate. Hillary going pure rhetoric and Trump smashes her with reality.

That's not the point the point is Romney fucking locked up instead of challenging and doubling down. If Romney had doubled down the election would be over once every news station fact checked the fact check. It would've ended it there and we would be doing Romney 2016 vs Clinton 2016

I'm trying to look up what this Candy Crowley is and I am so confused. What's the truth here, who is actually right and wrong? CNN says Crowley was right, Crowley says Mitt was right, WaPo says Crowley was wrong.

Man I loved this part

Christ, even anderson knew he got fucked up

Trump knows his facts too well for it to work.

Don't call him a nigger you deplorable faggot

I believe in you.

God damn. Fucking fantastic.

always wondered about that. Speaking of Crowley... with all the magic powers he supposedly had, why did he spend most of his life in poverty.

still clinging to that fantasy eh cruz?

Speaking as a powerful wizard myself: Once you're a powerful wizard, you don't really care about the worldly pursuit of wealth and possessions.


Romney is a cuck. Trump is an alpha. He'll shut that nigger down quick if he tries to go Nat Turner on him.

Is he still being audited?

Romney screwed himself more by making that reaction. However it didn't matter because he lost for other reasons.


this is why i want him to be president

>Lester Holt is a black Republican (he isn't)

This whole not releasing the tax returns is just another bait by Trump
Theres nothing in it at all, but he's letting retards in the media/democrats work themselves up over it
Certainly demanding documents out of Trump opens themselves up to tons of comebacks...

as usual, never trust what a kike says

Trump is business

He should have all the facts ready and proof just like with dopey anderson vanderbilt

yeah, he has been planning a run for years and he knows that at some point tax returns will have to be shown. he is too clever to have anything incriminating in them, if there is anything dodgy he has done in the first place.

by making his tax returns an issue, he is laying the trap for hillary/clinton foundation.

God damn how do people even continue functioning after being blown the fuck out so hard

>Hillary starts by calling Trump a misogynist
>Trump spends the next 2 hours telling her to apologize

So it is written and so it will happen. Kek wills it.

And people claim fucking SJW's started on the internet recently...

They've always been around

Must suck being the reporter that gets assigned to attack Trump like that

>I corrected the record
>he shrieks, "I've been found out!"

He didn't, actually. He inherited a lot of money and he blew it all taking trips to go climbing with his elite buddies, and to go to India and Asia and talk to yogis, gurus and shit. Hes pretty much the reason Yoga exists in the west. Take that as you will.

the man needs to pull out an IPad Pro at his debate podium and start playing videos of Hillary lying and falling down.

I'm not going back to that shitty party ever again so you're stuck with me until Webb takes control.


>No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation

I know Hugh works with CNN, but he's been pretty fair to Trump this entire election.

But he didn't say "terrorist acts" specifically so this statement rates four pinnochios.

If Trump is caught in a situation like this, he needs to just start raging against the media, saying they are in collusion with Hillary.

I wonder if Politifact will try to spin that as saying "only half true"

He never would be caught in such a situation, because
a: he talks better
b: he's smarter
c: he wouldn't do such a retarded semantics attack, he'd have something far more definitive like stressing "Why won't you say RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM?"
d: He'd be more sure of the facts and he would shut down the moderator

So satisfying to see.

Love the font size on those notes when they use the camera behind him.

>Debate starts
>Hillary tries to go hard on Trump
>Trump pulls the facts out of his coat and offers to show her
>"Oh no, stay there, I'll come to you. I know you haven't been feeling well."
>Walks over to Hillary

I love this man.

This is why Trump has nothing to fear. These debates aren't about the truth, they're about how the public perceives you. When Romney got fact checked, he looked like a beta bitch even though the fact check was bullshit, and he lost. They can't do that to Trump, because he doesn't let people walk over him. Even if he's wrong or they try to spin his words, he won't look weak during the debate.

Honestly, his best case scenario is he triggers a coughing fit for Hillary, so the whole country sees that the pneumonia thing was utter bullshit

>fact checking.

Trump has become inmune to this
you see, It doesn't matter if he is factually wrong or if what he says is a lie as long as he pretends to know its true.

People no longer trust the media, if they call him a liar everyone will think it's just another media attempt to stump him.

facts don't matter during the debate, only presentation

I don't like Trump, but I'm rooting for him to win the debate and the election. I really hope he is prepared and doesn't fall into any of the MSM's Jewish tricks. He's gotten too far to screw up now.

