So, in comparison to King of Pol self-destructing during GG, Bananagate, and Spoony's exit from TGWTG...

So, in comparison to King of Pol self-destructing during GG, Bananagate, and Spoony's exit from TGWTG, where will Sargon's twitter meltdown be ranked by internet historians?

He still hasn't apologized for sending gay porn to his 100k+ followers for no reason other than that he let himself get triggered by someone claiming to be "alt-right."

Other urls found in this thread:

who's sargon

marxist anti women cuck

Who was king of pol?

(((Quadroon of Mossad)))

fat quadroon wishy washy anti-feminist attention whore degenerate

As his name would imply he was a self-promoting tripfag on Cred Forums. He was heavily involved with GamerGate and kind of shamed himself into the shadows when he went running to twatter with a fake "leak" showing that Gawker was basically at death's door and Nick Denton was freaking out. Gawker did eventually collapse 2 years later, but his scoop was bogus and had nothing to do with the Hulk Hogan lawsuit.

closeted socialist

father of his wife's doughier
Don't think he will be leaving soon.

Just don't trigger him with your cuck-spam. One of his children is his niece. Boo hoo.

He supported Bernie Sanders initially. I don't understand how anyone can claim that they're anti-SJW while supporting a pro-SJW politician. Granted he's not American and thus isn't participating in our election, but the point remains. He and Mundane Matt are stuck in this weird place between the anti-SJW movement and the old decrepit "intellectual Youtube atheist" community from the late 2000s. I can't imagine what kind of cognitive dissonance is going on in Sargon's head right now, because the left will never take him back but he keeps doing stupid shit to make conservatives and libertarians mad at him so he can say "I'm still a liberal, see?"

Only fucking guy that came out of that shitshow looking good was Internet Aristocrat who abandoned being an internet persona all together.

He was right, the whole thing turned into tone-policing to appeal to SJWs and bizzaro Anti Sarkesian attention seekers who tried to get money from the movement. Milo is basically what he saw coming.

After seeing the size of his gay porn stash I can't help but wonder if his wife is a beard.

>people actually give a shit about sargon "my wife's son" akkad

why the retarded op always call milo, sargon or any e-celeb 'king of pol' when he write his shitty threads ?

At least milo was kind of liked by a decent % for a little white but this guy was never liked here fuck off

I haven't payed attention to this guy in years and even then I only watched a couple videos. Whats going on? Give me that sweet gossip you bunch of school girls.

Anti-SJW, Fat British person.

One of the faces of New Atheism.

Honestly, out of the three big ones, Him, Thunderfoot, and TL;DR, I like TL;DR the best, but he still seems like a fag.

not sure if baiting or retarded
"king of pol" is literally the name some e-celeb gave himself

hardly closeted

he did to the trolls what they would do lol

he out shitposted them

Who cares about these Youtube fucks.

Hey Sargoy.

>abandoned being an internet persona all together.
Well, he started going by another name, mister metokur

Quadroon of Mossad will be remembered as he lived. A cuck and a shill.

One of them YouTube queers that makes boring videos where he hides behind a cartoon

i don't even have the twatter account, but somebody raging so hard they begin spamming gay porn to 100k people sounds like an achievement unlock. truly this election has been magical.

A Twitter troll claiming to be a "member of the alt right" called him "nigger" on Twitter. Sargon got mad and then the troll accused him of being "triggered," so Sargon tried to "trigger the alt-right" by sending the guy his gay interracialporn collection via Twitter, which ended up in all of his followers' feeds.

Shoe0nHead and even Notch (billionaire who created Minecraft) told Sargon he was being a bitch and making a fool of himself by feeding the trolls, but in his bizarre version of reality, he's "winning" and "triggering the alt-right."

I'd say there's about a 25% chance that the troll who called him "nigger" already has a collection of gay interracial porn anyway, so all Sargon did was piss off his fans and make himself look more foolish to a bunch of people who already hate him.

That's pretty fucking funny. Thanks for the details


>comparison to King of Pol self-destructing during GG, Bananagate, and Spoony's exit from TGWTG
Who is this king of Cred Forums? I must have missed his crowning.

The thing I like about Jim is the fact that he does his shit for fun and has a real job. If your livelihood is being a commentator you have to inject yourself into absolutely every topical issue and make sure you're on the side that your subscribers and patreons will all agree with.

When people get so popular for their opinions that they start doing commentary full-time, that's usually when they jump the shark. At that point their opinion becomes a product and they have to market and sell their opinion. The ones who didn't jump the shark are the ones who still do it for their own amusement above anything else and have no interest in making money off of it.

any caps?

