Stop And Frisk

Why is it wrong?

If it doesnt work then what exactly was the cause of the major drop in gang related violence in the early 90's?

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Problem is it did work, it worked very well. But facts are racists according to liberals. They'd rather we all be politically correct then safe

>ywn submit to the Fempire's literal trampling of our rights

It does work.

But it's racist.

You have to give up some security in exchange for freedom I'm afraid.

>taking away people's guns is wrong
>that's why the best solution to gun violence is taking away people's guns

What if liberals did a leftist version of stop and frisk, where they'd check your privilege and fine you according to your potential for micro aggressions?

Most Reddit post I've read in a while, it's like it was written for upvotes.

>the best solution to gun violence is make buying them at shops harder
>violent gangs aren't buying their guns at shops

>interviewing gagged people
>woman logic

freakonomics talks abt this in their book, they say it's related closely to the fact that ppl in low-income areas could start getting abortions after roe v. wade, so women who had kids who would likely grow up into criminals bc of poverty didn't, bc they got aborted

>If it doesnt work then what exactly was the cause of the major drop in gang related violence in the early 90's?
Who knows? Violence has been steadily dropping (or at least was) since the end of the crack epidemic, including places that didn't use stop and frisk


I really really don't understand how Republicans can support "freedom", but then also support stop and frisk which literally gives police officers the authority to stop you and frisk you for no reason. Republicans are so full of shit.

>its waycist

The way we do it here is to make uncle tom Malay policemen to stop and frisk Malay youths and suspicious characters.

Works like a charm. But then again I never saw any Chink policeman while I stayed in Brisbane.

I completely understand how Democrats are so anti-freedom. The Left has always been authoritarian. The Iron Curtain and the Stasi, Communist tyranny, it's all Left.

So points for consistency.

It's wrong because it's unconstitutional.

It is an illegal search. If an officer has no reason to suspect you have broken a law, they can't get up in your shit.

This is the exact reason why black people think the police are against them. Get pulled over for driving while black on the wrong side of town and see how much you like the police.

A cop going though my shit for no reason would have me beside myself.

It was done in NYC. Not exactly a bastion of freedom and good sense. Maybe it was helpful, but that does not justify doing it.

The major drop in crime nationwide since the 80's and 90's was due to actually locking criminals up.

I'll vote for trump, knowing that this sort of shit (like gun control) won't pass congress.

Don't forget that Trump is not really a Republican. He is a Nationalist. Cruz (if you could believe him) was a Republican.

The Republican voters went far afield when they selected Trump in the primary, and this is an example of what results from that.

No, the REAL problem is it's fucking awesome when it's only used against gangbangers -- but that's not how law works.
Laws like this are the thin end of an ugly wedge.

I'm not concerned at all about racism, it's a non-starter as far as this debate goes.
I'm concerned about the concept of liberty and the ideals of the United States of America.

Now, I'm not going to disparage anyone who would trade liberty for security, but I also don't think they deserve to be American.

There are plenty of countries where people like that will be happy, but the USA is not one of them.
It has higher ideals and greater truths.
It is superior.
And you don't get to be, or remain, superior by taking the easy, sloppy, way out.

He is a populist, not a nationalist.

The Democrats in the US have mostly voted for civil liberties (excepting gun control). The Republicans - particularly big govt types - have always leaned toward being authoritarian law & order types.

That kind of got thrown out the window with the Patriot act and both sides raping civil liberties.


Stop and frisk is literally the most anti-freedom fucking thing in the world. If you support it then go fuck yourself you nazi fucking government worshipping cuck

It's really hard to say, and not as simple as some here are claiming. Murders did fall dramatically during that time period, but they also fell across the country which for the most part wasn't doing Stop and Frisk.

There are a lot of theories. Abortion prevents a lot of children being born to poor single mothers who are disproportionately more likely to grow up to be criminals. Removing the lead from gasoline means less children across the country are breathing lead fumes while they are developing mentally. Video games and the internet start becoming an increasing time sink for young men, more time spent on video games means less time spent on crime.

It is hard to establish causality.

