Unbiased Thoughts Here

Non-Biased thread. Leave memes at door.

What were the strong points of both candidates? And what was the biggest opportunities missed by each candidate? Please discuss.

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Trump should've pandered harder to the Bernie supporters. When Clinton was asked if she would support the result even if she lost, Trump should've blurted out "Well then, why did you rig the DNC?"

Trump got flustered when she was talking about his bussinesses and taxes. Trumps ego is very big so it's easier to get him worked up by targeting this.

Hillary used her fake smile too much even when she was feeling the dagger. I don't know how that will be perceived by the general public.

No one utterly lost or won.

Good on the attack, little defense, tried to play off of Trump's inexperience, worked well but she probably didn't do well at swaying non-democrats since she just appealed to her fanbase
Pretty good start with some hitches, a bit too much circular talking which he'll probably work on for the next debate, getting hammered by Lemon for fact checking, but held ground fairly well considering he was on the defense for much of the debate.

I think trump has a bit to work on for the next debate but knowing him he'll adapt quickly.

He needed to be a lot harder on her. Put her on the defensive more than her putting him on the defensive. He needs to bring up every scandal she was ever in the next debate

Trump won by far on the basis that he's an angry populist but at least human.

Hillary didnt even look human, not adressing anything at all and speaking slow, probably due to an earpiece that spoonfed all the script.

Trump got it too personal

It sounds like he just winged it, and got his ass handed to him. He should have pushed harder on Clinton's role in Libya and in the destruction of multiple secular governments in the middle east which led us to this whole 'refugee' debacle in the first place.


Honest thoughts:

Trump behaved the way he behaves in debates. People forget that Rubio and Cruz clobbered him on a few points and he fucked up all the time. Being a good debater isn't what made him popular. It was his persuasion and ability to speak through the politicians and directly to people.

I'm sure undecided normies picked up on the fact that he isn't the monster that the jews say he is, if they didn't realize it already.

And I don't think people are going to appreciate Clinton as anything more than a smug lawyer who managed not to die. I was impressed by her ability not to choke to be honest. But ask your normie friends, is she any more likable after today? Not really.

Trump lost his composure too many times, fell for too many Hillary traps.

Hillary repeated too many tired old smears, trump is racist, trump hates blacks ect... while spreading a message that everything over the last 8 years was great.

Trump won on substance (he's right things have been run horribly for years). Hillary won on style (looked more presidential).

he should hire you as coach

Surprisingly, Trump won on policy the first 30 mins, then Clinton won on personal attacks the last 60 mins. Reverse

Why the fuck, when they asked him about cybersecurity, did Trump ramble about how great his 10 year old son is with computers instead of HITTING HER ABOUT HER FUCKIGN EMAILS?

That should have been a slam-fucking-dunk for him right there.

Trump needs to step up his fucking game at the next debate.

On CNN or at the debate, because that was Lester Holt, if you are saying the latter.

Also this

yes he should have brought up the point that she defended a child rapist back in the 80s

trump was good and hillary sucked!!!

Now, how is that for a opinion?

It was pretty clear. Hillary won.

Don't attack Baron. He knows.

Tie at worst, he was definitely strong in certain topics and issues while Hillary was robotic and well rehearsed in "muh feels" topics such as race and women.

That being said I don't give either candidate the win and anyone who says either person fully won is a shill.

I'm still voting for Trump but he needs to work on one-on-one debates and taking personal attacks from Hillary

I'd say this is spot on, although it's clear Hillary had the better performance.

We just need to accept that Trump is not very good at debating. He needs to keep doing 3-5 rallies a day because the only way he benefits from a debate is Hillary committing political suicide some how.

He had an awesome first 20 minutes, and then was baited.

There were a lot of stones left unturned by Trump. At time he really let her have it but other times he just kind of rambled.

Hillary's goal was to just LOL and give a Chillary smile when he went off, but I don't think that helps her as much as she thinks. A lot of people will enjoy seeing him calling out one of the most hated career politicians in America.

Trump is more of a captivating speaker and Hillary is boring. She seemed to have better information but I didn't believe the facts of what either of them were saying, besides Trump calling out Hillary for things we know all about.

Trump's performance was disapointing,

Hillary managed to not die.

Hardcore fans wont budge. I think she came out on top from an undecided (what a faggot could be but) point of view.

----------DON'T BELIEVE THE SHILLS----------



























I'm sure Barron's a cool kid and all, but there are probably better times and places to tell people about what a wiz he is at using computers than in the middle of a presidential debate.

why didn't trump give a shout out to haitians or even mention the clinton foundation?

Gave nice clear responses and put Trump on the defensive
Started off pretty poorly but then started countering Hillary on the issues and held his own against the moderator, although he failed to hammer her on her big issues and rambled a lot

Overall Hillary was a robot giving pleasant sounding responses and well rehearsed speeches vs. Trump who fumbled and got off topic a lot. Whoever won depends on who you're already voting for

lo at the beta cuck rambling about his multiracial clubhouse, what a retard you guys are supporting

Trump cuts himself off too often so its hard to understand where hes going sometimes.

Also phrases like "against-police" make him sound like a 5 year old

Hillary can't burn as well as he can but she came off as the more capable candidate tonight

trump won slightly but I was hoping for a blowout. I doubt trump won over any hillary supports but he probably didnt lose any of his own so i suppose he won

Trump bombed it. Not because he's not the better choice but because his debate was nearly everything we've heard at his 1000 rallies.

He basically needs new material. New, informed standpoints, and a baller attitude.

I mean early he brought up "red tape" and my first thought was he should turn to Hillary and say "look she's wearing it right now".

Hilary pretty obviously won. Trump came hard and flustered her early, and kept doing so at points, but he failed when he kept rambling on and talking about random shit at times, such as that Florida club bs. When he attempts to avoid questions he repeats shit and rambles on pointing fingers. He needs a calm way to deflect things.

His only response to the tax returns should have been: "My lawyers advise against it, but when Hilary releases the emails I will", and that's it. Should have similarly answered questions on the Iraq War and other things.

Also, should have just smiled and shook his head when Hilary quoted him saying crazy shit. Instead of saying "I didn't", when numerous lib sites will post on Twittbook factchecks that prove him a liar.

Hilary simply deflects criticism better by appearing nonchalant and almost ignoring it. Trump overextends with damage control.

He's done. There's no question about that.

What was it that Trump held back from saying? At the end he said he didn't want to go that far. What's he referring to?

Clinton proved that she can get under Trump's skin. She has glaring weaknesses, and if this were any other election she would be on the defensive.

Trump did his usual thing, rambling and such. It worked for the first half hour, he shut her up on ISIS. After that, he ran out of steam, started getting abstract and sloppy with his talking points.

It was about even, slightly in favor of Hillary.

We havnt gotten there yet. Whats with everyone acting like your upset trump didn't do everything. I had high hopes for this debate and it delivered. Trump hit hilary on her emails talking about how she told her staffers to plead the fifth. He also had a nice subtle jab at bill when. She was attacking his character.

Overall he pretty were on point and were exactly who they were.

Hillary on multiple occasions couldn't come up with a rebuttal and cried out "Get to work fact checkers!" We all know the fact checkers are biased as fuck. Trump let her off too easily. He didn't want to destroy her out of empathy

Hillary spoke very eloquently about fucking nothing and Trump stumbled around how he's the last hope America has.

Bill's affairs.

The fact that Hillary can stand there and talk about the 'racist' birther scandal when it was her fucking campaign that started it angered me to no end.


I mean, Trump tried, but they gave her the last word on that one, unsurprisingly.

Trump: Passion and bluntness, worked well in setting him apart from other candidates of previous debates. Also his ability to take control of an argument.

Hillary: Quite a lot of composure during the whole debacle despite Trump taking control at several times. Kept her cool and kept rolling with answers while keeping her personal attacks more subtle and inline with the questioning.

I'm a Trumpkin btw

Bill fuckin bimbos. Pretty obvious. He shouldn't have mentioned that though, it will hurt him overall.

>Clinton as anything more than a smug lawyer
This 100% did you watch her smile, smugness, and weirdo episode with her head movement acting like a fucking robot.

>her big issues

What are those? Her whole campaign is everything is fine, Obama third term.

Unlike Trump she isn't proposing any major new legislation.

Best Trump can do is say the last 8 years sucked you don't want 4 more of the same.

Trump didn't attack Hillary enough on the emails, benghazi or the DNC rigging, with Hillary hiring Wasserman Schultz. When Trump is defending himself he wastes too much time and fails to get to the point.

Now because Hillary was on the offensive you forget the stupid shit she does like the plug for her goddamn book

>What were the strong points of both candidates?
Hillary was able to completely ignore every point donald trump made
Trump was able to refrain from making himself seem like a sexist

And what was the biggest opportunities missed by each candidate?
To actually sway voters. Clinton attacked Trump every second she could and came off as a cunt. Trump either held back or completely winged the debate.

Hillary pulling that sexism card out of nowhere was completely unprofessional.
Donald trump was constantly debasing everything Clinton threw at him, but she wasn't able to do the same.

