So who here is atually "alt right"

So who here is atually "alt right"

The baseline for beeing part of the alt-right is Grinder-greg and Phalanx-spencer

Actual serious Alt-right people listen to the Daily Shoah, Fash the nation and Heimbach/Johnssons programes at Radio Aryan.
They allso read and agree with the ideological head of the alt right Andrew Anglin over at the Daily Stormer.

tl;dr if you're not a stormer you're a cuck and not alt-right.

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Nice post man, I'm sure that this will help further divide those people.
This pay is also amazing, we basically get to speak truth and post on the internet for sick cash.

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As far as I can tell, anybody who doesn't go along with the regressive left's party line is now considered alt-right.

And that's just fine. The wider it's definition, the more it loses any meaning


If the alt right is not white nationalism it is nothing and will slide into leftism just like all the other useless "right-wing" movements have done.

Milo wants us to be neocons but without the feminism. As if that would change anything.
Anyone apologizing for him is a retard or a traitor at this point.

It's dead Jim

I dont mind Vox definiations of the alt right, but Anglin trumphs him as usual.

I was allways surprised by how people thought a homosexual kike could be "alt right"

There is no alt-right, it's just a buzz phrase that's in vogue.
Rational humanism is what they are talking about. people who care about society, but base it on facts rather than emotions

I unironically like the TRS podcasts but don't really have time to listen to them anymore

The Convict Report is pretty good

Tbh I dont see why more people don't listen to the genuine hard right intellectuals like Mathew Johnsson and his Orhtodox nationalist. Or Harold covingtons Radio free northwest. They're far more thorough than spencer or Grinder Greg.

Rational humanism is what has destroyed the west though.

We are where we are because a bunch of extremely rich elites have proclaimed themselves to be god (humanism, there's no god) and decided to remake reality in a way that benefits them (a rational and intelligent descision).

The banks and the media controll to make everyone else into a degenerate brown muck without any heritage is just their rational way to get there.

Alt right?

God, that's like saying im religious and were all the same.

You have crazy nazis, gay kikes, conservative fem boys, and all in between.

Alt right is an idea, dont think you can hog it all you fucking faggot

Then you misunderstand rational humanism

e.g. are blacks a shit-stain on US culture because of white oppression or because of biological traits, positive discrimination, patterns of behaviour and welfare indulgence (amongst others). The former is easy to preach, but does nothing to confront the problem. The latter hurts feelings

Well humanism is a confliceted conscept. I generaly understand it in it's theological implication as a world where humans are here without any god and have to make their own world and meanings.

Basicly as social constructivism without the critical theory.

You're talking about our aproach to humans as a physical beeing. With rational beeing.

I genneraly just describe this with the acronym HBD for "human bio diversity".

Certainly race is a aspect of the alt-right, but if we're just going to be "racist" liberals.

Or "non-racist" if you prefer that.

Our would will remain a cultural toilet, slaving for the banker-jews even if we kick out the niggers.

Our culture is almost completely subverted by the marxists/jews, Any white toilet will soon re-invite the niggers back. Look at what happend to Francos spain just a decade after he died.

We need to reinstate a healthy cultural fundament if we want to remain in power once we get there. Traditionalism /anti-degeneracy / patriachy and antisemitism are keys in creating a lasting societal structure.

Are you on drugs? Nothing that you're saying is making any sense.

>logic is a Jewish invention

made perfect sense to me

>trs seriously thinking they're the majority of "alt-right" when their most popular podcast gets barely over 20k listeners
i like to listen to the podcasts just to hear them further delude themselves into thinking they're hot shit

>>logic is a Jewish invention
I'm sorry, I know I'm not typing this, but where do I even imply this?


I don't conform to your naming position, fuck you. I am here for an real opposition against the mainstream narrative.

The "alt-right" as in the people on twitter and radical blogs that have been getting media atention are perhaps 40k at most.

Having half the active part of tha alt-right listening and agreeing with your podcasts isnt half bad. Seeing as another third is the spencer/grinder-greg crowd and they dont really have any major argument with TRS/Daily stormer except for presentation.

Yes there's a bunch of useless hangaround lurkers who believe pressing a button on a online poll to suport trump makes them "alt-right" but that's just delusional.

Yeah, and the only possition that actually is a opposition to the mainstream messageing is the national socialist one, or a less radicalized profession of parts of it's creed.

Just beeing against feminism and economic marxism doesn't actually solve any of our long-term problems.

That is fairly accurate. The problem is we need to cut out the left half of the spectrum just below RamZPaul, and make them choose between us or the pile of screaming commie dung that is the MSM.

Not doing this will just get us going the path of the teaparty cucks and would have us elect "le dangerous neocon faggot" and sadgon of mossad to whatever office they could be in.

Resulting in absolutely no change what so ever.

Basically this, if we don't evict Milo and faggin' McCuckins we will basically just be another republican vote-farm.

Bampu XD