I watched the first 30min of the debate

and sorry, Burgers, Hillary clearly appealed to the middle class and the people working in services. Trump appealed to the workers and the rich.

Why the fuck do you think anyone would vote for Trump? He is "living in his own reality".

Other urls found in this thread:



>not middle class
Maybe in Germanistan.

i ended up getting to know a german lawyer over the course of a few years, good guy, but obviously very liberal and misguided by modern german legislation that is meant to hide any societal semblance of nationalism because of world war 2. germany is undoubtedly incredibly fucked up with their backwards-ass, afraid of the past repeating itself legislation that it breeds so many biased and opinionated citizens that love to interject into american politics. i ended up dropping the dude because he was more interested in making america like modern day shithole germany. ever since then i never trust an opinion from a kraut, they're indoctrinated as fuck


>Why the fuck do you think anyone would vote for Trump?

Because he was nominated and literally has a 50% chance, but the most important thing of all and the one fact that practically guarantees he'll win the election:

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

Ahmed, even if you are right, there is nothing this debate can do. Most Americans have decided who they like and right now Trump has an edge if only because they are angry at politicians. Its really as easy as that.

Even if Trump did nothing but fart into the mic, he probably wouldn't have lost any polling points.

I don't think he'll landslide, but its too late for her to win. She should have been like this 3 months ago.

Yeah just feel free to make a thread when you didn't even watch the whole thing.

>appealed to the workers
>I want to cut taxes on the rich and by the way i dont pay any taxes myself

yes, we are well known for our underpaid factory workers, especially in the automobile industry.
how about you stop insulting the whole country when one faggot from it shitposts you butthurt retard

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

Let them have their safe-space germanon, where no one can hurt their feelings and everything is MAGA and some other stupid meme.

>Trump appealed to the workers
>Why the fuck do you think anyone would vote for Trump?

>Because he was nominated and literally has a 50% chance

I would say the beginning of Trump's debate was probably his best not to mention it is the part that is the most important. Trump is a businessman and has a better idea how the economy works than Hillary. The economy is what matters most and drives everything else

no wonder you idiots supported a crazy potato lady for years. your actually that gullible



How much does she pay you per post, Hans?

At this point anyone who keeps minimum wage low, tones down regulations, and reforms healthcare is a slam dunk for the working class and that anyone is Trump. You'd have to be a literal retard to vote for Hillary in this country. Her voters are basically:
>spoiled brats living off of their parents money
>desperate jobless millennials who can't swing a hammer
>people who are race baited easily
>international businessmen

And she's even slipping with all of those.

Must be a tan German.

>Why the fuck do you think anyone would vote for Trump?

Because we're in the Berenstain / Trump timeline, duh. You're in a hell of your own making and we're in a heaven of our own making. Tough shit.

>the automobile industry
I haven't seen a new german car being driven in America in months. Hope you're ready for a Depression, Hans.

what are trump supporters? inbred NEETs living off taxpayer money? She's literally going to hand out welfare to trump supporters idk why they aren't
>with her.

no wonder you have an immigrant crisis you damn kraut you find people like this normal

well be freeing Europe from mistakes people like you made in the next 20 years

We have a saying, there's no point flogging a dead horse. Doesn't really apply, but it comes to mind as I consider watching the second half of the 'debate' . The guy is on the run, right from the get go. I was hoping for a different outcome.

The thing is he doesn't understand how the economy works. His first few sentences were him saying he wanted to apply tariffs on imported goods.

People seem to like this since it "keeps" american jobs american, but what people don't realize is that if you have tariffs then other countries tariff you and your exports fail.

Pretty much every economist will tell you that this is terrible and creates economic inefficiencies.

Trump is just pandering to what "feels" right, but if you study even a little bit of economics it completely falls apart.

I do have to admit that even though his message was poor policy at the beginning of the debate he was delivering his poor policy extremely well, but afterwards he started to completely fall apart.

Hitler lived in his own reality also

>Wearing a mic and being spoon fed answers
>Nothing but softball questions
>Audience filled with hand picked Clinton supporters
>Moderator heavily biased in her favor


That's the fucking amazing part. She still lost. The DNC and the MSM is doing literally everything to pull for this decrepit bitch and she's still losing.

It's hilarious. Literally comedy gold.

damn that means a lot lol

mfw I stayed up for that debate

He was weak, get over it. That is not to say the whole thing has been decided but with a sorry performance like that he didn't win a single damn vote for himself. Maybe prepare next time?

Damn. You watched the first 30 mins (i.e. where Trump supposedly had his only winning period) and you still thought HRC won?

Spoiler: he gets rekt in the following 60 mins.

Americans are not like most countries a lot of them like that.

Nobody is voting for Trump. We're voting against Killary Rotten Cuntlin.

thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself
thanks for correcting the record
kill yourself

you have a dumb perception of reality

$15 sent to your account as promissed!

>damn that means a lot lol
So you think people who put their own money on the line will deliberately trade in a way that will make them lose money rather than win money?