1.Trump dodged questions and opted for storytelling
2. Looked like a child trying to keep his composure

1. Hilary was low energy
2. Talked too much about trump instead of going more in depth about her policies

I've seen this same image with the same filename in multiple threads, by different flags. Proxy-shilling confirmed?

the cybersecurity bit was terrible. like two retards fighting over a physics book. neither one knows what they are talking about. i wish they would just be honest.

wanna cyber?

Holy hell I was so pissed because of this

>I support democracy

>You sure as shit didn't support the Sanders voters democracy when you and the DNC rigged the primaries.


Maybe you should just accept that he isn't a good candidate

She was winding up the retort she had prepared for weeks, so much focus that she forgot everything else. Then he didn't give it to her. Literally 4D chess.

You could tell she spent hundreds of hours preparing for this, for better or worse. I still think she's a wretched human but she was about as perfect as someone like her could be.

Trump did okay.. Stumbled early but came back relatively strong. I feel like he didn't put in nearly the amount of time she did in preparing for this. That might turn out to be ok since he runs off being genuine, and everything she said sounded extremely scripted.

Wut. He was talking about ads. I mean, he couldve meant ads about bill and his bimbos, but he was talking about ads and how he didn't make any vicious ones. I dont think it was about Bill.

Look, to us and the Hillary crowd, we and they might think both that we've won or they've won, both sides has turned into a mass array of confusion tonight after the end of the debate.
Here's the thing though, it doesn't matter for shit what we or they thought of this debate. No, for us to think of such things should be brought back to the original primaries that were aimed at us.
This debate was different, this debate was aimed at the independents. That's why Trump wasn't mega Trump. Mega Trump would've won 10 republican debates at once. That's why mega Trump wasn't here, because this wasn't a Republican debate. It was a debate to tip the scale, to get the neutrals to get enough energy to stick to your side.

Now has you saw during the debates, who do you think got the neutrals, Trump, or Clinton?

Me I thought Trump did, he mentioned a lot of agreeable stuff how Hillary would've been another Obama and EXPLAINED why Obama messed up.
Hillary however, spent too much time debating Trump like it was a Democrat debate.
It wasn't like she was reaching for new voters.

It was like she was trying to hold onto her own.

It's really up to you to decide who won, my view only matters to me.

Trump really needs to learn to get to the point when he is being questioned at the debates.

You can say "it's high energy" but the normies see it as he can't answer the question given to him.

This. We've come to the point where a simple factchecker will turn the average voter off of Trump. He simply should remain silent against criticism or admit he's been "a little harsh" in his past but is moving past that. Instead he lied and lost the votes of anyone with a social media account.

I like that Hillary got away with implying white cops are all racist.

I like how she put that out in the very beginning. "Hey guys use my website to fact check my opponent while I debate him" says only a LOSER.

He couldn't show too much strength. She isn't going to get better at debating and he will attack a little more next debate.

No one really won but it showed that Trump was level-headed. There are times he should have countered more.

Trump exposed it. I do t k ow what else you want him to do say it 18 more times?

Fuck off

THIS 100% What was trump thinking? Is he playing 5003d chess? I was fucking yelling it out over my screen it would have been fucking amazing. I honestly think hes waiting for another debate to use more.

She got away with everything. Too many lies to count. That's her whole thing. She throws so many lies you cant keep up and she ends up getting away with every single one.

I'd add two more. Trump low: lying too much. Just shutup and stop saying "no I didn't" every 30 seconds when factcheckers btfo you week in and week out. Clinton low: getting completely wrecked with the bantz.

Trump is a yuge moron is what happened. Hopefully his brazeness pays off because that's all he's got going for him. How do I get a job helping him come up with quick retorts? Out of all the people helping him nobody can think of prepared responses? Fucking christ. Getting slaughtered at the end of the debate is the worst time.

Agreed. I think what is going to allow Trump to win this election is his accessibility and familiarity with the sentiment of the public. His insane rally schedule all over the country is pivotal to this.

He tried to leverage this information in the debate and did a good job of including it in the first 15 minutes. But he fumbled the second half.

This and, he really shouldn't fear attacking Hillary. If she's in the fault for something, he should not have any qualms about ppunting it out. So long as her mistakes have clear evidence that link her to the misdeed, the normie scan easily research and check Trump's legitimacy in attacking her.

Trump really needs to set his ego aside and pretend he's the president. His company needs to take a backseat and he ought to let the personal attacks go unnoticed. The more unfazed he is, the more presidential he seems.

Those were my two big gripes, but I had a lot of fun at the start. Looking for a strong performance from him next time.

Trump had some good attacks, but didn't push when he should have. Blitzing her on the emails would have been a good move, especially during the cyber security segment. Unfortunately for him, he got distracted.

Hillary baited him good on several occasions, got him off topic and rambling. She aimed the gun at his foot several times and got him to pull the trigger, especially on the birther thing. However, she didn't come off as pleasant or likeable, things she really needed to work on. Rather than 'taking the high road' she went back to the old 'racist' 'old white businessman' attacks.

Trump didn't win, but he didn't bomb. If he doesn't learn and have a bang up showing in the next debate, he's in serious shit though.

Trump's offensive game was strong and he controlled most of the debate and the direction that it went but Clinton's defense was fairly good. Her offense seemed way too loaded and false to be taken seriously.

Clinton rode the middle of the line, no peaks in her performance and no disasters either. Meanwhile Trump had the opposite impression. He had great lines and then he bad and confusing ones.

Overall I don't think anyone is going to remember what Clinton said in the debate a week from now, but for better or worse what Trump said will stick with you and that's what will push him ahead.

Trump didn't bring up the "we came, we saw, he died" or the deplorable stuff.

That does make sense he did mention the fact that she had shitloads of time to change things and it was the same old politicians time and time again. I thought it was good that he discussed the fact that blacks are extremely dissatisfied with after a 100yrs democrat rule on there communities.

I think he started strong with the talk about NAFTA and the TPP but he got derailed because he can't stand their lies.

When Clinton brought up his taxes, and how he doesn't pay his fair share, he should have gone after The Clinton Foundation.

When Clinton brought up how he didn't pay some contractors, he should have said "Yes, sometimes I fire people. But you let 4 Americans die in a foreign embassy even though they were calling for help and help could have been delivered."

When they accused him of lying about his support for the Iraq war, he should have switched to the offensive and said she lies about everything, there are videos showing her lying for 14 minutes straight on Youtube.

When she said he attacked a Latino contestant at a beauty pageant as a "housemaid" he should have attacked the DNC for referring to Latinos as the "Taco bowl" vote.

There were many missed opportunities to play tit-for-tat

Hillary Sucked. Came across as arrogant and unlikable.

Trump could do better, but was very likable.

Strong Trump voter here. It was Hillary's win tonight. It's ok, we accept this, move on, and tomorrow start gearing for the next debate. We have to start collecting more things to pour on Hillary. Think at the times Donald was at the best during the debate? When he was the lion, and going on about facts about actual "conspiratorial" things related to Hillary. We need to meme this shit to Trump so he can prepare for the next debate. Sure, he may like to go off the cuff but he can't, he needs weapons, we need to give him them.

Remember, Make America Great Again.

Hillary was fucked the moment Trump mentioned she had a decade in an extreme power position and she did nothing


Good points:

Trump did an excellent job of repeating the fact that Hillary failed as Secretary of State and doesn't deserve to get a more difficult position. He also kept stating the importance of getting America out debt and to not be the police of the world. I say, let Japan fuck off and deal with China themselves.

Hillary put the bait out for Trump, and he took it time and time again. She kept her composure and went into detail about her policies.

Bad points:

Trump seemed hellbent on looking and sounding stupid for too long.

Honestly, there were did nothing wrong tonight. She didn't have to do much. She stood there and let Trump be Trump, let him yell about nothing will limited, grade school vocabulary, which this time, didn't work out to his advantage.

But the real fuck up tonight was the way this debate itself, if you can call it that. In actuality, Trump was put on trial for the latter half, and he poorly defended himself. He can say the media is this and that, but when put on stage and allowed to speak for lengths at a time, he comes across as an idiot. I truly believe he is dumber than Bush Jr.,and fail to believe he is a successful businessman. He's obviously just a figurehead of the company. The same people that fucked his daughter are the ones in control of it.

Hillary at her best tied with our God-Emperor having both hands tied behind his back. She landed some good shots in but I think Trump survived. His "I'll release my tax returns when you release your 33 thousand deleted emails" comment was a kill shot and so I have to say Trump edged out a victory. He will do better next time.

This is the unbiased thread, go back to your countless meme candidate threads.

Kept interrupting during Hillary's 2 minutes. I'm glad he didn't yell over her or the moderator but come on; those initial 2 minutes of answering the new question should go uninterrupted. Hillary did interrupt a few times but I don't recall any time while Trump's initial 2 minute answers.

Kept saying "uh" which is very irritating. Trump paused sometimes but always found the words to say. She also had lipstick on her teeth so I couldn't stop listening nor looking.

>his debate was nearly everything we've heard at his 1000 rallies
He wasn't speaking to his base during the debate you twit.

Trump was more relevant on topic, but sometimes his thought was all over the place. I think at the end of the day he won

I'm glad I'm too old to be drafted. Neither one of these idiots should be Commander-in-Chief.

I think Trump was consumed by her incompetence for so long and had so many things he wanted to drop, that in the process of holding his tongue on those things that matter he hurt himself a fair deal.

