Germany ‘Blond, Cheerful’ Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing

Parenting Magazine Warns ‘Blond, Cheerful’ Families Dangerous, Likely Right Wing.

Parenting magazine Baby & Family has told readers to beware of families who are “inconspicuous” and “cheerful”, as these warning signs indicate they are right wing and thus “dangerous”.

Depicted with illustrations featuring solely blonde women and children, the report says ordinary parents must take action against right-wing families and make clear that their ideology has no place in the world.

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Awwwwwwwwwwwww shiet! people actually follow the law and raise their children right ?

what can we do agianst it ?

Thomas Feist, MP for the ruling Christian Democratic Union party (CDU)

She said: “This is very important; you have to change the educational system and the self-understanding of the states. They are not only white anymore or only Swedish or only Portuguese or only German. They are multicultural places in the world.”

Despite how, as Feist points out, the far-left organisation’s website is now singling out the CDU and some of its politicians as dangerous and right wing, the foundation runs the government’s crackdown on people who criticise open door mass migration and the violent behaviour of migrants towards the German people.

Germany YES!

This... This can't be real.

Off course it is true, third time in a row trying to destroy the european continent.

>Being aryan is now an offense in Germany
Hope they don't come here, so many evil blonde families living here
>the foundation runs the government’s crackdown on people who criticise open door mass migration and the violent behaviour of migrants

>>the foundation runs the government’s crackdown on people who criticise open door mass migration and the violent behaviour of migrants

Pretty much the same over here, though.

Give it 50 years or so. Being white and a minority in your own country.

Only we don't have open border immigration, we let in a hundred thousand refugees opposed to 2 a 3 million like Sweden and Germany have.
I'm sure our method of screening and security around the people coming in is a lot better because we don't take in ridiculous number.
If you make sure to not fuck around you're less liable to suffer terrorists attack.
Ofcourse I hope they all leave soon but most of these arabs are too clever to give up eternal welfare after escaping poverty (mostly hence they're immigrants not refugees or like the state says nowadays "new citizens").
Also when I look at the local news most incidents with immigrants revolve around the people who are forced to leave, who are thrown out, which is in accordance to the law.

>Give it 50 years or so. Being white and a minority in your own country.
Also wtf how did you come up with this?
You don't replace 500m ethnic white europeans within 2 or 3 generations

You think arabs and coons really have such an impact on our future think again, they'll muddle around for centuries like they have before.
It's the west that expands, whites who have conquered half the world and christianity including its off-brands which is the #1 global religion still to this day

Im just glad im a slav and not a masochisting germanistanian

Most incident are from the third generation of muslim immigrants. It will not get any better with more muslim immigrants or any other immigrant that comes here for the welfare. Getting a life started over and being self supporting here is not that easy and simple.

Blond people are the most cuck there are, wtf is this?

Find me one prominent non-cuck blond male. ONE

A type in the year kanker homo.


it propably is real. But the article explains, where all that comes from: The thre women, who were responsible for this article get paid by an foundation with very bad reputaation Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung.). Big parts of this foundation are ex-STASI-agents and militant leftists.

forgot that my keybord is broken

Ladies and gentlement,

Germany the new Sweden.

So blond people may not be happy? Report any succesfull white family to the police? May as well introduce white privilege tariffs and blond taxes in Germany at this point. The destruction of the Aryan people is not going to finance itself. Oh wait, they are actually. Haha, this is so funny but extremely infuriating as well. How can a people tolerate this madness, let alone finance this?

The German """""right""""

Germany was a mistake

I hope you like the Big Brown Cock, Yurop, you will be tasting it a lot from now on.

It was highly critized but after all, this is the mindset (((they))) are trying to establish from early on, with interracial propaganda beginning in kindergarten.

Guilt trip.

Civil war when?

it's not just interracial shit
The left haa always tried to stomp out anything that's a desirable trait that might make others jealous. Beauty, intelligence, wealth, happiness. See any depressing commie and post-commie shithole. In this case it's blond blue-eyed people. They must have observed by now that light coloring is considered more desirable even in brown countries and are trying to destroy it altogether.

would not see it entirely negative- the newcomers usually adapt at least in the second generation.
My gf is second generation moroccan, speaks German without accent atheistic and studies chemnistry. What could be said against that?

Seems you are the problem. People like You disgust me.

I am sorry for you. It must be awful to live in a self-hating culture that constantly undermines itself.

Be kind enough to provide actual data that demonstrates that these later generation immigrants are more westernized and tolerant.

racemixing has several negative effects and your gf is still low iq, i know you are cucked and do not know anything, so gtfo

i have no data. just my personal experience.
i agree an your opinion about islam, cancer of humanity
where is the problem? She grew up here, is definetly smart, does not care about religion and works 10 hours per week although chemnistry already is full time.

2nd and 3rd gen are worse than first gen and more likely to snackbar

What is wrong with a german or any european girl. Don't you love your own kind?

No need to answer. Guilt trip is strong in you.

heard something similar once
I don´t give a shit about race

>Also wtf how did you come up with this?
>You don't replace 500m ethnic white europeans within 2 or 3 generations
Hey retard, America was 95% white in 1960 and is now 60% white in 2010. Yes you can. 1965 was the year the flood gates opened in America and 2015 was the year the flood gates opened in Europe.

So this is why the jew is bringing in all the niggers and muslims?
If we don't want our children to look like nazi high-priestesses and priests and possibly be raped, beaten up or killed by the friendly local enrichment crews for looking like nazis, our women can choose to mate with Mohammed or Tyrone instead for black haired and poop colored skin and eyes having children?

How considerate of him, not wanting harm to come our way.

Hello, fellow E.J. Bron reader.

>we don't take in ridiculous number

We started out with 23,000 Moroccan males in 1973. Now we have almost 400,000 Moroccans in our country.
The number of Muslim males we take in every year IS ridiculous and suicidal