Muhammad marries a 9 year old thousands of years ago and everybody freaks out

>Muhammad marries a 9 year old thousands of years ago and everybody freaks out
>Americans marry 9 year olds 80 years ago and it's quietly swept under the rug


I doubt any of you really know anything about the history of your country's Age of Consent laws. Not saying what Muhammad did was okay but at least it was during ancient times when people died in their 30s.

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Nice. BTW practicing black magic for 10 years and sending 1000 djins to your soul. HF faggot

Wow the Jew is strong with this post.

You must be a shitskin.

Says the marriage lasted and they were monogamous, aka not a Warlord with 100s of wives and sex slaves pretending to be Holy.

In Judaism 9 is when girls can be married

actually mohammed married a 6 year old and thighfucked her until she started bleeding at 9

It's almost as if americans don't hold Charlie Johns to be the perfect man, religiously ordained and whom all must strive to be like.

Makes me ruminate.

>80 years ago
thats the bloody point

>American did something
>80 years later civilized people agree that it was wrong, or at least a bit weird, and that the behavior should not be repeated or encouraged

>goat fucker did something
>1400 years later civilized people agree that it was wrong, or at least a bit weird, and that the behavior should not be repeated or encouraged
>1400 years later goat fuckers around the world still think he was a pretty cool guy
>1400 years later goat fuckers still can't into history and think their moon worship cult is "thousands of years old"

>le I'm so redpilled le VOTE TRUMP le jews

The people who did it 80 years ago are not worshipped and seen as the perfect human being by over a billion individuals. Nobody is killed in the name of those people for not sharing the feelings I just mentioned.

shit comparison.

Its almost as if our current arbitrarily high age of consent is a modern invention of feminists designed to limit male sexual agency

Come on my man ironic 'le' shitposting is outdated.
You gotta go into paint and use those fresh strawmen comics like a real shitposter

yeah but Mohammed was a disgusting arab and basically a nigger

Random hillbilly that no one really knows or cares about, versus the idol of a gorillion mudshits I don't really see how those 2 things are related. I don't see a gorllion people praying to his cabin 5 times a day, when they do then maybe your argument has a leg to stand on.

> Not being able to fuck and marry people who aren't yet agents themselves limits sexual agency

You literally have to be muslim with that mental catastrophe you have developed as a brain.

Terrible comparison, tens of millions worship Mudhammad and no one worships this guy except me and a few other weirdos on this board.

My grandpa was like 21 or 22 when he got my grandmother who was 15 at the time pregnant. Of course that was 60 years ago and nobody really cared about that shit back then. Nowadays he would've been locked up for statutory rape.

This, bredrin.

actually it's more because of today's culture of sex and promiscuity
The perverted mindset that permeates everything today wasn't there a century or two ago.

> one man is the spiritual and moral mark for 2 billion people and if you draw a picture of him you get executed
> other one is a pedo hillbilly nobody knows or approves of
> shitskin thinks its the same, confirms his moral paragon is a hillbilly pedo, also false prophet.
Top kek Ahmed.

So are the "jews" trying to normalize pedophilia or are they trying to demonize it? I've heard both claims on Cred Forums

it's forbidden in USA but not in sand nigger countries that's the difference

two aussie shitposters
two pedo sympathizers

hitler would have gassed you.

>tfw you will never have a cute loli gf.

live is shit.

Both. Do you even Cred Forums bro?


He would have if they hadn't been totally saved after fucking up at Gallipoli

>live is shit.
So's your spelling

>muhammad claimed to be the messenger of the only god
>none of those americans ever claimed to be anything other than her wife's brother

OP maybe next time you start a thread you should instead I dunno, kill yourself

>60 years married
>7 children

Doesn't sound like he dicked her at 9 years old.
Funny that the article omits that.

>Charlie Johns is the perfect man and anyone who insults him must be killed
sait no one, ever

Muhammad humped camels in the ass.

>happened in 1937 and people are still posting about it on mongolian square dance websites
>swept under the rug

I don't whorship those redneck leftists from 80 yrs ago

He didn't start a global religion now did he?

A reminder the eu officially recognises child marriage

I just wish some absolute legend would campaign to have us leave the shit bloc

Look at all this vile hatred in a world that only needs more love

What about Ancient Greece? Bacha Bazi? Japan before the Meiji restoration? Indigenous tribes in Africa and South America?