He did land one fatal blow, and that was reminding the audience that she's had roughly 30 years in political offices to have improved this country and hasn't accomplished anything.

The democrats put up the worst person in the history of all of politics, it's almost irrelevant what Trump does at this point.

he needs to stop repeating mexican factories and trade deals a million times he looked fucking retarded.

The questions were very slanted against Trump

No questions about classified info or Libya

My gf and I watched the whole thing. She knows nothing about politics and isnt biased towards either. She said hillary won because she was easier to understand because she used buzzwords pretty much and Donald just rambled. But she said she'd rather not vote than vote for the wrong one. I hope Donald actually practices for the next one. All he had to do was attack her on emails the whole time.

When is wiki leaks releasing that new info.

Trump was technically right but he looked like a rambling fool. Hillary lied professionally.

He didn't convince anyone that was on the fence, which should have been his target audience.

Yeah, I can agree with that.

perhaps he's in fear of his life.

I had a really hard time actually listening to what Hillary was saying. Her voice and delivery was just off.

Trump should have let her talk more,I think she would have done worse.

He fucked up so badly when he said he was proud of making 600+gorillian and not paying any taxes.


>He didn't convince anyone that was on the fence, which should have been his target audience.

Trump seemed to speak more off the cuff, in a more common-man type of language, while Clinton seemed more rehearsed, speaking in a more twisted, lawyer like legalese.

Her smugs smiles were very irritating too. Following a page from Trump's playbook.

Overall, I agree that she was more prepared but I don't think this helped win any voters over. Trump's performance may have just shown that he is not the boogeyman afterall.

I only caught the end

This hillary spouts buzzwordsa nd eventually drops something she was told by someone, you can tell she is not thinking or maybe the rules of debating are too stiff. Hillary can't really do much else though cause she did too many wrong things

Trump can say almost whatever and yet he didn't but the main thing is that its easy to debate by just poiting out the logical problems with the arguments, without even saying anything yourself. Towards the end he could just pointed a bunch of shit that hillary said that didn't make sense like trump said there was no commision for terrorism in nato up until he brought it up then hillary said that the nato countries join to fight terrorism but we there have been terrorist attacks all over Europe and some shooting in the US then what was nato doing?

When she stalk about sanctions to iran she said they were chocking them to death and that sanctions were the correct thing to do for example. He could just have said that Iran has nukes AND is allied with Russia and China more than ever so whatever hillary chose was only benefical in teh short term

or shit like that

you don't even have to express a position that can be attacked

and if you can do the reverse and say your poisiton is something that disacredits something hillaries did so she can't attack it either without hurting herself

Hilary also employed complete manipulation tactics, especially in regards to blacks, jesus christ it was infuriating
just threw law enforcement under the bus


I honestly can't think of any high points for Trump. He did some basic attacks but they had no substance and Hillary seemed more composed and had more specifics. Really not a good showing for Trump at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he loses a few points nationally.

Hillary's best jabs were about the tax returns and birther movement - two meaningless topics that won't affect voters. If you honestly change your opinion based on those issues, then you haven't been paying any attention.

Trump got her with "Hillary has experience -- bad experience." That should be his campaign's line from now until the election.

HRC is experienced, slick, and sly. And that is exactly why half the country doesn't want her to be president.

I'm amazed that he didn't bank in on the (justified) rage of the bernouts.

It went like this:

>Hillary: Obamas birth certificate...
>Trump buh uh the reporta said, I didnt said, buh uh...
>Hillary: Russian Hackers
>Trump: I didnt said dat, 500lbs guy, I dont know...
>Hillary: Iraq
>Trump Obama's fault (lol)
>Hillary: taxes
>Trump: I didnt payed taxes, Im smart
>Hillary: NATO
>Trump: extortion racket. Nuke them.
>Trump: stamina
>Hillary: 11 hour inquiry. I came prepared.

Spaghetti all over the place and Cred Forums is already leaking salt lol

I ended up shutting it off after an hour or so, it gave me a migraine to listen to both of them.Trump made almost sense the first half, and dodged questions poorly. He also gave Hillary way to much ammunition.

Hillary was such a fucking drone that she couldn't capitalize on anything that wasn't a well practiced talking point, and used such cheap parlor tricks in dodging questions (reminded me of Nixon's Checkers speech).

All in all, I dont want to live on this planet anymore. The debate was reduced to who sucked the most, not who was the best at the job.


Hillary clearly has more experience and knows how to do this however more than a few times she comes off as so distant, cold, smug, and arrogant. She bullshitted about the debt and she talks a big game but I know as a fact things have gotten worse under the democrats so she can fuck off. Trump needs to learn to better articulate things, but he's a fighter and that's good. You could see Hillary's look of anger and fear at times although she did a really good job of trying to play it off. I see through her bullshit, she can't offer all these things for free and I know that.

It isn't a shame that Donald trump is our candidate, it is a shame we have to rally behind trump to stand against these backhanded dems.

Hillary, while looking smug most of the time, seemed to nail the "professional" look. She was mostly collected, and knew when to attack at all the right times, even if her attacks were untrue, it definitely made her look better.

Trump seemed strong at the beginning, but when put on the defensive he seemed somewhat weak, half the time just saying "no" into the mic while she was talking.

Talking point wise I agreed with Trump on literally everything, and Hillary seemed borderline like Commisar Clinton. I think overall the debate was pretty neutral. Trump didn't do as good as he could have done, and Clinton managed not to shit herself.

Woo! Ok.

Agree mostly but some of that no I didn't matters. Trump was a strong anti war guy early in the Iraq war. I remember him of tv talking about how the war was a bad idea because liberal media outlets were struggling to find republicans to speak out against the war.

Thats important today because of Hillary's lockstep support for the war is a real weakness for her and shes trying to deflect by saying we were all wrong. Thats a message that has to be challenged.

Clearly they liked what he had to say on trade and, more specifically, NAFTA.

>he isn't the monster that the jews say he is
He is a good goy, wtf are you on about?

Maybe he's saving that for his ace in a future debate. Cant bring out all the guns all at once. Cause then he would just sound redundant in the rest of the debates


Choosing not to defend someone isn't extortion

user, are you okay?

>best jab
>birther movement

SHE CREATED THE FUCKING MEME. Her campaign released the image of him in his turban durbin wear and she raised doubts about his birth.

Stop falling for this fucking lie.

this shows the shill ratio

I hope Trump is saving his best for the last debate

Did Trump even fucking prepare for this debate?

Trump needs to go after her for beign a fucking autist who is only good with details.
She has no skill or experience in dealing with the "bigger picture." All she did was get hung up on petty bullshit during the debate.

Both candidates just appealed to their base tonight. Trump didn't bring out the big guns, and I think Hillary was flexing a bit when she was pulling up Trump's past. Hillary seems to have edged him tonight.

In the next debate hopefully we can see a more calculated Trump. I think he's planning to dial it in and peak at the right moment. We haven't seen the best from him. Hillary on the other hand, I can't imagine she is able to change up her game as much and won't be able to handle it when Trump starts to dial in on her. She can't keep laughing things off dismissively, I think this is the sort of behavior that will turn away undecided voters.

He clearly said "We need to get something back in order to protect them". Thats extortion. Specially regarding Saudi Arabia and Japan.

>All in all, I dont want to live on this planet anymore. The debate was reduced to who sucked the most, not who was the best at the job.

My God, this...sadly. I literally said the words "I want off this planet" after the debate.

Well, Holt was pretty unfair. And that's an objective fact. Literally no challenging questions for Hillary, and questions about Trump and birtherism, his casual Iraq endorsement (No question to Hillary about her actual vote), and his taxes.

I feel screaming out the same question...

Also trump absolutely fucking smashed her on the 30 years argument. What has she done to change market laws to lessen the grip big corporations have on us? Nothing. She's a pawn. I wish Trump would have kept nailing her on that. She only went against TPP after Trump started a movement.

>no questions about immigration
>moderator literally only asking trump hard questions
>Trump failing to court bernie voters

That being sad I laughed till I had tears at how stupid this shit was.

I'm a trump supporter and I did not think trump looked good in this debate. I did not like the constant interrupting he did and like many others have said here I do think he was baited into following hillary talking points/logic.

Here'so what I would like to hear people's opinions on:

Was Donald Trump "presidential" for this debate and how important is this?

Do you think trump held back talking points for use in later debates? If so do think waiting to use them later is smart rather than repeating them over and over starting this debate?

I felt the debate was a draw and can boil it down to two simple statements-

Trump said the right things, in the wrong way

Hillary said the wrong things, the right way.

If Trump can organize his talking points better and make them more concise, he will be killer. He has the advantage that he can do such a thing, while hillary can't change the fact that she is full of shit.

The biggest opportunity that Trump missed came near the end. He made the point that the US can't police the world, especially when our supposed allies are fleecing us with unfair trade deals

Clinton said, "words matter" and she reassured our foreign friends that the US would stand by its pacts

Trump should have come back from this with two points:
1. Actions are more important than words
2. His primary goal is not to reassure foreign countries of their security but to ensure the security and prosperity of America and American citizens

It was so simple, and he could have hit it out of the park right at the end. Hillary Clinton is a globalist and her interests are primarily global. Trump's interest is MAGA.

