Tax the rich or cut taxes for the rich?

tax the rich or cut taxes for the rich?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Extension_of_the_Proposition_30_Income_Tax_Increase_(2016)

Tax the rich.

Fuck Trump hes for billionaires

Neither. Stop spending money so badly.

Iraqi war was a massive money sink for the US, you came out of it with nothing. The real issue is with those that are responsible for the budget, distribution and spending.

Tax the rich, have negative rates for the poor

Derp! We will just count marginal rates! Yerp!

Look canadafaggot, in the US we have something called tax code. It involves a shitton of exemptions that allow rich (and other) people to protect their income from taxes. Part of his tax plan eliminates protections. Naturally, bottom homos like yourself conveniently leave that out of your calculations. So, please choke on a cawk and go back and fix your idiocy.



Eat the rich. There's only one thing they're very good for.

regressive tax rate. poor people are useless and if they will remain so, they might as well fork over what they have.

outside of creating every fucking business and running them you fucking moron



tax cuts for everyone

The top 1% pays 37% of all federal income taxes.

What is their "fair share?" 98%? 99%?

Tax the poor and price them down into Mexico, and become a new Monaco.

wow i wodner what the savings for other groups would look like if the scale was a bit closer to them, it kinda sucks how the first line on the y axis is at 200k dont you think

>i dont mind being poor as long as my boss is poor with me
oh its one of these posts

>have negative rates for the poor
we already have that, it's called earned-income credit

all of the crybabies that say "tax the rich, raise wages" are already on this


you will never get a number. fair share is what is deemed necessary to fund all their programs. If it means we need 120% of their income so be it, that is there fair share.

The same way no one can explain what the fuck trickle down is and who proposed it you will never hear anyone explain fair share

I think the tax rates under Reagan were fair.

We should go back to that.

Yes. This is what these people actually believe

Decrease taxes, close the loopholes. Best of both worlds.

The top 1% shouldn't even exist. Viva la revolucion xD

why don't we just Cut the Rich and Take the Taxes?

and when we enjoy our delicious beef dinner tonight where will the milk for tomorrow come from

kill them all! Kill everyone with money!! Everyone deserves $50/hr
Everyone deserves paid vacation all year long
Everyone deserves free house and education and everything else they want!!

I think we both know the answer to that.

Kill the rich. Take their shit. Fuck their wives.

I say we raise the minimum wage to 150 and give the poor infinite moneys :)

>The top 1% shouldn't even exist. Viva la revolucion xD

Preach comrade, preach! And once we solve all income differences, then we'll settle beauty inequality, strength inequality, and intellectual inequality! Because fat is beautiful, weak is strong, and dumb is smart!

Also, let's remember that we'll have to solve income inequality every month. Because once everyone has the same amount of money, it'll only take days before some save it and spend frugally and others squander it and spend wastefully. So obviously we'll need some scheduled system that redistributes appropriately after a certain timeframe. 2 weeks to a month seems about right.

it trickles down, trust me :^)

Trumps plan is to cut corporate taxes to incentivize doing business here. He also wants poor americans, 20k a year type negroes, to pay 0 income tax.

you do realize a 1% bump to the super rich is fucking huge right?

kill yourself

The rich would pay their fair share of taxes if a non 1%-er was on the ballot. Hilldog? 1%-er. Trumpf? 1%-er. Shame, fellow Americans, shame. The Bush tax-cuts, the temporary ones, are still in effect, after 8 years of Obama. Fucking hell.

Fucking this... We need a more equal system for our country, comrade :)

>you do realize a 1% bump to the super rich is fucking huge right?
>kill yourself


>Trumps plan is to cut corporate taxes to incentivize doing business here.
He also plans to tax goods on businesses trading into America. So basically if you take your factories and jobs to China and sell your shit here, you will pay a large tax.

The tax rate should go higher the more money you make. The rich people have all the money anyway, there's no point in taxing the poor.

If this is a problem, you might as well cut taxes entirely. Privatize everything.

>The rich people have all the money anyway
True. The top 0.01% has 99.9% of all money

Tax rates are historically low for the rich. Lets get back to when "America was great." Make America Great AGAIN with 1975 tax rate schedules.

>The top 0.01% has 99.9% of all money
And yet they only pay 0.01% of all taxes!

Ask yourself that if you were rich

Lower corporate tax.

Increase top marginal income tax rates.