1: stop and frisk required probable cause.
2: if the search lacked a reasonable basis for a search, then any evidence collected is worthless
3: the low number of prosecutions resulting from "stop n' frisk" is not a worthwhile metric for judging it's value. MOST stops resulted in no contraband and no charges, nd that is a GOOD thing. the fear of being caught finally sunk in and nigglypuff decided to not carry a straight razor or a sack of crack rocks as often.
4: B-b-b-but, they be stoppin niggas mo offin!!! das rayciss!!!
niggas be offendin mo offin tyrone, dont commit crimes and the chances of being arrested or shot by the police drop dramatically.

>then what exactly was the cause of the major drop in gang related violence in the early 90's?
abortion in the 70s

> implying having some nebulous "privilege" is a crime
suck a fat choad gaylord

what if niggers stopped jumping turnstiles, stopped smoking dope in the street and stopped hanging around on street corners selling crack?
then there would be far less need for police and no need for Stop n' Frisk

When you make probable cause not being white its pretty racist.
Working, but wasn't working as intended. Like most of the other cops.

< belieiving anything found in "freakanomics", the handbook for dumbass hippies who want to pretend they are smart when talking to retarded children

go back to haight ashbury Loinfruit, nobody wants to join your drum circle

For every crime stop and frisk prevented another few dozen innocent nigs got locked up

I know you fags don't care about the well being of folks of the ebony persuasion but I should remind you that it costs the government around $40,000 a year to keep one person in prison. For people who claim to be opposed to wasteful government spending you don't seem to care too much about this, or the prison industrial complex as a whole.

But hey I guess I'm just a CTR shill my opinion is irrelevant, feel free to barrage me with pepes now.

> for no reason!!!

no, there is still the requirement of probable cause.

the only thing that changed was the search occurring before a formal arrest.

stop being a moron and read about a subject before you start flapping your gums

legalize pot and it all goes away.

Stop and frisk would be on point them and any crime discovered would be worthy of an arrest.

there ya go.

They already do this with or without the term "stop and frisk" triggering you.

> repeating the bullshit meme that Stop n' Frisk somehow bypasses the US constitution using the awesome power of a police commissioner's policies

probable cause was STILL required, they just conducted a search of the suspect BEFORE an arrest was made, allowing contraband and minor violations to be dismissed without generating a formal record of arrest.

> jaywalking
> a wild cop appears!
> ruh rohh!
> caught with a dime bag
> cop says seriously bro?
> get told to clean up my act
> sent on my way without charges
> feels good man

Except gangbangers act suspicious as fuck. Watch a car get broken into and robbed in downtown Chicago, then I'd like to hear your argument of why suspicion of mischief is never grounds for a search.

>unreasonable search and seizure

Too bad crime ridden neighborhoods give cops a good reason to be suspicious

It worked. Plain and simple. Your rights aren't being violated because they targeted shitskins and niggers who never should of had a gun and legally weren't supposed to

Stop and frisk helped though in locking people up.

You can't seriously believe they'd go for anyone.

There has been studies done and in general people can typically asses if someone is a criminal from looking. It didn't really target minorities, it targetted gang members. The politically incorrect truth is there's more of them stemming from certain minority groups.

At its core this isn't about freedom its about whether you want policies that sound Good or ones that work.

fuck you for trying to justify in any way the government for interfering in a man's life without regard.

Just because your lord trump wants you to gargle the cum of a police state does not mean it is a good idea.

Is that what it's like to be white and accosted by police?

> B-but muh raycissum!!!

assertions are not facts faggot.

lets run through this tripe step by step

not getting arrested does not mean "completely innocent"
for example: Tray Tray Martin was not "completely innocent"
he was caught engaging in vandalism at school, but the school cops were officially ordered to "No Crime" (google it) as much as possible when dealing with niggers, to make the administration look more competent
when searched he was carrying a large bent over screwdriver (both a weapon AND a burglary tool), a sack containing "marijuana residue" (likely was full of grass before the "No Crimeing") and a large amount of ladies jewelry (reported as "found property" despite being the shit taken from a burglarized home a few blocks from the campus), and thus he was "suspended" instead of arrested and charged.