Oh well

I'm not saying she didn't, but Trump HIMSELF doubted the validity of the birth certificate for years after it was released.

If she personally doubted it as well, then she wouldn't have brought it up at all.

I support Gary Johnson, but am open to either of Trump or Clinton.

I watched the debate to see if either could convince me. Honestly the whole thing was just a shit show. As a libertarian I agreed with Trump's foreign policies mostly, but I guffawed at how bad both of their trade policies were. Anyway, nothing was really new to me, but it was mostly just character attacks going on for 2 hours.

In the end, I felt that Trump won. The one thing that stuck with me was that Hillary was a lifetime politician, and I can't think of anything meaningful she's done! I was she could have reminded me, but nothing she said was able to sway me.

Trump made me laugh and giggle like an autistic kid the entire time. He made it oddly enjoyable. He gave me enough confidence that if I cast my vote for him by accident and swayed the election his way, the world wouldn't descend into chaos.

Trump wasted his off-the-cuff remarks being an insecure defensive idiot when he could have hounded Hillary.

No That's not extortion. Extortion is saying you should pay us for security and when they don't we firebomb their country.

Pretty much this right here.

Trump needs to have a back-up plan so he can play it safe. Please tell me he didn't just freestyle this shite? If he had prepared properly he'd could have just simply droned out his views on a certain point and not ended up into this constant overdrive. How he just bumbled through these 2 minutes about race issues was JUST tier, sounded like a toddler. Zero sensibility or tact, and he aggressively jumped at every opportunity there was to either discredit Clinton or beat his chest about AMERICA BAD, I MAKE GREAT.

Ain't gonna win normies over with that stuff desu.

Which brings me to Clinton, who, surprisingly, did well. Pulled the race card in a sneaky manner, in the end the alleged pregnancy/female comments were a bonus, probably. Ironically, those things precisely are the political experience that she allegedly misses. That low-key shit slinging. Coupled to that, she seemed more human than normally.

Though fuck knows, it could still work if he at least doesn't freestyle his shit and if he manages to come across as an actual politician.

But America's so polarised atm that it will be pretty close in the end anyway, regardless of these debates.

>single man woo's for trump
>stops debate to admonish the crowd

>half the audience erupts into cheers for Hillary several times
>not a peep

> mixed verdict on Cred Forums

He sucked didn't he?

I'm not even going to watch it now

> And what was the biggest opportunities missed by each candidate?
Trump needs to get an inside man to hide Hilary's uppers before the debate. That silly bitch was grinning like a dope fiend

I am legit scared right now, since if you weren't aware of the debate being a setup in advance, Clinton definitely had the superficially stronger performance.

I agree that's why our police should all work for free.

I agree with Leafless Canada

I wanted to see Trump inspire the American people, like he did to me. I didn't see that today. I saw flimsy platform. The media has been playing the "fact check Trump" for a while and I think Trump fell right into it. He denied saying things we've all seen him say.

Watching the debates felt like House of Cards to me. I wanted it to feel like Hillary is House of Cards and Trump is a beacon of light. Watching them slug each other out isnt what I wanted to see.

I was disappointed that Holt asked Trump questions about controversial things that Trump has said or done.

Hillary got questions she could give general answers to. Like: How would you fix cyber security?

Trump didn't do well but he did fine given that he was being hit from two sides and Hillary was being made to look knowledgeable with generic questions.

They are both clowns, this whole debacle is a circus, and the US will only get worse. The dollar is guaranteed to collapse, and when it does I expect civil war.

That's not extortion. You've never had the mob/triad/jews show up at your door or your business and go "gee, you got a nice place here, a shame if a fire burned everything down." That's extortion.

He snorted coke and thought it would give him super powers and it instead made him a bumbling retard.

Why didn't Trump bring up Clinton started the birther movement?

Trump honestly did not look good or at least not to me and other Trump supporters I think, though it seems like most undecided didn't really change their minds I think. He could have nailed her on so many things, and the things he did nail her on he stopped pressing shortly after starting. Trump should have fucking brought up that his tax plan applies to poor and middle class people as well. He could have just straight up said "I don't want us involved in any more wars" but instead went to the middle ground.


Weird. Maybe my expectations were way too high.

I dont know man, the gravity of this shit is setting in, this was a shit hand we were dealt as Americans.
I get half way through thoughts and posts here just end up depressed by the end of them...

Yeah..........yeah.... Shit sucks man.

You're not wrong. Early on Hillary said some baseless slander about Trump not paying taxes. Trump blurted out that show im smart or something like that. He caught himself and didnt continue with that but he was very lucky Hillary didn't go off script and attack him on that remark. That would have played right to the bernie commies shes trying desperately to reach out to.

Trump was too undisciplined tonight.

If you think that reminding everyone you testified before Congress for 11 hours is a good idea, I don't know what to tell you.
Everyone knows Clinton is corrupt, her voters simply disregard this fact. Independents know why she was testifying in front of Congress, and the can of worms of complete incompetence it represents. Having her end on that sentence was absolutely stupid.

He did, he just did it incredibly poorly by talking about Blumenthaal and her campaign managers instead of talking about her.

What a shitshow. It just seems like a joke that this is how ridiculous things have gotten

Trump Rambled on, but he does that

Hillary Clinton had this ONE OPPORTUNITY to show humanity. She didnt. Oh she smiled; but predators often pull back their lips before they attack.

Trump actually had a bit of substance this time.

Foreign policy isnt handled by the president.
Both said no to nukes
Trump knows economics, Hillary doesnt
Trump said what was needed to curb racial violence. Hillary said that we have to teach cops to stop loving life when a black man comes at them with a gun.

Trump wins, but narrowly.

Trump lost but not by much. The fact Hilary couldn't destroy him with all the lies looks bad for her. Debates don't matter much in changing election results but now was the time to embarrass him and he held his own.

Trump did good on his "what have you been doing for the past 30 years" bit. But after that he got fucking destroyed.

They had the nigger up there racebaiting about racial profiling and muh police shootings. Trump didn't even drop a redpill about FBI statistics and black crime statistics, or that more whites are killed by police. Then he rambled on about some club that let in all sorts of brown people which is required by law, it was a weak anecdote.

Then he got destroyed over Russian hacks of the DNC, and he looked like a fool trying to deny it. He could have easily turned it around on Hillary and asked her about Russian uranium sales, Saudi Arabia, the CLINTON FOUNDATION or her and her conspirators CREATING ISIS in her emails. He had obscene amounts of dirt to refer to, and he just flopped on it.

Then Hillary goes on to quote him about his "sexist" remarks and he says it was ok because he "could've said something very bad to Hillary" but he didn't, so it's cool. It was a weak argument. He could have brought up Bill Clinton's pedophilia express. Or her health. Or a quote from her emails about MOLOCH for fucks sake. He did none of that.

He just kept saying the same dumb tired shit from his rallies and the GOP debates about him being the biggest and best. He had so much dirt on her yet he used none of it. It was disappointing, he could have easily roasted her but he didn't.

Trump is shit and he didn't prepare. That's how much he gives a fuck about you.

you know who's proud of paying taxes?


Hillary doesn't even like paying taxes

watch the first 10 minutes then turn it off

>House of Cards
my parents watched this and were talking to me about it and they think it was based on the clintons and how corrupt they are

America is heading towards democratic dominance and soon socialism. Marx was right.

Can I get some (You)'s here?

No, it's not

>the crime of obtaining money or some other thing of value by the abuse of one's office or authority.

What we currently give them is outright charity in the form of defense spending. Trump is proposing that we transition to offering it as a contracted service that they compensate us monetarily for.

Does Wal-Mart EXTORT you when you buy a shirt from them? Do restaurants EXTORT you when you purchase a food item that involves labor and materials?

>I'm surprised he didn't mention her not releasing her Canadian charity donors

He just shitposted IRL. He was getting so upset he got the sniffles. Also he wants Law and Order back on the air cause that was relevant.

They have been proxy shilling for a long time. Except those eastern Europoors doing it for the shekels.

Watched the debate partly with some normies. Had to leave because I was embarrassed at trump's ramblings.

>trump said what was needed to curb racial violence
Trump's answer on the police brutality question was the biggest load of bullshit that came out of his mouth tonight. Nothing of value was said, and he essentially made it look like he couldn't give less of a fuck about it.

he looked like someone tripping over dumb things he said in the past.
she literally looked like she was fucking evil.

and no one should

It was a tie for the first half of the debate, with Trump having a slight edge over Clinton.

Clinton then gave Trump a hard and utter spanking as he sperged out and went "muh tempermant"

It is because he wants to drop of all of a sudden. Its the same as A telling B "I promise to protect you", and then in the next moment while B is facing peril you say "now if you still want protection you must pay me". Its extortion by proxy.

Like Japan falling to china or South Korea falling to the North would be a good thing, even for you guys. Really?

>Was Donald Trump "presidential" for this debate and how important is this?
Not really, she seemed more professional desu, but that's not saying much. He was less "radical" though, so he was trying to appeal to indies more than his own party I think.

>Do you think trump held back talking points for use in later debates? If so do think waiting to use them later is smart rather than repeating them over and over starting this debate?