Anyone who thinks "facts don't matter" is a retard & been drinking too much koolaid
ofc they fucking matter
It's only the democrat base of gimmedat voters who don't care about facts.

is says "Agent KGB deplorable"

there is so much pain in her eyes

I think type if behavior will just help him. The best thing the media could do for Trump would be to be extremely biased towards Hillary. It's kinda silly to compare anything from 2012 to today due to the major shift in views towards the media since then. Even Normies are "Waking" up to the (((Media))).

Now the media is trying to say Lester Holt is a Republican.

I like Lester Holt. He's good on Dateline

I'm talking about the average schmucks who don't really care enough about politics but do vote. The debates are probably the biggest thing they'll be seeing. Sure it's not good to go up and lie constantly, but the presentation is what matters most

Same here, I'm actually an anti-corruption lefty sick of the regressive left and want the SJWs to have a fucking 4 year mental meltdown and make asses of themselves so everybody gets turned off by their bullshit.

Hell I'd be rightwing if it actually becomes pro-worker and pro-not-being-poisoned-by-water-and-fish-etc. You know sane By The People For The People policies, not the cuckservative "regulations r bad" corporatism. I'm hoping Trump maybe reforges the GOP along those lines so I have a party to support, but I deeply doubt it.

I guess I'm an Eisenhower Republican? he was pro-worker, and for sane common sense good for the people policies.

he just reads a teleprompter he doesn't do any analysis or research or writing or anything. he's a talking head

>No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.

He's been a registered Republican since 2003...

>Hes pretty much the reason Yoga exists in the west.
How did he singlehandedly bring this about?

>"I emailed my tax returns to Hillary"
>crowd chuckles
>"..But she deleted thousands of emails before the FBI could see what was in them"

>voted for Obama
>kill yourself

...So the media could roll him out as a moderator and pretend to be unbiased. Registered as a republican doesn't mean he actually votes Republican in the generals. I want to see his contributions?

lmao wow i hadnt seen that. one of his more vicious stumpings

that's my favorite Pepe, friend. can i have savies?


Debate hasn't even happened yet. It's the sign of a sore loser who sets up excuses incase of failure

since practically nobody knows what the fuck you people are talking about. I think it's safe to assume none of this is going to matter in the long run. It doesn't take any hyper-analysis to recognize that with a dem-run debate they'll be guaranteed to throw some shady curveballs. But in the end, the left running this debate is the best thing for Trump, because when they get caught being unfair, vindictive cunts on live TV (which is wholly inevitable), his talking point on dishonest media is reinforced with the public.

He was pathetic in general. That was the point. He was never gonna win

... My god. You can just type the N word freely like that here?

No we say google

So much more civilized

I'm sure he's preparing for the worst. If anything, he will probably be off guard if they DON'T try any gotchya bullshit.

>that stuttering mess of romney after he got cucked by crowley

>obama smoothly stands up, walks over and AMOGs him

p o t t e r y

>unironically using the word AMOG

Must be new.

you incel beta really makes u think wtf i hate AMOG now i am a cruz missile cuck alpha natty BLACKED?

I can hear it in my head already

>"..And Mr. Trump won't even release his tax returns"
""You mean like how you won't allow an audit of the Clinton foundation that you laundered your pay to play deals from the state department though?"

What a couple of unpleasant looking people. Why is it that Burgers are way uglier on average than Europeans? Is it because of the nigger rate?

He makes Bryant Gumbel look like Malcolm X

>"..And Mr. Trump won't even release his tax returns"
Inb4 I emailed them to you.

Literally everything is stacked against Trump in this debate:

Moderator has personal bias

Crowd filled with handpicked Clinton supporters

Clinton will be using an earpiece to receive easy answers

Questions already revealed to Clinton

Clinton gets first question

Hosted on a network hostile to Trump

Moderator planning to fact check his every word

The entire liberal media is waiting to report how he failed, even if he clearly wins

Let's not forget that Clinton / Soros / the DNC are going to do everything possible to rig this election.

I'm a Trump supporter but at this point he's going to need a miracle to win.

After what happened to Cooper, I hope Lester is stupid enough to try that. It would make President Trump look so good after he bitch slaps Holt

There is nothing meme magic can't do. Its potential is limitless. A miracle WILL happen.

I would fucking die laughing if Trump said that. Top bantz kek

This video pleases me greatly

Probably spent all his money paying off all those little boys he fucked.

