Is Hillary autistic?

Is Hillary autistic?

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Possibly, but my question is where is her positive side. Most Autistic people have some positive mental capabilities. But not Hillary.

She went to Yale Law School

Which would make you think she is a super intelligent person. Yet she is losing.

What's under that pants suit?

No, she wears the chairman Mao outfits to hide her diapers.

Nahhhh... She's just from the late 60s and 70s and knows that if she doesn't win this one, all of her work for the past 30 years will be in vain. Same with Barry. She's not done fuckin shit up

A lot of older women dress like this now as they attempt to look younger while not being too revealing. They just end up lookin tarded

Hillary is having a rally 20 minutes from me tomorrow. Should I go in the name of Kek? What does Cred Forums want me to get pictures of?

She is obviously very intelligent, even if you don't like her you must admit it.

We need to spread the "Hillary is an autist" meme.

>Coughing fits, pants of shit
>every time she tells a lie
>shit runs down her inner thigh


Piss and colostomy bags, defibrillator, necrosis, cottage cheese

The ambulance.

>super intelligent

why does she always wear those autistic oversized coat things? i have never seen anyone who dresses like that.

I don't dislike her I just don't think anyone who is smart could run such a terrible campaign.

If this isn't autism, what is it?

If you think about it what would she wear? She can't reveal any skin because she is a professional and wouldn't want to anyway because she is a disgusting dried up husk.

Really the mao suit is one of the only choices. Everything else looks weird.

You should finish her with a kek-10

Her family was rich. Yale is a notoriously easy law school they don't even use grades. Anyone with the right connections gets in period.

She has been seen with a Foley leg catheter pic related

There is another catheter bag you wear around your middle called a nephrostomy bag

Ill get there a couple hours early and walk around the outside. Im not expecting there to be much of a crowd but I want to get pics and video of how big it actually is

Take a piggy bank full of change and tell them you want her to sign it for your little sister who has cancer and has been saving all her money to donate to Hillary. Then shake the piggy bank in her face and film the seizure.

And then failed the bar.


>leg braces
>stroke meter
>emergency medkit


Bitch dresses like a lampshade.


>Most Autistic people have some positive mental capabilities.
like what? most autistic people are just fucking retarded. no rainman shit. how many retards will it take for us to realize that people shouldn't be entitled to reproduction.