Undoubtedly. He barely touched on emails and he didn't bring up Benghazi, her illness, how she started the birther movement, Bill's escapades, or anything else once.

I think he used this debate to feel out the waters for the next two, and will unleash his arsenal in #3 to really sway opinion right before the election.

I am disappointed Hillary didn't do the one thing that could possibly make me vote for her, which is die in a seizure.

Trump's Strengths:
Conversational Dominance

Hillary's strengths:
Appeals to majority

Honestly no matter what she was saying it was nothing we haven't heard a thousand times from every candidate in the last 40 years. She was telling people exactly what they wanted to hear: and why not? It's worked for decades?

But Trump's point was not in his words, but simply in his portrayal of character. Does anyone honestly remember a single point made from any debates past? I sure don't, outside of memes. It's all about presentation of self and in that manner, Trump pressed the same narrative (true or not) that he has laid out from the beginning. "My opponent is a robot. My opponent is a puppet. My opponent says what they are told will appeal to you. I don't."

So regardless of the millions of arguments, circlejerks, and possible fistfights to come tonight, Trump has already won, not with soundbites that can be easily manipulated and opinions that can be shamed, but with his image. He ran the debate like a high school football coach that taught history out of contractual obligation; you sit down, you listen, you are free to disagree but in the end, I'm the adult here and I'm in control.

Who give a fuck about actual positions?

I'm willing to cede that he "won" at least the first half of the debate and did not attack Hillary on issues that need to be addressed in one of the debates like the Clinton Foundation, Saudi Arabia, etc.
Overall room for improvement and wasn't a momentum shifting debate.

Failure as a business man...get the fuck out with that bullshit.

Yeah that was weird to me, and after that the crowd was almost entirely hillary supporters laughing at dumb shit

Anyway I'm excited to see what memes come out of this

They both did well based on their skill sets.
The moderator was very aggressive against Trump which will help him.

It's always tough attacking a woman and not going too far and gaining her sympathy. I thought he toed that line well.

Bottom line this was clinton at her best and not impressing.

Trump not at his best and still held his own. His best is yet to come. Watch.

My emotions haven't processed yet. Will go to sleep and see what Dilbert man has to say

Trump didn't really need to say anything. He himself did the most damage to himself.

Hillary isn't particularly inspiration or charismatic, to let her talk just feels extremely slimy, but Trump stole the mic to effectively disembowel himself with it.

I think in the long run, Trump won the debate. This debate pretty much shot everything Hillary had at Trump, and there really wasn't much to show for it. Trump didn't really go after her on Benghazi and her emails. Trump definitely won the first portion of the debate and the rest leans slightly more towards Hillary, but overall I'd say it was a tie if it weren't for the fact that Hillary blew her load.

>*drop off

Trump was the one that seemed sedated tonight. Hillary blew him out of the water and Holt was a biased crook but that was to be expected.

Pathetic display. Trump did not go for blood.


That's what I was thinking. I felt like she knew it and went on the attack for the rest of the debate.

Ok, here's my analysis:

Trumps main platform is Trade and Immigration. The first couple questions were on this subject, and were Trumps strongest moments.

Hilldawg, regardless of how she did in that arena, has more foreign policy experience than Trump, and the last 2 questions really played to her strengths. Trump clearly had trouble on those.

The middle questions about race were a tossup. Both agreed on more community relations between inner cities and local police. Stop-and-frisk is a partisan issue, so no gain/loss there.

I would give it a tie, although since Trump was stronger earlier, he would get the (slight) edge.

Bottom line, if you're firmly in the dem or repub camp, you weren't swayed to change parties. If you're an independent who watched the whole thing, you probably thought HIllary won. If you're an independent who only watched the early-mid part of the debate, you probably thought Trump won. No knockout blows tonight.

Also I'd like to add the Hillary blew her whole load of anti-trump propaganda tonight. She brought up every talking point against him that she could, the bankruptcies, Rosie O'Donnel, him "flip-flopping" and the black apartments.

She has nothing left against him.

because he's working for the Clintons

Hillary just sounds like business as usual, which really isn't that bad as things aren't too bad for me at the moment. But with Trump, I honestly see someone who is going to try and change the country, and I want to see that happen.

>laughing things off dismissively
describes every liberal i know, sad that i live in commiefornia around all these shitlib marxists

Trump was way to passive. In the primaries he benefited from his opponent tearing into each other was he calmly continued as front runner.

He let her drill him on tax returns for longer then he went after her on the e-mail issue. Accusing him of hiding something when she's deleting her government e-mails? WTF trump how did you not counter this.

I honestly dont think Hillary baited him into anything, she just kinda... changed the subject onto what she wanted to hammer him with. She was stuffing a cassette into the cd player really.

In the end it all felt so manufactured on her part, and she kept doing this like noble gaze as trump would talk like it just didnt matter what he said. He could have mopped the floor with her if he wanted, theres more than enough dirt out there to bury her.

Swing voter here. I think Trump came out on top.

Muh voting history....

Voted Gore in Gore vs Bush,
Voted Bush in Bush vs Kerry
Voted Obama in Obama vs McCain,
Voted Obama in Obama vs Romney
I honestly would probably be voting for Bernie if he was up there.

>Trump rambled too much, and didn't hammer home points.

After Hillary called him Racist

He pointed out that Hillary had been circulating pictures of Obama in Kenyan garb during their primary. This is clearly racist.

He didn't ask her about it again and just let her slip by.

He dodged her attack, but he didn't attack her back adequately. Let her get off without addressing and he had to address every single time.

>Hillary resorted to name calling

While Hillary hit a lot, not a single punch landed. I feel like she may of kept Trump playing defense the whole time, but he was able to clearly defend him self against her lies.

After she saw how her punches weren't landing she lost it and started name calling.

Trump was mature, well connected and truthful.

Strong contrast.

Trump won hard.

88% trump 12% hillary kek

That's not a topic anyone should ever broach with complete honesty. It would be political suicide.

I don't think Trump would have been able to bring up the various scandals against Hillary without the moderator "fact checking" them away with various stuff he probably had prepared at his desk, so I don't know how to face that situation.

Trump talked numbers, Clinton babbled rhetoric as usual.

look at how CTR reacts, all threads are "LOL DRUMPF LOST" and "Hi fellow trump supporterz, how do we proceed now that we lost".

No discussion, they pretend it's a forgone conclusion, typical CTR shill tactics.

Trump crushed Clinton.

I can't really say that either of them won, and I was really pumped for trump tonight, but his performance wasn't really what I hoped for. I agreed with most of what he was saying but his delivery wasn't really on point. Hillary felt robotic and disingenuine, almost as if she was answering the questions without even thinking about it. Idk maybe his performance was just more 4d chess, in that case I'll just hope for a trump victory in the next debate.

I don't think Trump won over the undecided voter. They will fall for the rehearsed robotic response. Trump rambled a lot towards the end and didn't hit her on her special interests. He seemed really unprepared. Like one of his primary rallies.

All in all he better fucking prepare for the next debate.

Trump was on the defense the entire debate from the moderator, he barely made any attacks. Hilary and that racebaiting leftists nigger attacked Trump the entire debate. It wasn't even really a debate, more of controversies the MSM has made about Trump and then giving Trump a "chance" to explain himself while getting roasted from both sides. He had so much ammo to fire back with and used none of it. He just rambled on about being "THE BEST"

It was pretty bad. It's like he hasn't even read a single fucking email from the leaks. I don't know.

>Implying our defense agreements is to protect JAPAN
The defense treaty was originally to keep Japan from militarizing and trying to take over Asia again. They WANT their own military.
As for NATO, they are not fulfilling a promised amount. They should honor their payments

>non-biased thread
>must leave out memes

Cred Forums without memes becomes just a bunch of retards commenting on each others blog posts

Last debate isn't going to get near as big TV numbers. He could have put her away tonight. Major error

>Its extortion by proxy.
No matter how much you attempt to shift the goal post it still continues to fail the definition of extortion. BTW, several of the countries in question have already said "Okay, we'd be happy to" or "We were considering increasing our defense spending anyways given current events".

>I am legit scared right now

You legit sound like fucking tumblr


If Trump was as good as he was in the first 30 minutes he would have won. He chocked in the end.

>Trump talked numbers,

what numbers are you referring to?

Trump really, REALLY fucked up on race. Hard. The question, "How would you bridge the racial divide?" can be roughly translated as, "This is your opportunity to pander to black voters for 5 minutes."

And how did he utilize those 5 minutes?

Attacking Obama. And not even WELL! There's a very strong case to be made about how the Obama administration has totally failed black Americans. Trump didn't make it. He just made empty gesticulations that Obama = bad, in a way that hits black viewers as "I am racist and I hate you".

Like...fuckin...dawg. Cmon. Seriously? The fuck are you thinking?

No matter how you feel about Trump, that was blunder of the century right there.

>Hillary sounded more presidential
Hillary talks like an SJW blog. She can't state any of her ideas or defend her actions, she just keeps whining about Trump being racist/sexist/etc.
Say what you will about Trump, he at least puts his policies out in stage. Hillary's campaign is literally "at least I'm not a meanie like Trump!" Her debate is more of that, with most of her answers to the questions being little more than traps to catch Trump in another "gotcha, racist!" moment. It's all so very tiring tbqh.