I may be slightly biased but no, he objectively lost this. got shadow banned, lost 4k subs and got baited into posting porn on twitter because he was triggered due to pic related.

He thinks he triggered the 'Alt-right' because people were calling his gay porn gross, annoying etc. 1) not many want to get his TL filled with gay porn 2) no proof whatsoever that people who asked him to stop were from the alt-right

he clinges to somenthing that is disappearing.

Wew. I knew he was a cuck but thought he was more mature than that.

I can kinda believe that video now of him asking for cheese pizza "just for trolling use dude totally"

>twitter trolls trick Sargon into putting gay porn in all of his subscribers' feeds
>"Hahah I beat the trolls!"

He's still my favorite of the anti-PC youtubers.

supposedly the video was debunked by is autistic sidekick, spinosaurus.

This stupid cunt should be put down for co-opting a historical figure

I won, what are you saying? Look at how the media portrays it ---->

Someone pointed out that he was literally a cuck by raising his wife's black son, so he got really butthurt and started posting gay porn on his twitter to "trigger" everyone.

In general porn elicits a reaction of disgust because human sexuality has so much personal preference involved. People don't want to see porn unless they're looking for it, just like people aren't interested in seeing a random stranger drop their pants and wave their genitals around at random.

What Sargon interpreted as alt-right people getting "triggered" was actually just normal people having a normal reaction to seeing unsolicited graphic images of homosexuality showing up on their twitter. Twitter has rules about that shit for a reason.


It's just their name.

They're irrelevant.

Basically a SJW, but against SJWs. He's also "my wifes son"

Narcissist, does it for the attention
As soon as proper Traditionalist come forward he'll disappear or be removed

Another homosexual, trying to brand the "altright" movement as his

So his friend debunked it.


>and even Notch (billionaire who created Minecraft)
Who gives a fuck what Notch thinks about anything?

mister metokur is by far the best

No one will remember him but his wife's lover's black son.


Notch has actually been kind of based now that he's an unemployed billionaire with zero fucks to give.

Notch is a pretty cool guy desu.

>fighting back
>spamming gay interracial porn
>somehow that doesn't give more ammo to the people hating on him

When did everything stop making sense?

I don't mind Spencer that much. I just hope he goes after Milo like he said he would a few weeks back.

>Wew. I knew he was a cuck but thought he was more mature than that.
I did too, which is why I ubsubscribed from his channels as soon as this shit started happening. For all his hoity toity intellectualism he was reduced to a petulant child by some namecalling on Twitter.

The only way you beat trolls is by ignoring them, he lost.

desu only political person you need to be following is Scott Adams

i do think that is fake, i don´t believe that he can be that stupid to actually ask for CP to someone.

Sargon's a little too old and too "mature" to deal with trolls properly. Trump's pretty much the only person 30 and up that knows how its done:

Don't. Take. The. Bait. Or, if you're extra spicy, make an extremely crude joke about their genital size or mothers.

This move really fucking stupid no matter how he tries to spin it. Yeah, I'm sure the alt-righters who grew up trolling with goatse, BMI pain olympics and lemonparty got "trolled" by generic gay porn. The only people who got triggered are the underaged normies who follow him, what a retard.

Here's a tip, Cuckold of Cukkad: trolling is SUPPOSED to make your enemy look as a butthurt idiot, not the other way around.

I'm glad Molyneux redeemed himself and answered the critics of not being Ancap anymore.

>Sargon is fucking 37

Does he have an actual job?


A literal part nigger, overweight, Communist, cuckold. He has a really gay accent and is raising another man's child.

TL;DR is just autistically obsessed with facts and evidence, which isn't a terrible thing. I mean you'll never find him posting gay interracial porn because someone called him a cuck.

google lover

I still watch some of his gaming and tech related news videos but his political shit has been pathetic ever since he had his little meltdown over the pope meeting with that clerk who went to jail for not signing the gay marriage certificates.

You're probably right. But then again I didn't expect this kinda behaviour from him either.

Suprisingly childish of him.

Sargon has declared war on Cred Forums and he implied their Australia leader is autistic. He shall forever be our enemy until he submits to kekitude.

