America Thank You Thread

1. Saved us from the nazis
2. Beacon of light, freedom and democracy in a world of darkness
3. True christian faith
4. Most powerful army in the world backed by most powerful scientists and research teams in the world

From the bottom of my heart and all freedom loving people of this world. Thank you!

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Your brains are not bigger than a peanut

Best big bro ever. Thanks America.

give us Hitler 2 already.

You're welcome

I won't thank them until they truly liberate us and give us 2nd amendment. Americans are fucking pussies who are scared of communists in Brussels.

Now let's make America great again so we can help you get rid of those pesky mudslimes.

is this opposite day or something i thought all euros unilaterally hate America

y-your welcome i g-guess, have 3 burgers

Our currency is a giant Ponzi scheme, we ripped off the entire planet, and now our government is going to start WW3 to keep the scam going. I guess we're alright.

EU shits on USA any day of the week all day long.

its an ironic thread
look at the fucking flag you fat idiot

Theres bound to be an underaged faggot now and again. Youre still pretty shit.

>saved you from nazis
Might want to thank The Soviet Union a little moar chap. They annexed Berlin not burgers.

>our government is going to start WW3
You'd get your shit kicked in by EU so hard faster than you can eat a burger.

I agree on everything except 2. Almost certainly a dictatorship in hiding.

America also saved Europe from communism.

don't make me fly over there marry your sister and run for president you broke dick faggot

>America also saved Europe from communism.
So why is it ruled by communists then?

>(((Saved))) us from the Nazis
I'm so sorry

>They annexed Berlin not burgers.

Yeah, because Stalin was a fucking maniac who wanted revenge for Hitler chimping out and burning down half his country. We reached an agreement with them where we would wait at the Elbe because if two massive armies entered the city at the same time friendly fire make it a shitshow. Patton was pissed because he didn't want the commies taking Berlin, and he was definitely right. But anyway leaf, we could have easily taken Berlin if we wanted to, we just let the Ruskis take it.

i fucking cum at the thought of US being the ones with the last laugh

Everyone loses WW3

>Austrian that doesn't hate America with a purning passion

I'm I in bizarro Cred Forums?

Let's also have a round of applause for Russia, they won some of the biggest battles of the war.

it's austria, so fucking what you diseased mongol


Ya, the fuck is up with Europe lately? Our natural state is to be at war, we need real opponents, not sand niggers.

Lol, Europussies who aren't even allowed to own firearms expect to win against us people who've been shooting guns since they were 10. You've fought in no major conflicts in the past 2 decades (except for the Britbros). The sole purpose of your military is scooping up drowning niggers from the Mediterranean and handing out teddy bears to shitskins. We fund half your piece of shit army anyway you faggot.

Yes. But what happened afterwards gives the whole thing a bitter taste.

You shouldve just sided with Hitler from the beginning and BTFO stalin

Patton basically came to this realization after seeing what germany had become after the war and what the west would become and that hitler was right about the jews and he felt tricked into destroying the wrong enemy. Funny enough i hear he had an unfortunate accident after the war...

>Everyone loses WW3
Not true. EU will prevail with its superiority. Brussels knows what it is doing unlike you fat fucks.

If you are so superior then why haven't you bombed Brussels yet? You only have the balls to fuck around with goatfucking sandniggers but as soon you'd start to fuck with the EU you'd get your teeth bashed in. You Americunts are laughing stock of the world with your delusions about your might.

>You should've sided with a chink-worshipping mono-testicled midget

Go fuck yourself. Hitler's retarded chimpout killed more white people than any spooky Jewish overlord ever did. The problem was that we let the Soviets cuck us and should've taken them by surprise and finished the commie bastards off once and for all. That's what Patton really wanted to do.

>3 burgers
What did he meant by this ?

>Why haven't you bombed Brussels yet?

Why would we? Why would we bomb some gay city in Europe for literally no reason? We have no reason too fight you faggots, although it would be easy.