We saved you at Gallipoli. Which set the trend for the rest of the war.

I dont recall any of those yanks ever claming to be a phrophet and spawning billions of pedophiles after him.... Just a thought.

About as relevant as the Crusades argument. "Oh, hey the Mohamedians are raping women, burning people alive, and crucifying children for sneaking a cookie during the Holy month of Fast and Fuck. We think they should knock that shit off."

"Ah! How dare you! Don't you know that long ago the Christians did X!"

Mohamedians are demanding the right to rape little children TODAY, and winning that right depending on what cucked country they are "migrating" to.

Are you somehow saying that all these civilizations had a culture of multiple partners and single motherhood?
No the girls would be married off as soon as they hit puberty and be a wife to their husband in most cases until death.
Don't know why you cite Bacha Bazi, do you even know what it means?

Every culture has sexual imagery or elements, but none elevate it to a level as is seen today, not even the Roman Empire in its twilight.

bella would be such a good fuck

Random dude vs a prophet billions is worshipping

Look a picture with words next to it on the internet. It must be true.
Fuck off pedo scum

Nobody thinks this American guy is the prophet of god and literally perfect role-model who everyone should follow, you fucking retard

see, this is why you're dumb

The difference is you don't have a billion people claiming the American guy is the perfect man sent by god (+ a good portion of them willing to kill you if you don't).

Terrible comparison 0/10

i'm glad that you're back. i thought they v& you.

Someday my pedo friend someday..



80 years ago people weren't expected to live past their 30s so it was accepted

There are a lot of retards on this board and it's pretty bad.
and then there's this leaf

the (pbuh) is a shit example for a decent human being, murderer, torturer, slaver you name it

Demonize 100%. A low age of consent benefits men - they can get more years worth of commitment during a woman's prime physical beauty. This is a massive incentive to starting a family and working hard at a job to provide and produce dor your nation.

What does the Jew want to destroy? The family unit. What does the Jew promote? Feminism. A high age of consent benefits women - during their most desirable years betas literally are not allowed to touch them. The only guys that would make a move on them knowing this are the alphas they want in the first place. This gives them ADDITIONAL years of riding the carousel before society expects them to consider starting a family since they will claim they never got to sexually experiment before the high AoC and need a few years to find themselves, further pushing the marriage age even higher.

that cant be a real cap
cant be

There is nothing wrong biologically in marrying and having sex with girls of such young age or make them have children. The thing is that society today requires educated women as work force, if girl gets married at young age in most cases she become nothing but a house keeper and mother for rest of her life. Society in middle east is mostly backwards, that's why marrying young girls is okay there even today.

Pic unrelated.

Everybody in the world married very young before modern times

There's a difference between not knowing and sweeping it under the rug.

A lot more people are familiar with Muhammad than some nobody hilljack from Tennessee. And not knowing about it does not imply acceptance.

The difference is, Americans dont worship men who married children 80 years ago and believe him to be the most morale and perfect person to ever live.

>if girl gets married at young age in most cases she become nothing but a house keeper and mother for rest of her life.

What's wrong with that?

Educate yourself, infidel.

>Muhammad marries a 9 year old thousands of years ago
>thousands of years ago

Nothing, its just government that needs working women. That's why feminism movement was created in a first place - to have more work force for the industries.

It was already wrong back then. He was in the middle of nowhere so no one gave a shit.

do you post on kraut too? if not please do.

retarded mothers make children retarded that's what is wrong with that

I do not, I believe I have only been there a single time.

Why would they be retarded?

>Thousands of years
>1450 +/- 50 years ago
I agree with your point though.

>Muslims and Christians hate each other
>Both want the exact same thing

i hope you're just another aussie shitposter and don't actually mean that

>Doesn't sound like he dicked her at 9 years old.
he probably didn't, why would anyone damage his own wife like that

>Muhammad marries a 9 year old thousands of years ago
>Muhammeddans routinely marry 9 years olds in 2016

The difference is Muslims think Muhammad is a perfect human, a rolemodel to be emulated for all time. Nobody thinks a random person from 80 years ago represents a model of behaviour to be emulated, or that the customs of that time are a definitive moral standard for today.

if the mother doesn't have a basic education she will pass on her ignorance to the children while you're out working

you should give it a try. their loli threads are bretty gud and mods won't ban you for posting cuties.