For the first 45 minutes or so, I thought Trump was doing really well but he should have kept that momentum addressing the taboo topics Hillary's supporters ignore. (inb4 her der same with Trump supporters XD, both fan bases are guilty of this)

However, when he did let up, Hillary was able to jab at him with bait topics, allowing him to get a bit exposed in some arguments. I feel with what he learned about debating Hillary tonight, he should be able to pick up a victory, granted Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, or (((DARRELL CASTLE))) would make it to the debate stage.

No... it was really disappointing. Why the hell did Conway not prepare him?

I can only imagine that big ticket items like Benghazi we're restricted from the debate by the rules team which is why Hillary didn't mention Trump comments about Ivanka and he didn't mention how she left American men to die.she a failed lawsuit from the seventies but he didn't get a chance to remind everyone how she defended a child rapist and then laughed about it or that her husband is a serial rapist and a pedophile. When they say that the debate rules were in her favor they are probably mentioning all the things Trump wasn't allowed to bring it up

At least she stopped doing that fake hysterical laugh every time someone calls her out in a debate. Now apparently she just smiles and stares off into space regardless of whats being said.

if hillary was going against a smooth talker she would be getting destroyed. Look what happened with Obama.

her whole campain is an attack against trump.

You're not alone. I think he could have done better with the delivery, but people seem to be taking the messaging.
Overall, really good first half for Trump, with a really dismal second half for both, but I'll be generous and give a slight advantage to Clinton.

>I can't really say that either of them won

perhaps he has to hold off on the big ones, knowing that she'll fire her big ones in the next round

time will tell

Hillary missed a gold mine when she didn't follow upon Trump's pride in the fact that his business has dodged accountable ability for years and of the few fed tax records in the public domain have been for zero dollars.

Trump bungled most of the night, maybe the worse is when he acted like a politician when faced with the unfair final question about whether he would accept the election as the will of the voters.

But he did really good job pandering? He made the point of protecting "inner city" minorities from criminals several times, I tihnk it was his strong points by content in this debate.

Am I the only one that thinks Clinton downplaying life in inner cities was a huge blunder?

Trump did won on trade and jobs. He mostly did well on race, but the birther issue killed him there. The rest was kind of a tie. Overall, an even debate.

right now Trump is screaming into a cell-phone: "WHY DID YOU NOT PREPARE ME?"


One important thing to note is how many times Clinton utters the words "I want to be specific" or something of the sort, after speaking about vague policies for a couple of minutes.

It's pathetic.

This is why Trump is showing so few cards, Hillary has shown NONE and therefor she is hard to attack.

You could tell that Hillary trained to not respond to Trumps attacks and basically repeated memorized statements all night. I am 90% confident she knew the questions ahead of time based on her response to two questions. This definitely mitigated his attacks, but Trump was able to get in some good blows that she didn't respond to.

> has more foreign policy experience than Trump, and the last 2 questions really played to her strengths. Trump clearly had trouble on those.
This is definitely wrong. The "bad experience" counterpunch was trump's best moment and it's really is going to resonate. She had no comeback.

When's the second and third debate again?

But she isn't so that doesn't matter much. At least not at this juncture

.He was on top for most of the debate. But the last ten minutes were mostly hers, but those were on unimportant issues. However, Trump nailed her were it hurt: NAFTA and the TPP. The Pensylvannians who've been hurt by Hillary's support for these deals will be a little more leniet towards Trump.

Missed opportunities: Trump missed on two softball questions and didn't push hard on Clinton with specific information from the Clinton Foundation/email scandals that the MSM refuses to cover.

Clinton could've parried Trump a bit better when he was rambling but otherwise did great. She accomplished her only real goal tonight which was to look like a living, breathing human bean that will still be alive in 4 years.

Hillary looked very scripted at the start
Towards the middle it became more Trump vs Holt than Trump vs Clinton
It got so bad by the end that Clinton just stood there for a long time with a very smug look on her face.

>Trump said what was needed to curb racial violence.
Saying LAWNORDER 17 times is effectively what happened there

better than the god damn one-liner shill comments in every single thread. can't even have a fucking discussion.

October 9th and 19th.

Trump nailed many issues and knocked Hillary a few times but he fell for so many bait questions that he hurt himself a bit

Trump did great given that Lester's Questions were literally Hillary talking points:
(1) Trump Taxes
(2) Trump talk about race and why you're not racist
(3) Trump Birthirism
(4) Trump are you sexist (presidential "looks")
(5) Trump are ok with the nukes?

That summarized all of the questions from the debate after the first one on the economy. Thus, Trump had to play defense for most of debate because nigger Lester set her up for the attack.

That being said he did a good job hitting back and bringing up some solid points. Sure, he missed a few opportunities, but that's expected. Also got some really good lines in on her.

Shillary didn't do anything, nobody even knows what she said other than Trump's racist, sexist, etc.

No, not really. Because he did so by advocating (loudly, repeatedly) for stop-and-frisk, something that

A) Was ruled unconstitutional (as the moderator pointed out, and Trump straight-up ignored) and, at any rate

B) Is 100% absolutely unequivocally a RED FLAG policy for black voters. Dude might as well be standing on the stage arguing the merits of the fucking three-fifths law, for fuck's sake.

One good counterpunch moment (and it was a good one) doesn't make up for the previous 30 minutes of unclear responses to foreign policy issues

I watched the debate as a pro-Hillary guy and saw what looked like an obvious draw. The spin on this is incredible.

The whole concept of Trump as president scares me, but the ability of the media and social media to affect the way people think scares me a lot more.

Trump REALLY REALLY should have said TAXES FOR GOLDMAN SPEECHES not emails.

Hillary was polished but spent most of the time attacking trump instead of laying out her policies. He may have intended this.

Trump sounded clueless and it was not to his favor at times.

Here's my 2 cents.

I watched the CSPAN stream and only the CSPAN stream. I didn't watch pundits' opinions afterward. I didn't have Cred Forums or anything else going on either.


No biased input one way or the other.

I think Trump won. I think he did a better job in all respects than Hillary, and I think he especially did a better job of seeming like an actual person — and not like Politibot™ MK IV, now with improved battery life.

But, I don't think it was a hilariously eclipsing victory, either.

I think he won, and he won solidly… But it wasn't as huge a win as when he ripped Jeb's eyes out of his asshole live onstage.

7/10 my bloodlust is whetted but not slaked.

Absolutely. It was time to explain how his plans would have benefits for minority communities. He had to say how bringing back businesses and industry to the states would bring back jobs, which will lower inner city crime and bring prosperity. Removing illegals and lowering immigration also help this goal by increasing the demand for labor and local jobs. His tax cuts, encouraging business to come to the US, would also increase jobs and prosperity. He had to make a connection between his ideas and it's practical benefit for the people who doubt him

Ya fucked up dahnald, I hope you come with your guns fully loaded for round 2

While it was an even debate when you go subject by subject, his dominance in trade might help him win those northern swing states.

Even BLM agrees Innercity life is bullshit

The people he was speaking at don't want to hear the shit he said at the rallies. Trump needs to moderate himself to gain the independent votes. Clinton needs to bait him into going back into rally mode to keep him away

He made statements right at the beginning about his tax plan.
15% across the board, "hundreds" of companies were leaving, thousands of jobs lost.

Just look at how she handled him pointing out how she wanted the TPP.
She fell over non stop, and just pretended she was winning by laughing every time the crowd laughed at her.

Thought Trump missed a good opportunity to take a shot at Hillary when defending his nonreleased tax returns by talking about Hillary using the foundation to launder money she doesn't have to put on her returns.

Also thought he missed the opportunity to mention her taking handout from all the wall Street firms when she brought them up.

Overall I thought he lacked the composure he needed.

someone keep this in the Trump gen, also, find all the other polls from all other platforms. Have Trump on a landslide on all polls.

I'm really starting to believe Trump actually is a plant for Clinton to win presidency.

Trump totally missed an oppertunity to blast Hilldog for not only pandering, but SPEAKING DIRECTLY to countries other than the United States during the debate.

>What happened to America first?

Major fuckup.

I agree. Hillary said little of substance and told many exaggerations and outright lies. The Iraq war pullout fiasco being Bushes fault come to mind.

That said she looked more composed and had the appearance of countering Trump calmly while actually refuting very little of what he said.

He didn't attack her nearly enough. Every time he did was great, but way too much time was spent on defending himself. He needs to breathe, keep track of all of the horrible shit she's responsible for, and bring up each one of them when relevant. His fierceness should outweigh her smugness.

Welp.... This is where were at now gents.... I think im good now for this election. Im gonna grab another beer and finish my readings for the day.


Yeah why the fuck didn't he bring up the 200k speeches when she was railing on about the 1%? Like come the fuck on, there has to be someone on the campaign to direct Trump.

she played into trumps weakness, he has to have the last word on things and will never back down from a personal attack on him.

This allowed her to take up huge amounts of debate time with petty attacks on trump.

He should have brushed off the iraq war crap and moved on to her arming terrorist in libya.

It literally neutralized her entire foreign policy argument, a linguistic killshot as the dilbertman would say. Meanwhile Trump's argument was that other countries have to pay their fair share, which Hill couldn't dispute.

Then you're are a fool.

