6 broke and sad girls

>Sorority girls throw college party

>Gets noise complaint

>Cops show up and issue ticket

>Use gofundme

>Get $285


Fucking white girls

holy reeee..

holy fucking rrrrreeeeeee

i got a ticket of around $420 for public intox, can i set up a go-fund me for being a fucking retarded red blooded american after muh football game?

they look like fun girls

id give them $15

>"oh to be college again.. crazy girls!"

T. pic related

Fuck college.

I can't wait for the day when, after bullshit like this, employers prefer people who've never attended.

Sorry Melvin, they're hanging out with Chad this weekend :^)

This is exactly what happens when white girls throw parties. Everytime. They call a lot of black men, then it's just a matter of time till they all start fucking like crazy, them all the noise of the girls moaning and black men enjoying white pussy disturb the neighbours. Please, contain your women, Cred Forumstards.

Thanks for reminding me with your stupid post, that I forgot to fund this eternal anglo yesterday.
go fund me com/EODtraining

His name was Robert Paulson.

He had bitch tits.

Robert Paulson, confirmed cuck

He didn't even ask for pics in exchange?

it's not fair that they get to have asses like that.
i want an ass like that.

Employer here, I already do... We're a small company but we get several new hires a year nevertheless.

Can you imagine the rot and disease present in these chavs? Thanks, I guess I didn't need to eat dinner anyways

Never seen an interracial couple. Never seen a black guy at a party.

mfw Germany is still white

maybe you hohols should have thought twice before mining everything

Those chicks are fucking gross. If you want a good ass don't look like that...

but asses like that are on the very female end of sexual dimorphism.

The cops are going to keep showing up.

are you implying you wouldn't bang?

>not mining everything
Do you know what war is?

what does the word 'chavs' mean to you?


>Blaze it

The world really is messed up.

Aren't there better uses of money than "paying the fine of rich party girls that made too much noise"?