No. We just need to dominate the narrative on social media. We need to signal boost the fact she had to artificially make herself appear taller.

he isn't

>he isn't

I remember watching this, and the issue wasn't that there was a "fact check", it was that Romney spilled his fucking spaghetti all over the debate stage.

that doesn't even matter anymore

>believing what Washington Post tells you

he's a nigger from California that worked at CBS and MSNBC and was chosen to replace someone that was fired for sperging out over the Iraq war

He's going to shill for hill

>>believing what Washington Post tells you

>he's "a black republican"
>he's not

Where is the faith, Cred Forums?

Thank God a shitty football game is on tomorrow, hopefully more people will watch the debates.

The IRS is a government agency, they'll probably audit him until the elections and if he wins, they'll audit him for 8 years straight


the picture looks like it was taken in the early 90s, it looks so fucking comfy

i wish we could go back to that time

I'm out of words how can one man be so amazing?

He should take a lesson from Hofer, who completely destroyed his lying ass Moderator and turned every (((factcheck))) back on that bitch ass uninformed liar and the TV network.

>dat death stare

He wipes the floor with everyone's faces I have never seen anything like it.

Not single handed, there were a few others, but he was the trend setter. Think about any chic, or stylish fad today, and only a few will live on into the future. He chose the thing rich, champagne liberals would cling onto the most, as they considered it highly exotic, and therefore attractive.

Romney doesn't have the heart to run for class president, what a shitshow.

I bet someone is going to try to Aleppo Trump, except this time they'll pick something no one's really heard of and conflate it with being something important

A Black Jewish Republican... has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

another name to the list

Trump's greatest asset is his confidence, whether it's warranted or not.

Hillary is afraid of being made a fool of, by someone she considers a fool, and it's going to effect her performance in the debates. All Trump has to do is be Trump, she on the other hand has to change up her entire approach.

She's going to get trounced.

is the debate today going to be like this or are we going to get a primary style podium debate with a yuge crowd?

really hoping for the latter

Podium debate, seems like a reasonably sized crowd.
The "walking freely about" town-hall style debate comes later.

Streets of Rage intro...nice.

This is the best blackface I've ever seen, this can't be real

>doubting meme magic

Have more faith in Lord Kek.

dont bother, no one here cares about things like proof or facts. its a rollercoaster of emotions, its Cred Forums

women would say he was evil for invading her personal space.

The thing is, it's much easier to get better environmental policies by loosening the government's involvement in the economy. As long as the government is backing oil you're not going to get good alternative fuel sources because they aren't economically viable compared to something that's being invested in with tax dollars. Not to mention that with lower taxes, corporate and otherwise, you get more businesses that can take risks on technology like alternative fuel. Where there's a demand a supply will always be created.

That said, there should absolutely be regulations on things like pollution and littering.

As far as being pro-worker, there need to be workers first. The jobs need to be brought back and doing business in America needs to be profitable without illegal immigration or tax evasion before you can really start worrying about all the rest.

Literally everything has been stacked against Trump the entire election. He's doing fine, dummy.

This is one of the absolute best stumping of the campaign thus far. I can fucking hear the airhorns when he pulls the transcript out. Also the subtle "You're a professional announcer" jab is fucking hilarious.

I'm predicting Lester will actually be a based moderator. It's a huge shot for him and I doubt he'll blow it. Plus apparently he's actually a Republican.

He's a democrat. According to wikipedia before they edited that out recently.

Crowley was a Satanist. Kikes are the synagogue of Satan. Gas all fucking heretics and send their ashes to the sun.

I forgot about that moment. So fucking alpha.

>Implying debates even matter any more

Cooper got btfo!

>most watched television event in American history
>doesn't matter

oy vey

Didn't they try that during one of the primary debates? Even brought in a PowerPoint and everything?

This fagstick was shaming Lester already on twitter to take the fall...

Trump will shut them down if they did that. I really think Clinton is going to fucking stumble. I hope she has a coughing fit because no matter what else happens, the US and the world media will see a weak presidential candidate.

However this is the first time Trump "the politician" will be seen. He has to be policy heavy or people won't vote for him. It's alright saying "We're going to be making deals" etc. People need hard facts on domestic policies, foreign policy, defence, healthcare, military spending etc.

People may get turned off by the scripted Trump rather than the Populist rabble rousing Trump that shuts down all opposition with high energy performances. It's going to be interesting. Coverage starts at 11pm tonight here in the UK. I'll be watching.


This needs to happen

>Lester holt tries to 'correct the record'
>Trump, "EXCUSE ME" *coughs*
>"EXCUSE ME" *opens up suit jacket*
>"So what you're saying is, this court statement is false?" *hands Lester the report*
>"Do you want to read it, or should I? Thanks for your efforts, but if this is the caliber of your corrections tonight, it's going to be very rough for your failing career." *airhorn*