>Trump should've pandered harder to the Bernie supporters.
It's waaayyy too late for that buddy. If he came out with just like a Medicare-for-all plan and a wage increase or something, it would be over, he'd have all the Sanders supporters.

Any time I see Sanders supporters ask Trump supporters why to vote Trump they were always like "fuck off we don't need you're vote"

That's actually pretty damn accurate.

Same guy then tweeted that at the end, 15 people thought Hillary won and 6 thought Trump won among his focus group

They're both lying sacks of shit, but at least Hillary had composure compared to Trump nagging like a fucking 2nd grader. "Nah Uh, Nah Uh, Ur Wrong, Ur Wrong" Jesus that was cringey to watch.


are you shitting me dude he was dropping spaghetti left and right

I REALLY liked this point Hillary made

After that, I was no longer a Trump supporter.

I'm 99% sure Hillary knew all the question beforehand. It was one of the most biased debates I've seen. But leftists won't care.

Trump needed to paint himself as a "non-racist" that the MSM has brainwashed the young people into thinking of him as. OR he needed to drop a fucking redpill with crime stats and bring a logical argument. He did neither, just a weak response which made him look guilty about being racist. Stick to your guns and stir up controversy with arguments, don't just sit there on the defense and try to prove you're not racist, it looks pathetic. He'd have been better off out right saying "Blacks commit more crime", more people would have supported him.

The whole reason he was chosen to begin with is for being politically incorrect and saying what needs to be said. Tonight he was just a little PC pussy.

Seriously. I don't even like Donald Trump, but I could write at least a coherent case for how his platform benefits black people.

> Outsourcing killed manufacturing
> The death of manufacturing gutted the black working class
> I'm going to fix manufacturing because I am TUFF and BUSINESSY
> This will help black people
> Black people need real economic help like this, rather than empty rhetoric.
> What they have gotten is empty rhetoric, and that is why they are mad.
> They are mad, and they are protesting and destroying things. This is bad. This is why I am so in favor of empowering the police.
> But once we give black people the tools to write their own economic future, they will no longer be as angry, and everything will be sunshine and roses

It's the same fucking shit Republicans have been saying for like 30 years. All he had to do was catch the ball and make the lay-up. Instead he let the ball hit him in the head, and then took a shit on the floor.

>Yeah why the fuck didn't he bring up the 200k speeches when she was railing on about the 1%?
He's an old man probably on xanax just like she is, he can't remember everything.

That's literally common sense, fucking shill. If you want the same pay, you do the same work.

Yes and Trump had to capitalize on that IMO. When she was saying how things are great in the "vibrant" black communities, he HAD to pounce on that and say then why is racial tension at an all time high? Why is there so much discontent? Why don't you ASK kids in inner cities how "vibrant" their communities are?

He had to connect this with saying this is the product of her liberal government (which has controlled the inner cities for decades), and his ideas of bringing in jobs, encouraging business, and securing immigration would lead to prosperity for minority communities

This was his chance. I hope he can make this point at the second or third debate, but first impressions are important, especially for googles. I wager most of them had never actually watched him debate, only watching videos from fagbook that say "he racis"

when you say something that's obviously false, like obama isn't American, it only hurts you.

his best bet was the e-mails but couldn't keep the focus there.

>The spin on this is incredible.
You're starting to wake up friend. The media only tells you what they want you to think. Not what happened.

i agree. if it wasn't for the trump hate boner she would be irrelevant.

Trump did quite well talking about the failure of Clinton in the Middle East and in attacking the problems with our current trade deals, but didn't handle the questions about tax evasion very well.

Clinton humiliated herself and sat there arrogantly smirking while she lost the debate.

lel hillary did so well you think that she knew the questions beforehand

that alone proves how much she stumped

Trump were the best by far.

Hillary was that scummy politician smile too many times, she looked evil all dressed in red.

Trump wore a nice suit and kept cool against her made up facts on her web checker.

Debate goes to trump for standing up to bias and attacks by the black question asker.

Hillary were maybe my canadian vote before but now trump confirmed she is a crook and a shill.

That 10 pounds of makeup also made her look way younger just wait till the next debate bet she will got plastic surgery by then.

>I think he did a better job in all respects than Hillary
Which ones? Answering a question in a timely and accurate fashion without bullshit tangents and anecdotes, avoiding gaffes, and actally seeming like a competent person?
Because in my eyes, he absolutely shat the bed in those regards.

The people he was speaking to haven't tuned into his rallies. Different audience, same message.

Agree. Trump sounded lost and confused for the first 10 minutes then improved and got good hits.

Immediately after the very first thing the spin chamber said was that the first 10 minutes was his best and he went down from there. Insane.

Also the birthed thing must have struck a bigger nerve than I would have imagined because CNN took an entire 20 minutes right after the debate trying to whitewash Clinton's involvement despite that one guy showing evidence.


even to sand niggers all regular niggers look the same

If people can forget about the debates and just go out and vote for him then fine.

But apparently debates matter a lot in influencing people's decision on who to vote for.

Trump has to defeat the MSM. That's a big handicap tobehonest senpai.


Pro tips:
1. Don't pull punches
2. Stay on message
3. If she gives you an opening, go for the jugular
4. If she attacks you personally, don't take the bait.
5. Don't go down the defensive rabbit hole.

>You know you're going to run for President
>You don't make 100% sure your taxes are in order the year before you're going to run

wtf kind of piss poor planning is that

It was painful to watch. Obviously rigged towards Hillary, and it turns out Trump really can't handle this format in general. I'm cautiously hoping he'll get his shit together for the next debates, most importantly the final one.

the saints defense is fucking terrible

Don't forget illegal immigration takes far more job opportunities away from blacks that whites.

by the half hour:

1st: Donald pandered brilliantly to MI and PA, one of which, if he won, will win him the electoral college. He sounded powerful.

2nd: Both looked awful.

3rd: She looked mediocre and he looked awful.

Overall, underwhelming all around. I have no idea if this will make more than 1% difference. Could, but both were on average so mediocre that I can't see it.

That's my point. The independents he's trying to reach out to just saw him get trounced on national television because he couldn't rise above Clinton's fairly obvious bait.

i found it was a stalemate both of them were regurgitating their stump speeches really

there were no memorable lines or zingers

hillary maybe gained slightly because she managed to stand up and look healthy for 90 minutes

Biggest miss was Clinton shilling the plight of the black man, when her and her husband were responsible for locking them all up in 90s with all those shitty marijuana laws and 3 strikes ect.

Her talking about cyber security was also a miss, she ran top secret info on an unprotected garage box.

There was no talk of the clinton foundation which is likely the October surprise, so Trump is waiting to expose that so she doesn't have sufficient time to cover it all up/deny.

You're comparing oration styles not content. How they like to spread their message doesn't tell you anything useful.

Hillary pros
>Seemed self confident most of the time (but see cons below)
>When attacking Trump made it seem logical by connecting it to the voters' interests ("We need to know who you owe money to, will there be conflicts when you're in office?" etc)
>Appealed to the FUCKING BIGOT FUCK crowd in a fairly competent way
Hillary cons
>Most of her lines sounded like canned responses and not sincere
>Became flustered a few times and it was really obvious each time because of how hard she had been trying to seem self-confident and smug other than that
>Didn't really have good answers for a lot of things, especially considering she basically just accepted the emails thing

Trump pros
>Strong on the attack, particularly at the beginning of the debate
>Actually stayed on topic most of the time (except see cons below) which is better than I was expecting
>As always, seemed self confident
>Rekt the moderator without seeming excessively combatative
>Pretty good delivery when he was on topic, despite comparatively low energy (compared to his normal self)
Trump cons
>When he tried to dodge or deflect questions by switching the topic, it was very obvious
>Poor delivery, not as articulate as Hillary and seemed to have a cold or something?
>Difficulties making his talking points clear at times (ie a lot of plebs probably think he said he commits tax fraud or some dumb shit like that)
>Seemed emotional towards the end of the debate at a few points

Basically they both sucked. I thought Trump did slightly, slightly better but I am biased for him so I don't know if that's true.

In sum I think Trump did better during the first half and Hillary did better during the second half. Also the moderator fucking sucked.

Tomorrow would be a good time to release those fucking emails so we can comb through them for next debate's material

Pretty sure Assange is just in it for himself though and using the hacks as a bargaining chip for his freedom. He was probably told to stay quiet through the elections and in return he'd get amnesty.

If he's going to drop em, he needs to do it NOW

Trump should wait a few days and then release the tax returns so Hillary is forced to make a move. It would be killer if he announced it during the next debate.

He's not going to do it. He never was. He never had them to begin with. Stop falling for that meme.

I can't claim to be non-biased, but I'll do my best. I think Clinton spoke eloquently and in a strong, clear voice. She approached the topics in a diplomatic kind of way that was calculated to sound reasonable. I found she said many things that left me incredulous, though. I thought she thought of herself too much as standing on the high ground, when actually she should have hunkered down and given battle a little better. She acted as though everything she supported was self-evident in a way that struck me as condescending. She seemed the consummate politician, and that was dissatisfying to me.