Do you know anything?

im not even into girls but I would only vote for a chick if she was hot and relatively young
i would never vote for some shrill granny cunt

I don't know. Why would anyone vote for him

Trumps plan to bring Jobs back to America makes sense, Hillaries plan to put our efforts into creating a Market for clean and renewable energy will eventually lead to China taking over manufacturing on Panels.

Trump literally wants to level the playing field by increasing import taxes, which will be the death of eBay's China sales.

It will work, because this is how America used to work and we flourished with Jobs and plenty of businesses when we forced import taxes.

This is something only a business owner would understand and this plan will actually help more Americans than Hillarys fairytale she spins as reality.

If America actually understood how Production of products worked, they would be in the same boat as me and every other business owner in America that supports Trump.

When you invent something only to have China steal it and manufacture and sell it for less than you could ever dream of doing with a "Made in America" text on it, then you'll see how Smart Trump really is.

You're so delusional. You haven't been winning at any point other than right after your shitty dystopian RNC

Trump just got fucking killed in the debate. He probably won't even show up to the next ones

>Appealed to the workers
Gee, maybe that's why he is so well liked?

I was disappointed in Trump's performance, to be honest.

Cyber security question was a PERFECT opening to bash Hillary for her email scandal. What sort of president talks big about cyber security and has a private email server with CLASSIFIED INFORMATION that her IT guy has to go ask REDDIT for help on?

He also had PROOF Hillary's campaign started the Birther movement and didn't whip it out on her?

What gives?

I would never vote for Hillary because on the merit of the emails alone, she committed a crime for which the punishment include never holding another office.

But I think she won this debate. Not by some sort of landslide, but because Trump just kept taking bait for some reason.

I don't want welfare, fagboy. I want to work. I want to produce. If Hillary wins, wages will go up and everything will get more expensive which will bury me, taxes and immigration will thin out the job market making it harder to move on to better work as my resume grows more impressive, and healthcare costs are literally killing me because my job does a lot of wear to my body and a single serious malady could burn through my entire savings. This is without going into all the Cred Forums-tier shit that goes along with it as well.

Your delusion is comedy gold. Drudge report? LOL

If Hillary wins expect 90% of the products that are being manufactured in America to move overseas, and companies will have to dump most of their earnings back into customer aquisition and marketing, and give most of their remaining profits to China.

This is the system she's pushing, the same one that's ruined America for the last 15+ years. Mosh of America has no idea what's happening to American Manifacturing, and because of this, Hillary's fairytale of clean jobs will be the death of the BlueCollar American worker.

Its not free. Everyone pays for it so we get beyond fucking pissed when we see degenerate fucks like yourself. Vote Hillary for your welfare check you fat fuck.


Trump wants manual Labor and Manufacturing Jobs to come back to America, the biggest hurdle we will have if they do this, is that the majority of Young America is spoiled brats looking for a Hand Out instead Of a Handup.

Our nation is literally fucked and we are in a giant debt free fall because we are lazy when compared to the hard working Chinese, also anything America invents will end up stolen by the Chinese and sold for a much lower cost.

To keep companies like GoPro, Apple, and almost any other America company afloat in Americas market place, we have to get rid of NAFTA's regulations, increase Tax for imports, never speak of TPP again, and get off our Lazy asses and appreciate the jobs we get.

This is so simple and correct that Americans can't comprehend how it will work, but yeah the virtually non-existent market for the BlueCollar guy to work in clean renewable energy is really going to work. It's going to be a Huge failure, it already has been a Huge failure

if you can't pull yourself up by your bootstraps you deserve annihilation. i thought you people were supposed to be tough or something jeez.

I didn't say I was pro welfare. Don't need it and don't use it. Also why are you so mad lmao, did your liberal arts degree land you in the unemployment line?

Hillary is ushering in the NWO and super fuckibg Americans lowkey.

Trump is the apparent lesser of two evils.

>both are hopelessly lost in the sea of greed and likely under sniper scopes funded by the trillionaires and billionaires who invested heavily in the slow kill of the USA. Duh.

Independence is the only solution unless there are fucking aliens because then shit is a whole other level of fucked up..... Unless the aliens are demons because then it's a bit more straight forward.

>Hillary clearly appealed to the middle class
You don't know anything about NAFTA do you?


I guess you think your anonymous online polls that are easily brigaded mean something?

Yeah thats why she lost. America doesn't have a middle class anymore so nobody was sure who she was talking to.

i fucking hate this board

Are you high on coke too?

Nah. Hillary talked about gimmesdats, while trump actualy brought up a plan to keep industry in the states, which not only appeals to the middle class, but to a large portion of swing states that depend on industrial jobs.

Check american polls, as in the ones that matter.

uhh.. user, some bad news for your record correcting.


Sure is fair when they actually rig the CNN vote 15% in her favor eh?

God, if Hillary still looked like that she would be
a phone, and i would be tapping that all night long.

>prediction website

I would tap Hillary's high test ass as she is now.

Glad the spokesman of US Class Divisions could take time out of his busy schedule of sipping beer and greenlighting immigrants to make this post.


Obviously they rigged that poll differently to make the overall rigging of the polls look more convincing.


>you butthurt retard
>projecting THIS hard

Man hillary used to look so hot back then