> 54% of stop n frisk cases were "african americans"!!!
no shit.
54% of all crime is ALSO perpetrated by negroes, despite being only 13% of the population.
negroes also have a terrible propensity to engage in behavior that is the very definition of Probable Cause, for example:
1 : large groups of youths loitering on street corners while behaving in a manner that results in cops getting called
2: acting in a belligerent manner towards citizenry
3: looking like dope dealers
4: noise complaints
5: sexual harassment of women passing by
6: jaywalking
7: driving a car with no tags or expired tags
8: acting suspiciously when sighting a cop
9: running from a cop who was just getting a donut and coffee
10: being actual criminals

> the "victims" of stop n' frisk are young!!!
no shit.
60 year old deacons from the local church (no matter how black they may be) dont often get stopped.
aimless youths loitering in the streets dressed like gang members or dope dealers DO seem to get stopped more often.
if only there were some explanation for this...

that was sarcasm faggot

fuck you for demanding society submit to your anarcho-narcissism

if you dont follow the laws you should EXPECT to get busted.
if you break the law like a DUMBASS (as i did in my example) then you should be subjected to humiliation for being a retard as well as criminal charges, but the cop was merciful.
eat a dick

Oh here we go again. The good ole black people are innocent victims who get locked up for nothing because of racism argument. The argument that suffers from One Big factual flaw. Being blacks aren't locked up for nothing, they are locked up for crimes. Not made up crimes but crimes they commit.

Legalizing pot wouldn't solve much. It's just One drug and One type of offense in an endless ocean. The Big Money isn't even in pot for crimnals so Good luck.

again, feels good man.

funny thing is, my bro was ALSO rousted with me and he was carrying a 1/4 oz and a pipe, and he too was NOT BUSTED, yet he is black.

race isnt the deciding factor, the COP is the deciding factor.

good cops pursue justice and let little shit slide, bad cops power-trip and love to file charges over bullshit.

You are confused. This is America.

In English common law, you have to justify your presence to the government.

In America, you can tell the government to fuck right off if you are not breaking the law.

Look at the wikipedia:
16,684,000 people were stopped in 2011 (in NYC)
22,939 in 2015
After it was ruled unconstitutional and mostly shut down.

90% zero arrests.

How the flying fuck could that ever be viewed as anything except a fucking fishing expedition by LEOs.

That is totally different than a Terry stop. An officer with reasonable suspicion of a criminal activity can detain you on a Terry stop.

This is fishing for something to charge you with and general harassment of undesirables.

You must be new here.

Stop and Frisk obviously violates the 4th amendment.

That said, the Bill of Rights is a set of protections for a society of White men. In that context, it is a sublime and masterful set of rules. When applied to people divorced in both biology and socialization from White society, it may not be as effective and useful a guide.

tl;dr - niggers undermine constitutional protections by being so savage that they can't be managed under rules meant for better people.

see also: nigger gun crime threatening the 2nd amendment.

I fully embrace the rule of law. That goes both ways.

Our founding fathers said no unreasonable search and seizures. If you are walking down the street minding your own business a cop has zero fucking business getting in your face.

and with ~17 Million searches in NYC in 2011 with a 90% clearance rate that meets every definition of unreasonable.

And a cop realizing that you are a useless cowardice piece of shit not worthy of filling out a form - well that's on you and your local government. The variable application of the law as practiced today is just another level of fascism. You should have been busted.

I guess black people have it right. White people don't see the weight of the law.

The best solution:

Modify the 14th amendment to deal with the problems created by the equal protection clause.

Different strokes for different folks.

Invasive searches and sharp gun control for savage populations.

Security of persons, domiciles, and effects against unreasonable search and seizure and non-infringed rights to keep and bear arms for the civilized.

>I guess black people have it right. White people don't see the weight of the law.

They do have it right.
>didn't break the rules
>don't get sent to timeout
>"you don't know what it's like in that chair!"
But how is that an argument?

>be goog
>see cop
>start running away
>cops think you're running from them and give chase
>resist arrest
>get shot

Laws that are unequally applied are illegal. If the laws are on the books but used only on a whim, then the system is corrupt and fascist. The lady with the scales has a blindfold on.

Maybe you guys are upset that it turns out your Hoss (Trump) is not worthy of being President if he holds the Constitution in such low regard.

Cognitive dissonance right here folks.

It did work. I'm trying to become a cop in a major city like New York and everyday shit is becoming more and more so that cops can't even do their job. I'm reading how a lot of them just do their bare minimum or don't go to calls because of how things have been for a while now. They should bring S&F back, it was very effective.

