What did he mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


Making trump voters not show up to the ballots.

dont give huffpost views

i don't want to click over to HuffPo bc I don't want cancer, can you explain wat it says

>mobile link

He, like rest of Democratic establishment, knows that Dem turnout will be very low this year. Fatboi michael keeps has been appearing on TV shows and writing articles saying "trump will win!" To scare Dems. Since December.


God damn son have you learned nothing?



Basically people aren't pro-Hillary, they're anti-Trump.

>Posts a direct link to Huffington post
>Mobile link
>Article written by Michael Moore

God fucking dammit OP, can you do anything right?

I'm lazy

thank you

meme magick

also pastebin or archive faggots

holy shit, its by michael moore.

oh god. do i have to read this?
ok, fine. fucking michael moore.fuck

This guy genuinely thinks that white men sit around all day angry everytime something good happens to a woman or a nigger. Was painful reading those levels of delusion. I have no issue with what women or niggers or any of them are doing until it starts infringing on my rights, guess that makes me a racist though.

thanks. i didnt want to have to throw my computer away once i read the article

>Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them for the next four years: “PRESIDENT TRUMP.”
You heard the human lard bucket. Say it with me:



feels so fuckin good, man.

>But that is not how it works in America. People have to leave the house and get in line to vote. And if they live in poor, Black or Hispanic neighborhoods, they not only have a longer line to wait in, everything is being done to literally stop them from casting a ballot


Not only that. He can finally make a movie criticizing the president. Since it was obama the last 8years he couldnt do any of his shitty documentaries.

>Don’t get me wrong. I have great hope for the country I live in. Things are better. The left has won the cultural wars. Gays and lesbians can get married. A majority of Americans now take the liberal position on just about every polling question posed to them: Equal pay for women - check. Abortion should be legal - check. Stronger environmental laws - check. More gun control - check. Legalize marijuana - check. A huge shift has taken place - just ask the socialist who won 22 states this year.

I literally hate this fat commie faggot. How can those shit be any good for anyone?

Good lord Scott, that was savage

>That’s a small peek into the mind of the Endangered White Male. There is a sense that the power has slipped out of their hands, that their way of doing things is no longer how things are done. This monster, the “Feminazi,”the thing that as Trump says, “bleeds through her eyes or wherever she bleeds,” has conquered us — and now, after having had to endure eight years of a black man telling us what to do, we’re supposed to just sit back and take eight years of a woman bossing us around? After that it’ll be eight years of the gays in the White House! Then the transgenders! You can see where this is going. By then animals will have been granted human rights and a fuckin’ hamster is going to be running the country. This has to stop!

This is literally some classism warfare. Black man, Woman, Homos and Trans vs White Cis Man Conservative Man.

All western society is rotten with this cancer. It's all over? Trump only have 4 years, is not like they won't keep plotting and scheming shit like that until they get what they want.

A political movement need to raise and make fierce opposition to this sickness.

>you are living in a bubble that comes with an adjoining echo chamber
Daily reminder that the left has made it socially unacceptable to say you're voting for Trump but people will do what they want in the privacy of a voting booth.

He's right you know.

Trump is a wakeup call, and he's likely the last one they'll get until the enemy is upon them, ready to cut their throat while they're still snuggled up under the covers.

But, he also represents the destruction of political correctness. You'll be able to call a spade a spade after this.