Increase capital gains tax.

It's really not fucking hard.

I'll be honest, I only opened this thread because i thought the thumbnail was of a dude eating a burger

>Tax the rich
>They do everything in their power to not pay taxes
>Cut taxes for rich
>They throw the savings in their offshore account and sit on it

How about tax the rich and make them pay it for a change.

I'm pretty sure it is burger being eaten


The rich recieve the taxes

Cut taxes

>reward the hardest working, most intelligent, and most successful people who create the majority of jobs by taking 2/3rd of their money

>give it to people who don't work and have too many kids

you expect things to improve by doing this? Not only is taking more money from people who succeed unethical, but it is counterproductive especially if you want to create jobs and get people off welfare.

Nothing gets me harder than a greasy burger

tax the rich. Most of them try to evade it anyways. Cutting taxes does jack shit.

nah that's bullshit just tax the rich they hoard their money xDD
we need 99% taxes for the rich

That's how taxes already work.

Doesn't even matter. They just hide their money in overseas accounts. What needs to stop is massive spending.

But every job I've ever had was at a business run by a homeless black tranny or other shining jewel of diversity and not being wealthy.

nice bait

>Cutting taxes does jack shit.

so does raising them.

every rich person will just setup their own clinton foundation. they'll put family on the payroll and charge all living and travel costs to the "foundation" as "administrative" expenses.

simplifying the tax code will do more good than raising taxes will.

if they didn't have to hide their money, they would actually spend it and it would drive the economy

Neither. Cut taxes for everyone.

>tax the rich.
>Most of them try to evade it anyways.
it doesn't make much sense then, does it?
>Cutting taxes does jack shit.
if you say so

tax the pleasure. tax fast food 10% and use that money for health care.

vote for trump.

More taxes means more money to spend but less growth
Less taxes means less money to spend but more wealth.
Too much tax on the rich causes unemployment.
Too much tax on the poor causes low purchasing power.

I personally think the income tax is stupid and should be replaced entirely by sales tax completely.,_Extension_of_the_Proposition_30_Income_Tax_Increase_(2016)
I'm voting YES on this one, baby.

How about cut taxes for all and cut spending?

That's basically it. It also amazes me how many people have no understanding of taxes. It should be a school subject.

You do realize that sales tax only affects the poor, right?

Rich people can easily just import shit as "gifts" or buy massively in bulk to avoid the sales tax all together.

Gas the rich.

>fund education and health care by increasing taxes on the rich

education and health care receive too much government taxes as is, the problem is efficiency of the systems and poor competition. Punishing those who are doing well to prop up already failing systems is evil.

thank you someone who actually makes sense

Did he even say he's cutting income tax for billionaires or just for corporations. Corporation taxes have to be cut because right now they are so high that companies aren't paying them. They just use loop holes or move overseas to avoid them. Make them reasonable and bring he companies back to pay them.

> evil.
Sorry, brother, but your views are totally cucked.
I'm voting to tax the rich, you should too.
Sales tax is a regressive tax, by the way. As a percentage of income, poor people pay more in sales tax than rich people. You should vote to have sale tax abolished.

nigger, you srs? No one is going to read that.

Cut spending and cut taxes to the point where people like me don't split their accounts or make an irrevocable that's harder to touch. If taxes were cut I wouldn't consider doing that kind of shit, but at this point it's seeming like a good idea. I would filly support my community if I knew it was being used correctly as well, as in drug test the poor, stamps only used on non parishables and fresh food, and ATTATCHED TO ID, no buying drugs with your stamps Pedro. Super low health care for college grads/HS grads moving out of home for the first year until they get their feet off the ground, and countless other suggestions I could think of.

Forking over 40% of my paycheck because I'm self employed, smart/invest and MAKE MONEY off of my art is bullshit.

>raise taxes
>people dodge
the solution is obviously to simply raise them again right?


this too, instead of asking the fat kid to do 9hrs of cardio a day its easier to simply stop him consuming 6000calories. The thought of cutting spending never comes to these people, simply more revenue to feed the ever growing gov

How high is that? 10%? 5%? Remember that in some countries, they pay 0.05%.

>It should be a school subject.
>implying they won't just teach le Keynesian """economics"""
fucking this

If you folks think the rich should be tax free for matters of merit ("hes rich and powerful, therefore hes better than all of us and deserves a proper reward"), why did you took arms against king George?