He's a professional cuck

>Yeah, I'm sure the alt-righters who grew up trolling with goatse, BMI pain olympics and lemonparty got "trolled" by generic gay porn

See, that's the thing-- a few years ago we had 2girls1cup, and then years before that we had goatse, lemon party and tubgirl (do not google any of those). Grossing people out is not cutting edge or brave, it's just gross and the people Sargon was supposedly targeting have already seen far worse I'm sure. The real victims were all of his regular followers who got subjected to all of that because they saw his interactions with the trolls showing up in their feeds.

why would he think that he would genuinely trigger someone from Cred Forums with anything when we are in the mood for trolling

And to make things even more stupid, Sargon got tricked by a troll into doxxing and shaming an unrelated innocent bystander thinking it was PaulTown. So much for the "rational centrist" lol.

He was not thinking rationally. He snapped and decided he would do the most obscene thing he could imagine in hopes that they would be more offended than he was, and now that he's calmed down he needs to come up with an intellectual excuse for why he let himself be made a fool of.

Watching people defend Sargon's behavior reminds me of the way people tried to defend Mattress Girl after she made an amateur porno.

so woho is going to be next to have a mental breakdown?

i bet my money on the other british sperg spinosaurus.

I know the other parts are true but isn't he a moderate/lolbertarian type?

We shouldn't make Sargon an enemy. He is busy with SJWs right now, but he's said he's coming for the alt-right once he's defeated them.

Socially he's a libertarian but economically he's a liberal. Which doesn't work out so well because economic liberal politicians are all socially authoritarian.

wrong board


he is a "classical liberal".

These days that's like saying you're a member of the Whig party.

Sargon likes other big bois and 12 inches. Careful, this image might make you sexually attracted to him.

>"defeating" anybody

The guy isn't intelligent enough to have an intellectually honest debate with anyone above the level of a tumblr feminist. I wouldn't have a problem with him if he just stuck to mocking SJWs, but he has developed a massive ego and a seriously overestimated sense of self worth.

Fuck Notch, And Sargon, he's a literal cuck, and spineless he will always be a cuck, this is why he posted that shit, is because he cant face up to the degenerate he is when trolled about it.

I like how he tried to pretend that because he, a 37 year old man, had more facial hair than PaulTown(who is like 19) that he's more masculine.

He's been saying this for a month straight nigger needs to nut up and finally end milos shit. I'm patiently waiting for some new insight into how he's going to fuck milo's shit up on the next radix podcast

>He is busy with SJWs right now, but he's said he's coming for the alt-right once he's defeated them.


Sarcuck can barely handle braindead feminist roasties, he wouldn't last 5 seconds against alt-right mass debaters like the guys that destroyed /leftypol/'s debating team, let alone people like Vox Day and Lawrence Murray.

His wife's son is black ?

I like how he went wining to some clickbait site and they wrote about how heroic he was.

He's now the anita sarkeesian of edgy centrists.

>>Wew. I knew he was a cuck but thought he was more mature than that.

Pretty much, when I saw it I thought his account was hacked and told myself "no way Sargon can be this fucking stupid". Oh how wrong I was.

>I can kinda believe that video now of him asking for cheese pizza "just for trolling use dude totally"

I don't believe in the video at all, that shit can be faked easily.

What kind of meltdown? Was he mad?

I remember him talking about space jews.

I hope armoured septic gets his shit pushed in. Dudes a leaffag who still thinks that atheism matters in the current year. He's pretty fucking bluepilled and I think he only makes antifeminist vids because shoe does them. He'd probably still be making those le euphoric videos if it wasn't for the fact that quadroon of cuckold invited him and shoe on a livestream and sort of "introduced" them to each other.

See my previous post

Can someone explain what happened without fucking memeing?

Basically, yeah. Him, Rubin, and the other anti-PC lefties are trying to bring dead ideologies back. Should we also try to bring back mercantilism while we're at it? How about we start using abicuses as calculators, as well?

>what is google

oh nevermind

Is googling gay porn something that normal not-gay people do?

This is a question I'd like an answer to

>amerifat logic

No, he's white.

He's a "left libertarian" Chomsky believer.

>sargon got outed as a literal cuck
>milo got outed as a jew

thank god the alt-right meme is finally over

His wife's son is White but he himself is a Google.

>(do not google any of those)

>he doesn't know reddit spams Cred Forums with interracial gay porn daily

Or maybe it's been Sargon the whole time.

That was a blast from the past.

I used to be quite a big Sargon fan but his recent behaviour is difficult, if not impossible, to defend.

Well, you are swedish, so looking at gay porn seems normal to you.

Seven years too late for that friendo.

At the end of the day he used a carriage service to disseminate homosexual pornography. In no circumstances is that anything but shameful. Nobody grows up aspiring to do that. Nobody respects that.

Ghost has worse meltdowns every show and still he has a solid base. Youtubers can't compete with the underground.