Now I understand why Russia likes to stay away from you arrogant faggots. I really hope the Trump wins and teams up with Putin and we steamroll you little fucking cocksuckers.

I have a secret to tell you
You've been jewed

are the 2 first burgers not "tasty"?

>killed more white people
who were tricked into fighting against rather than with hitler by jews

>Jewish overlord ever did
maybe but think of what they will do.

>Tricked by the Jews into fighting Hitler

You really are retarded. What are supposed to do when those slanty-eyed Nip bastards attack us like they did? And what should we have done? Helped Hitler mass murder millions of Slavs like he did?

>maybe but think of what they will do.

Try to make shekels, try to make shekels AND try to make shekels. Okay, I get it, kikes are pretty annoying I'm not defending them. The only reason they do what they do is because they're money-hungry faggots with a persecution complex. There's no fucking Coudenhove-Kalergi Barbra Spectre Jew plot to destroy Europe. Why would the Jews want to replace Europe, who's friendly with them, with Muslims who hate and want to kill them?

>What are supposed to do when those slanty-eyed Nip bastards attack us like they did?

Wow take the red pill goy, that's babbys first false flag. your govt was itching for a chance to join ww2 and get the people's opinion on war to shift. the usa made pearl harbor happen

>Screaming Japs rain bombs down on American ships and strafe the airfields killing over 2,000 men
>False flag

It must be all the sandnigger blood in your veins that makes you this fucking dumb Rodrigo. Yeah, there's a good chance Roosevelt knew beforehand and let it happen, but the Nips were still planning it and were itching for war anyway because we threatened their dominance in the Pacific and stopped selling oil to them after they started bayonetting infant chinks in Nanking. Learn history you stupid Moor.

>being this fucking deluded

it's not "he knew beforehand", you fucking yanks deliberately embargoed them to starve them off resources amongst other provocations to force them to attack you. This was a false flag like in 9/11 and the USS maine. You're ruled by a bunch of kikes for whom this is common practice.

Also I'm german on holiday you stupid tyrone

>Believing this many stormnigger memes

We embargoed them because those slanty-eyed mutants chimped out and started invading every country in Asia and behaving like fucking savage niggers.

>You're ruled by a bunch of kikes for whom this is common practice

Tell me something I don't know Moritz. I know Jews control huge swaths of my government and I hate it. I'm not defending the kikes, I'm rebutting against retarded Nazi LARPing conspiracy faggots who believe gay, untrue shit.

>Also I'm german on holiday you stupid tyrone

You never gave that disclaimer and you had a Spanish flag, what do you expect me to do you jihadi-loving Kraut?

The truth is that the US stands for the correct principles. They are stupid fat retards but who am I to argue with the winners.
They won, by whatever means necessary. By outallying, by outplaying, by outgunning.
Freedom of speech is great, you should have forced us here in the EU to accept it into our constitutions.
You really are cunts, but I think if we have learned anything from history or evolution: The cunts, the most aggressive, biggest, strongest assholes usually win and why the hell shouldnt they?

>Also I'm german on holiday you stupid tyrone

What's your plan for when GSG 9 raids your home for committing such vile hate speech against an oppressed minority?

Thanks for taking care of Slovak immigrants. You're alright.

whats the name of the original painting?
ive seen it but I'd like to know the original pls
ty ahead of time user

>i dont want to trade with you

nigger tier logic

>Saved us from the nazis

Took the words out of my mouth.

Thank you, Jewmica!

>>True christian faith

>>Weak ass protestantism



guess how I know your a JIDF shill. get gassed kike whore

They fed half of Europe to the communists and instigated a cold war that left Europe in ruins, and made the US and the Soviet Union into superpowers.
Seriously, at the end of WW2, Europe was far worse off than if the nazis had been left alone to do their thing. I mean, the Aliles started WW2 to keep Poland free from Germany, but at the end of WW2 all of eastern Europe was still occupied by a foreign power, but instead of the nazis, it was the Soviets.