Is the ultimate redpill the fact that it's simultaneously true that a) leftists are traitors and b) conservatives are...

Is the ultimate redpill the fact that it's simultaneously true that a) leftists are traitors and b) conservatives are reactionaries?

You just make a personal decision about which one of those truths to ignore, and which one to identify with.


theres no objective truth that we are privy to, so we all decide what to believe.

even if "god" landed in my front lawn and explained the true meaning of life, how could i prove it was really god and therefore the information was legit.

To elaborate: the logic of the Marxists does have a sort of undeniable logic to it, in that no individual really "deserves" to be born into a better position than anyone else, and at the end of the day the fact that some have more and others have less is kind of inherently bullshit. You can just as easily be born as a 1% wealthy white man from Massachusetts as a 99% AIDS-riddled black woman from Zimbabwe, and you'd "deserve" either fate equally.

On the other hand, what kind of a fucking scumbag betrays their in-group? It is an essentially biological reality that "everyone is equal" leftists are traitors to their own people, that they want to give away the resources of their groups to rival tribes who really don't give a shit about them and are just happy to take advantage of the useful idiots. Every human has the instinct to protect and work for the benefit of their tribe, and leftists ignore this because "muh ideology" / "muh intellectual conception of who deserves what". Additionally, you could argue that the better circumstances of Group A over Group B is the result of their respective ancestors excelling vs. fucking up, and that the fact that their descendants are able to enjoy prosperity is consequently "deserved".

>To elaborate: the logic of the Marxists does have a sort of undeniable logic to it, in that no individual really "deserves" to be born into a better position than anyone else, and at the end of the day the fact that some have more and others have less is kind of inherently bullshit. You can just as easily be born as a 1% wealthy white man from Massachusetts as a 99% AIDS-riddled black woman from Zimbabwe, and you'd "deserve" either fate equally.

This has nothing to do with what people 'deserve.' It merely is what it is. Man is not born equal. No amount of activism, no amount of protesting and complaining, no legislation or court verdicts can make a woman a man or an African a European. It is what it is.

You can no more talk about whether a man deserves the situation of his birth than an eagle, or a mouse.

>You just make a personal decision about which one of those truths to ignore, and which one to identify with.

Why can't I pick both? What's so bad about being a reactionary? Why is it impossible for one group of people to be a different thing to another group of different people?

this thread is dumb

Why do people always want to label other people

how about not ignoring one?

shouldn't be calling your own citizens traitors.

post more redhead qtpies

The real redpill is that demon entities from a dimension beyond human comprehension has taken possession of mortal vessels that compromised our entire well beings.

> conservatives are reactionaries!
ohh my, your mastery of marxist rhetoric is so impressive!

"reactionary" describes "conservatism" because we are not radicals.

radicals seek to overturn everything that is, to institute some untested irrational new hotness every few years.

the conservative's job IS to react and say "Slow Your Roll Playboy"

that marxism tries to reframe this as some kind of nebulous poorly understood negative for the lumpen proles is just the usual tactic of the radical.

where is the shame in reacting to the actions of a provocateur?

what is lamentable about protecting your shit against the assault of the barbarians at the gates?

"reactionary" is a label you lefties love to throw around, but you never considered what it really means.

because you are incapable of introspection or deep thought.

>TFW mods delete stealth redhead thread


Leftists are qts.

> you could just as likely be born rich and white in Massachusetts as poor black and infested with aids!!!
specious, retarded and moronic.

rich white boston brahmins dont give birth to degenerate, negro, borderline retarded aids babies

they try to ensure their offspring DONT have to be born into poverty disease and mental deficiency

that's why their offspring DESERVE to be better off, their parents invested time effort care and thought into their procreation rather than lying on a jizz stained matress in a back alley while countless random niggers paid $2 for a quick thrust

you would punish the successful because the unsuccessful are idiots.

thats why marxism is an unmitigated disaster every time it is tried.

odl school reactionary here

no conservatives are not reactionaries
conservatives and socialists, modern concept of left and right is bullshite
made up positions so the elite could keep retards on the line

In the end nothing matters

In order to be a reactionary, you must be a part of a counter-culture movement. Many young conservatives are reactionaries, but many of the older ones have always held the beliefs that they hold now. Conservatism is only a reactionary position when the dominant culture is leftism.

How are leftists traitors:

• Wants you to work less.

• Wants everyone to be treated better.

• Warned you about the banks before the GFC.

• Warned you about Climate Change.

• Warned you Capitalism would create a division in wealth and cause political corruption.

3d pls

drop them imgur albums

Social progressivism is another common feature of the modern Left, particularly in the United States, where social progressives played an important role in the abolition of slavery, women's suffrage, civil rights, and multiculturalism.

Current positions associated with social progressivism in the West include opposition to the death penalty and the War on Drugs, and support for legal recognition of same-sex marriage, cognitive liberty, distribution of contraceptives, public funding of embryonic stem-cell research, and the right of women to choose abortion.

Other common leftist concerns such as pacifism, social justice, racial equality, human rights, and the rejection of excessive wealth.

source: wiki copypasta


who could be behind these posts?

>leftists are traitors
in the abandoning of their folk and traditions to favor foreigners, yes

>conservatives are reactionaries
I mean sure some people who 'identify' as conservatives might be in fact reactionary but by itself conservatism isn't reactionary, as what it tries to conserve is almost always what in the past was progressive, they aren't defending timeless principles, merely what just yesterday was the norm

Leftists are traitors because
• Wants you to work less.

• Wants everyone besides the majority in my country to be treated like untouchable gods or jews.
• Warned me that the people who make more than 50,000 a year are literally satan and should have 100% tax rates.
• Berate me about Climate Change that is caused by other countries who don't care (china) while simultaneously saying that the best option we have (Nuclear, which would cut down on costs to produce things in America so we could stop buying so much from china) is literally going to destroy the earth.
• Warned you that if you don't accept communism and corrupt governments that your government will become corrupt.

I know I've been baited by an aussie and you won't respond but you should kill yourself for being such a faggot.

user pls.

>You just make a personal decision about which one of those truths to ignore, and which one to identify with.

How about neither? Ten years ago, I railed against conservative restriction of birth control. Today, it's liberal late-term abortion rights. Progress is a pendulum, and the stewards of true human liberty face foes from every direction.

>I railed against conservative restriction of birth control
>I prefer sexual liberation and the subsequent reduction of long term happiness that it brings to women who think they want dick instead of babies, and men who are told they don't want children because they would be happier not fulfilling their biological needs.

conservatives seek government that best reflects natural law. How is that reactionary?

>different points of views constitute traitorism

>Communism is and has always been Un-American

Hurdurr the communists in america are no traitors they are simply different than americans!

>sexual liberation

The fuck is wrong with sexual liberation? It means that Jane Doe can screw Chads erryday OR be a pure waifu who saves herself for her husbando. Don't conflate it with the Marxist mainstream agenda of identity politics and the promotion of whoring to young girls.

Videogames, porn and sexy billboards don't make girls slutty. Raising them in a society that censors valid criticism of bad lifestyle choices, while still using imagery of how "awesome" it is in media, will.