Medieval nobility got to their position because either them or their ancestors proved to be superior to everyone else. Therefore they should rule over us and the US should revert back to the UK. We should all be monarchies. The same way the rich should only contribute with little to no sacrifice for the estate income.


Cut taxes, actually make sure the rich pay their fucking taxes. The problem isn't the laws, it's that we don't even fucking enforce them.

Cutting income tax across the board, particularly for the lowest bracket. The corporation thing is accurate and the primary focus of his tax plan. It's been on his website for a while and it came up in the primary debates plenty of times.

I got a lampost saved for your, Richie. :)

The rich are, for all intents and purposes, tax free right now. They have been for some time. They hire lawyers who cook the books and use every loophole they can find.

Trump is saying America needs to make its tax laws more competitive or attractive to corporations so they bring some of that money back to America instead of keeping it in offshore bank accounts.

>raising taxes hurts people. lowering helps people. taxation is theft.


which is trump's plan btw

but in real life, rich people pay more sales tax because they spend more money. This is literally the simplest of economic facts. People who believe that taxing the rich more and more actually accomplishes anything are the people who never accomplish anything in life (unless they are political elites).

let me break your window to stimulate the economy friend

Excellent thread, boys. I feel like we really made some progress :)


We should tax the religious instead:

Believing in baby jesus should cost a dollar a day in federal tax.
Believing in muhammed should cost 2 dollars a day.

Worshiping G-d as prescribed in the Torah should be free.

fuck off back to your freemason thread


oh I hadn't finished reading, kek
made me laugh 8/10

Tax the rich, raise minimum wage.

What ya'all people don't understand is that the biggest stressors of the economy nowdays is automation. (while all this stuff whinning about the trade balance is complete bs, it is not bad to have stuff cheaply made).

What is needed, is people being able to consume and pay rent. Frankly, at this point things like universal basic income ought to be looked into, but since everyone is still too much a retard with economics stuck in the 50s, might as well go for the things that are closer to that, aka, raising them minium wage.

Basically, in tech terms, the two plans are like this:

Our economy (yes, I am from the UK, but it applies both in the US & Europe), is becoming Uber. Massive infrastructures controlled by the few, while the rest leave paycheck to paycheck in a gig economy.

Cutting the tax for the rich, is essentially cutting the tax of Uber's CEO. No, he is not going to "create more jobs", no he is not going to pay the drivers more. He is simply going to laugh and go race Bugatti's in Dubai or something. And unfortunately, he doesn't CONSUME much either. There's only so many mom & pops cookies a CEO can eat. Fine, he eat one. Done.

Raising the minimum wage on the other hand forces the drivers getting paid more. Which in turn can allow them to CONSUME, which in turn helps the mom & pops shops and capitalism works again. (and a lot of them will actually just consume from amazon as well, which is the same situation again).

At this point, anything that basically raise wages is good. And for that matter, cheap products is also good.

Cutting the taxes of Uber & Amazon's CEO is retarded. While blocking cheap products as well, is positively just going into a recession. Because although the "old" world, may have seemed more quaint, "old" American was actually poorer in terms of gdp than the current one.

The problem is not the gdp, the problem is wealth inequality. And the problem is not production... it's consumption.

Quickly crunch the numbers for me if you dont mind, what amount do you think basic income should be?

Multiply this by population and find out quickly the cost of this program for me if you dont mind.

Rough estimates are fine, rough as you can be i dont mind

>raising the minimum wage helps mom and pop shops
not if those mom and pop shops have any plans on employing anyone.

Fuck you. Most of the population doesn't pay any fucking taxes anyway.

cut taxes, I'll be joining the upperclass soon while the bernie bros pay off their $244k debt.

Go STEM you retards.

>people making less than $50k don't pay income tax
>no savings for this class
Why do liberals even try to crunch numbers, the only thing you guys are good at is feeling things and being offended.

kek so true
t. stemfag

You either raise taxes or cut programs. Only a retard would think that cutting taxes and making more programs by making government more efficient is a thing that you can actually do. Real conservatives understand that inefficiency is inherent in government and that the only proper response is less government. Cutting taxes without reducing government is an economic impossibility. Even if it does end up helping to grow the economy, the public sector will go bankrupt and start defaulting on its debt.

How about cut taxes for everyone? I don't want to pay 25% of my paycheck to the government just because I'm not an inept retard and actually capable of making more than 37k a year