What did they mean by this

what did they mean by this

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Are they our goy Cred Forums?

apparently this quote "I dunno I guess so" that trump said in 2002 about the iraq war is evidence of trump being a liar

> MSNBC posts "checklist" for Trump that portrays him negatively
> debate moderator is employed by MSN

why the fuck is this allowed?

>Stop lying
>Show humility
>Fill in blanks in policy

Are they sure theyre talking about the right candidate?

MSNBC isn't even pretending to be balanced anymore

stop calling them the media shitlord
you should know, there's no such thing

>waaah stop being so persuasive!

Why are they even talking about the moderator doing in the fly fact checking?

Moderators in a debate need to be neutral. They are their to being up the topics and keep debaters to their alloted time.

Is that real or edited?

>stop lying
Get real, politics isn't about the truth, but how much you can get away with before getting caught.
What's more important are *intentions*, Trump says what he's going to do and makes his intent very clear, while Hillary is just batshit crazy and you don't know what she's thinking.

how many hours lefT?


What the fuck, what has trump ever lied about?

>a Jew asking why the media is corrupt

What's hillary's tasks? Apart from not collapsing from standing up for 30 minutes?

lol fag.

In Home Alone 2 he pretended to give directions to Kevin McAllister despite knowing full-well that the little boy was actually Macauly Culkin and was not in need of directions. Drumpf BTFO



>Stop shitting up the place


Not coughing up a lung, not getting a seizure on TV, not dying.

How many time does trump has to clarify his policy? He has been doing it for fucking ever. I bet once he answere they will have a video of him saying something slightly different at one of the last debate

I now #LubeforRube

The media pushed the "liar" meme throughout the weekend because their orders from CTR came in.

faggot + nigga? Get a grip Sweden, you're hitting all time low

You are the 1 finnish shutpodter i always recognise. I hope you find something more useful to do than shitting up a board all day

Don't be so intelligent
Phrase things trump supporters can understand
Don't get in to too much depth on policy that's for when she's president

>everything trump says is a lie
>ignore reality

Do people in this board acknowledge that he's an open Israel shill? How do we deal with this?

Clinton and the MSM have been really pushing this 'all trump does is lie' crap for the past few days. The debate commission basically told them to fuck off, and stated that the moderator will not fact check.

They're also trying to fix their huge mistake of setting the bar so damn low for Trump. All he has to do to win tonight is to stay calm, smile, and ignore any bs hillary tries to start with him. Thats it.

Team #imwithher shot themselves in the foot.

We should support Israel like Trump does, obviously.

they are so scared they wanna tell you in advance why he lost the debate

same shit has been running in german media all day


Does it really matter where they are?

yeah but there are two explanations, he's in fact an Israel shill, or he has no choice (or both), if it's the later then wtf all candidates for presidency in the most powerful country in the world are cucks, there's no hope at all for the rest of the world.

Cred Forums's claims of hating Israel while also opposing the NWO has always been self-contradictory, but it will continue to ignore this as always

Literally Clinton projection at this point

What are we supposed to do about it? US politics is jewed you stupid faggot.

>oh no trump said a good thing about israel
>better vote for hillary a zionist neocon warmonger


desu he can't do any of those so his task is to win without doing them

Ctr has been here correcting the record fir months and showing trumps real problem with facts

Thank god they'll be fact checking


We'll shut their lying mouths for them soon enough. After all, It's hard to talk with a noose tightened around your neck.

Who is msnbc? Why do you care what they say?