I think Trump was scattered and a little too prone to ranting. He missed a lot of great opportunities that could have been highlights of the debate. I think he did well to aggressively push his case and take the time he needed. He seemed very much the successful businessman too brusque to put up with D.C. bullshit. He was a bit too defensive. Overall I think the points he made were better, though it is hard to know how supported they are when the consistent Democrat position is that his premises and facts are simply false and so everything he says is wrong. I like that he challenged the federal reserve and his economic policies seemed like reasonable, good sense. Clinton's, on the other hand, seemed like they were simply calculated for mass appeal, rather than from conviction.

Like I said, though, I think I am biased since I tend to lean conservative and preferred Trump going in to the debate. I think the debate itself was a bit of a slugfest, and though I think Trump won, his victory was not entirely convincing.

Baron is here. An autistic billionaire child whose dad is running for president.

He knows all the dank memes and keeps his pops informed.

>wtf kind of piss poor planning is that
You can't plan to be audited. And here's the fun part: Obama's administration has been caught MULTIPLE TIMES using the IRS to audit and harass their political rivals.

It seemed like clinton won at first, but even though Trump was hit, he defended very well. He fact checked the moderator and clinton even and did quite well.

Trump won.

>get trounced
I'll release my taxes if you release your 33,000 emails
You've been in power for 30 years, why are you talking about this now?

Trump wasn't lying dude.

This is a shill post.

Honestly debates only matter to a handful of ''centrists'' meaning people that can be bothered to learn anything about the state of the country until 2 days before election day every 4 years.

So your right influencing the ill informed is key. Luckily they are susceptible to outside influence due to their general ignorance of politics. This is an area the left has usually excelled in targeting.

But avoiding tangents and staying on topic is content related. And he utterly, completely failed in that. His talking points were awful, I think the only solid point he made was snagging Hillary on pacific trade and NAFTA. Everything else was bottom of the barrel-tier.

>Trump did quite well talking about the failure of Clinton in the Middle East
By claiming that the Obama administration was responsible for the Iraq war and the removal of forces agreement produced during the Bush administration? That just makes him look out of touch with reality.

He didn't win, but he sure as hell didn't lose.

>Waiting before October to drop anything

That's not how it works, and not why it's called 'October surprise". You wait until the candidate has insufficient time to deflect. He drops Clinton Foundation or Blumenthal bullshit now and people forget by november

Lester was literally using hillaries site for correcting trump.

I think Clinton looked professional, she was calm, cool and collected while Trump was on the defense the entire time talking over everyone like a stereotypical loud American. It didn't make him look good. He had SO MUCH DIRT on her and used none of it. I just don't get it.

I seriously wonder if anyone on his staff has read a single fucking email from the leaks, there's so much dirt in there he could have dropped redpills all night long to the 100 million people watching. Missed opportunities everywhere.

I think the way Trump performed will appeal to his base but alienate everyone else.

>He needs to breathe
That's what that sound was between his talking for the first 10-15 minutes, his breathing through his nose.

Was I the only one who couldn't stop noticing that the entire time?

The debate was irrelevan other than it happened. All that matters is that people KNOW there was one so that the MSM can tell them how everyone says Hillary won.

he fact checked the fuck out of everyone when he cited sean hannity on the record of him against iraq war

if he can get sean hannity into the media cycle confirming, trump can hammer home at next debate with hillary re real fact checking, and then really skewer her over her foreign policy record.
4d chess?

It's a tie. Thanks leaf.

Hillary didn't have the questions beforehand: she's just been preparing for this debate for MONTHS. She has a trained campaign of staffers who follow every single media conversation, make notes of specific language in super-popular tweets and tumblr posts, and then they get together with people whose entire careers orient around PR and communications to come up with exactly the right answer to achieve exactly the right communications goal aimed at exactly the correct and most receptive audience for any given question.

Then they get to play Trump, and he sits down in a room with Clinton, and they drill that shit every single day for 1-2 hours, for MONTHS and MONTHS. This is how ANY candidate gives a good performance at a debate: lots and lots and LOTS of fucking prep-work. That's it. It's bible drills, but with policy arguments.

There are exceptions: some people are just naturally good orators, who are capable of speaking both articulately and frankly at the same time (whether or not you agree with what they say). Rand Paul is like that. So is Chris Christie. And Bernie Sanders. And Obama.

Neither Trump nor Clinton are natural orators. They're actually both horrible at working off-the-cuff.

The difference is, Clinton has a fucking well-oiled campaign machine that's been sharpening swords for years, and know exactly what her weak points are and how to work around them.

Trump has the same thing, actually. He just ignores them. And then something like tonight happens, and it fucks him over royally, and he goes home and his campaign staff yells at him, and then he starts being good and rehearsing and reading from teleprompters more. Until his poll numbers go up, and then he gets cocky and starts shooting from the hip again, and then he's back to square one.

I kind of expected that since Trump tends to speak emotionally, but he sticks to his guns 90% of the time and I can appreciate that. He needs to drop the stop and frisk thing though, it isn't happening even if it should under certain circumstances. My mistake was expecting Hillary to actually talk policy without going for the same media noise about the Trump campaign over and over again. I could at least have some respect for her if she'd state her plans and explain herself instead of constantly playing the victim and looking for sympathy. Either way I'd say the debate was an overall disappointment.

How retarded are youpeople?

It wasn't that one sided user. Both had several high and low moments.

>Everyone recognizes Blue = Democrat, Red = Republican
>moreover, because of how this election has gone, Blue = losing/unpopular, Red = winning/popular.
>Blue everywhere, subliminal democrat bias propaganda
>Blue back-lit banner on stage
>Blue back-lit Eagle on stage
>Blue TV screens on either side of the stage behind both candidates
>both podiums are blue
>entire stage floor is blue carpet
>all the lanyards around politician and celebrity's necks are blue
>moderator wearing blue shirt and blue tie
>his fucking question cards are blue

>Trump still comes out with stronger, better arguments

must hurt to be a clinton supporter watching her heavy eyes hang cause of her exhaustion from carrying sins on her back.

>By claiming that the Obama administration was responsible for the Iraq war and the removal of forces agreement produced during the Bush administration?
Didn't Obama also campaign in 2008 under the flag of ending the war as quickly as possible as well as closing Guantanamo? He didn't exactly accomplish either of those things as promised.

>debating skills are all that matter

Hillary has already gone through this shit a thousand times, that's why she's so fake and lifeless. He will learn and he will learn quickly, but that is not the point. The only thing that matters is WHAT THEY ARE ACTUALLY SAYING.

Not defending yourself when someone is bald face lying is a Bernie move.

Trump shouldn't have backed off of emails and corruption, it's the strongest point against Hillary. He did really well at first but slid into the mud most of the rest of the time.

Hillary should have laid out some actual plans instead of pandering to feels. Even all the biased media admitted they couldn't really tell what her grand plan was.

Both sides should be mad at Lester, he was an absolutely pathetic moderator. I don't think the 2 minute rule was even close to being followed once.That aside biased questions attacking Trump were ridiculous.

I really can't tell the outcome. I feel like Trump has more concrete points, but Hillary speaks more to ideals and feel-good talk. She tells the same tired rhetoric every new generation of idealistic young people eat up. Trumps specifics slide right off because no one acknowledges them.

>It's the same fucking shit Republicans have been saying for like 30 years. All he had to do was catch the ball and make the lay-up. Instead he let the ball hit him in the head, and then took a shit on the floor.
And republicans keep doing it to the point that they are pissing me off.

>Didn't Obama also campaign in 2008 under the flag of ending the war as quickly as possible as well as closing Guantanamo?
What does either of those have to do with anything said in tonight's debates? Are you intentionally trying to muddy the waters?

I believe Hillary Clinton cheated (duh) and had all the questions memorized and answers memorized as well. Her answers were too slick and fast for something that was supposed to be off the cuff.

Donald Trump did ok but he seemed a little bit off his regular game. He was constantly on the defense and never had time to go on offense. He does his best work when he is on offense so he needs to turn this around.

Can I just say that I thought it was genius that Trump came out with a calm blue tie while Hillary wore a that bright red power suit. I feel as if those colors set the entire tone of this debate.

Trump was blue, cool, collective, and thoughtful the entire time. When he first addressed Hillary he made sure he was not stepping on her toes and calling her by her correct cis-gender title. When the moderator asked a question he was nice. It wasn't until the moderator gave him a completely out of left-field "race" question that he seemed to stumble a little. Let's be honest though, it was an stupid question to begin with. Like wtf, why are these two rich people talking about "the blacks". Nigga please.

Regardless of Trump's success tonight, the MSM somehow continues to praise Clinton's offence game and will start using her new buzzwords right away. Even though she was quick with soundbites, her delivery was way off tonight. It felt like she was lecturing a middle school classroom and her angry tone. She ignored every question she did not feel like answering and therefore made her come across as inadequate. If she was trying to appeal to the Berniecrats tonight, she failed miserably. Mark my words, she will be continue to slip in the polls big time after this.


He may be saving that for the next debate. Tactically speaking that would be very good to renmind people of during the last debate before polling.

You don't believe facts? You dumbass.

and then moments later
>i have great respect for law enforcement in ny blah blah

This exactly. Trump should have scored a lot more against Clinton on her corruption, crimes, and ties to the establishment. All the facts are there for him to win, he just has to keep them straight and bring them up with confidence.