As you heard many times in the debate, policies that affect minorities the harshest are "racist" even if they have absolutely no verbage in their letter regarding race whatsoever.

>Trump and other property owners in the seventies wouldn't let people under a certain income rent from them
>this affected many minorities who were under that income line
>this is therefor racist

>stop and frisk affects mainly minorities because they're the ones committing the most crimes and living in the most impoverished areas, this being stopped the most
>this is racist

There was some other instance of this in the debate as well where a "racist" thing just meant a thing that happened to affect minorities the most, but can't remember. I noticed no-one challenged the "blacks are being disproportionately shot by cops" myth.

Funny Hillary didn't mention that her husband's policies wound up throwing more black guys in jail than any other.

Early civil rights bills were championed exclusively by Republicans. Fighting them was the one thing Dems got right.

Somehow, in the mind of a retarded liberal, enforcing the law is incompatible with liberty.

Things now are a result of the laws that have been in place and the implementation of law enforcement over the last 20 years.

Not seeing a cop in the 'hood for 12 months, then they roll in, in force, doing a 'police presence' where they treat everybody like shit is not going to win hearts and minds.

The cops seem to think that not enforcing the law is the answer. (not true).

If you want to see real trouble, keep it up. If you oppress people, they will fight back. Haven't there been instances recently of people just walking up to cops recently and shooting them for no reason?

If people see the police as being on their side, because they are neutral, respectful enforces of the law, the police will have respect. If you are the boot on their neck, you are going to have problems.

And I write this as one of the first people that will be killed in a race war.

>unequally applied

>equal application means everyone will run afoul at the same rate

>The lady with the scales has a blindfold on.
Yeah. That's because the people who established that icon had the foresight to see faggots like you coming down the pipe. If she can't see you but only weigh the evidence, it just means you're guilty. They prophesied your kvetching.

Also enjoyed the bit about cognitive dissonance. That's choice.

It's called "disparate impact" theory and it's hot cancer. It's codifiying "race is a social construct" as rule of law every time it's used in a ruling.

nice trips.

>If people see the police as being on their side, because they are neutral, respectful enforces of the law, the police will have respect.

I'm sorry I wrote a nasty response to your other post. Now I just feel bad for you.

>Not seeing a cop in the 'hood for 12 months, then they roll in, in force, doing a 'police presence' where they treat everybody like shit is not going to win hearts and minds.
I'm not sure what city you're referring to, but the city I'm in the process of working for work daily in the worst 'hoods' its the style of policing that went from proactive to docile call running.
>The cops seem to think that not enforcing the law is the answer. (not true).
I agree, but I can also see why cops don't want to be as proactive as they were before due to the petty bullshit that is happening, why risk losing your gig.
>If people see the police as being on their side, because they are neutral, respectful enforces of the law, the police will have respect
Thats all well and nice and I agree, but in the real world theres groups of people that will never feel that way no matter the change.

>killing criminals is now oppressing citizens

wow fuck off anytime you stupid google

Aww did they take your weed? Poor little man.

>>equal application means everyone will run afoul at the same rate

You are twisting my words around your own neurosis.

For sure I think that If you commit a given crime you get the same penalties. If that snares more black people so be it.

The edgelords here may not like it, but Constitutional rights (which stop and frisk violate) apply to all Americans, regardless of race, creed, or religion.

Doesn't stop it from being touted on the big stage to back up "racist" claims. I was disappointed Trump let Hillary get away with using "racist" multiple times without really firmly putting the word in its place. I wasn't really expecting him to go up there and redpill bomb the entire audience on the actual facts of police, policies, and race but fuck he let Hillary get away with murder a few times on the subject.

It violates the rights of humans so it should only apply to blacks.

>not being white
There's more to it than that though, isn't there? They weren't stopping every nog, just the ones which looked like trouble which, due to their shitty culture, happened to be a lot of them.

>The Democrats in the US have mostly voted for civil liberties (excepting gun control). The Republicans - particularly big govt types - have always leaned toward being authoritarian law & order types.
Literally read a fucking book. Most shit people assume about the left and right were reversed until relatively recently. Then democrats started playing nice, emphasis on playing, to minorities instead of trying to shit on them and here we are now.

