What is actually wrong with white women?

What is actually wrong with white women?

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This being said, the women in this picture aren't doing anything particularly wrong. If my favored presidential candidate were right behind me, I would want to take a picture with my face in it as proof that I have been near that person.

The goyim mind is a feeble thing

They are the poor souls who have to deal with white men the most. I feel sorry for them

>these thinking women are allowed to vote
How did we let this happen

Cred Forums told me Hillary doesn't get audience, but I see a lot of people there. Was I rused?

Western women are all trash. This is not a meme.

Its a staged photo op, you idiot. You nearly got rused by the jews just now. notice that it's 4-5 layers deep at most. All bunched into the frame. No more than 100 hundred people. She is standing on a fucking box.

>What is actually wrong with white women?
Aside from the parkinson's and being an all around horrible excuse for a human being and literally Hitler?
She has no sense of fashion and poops her self. I mean really, have some class, woman.

>Inb4 another cuck thread pops up soon
kys mate

damn you're right. that's like, a room full.

i dont believe this shit .

>image of broads taking pictures of objects.jpg


>What is wrong with western culture?

You would look like a fucking idiot as well then.

There was once a time when they were relatively decent/respectable because they'd been raised under a system in which we were allowed to discipline them. Mistakenly forgetting that it was only our discipline that kept them like this and human nature does not change in one, two, three, or thirteen generations, we allowed them to vote. It was all downhill from there.

Cuckold faggot fathers who failed to marry them off at a young age. Thus they live only for the cock-carousel of cute-feel-goodz.

>What is actually wrong with white women?

Social Media

>goddamn dat overbite
somebody should sell Hillary bobblehead bottle openers

Well, I'm scared now. Better get more serious about my lifting then...


a fukkin leaf

they need more THICK AUSSIE COCK


Inherent narcissism.

The fact that they are white and therefore gullible retards

haha perfect shop.

Can we get something like this from someone who didn't spam the fuck outta this board for a week straight?

They found a way to get the attention they thrive on without actually having to put any effort into it.

Team Vagina

woman always stick for eachother, that's why there is almost no bullying by woman on woman.

men don't have that bias, we are more objective


thats why your country is in the position it is in currently

>that's why there is almost no bullying by woman on woman.
Was that sarcasm or do you really believe this?
There is nothing women hate more than other women.


do you guys realize that somthing on the internet psychological warfare i call it, has made the sexes a new war meanwhile shit is hitting the fan globally

I think this picture speaks more than 1000 words about what is wrong with American society.

Any idea which city the photo was taken in?

>I would want to take a picture with my face in it as proof that I have been near that person.


beta men are to blame, they fucked over all men.


Made my night


Getting an actual selfie pic with the candidate is cool (after actually meeting them), but this is just typical female attention whoring "make sure my cute facial expression is showing" selfie

females are subhuman trash, they're living scum, and im serious, im not joking

Women hate each other. They're constantly trying to one-up each other in order to get the best guy available.

When guys congregate in groups, and are good friends with each other, it's because everyone brings something to the table. It you're a total loser, you're not in the group, nor tolerated.

Women are the opposite. They always want someone uglier or less desirable than them around, so they look better by comparison.

It's one of the biggest reasons why patriarchies succeed, and matriarchies are fucking train wrecks.


When men congregate, it's because every guy brings something to the table. They collectively work together, and prosper from that joint effort. Any kind of loser is cast out.

Women are the opposite. They seek only to get the top guy. They keep the losers around so they look better by comparison. There's no benefit to the group. Just the individual.

disregard this one. For some reason there was a 7 fucking minute delay before my previous post showed up on my browser

howdy governor I don't know what a toothbrush is bloody tea time and chips



>Women hate each other.
woman might hate eachother but but they collaborate when its time to shame a guy

Are you deludional? There is nothing on this planet that a woman will hate more on this earth than a woman who is prettier than her. The only reason women cooperate at all is for selfish means.


>feminists might hate each other but but they collaborate when its time to shame a guy

FTFY x 2

Holy shit

There are so many women in the crowd :)

Women care less about politics than men.
Less women will vote and Trump will win :)

wrong, greater men will always try to help and better a loser man, yet loser will not be tolerated.

However, women will rather use the loser women for their own gratification. They know this, and it is disgusting.

>no hooves




Only Sharia Law can stop it

Nice. Well played sir.