I hate this man

I hate this man.
If I lived in the 1930s I would have beaten him to death at one of his rallies.

Other urls found in this thread:


he ruined it for white people for 100 years
maybe more.

he was trying to help. but he did it all wrong.

The SA would have beaten you, they guarded the rallies

If he kept his nose out of the military, I'd respect him more.

Bastard denied jet development, what a fucking tool.

I can tell you're a kike even behind a proxy

You'd be raped by the SA, and you would probably get AIDS also since most of them were fags.

Youre a massive pussy and you will never make it in life.

You know nothing about Hitler but what the incompetent lublic school system taught you.

Millions of extremely intelligent people supported Hitler.

The entire British monarchy supported Hitler and the nazis before they turned against him at the behest of ze Jews.

You know nothing

Mussolini did objectively nothing wrong other than enter the war
fucking fight me

If the absolutely pathetic Italian Army failed so hard in Greece the Nazis probably would have won against the Sovjet Union.

Italy fucked up so bad Germany had to help, thus Operation Barbarossa was way too late and so the winter came to save the Sovjets.

Imagine if Stalin failed right in late 1941...

Pic related. It says "next time without Italy"
Even the Japs know that...

Too lazy? Check this for example.

No one mentioned Mussolini here though, are you lost or something?

*too lazy too google?
check this:

Everything you blame Hitler for was already in the process when he came to power. Weimar Germany was far more degenerate than anywhere today outside of the Middle East.

op posted that guy
josef musolini

(((user))) is a kike...in this case. Piss off (((jewish supremacist user))).

He is the greatest European of the 20th century. He stood up against the jews and should be an inspiration to all European nations. Sieg Heil !

>said every single communist for over a decade while legions of SA followed the man everywhere he went

The reason why they had such a big defensive paramiltiary was down to this mainly, and protecting other members from Communist assaults and being lynched. Communists were extremely violent and upset that their revolution failed, and were lashing out in absolutely depraved attacks on not just NatSoc but other parties as well including Social Democrats.

This unfettered love of violence and raw hatred enabled Hitler to motivate people to form defensively against this, and with each attack they became better prepared because they could convince others disaffected by the violence and sheer cringe of communism to join them.

If the left hadnt stoked the fire Hitler would never have been able to convince so many to join his counter movement. The less the engaged in debate and more they engaged in violence and underhand tactics, the more people saw over time that they had a fundamentally non German ideology, as opposed to National Socialism which was a counter ideology to Communism, a German response to the circumstances of the last 50 years of history.

If you faggots really wanted to stop him, collectively agreeing to ignore them and allow public open arena debate (not echo chamber beer halls) to BTFO them in their formative years, but you fags cant even get over your own emotions to do anything remotely like this.

If the zipperheads would have just fucked off and left us alone we wouldn't have gotten into the war...but no your anime fuckboys thought they could take us...and even if Russia did the heavy lifting over there they did it because we could supply them. God I fucking hate japs and gooks.

The Jews got you into the war

This. Nazis delayed things that are to come right now, also held commies from western-Europe.

this. I can't believe how Italians went from one of the best military in the world as Romans to utter, utter shit.

They also helped stop Spain from going full commie in the Civil War.

Hitler fucked up Europe and white civilization for at least 100 years. We're JUST starting to wake up from it. The guy was nothing compared to Napoleon, at least we got the civil code from the based Corsican, and removed degenerate aristocracy, while Hitler killed tens of millions of white Europeans.

The worst thing is how Germany is trying to destroy Europe again, for the 3rd time with their rapefugee shenanigans.