>I'm not sure what city you're referring to, but the city I'm in the process of working for work daily in the worst 'hoods' its the style of policing that went from proactive to docile call running.

Yeah, I've seen that here. That's as bad or worse than the previous treating people like shit.

The rule of law is very important.

>>Thats all well and nice and I agree, but in the real world theres groups of people that will never feel that way no matter the change.

Yes, I agree. If people want to hate you, but go through their lives without breaking the law, that's 100% ok. For example: I don't particularly have a problem with the black muslims that preach hate but are otherwise respectful and orderly.

For the BLM bullshit going on now, that is directed at the police, I think that is 30% due to treatment from the police, and 70% due to our shit economy.

Ironically Trump is probably the best for the economy, but this s&f is going to light a fucking fuse.

Hey y'all, what's that Japanese feels Pepe song from youtube that is very 80's

>directed at the police
It's directed at white people which the police are seen as a tool of.

>but this s&f is going to light a fucking fuse

I hope it does, maybe whitey will finally wake up to these subhumans and their bullshit and get rid of them for good

We just banned guns in cities.

>but this s&f is going to light a fucking fuse.
I think the fuse was lit a while ago

>Why is it wrong?

Seems to me that cops being allowed to search you at any time for no cause violates the 4th Amendment.

Fuck y'all. Found it.

You know not of what you speak Britt.

The police are taking the brunt of it. Everyday.

I knew it but I didn't want to tell you because you are a fucking faggot and probably new

>I'm concerned about the concept of liberty and the ideals of the United States of America.

We can only have that in a homogeneous white nation. The more multicultural America becomes the more totalitarianism is necessary to keep order. You can also see this in UK / Germany etc.

It's either or, we can't have both.

Except that's simply not true, look up terry v ohio and the way stop and frisk works. Random people aren't getting stopped and frisked and if they do, it's open season for a 4th amendment lawsuit

If you think Trump was suggesting anything except the unconstitutional NYC implementation you are smoking crack.

And yeah, it was shut down via lawsuit.

Stop and Frisk was insanely effective. Essentially the cops become empowered to stop any random nigger/beaner who looks/acts shady-as-fuck and search them and if they happen have illegal Drugs/Guns you arrest and charge them with possession.

If your not a gangbanging, drug-dealing peice of scum then all that happens to you is some mild humiliation and 10-20 minutes of your time.

So many killers and soon to be killers were arrested before they could commit future crimes due to this program tha the murder rate dropped in NYC by like 80% which is fucking insane.


If you stopped and Frisked in Chicago the murder rate would immediately crash by over 50% which means 2000+ people including women and children not being murdered in cold blood by niggers each year.

Liberals seriously need to be gassed for being so blind and cowardly.

That's not nice. The song was uploaded on Sept. 15 so I'm very new. Beyond summerfag.

Crime has dropped precipitously since the 90s due to a number of factors, NONE OF THEM related to an increase in policing, in fact quite the opposite;

federal protection of abortion, ie. nigger autogenocide (and not just black niggers, truly anyone who would get an abortion is 99% of the time a nigger)

the internet and gaming revolutions, freely available pornographic stimulus for the release of both violent and sexual urges.

final death of jim crow and many extreme gun control policies (de facto enforcement-based prohibition to blacks and poor, particularly), and related death of many 'blue laws'. these were all policies which created 'crime zones' and 'crime holidays', often designed to force crime into areas recognized as black/poor, rather than actually stop it.


A 2012 study finds few effects of stop-and-frisk on robbery and burglary rates in New York between 2003 and 2010.

There has been a massive reduction in crime rates all across the US over the last 20+ years. Saying stop an frisk was the cause just in NYC is disingenuous.

A FUCKING... crappy argument.
We may be all that in a bag of potato chips but all that goes out the window when your are dealing with criminals.

These are people who have chosen to, in some way or another, violate the freedom and/or rights of others. Because of this their rights are of little regard to law abiding citizens, as they should be.

This argument would also be somewhat shit if not for one thing, stop and frisk worked, and that's the only evidence you should need to justify it. If we have a winning formula to help preserve people's rights then there's no reason not to use it, especially when it only comes at the expense of those who violate people's rights every day.


It is constitutionally illegal, but damn is it effective.

Fucking niggers.

>Why is it wrong?
it isn't