Difference is nobody celebrates 'muricans doing it in {var.CurrentYear}, the skittles do.

So not having a public school indoctrination means she's retarded?

Must you speak German?


>pol defending feminist constructs

finding the threads can be hard but just look around on Cred Forums as far as I know they have them daily. just dump your pics you don't have to write anything.

What exactly is preventing any individual with any free time from educating themselves or being educated?

I'll think about it, I don't know if I'd like just pics without talking.

>mother without the liberal propaganda and conditioning lacks basic education
t. stronk woman, 35 and single

It's parents who educated their children, not the government.

Inherited my old Grandad's WW1 medals.
Asking my gran about him, she brought out the postcards he sent her from Jerusalem and Damascus after smashing fuck out of Turks, 4th Light Horse at Charge of Beersheba, the lot.
Met her before going over, married her when he came back.
>did the maths on her DoB.
She was 14 when he got back, almost 15 at the wedding. He'd been writing when she was about 12.
>Onya Grandad

>OY VEY! If someone enters a relationship at a young age there's a chance they may not get an education (for some reason) and end up as homemakers
>That's TERRIBLE! We can't support this archaic system of family values when this girl could be working then she'll grow up to be a good single mother and raise her children right, not like some disgusting housewife

First of all, marriage does not automatically mean consummation. Muhammad married a 6-year-old, and fucked her when she was 9. This guy probably waited until she reached puberty to do so. And this also shows you that a marriage between an adult and a pre-pubescent child was rare enough to make it to the news.

And at no point in history was life expectancy in the 30s for an adult. The average life expectancy was low, because infant mortality rates were very high. Once someone lived past their early childhood, they expected to see their 60s.

A lot of folk weren't happy with it at the time

>moralfags everywhere and any time

Last time I checked there wasn't a million-man strong Death cult espousing Charlie Johns are the perfect example of how to lead ones' life.

Underrated Post.

If only there was some way to determine what kind of person would be opposed to this... hmmm

Surely it couldn't be a bunch of jealous women who are past their prime or the cucks who 'stepped up to the plate' to marry them... no... surely not

Blame modern women, they don't want to compete against such young people.

how do we solve the jealous old hag problem?

How have we fallen so low that there is more than one pedo apologist in here and they havent been baned yet?

Its too late, they have too much power now.

You're right. Someone REALLY needs to make a Truth about Age of Consent video.

>marrying a girl and taking care of her for the rest of your life
no that's the Jews who fuck little boys in the ass



what a lucky chap.

Thank goodness the government stepped in and prevent any happy marriages like this from happening again.

>implying people gave a fuck that mohammad married a 6 year old girl until mudslimes started infiltrating our societies and telling us that we should be stoned

the jewish standard is 3 years old

this is based on rabbinic scholarship that Rebecca was 3 when she wed.

Bing it if you doubt it.

Posts like this are what make life worth living.

Muhammad married a six year old and waited a few years to consummate the marriage. Muhammad was also almost 50 when he married his toddler wife, whereas guy in OP image was only 22.

Nobody condones fucking kids, but there's a clear difference between a 50 year old marrying a 6 year old and a 22 year old marrying a 9 year old.

lucky man!

Maybe because your later example isn't suppose to be held as the moral exemplar of what a good person is where muhammed is suppose to the most virtuous person who ever lived

>Uses RIPE fruit to depict underage pussy

What else can you expect from abos and descendants of convicts, though?

yeah because puberty starts at 18 right?

Fuck off you mongoloid.

>Muhammad - founder of a religion adhered to by many with his example being used as template for living as he is regarded as 'the perfect human being' and 'final prophet of God'

Yup pointing out some fucking random nobody in history might have kiddy fiddled is total irrefutable proof that what Muhammad did was ok and that people pointing out that the central figure of a major religion being a pedophile just might maybe be the reason followers of that religion have a major problem with pedophila, child rape/marriage are hypocrites.

Gas yourself.

not wanting a juicy peach, are you gay or something fag?