What was she writing down Cred Forums?

What was she writing down Cred Forums?

""""""""Black Penis with Head Cheese dangling loosely""""""""

Trump is a choker

In debates you are supposed to write down key points your opponent brings up so you can figure out how to attack their points next.

>"if u don't respond 2 this post, ur mom will die lol"

She had to shart


O no

she's drawing a dolan comic with a smart and witty remark at the end

Face it Cred Forums Jews, Niggers, SWJ's, and all other forms of Liberalism and Cuckery are here for now and forever more!

warm bulging penis sails Langley tomorrow

She was drawing dicks.....

She's pretending to write to slow down the Parkinsons tremors. When you use your hands for a discrete task, this can help to temporarily mitigate a neurological twitch.


Stop trying to distract from the bad Trump news Cred Forums!

Face it Cred Forums Jews, Niggers, SWJ's, and all other forms of Liberalism and Cuckery are here for now and forever more!

Everywhere today huh?

Making it clear that you are hopeless. Just accept the lost and give madam president the respect she deserves.

What the fuck I love Hillary Clinton now

Making space for achmed to stay with us.
Rascist drumpf btfo

>Literal copypasta
You faggots are pathetic.

Most likely doing it for free too.

Even more pathetic

kek. fpbp.

T'was probably that her advisors told her to pretend to be writing something down. So that she would look smarter or whatever. Body language and shit. Trump used it too, though he was way better at it.