The debate

so the consensus i'm getting is that trump won. is this true? i saw a few snippets and it seemed like trump could have been a bit more organized but all in all, he actually did his best for the right reasons and hillary clinton was like, not even really present, just saying soundbites and agreeing with the biased moderator.

Other urls found in this thread:$blob=1

Who do you think won?

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

>high cut one piece swimsuits

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

All i saw was clinton stirring up class warfare.

The rich are bad! Lets get rid of them!

Trump's plan is to get the rich back on board, hillary's plan is about throwing them further overboard.

I do that all the time.

Trump admitted to not paying any income taxes and rooting for the housing crisis

well i don't think that clinton is tempermentally capable of victory through any legitmatem proces.s

Brilliant businessman. If only we knew of someone who could fix our terrible economic situation in the US

So a toss up.

nah, from what i saw trump did the best, but it's going to be easy to take stuff out of context. that being said, the optics make hillary look too smug and complacent.

eww gross, you can see her tits and stuff

But the ones with the thong back are best

Fuck I miss the 80s

>consensus is that trump won
Lmao get off Cred Forums and your retarded "consensus" will go into the trash

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

i dont know what debate you guys were watching, clinton creamed trump

I am blonde, blue eyed, reading about this feels very mystical and weird, I am shaking, to know my genetic bonds are unshaken, thousands years of history, I see the visions of my forefathers, through the mountains, on the steppes, fleeing persecution, establishing greatness....we are entering Europe...Rome...East...West.....North..We are meeting...meeting other peoples..yellow peoples in the north with squeezed eyes...Settle...Settle in these fine lands...EUROPA!

Having watched the debate no. Hilary ""won"" simply because Trump lost it.

Trump just kept taking her bait every time and didnt attack her enough. Hilary talked policy even if it was bullshit and bad, but Trump would be left to defend himself before talking policy too. Also the questions were rigged against him blantantly.

Hilary won but only slightly. It wasnt total domination. Trump wasn't sure if he should play it safe or go all out attack and got caught in the middle

This is true for what little bit I saw.
That and back and forth about trumps taxes and Hilary's emails.

You tell me. I honestly believe it should be closer to a draw, and yet...

No, you're a tosser.

I'd suck those toes.

trump had the first half, clinton had the second

>consensus is that Trump won
hahah no

hell, even fox news thinks she won

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

Yeah right shill. The polls are showing otherwise.

> Trump toned it down and used facts, while hillary just utilized emotions.

Hillary prolly won, since normies fall for emotion all the time.

>All the online polls rigged by some fat faggot from 9-1chan and his botnet agree
No moron, that's not how this works

Online polls? You are actually stupid enough to trust those?

Requesting source for the pic.
Seems familiar, and it's stressing me out that I can't remember.

online polls are the ones that matter in 2016

its a girl in a black swimsuit like the others

Clinton won no question


>online polls are the ones that matter in 2016
now the polls matter, which is it?

>its a girl in a black swimsuit like the others
I asked for a source, not lip, faggot.

>online polls are the ones that matter in 2016
You're retarded. You have no idea what a botnet is, do you? It's okay, you're a Trump voter, nobody expects you to have a triple digit IQ or any particular skills besides writing angry rants about black people and liberals on the internet.

>used facts,

Yeah Trump did win. He was a real human being who showed his leadership, while Hillary acted like some kind of robot spitting out lines.

>I saw a few snippets
How about you fuck off, watch the whole thing, then come back and ask again.


i see a cock there

Man this election is a fucking shitshow. Neither of these fucking slimeballs says anything. Trump is a bumbling moron and Clinton is the same tired politician that's been retread for the last 20 years. She sounds more eloquent but she just speaks in vague generalities.
>We need to make an economy that works for the middle class by improving their opportunities and helping with child care.
>We need to improve race relations.

How do we do that?
>idk prolly by doing the same shit we been doin i guess

that all wrong except for the part about her fucking arrogant smug fucking smirk

trump was terrible, but I'm hoping it was a GWBush-type strategy to set expectations really low, then kick ass in the next two debates

He's got to get much better answers for
1. the birther shit
2. not releasing his tax returns

Now I'm even wondering why he won't release his tax returns. I mean, wtf? there's literally no good reason.

Someone please shop a computer screen into this pic
Perfect reaction pic

Trump won for sure. The pundit and hilbots are trying to push a counter narrative that her pre planned lines and call to buy her book were a failure

Shut up you fucking canadian cuck literally nobody here cares

Who the FUCK even cares about this guy's tax returns? What does releasing his tax returns have to do with public policy?

>so the consensus i'm getting is that trump won.
Ha ha, from where? The man was a mess.

>The rich are bad! Lets get rid of them!
She's rich af, but painted the picture of a drape-printer's daughter so much last night I thought she was grocer's daughter, Maggie Thatcher.

for all intents and purposes there's no such thing as a botnet, the only eastern european groups making money nowadays are some ballsy latvian ransomware faggots, the rest have been completely eradicated.

you're using a thin client basically right now but that's not the same thing.

there's no such thing as privacy though, period. that ship has sailed. so, don't worry about botnets.

Yeah, it's hilarious seeing all these """news""" sites try to push the "Clinton won by a landslide" narrative then look at the polls which clearly show that trump is winning.

He didn't seem to understand the debate format, kept interrupting her.

Why? Terrible economic situation makes a lot of people richer.
Of course, you can't get richer in a terrible economic situation unless you were already rich, but whatevs.

Thank you for Correcting the Record.

>for all intents and purposes there's no such thing as a botnet

He's got a reason to not release his tax returns, believe me. He's got a tremendous reason to not release his tax returns.


>says trump supporters have low IQs
>says theyre smart enough to use a botnet to rig polls

What did he mean by this?

>>>All the online polls rigged by some fat faggot from 9-1chan and his botnet agree

>No moron, that's not how this works


Trump gave us a performance art piece on all 80s businessman clichés: Interrupt, yell, mansplain & make faces while the lady talks.

Where exactly did you get your consensus from? Even on Cred Forums it was clear that Hillary won.

go on...

Who the fuck is the girl in OPs pic. My dick NEEDS to know.

>for all intents and purposes there's no such thing as a botnet,
hhahahahaha holy fucking shit you are an idiot

there are still zeus variants around in the wild

please don't pretend you know what you're talking about you fucking skiddie trumptard

> my dad!

Woman's in her late 60s and her last fleeting glimpse of working people was her long-dead father.

Wrong. Trump had the first 1/3rd, Clinton had the 2/3rd. Trump got nothing passed the 30 min mark.

Look, I think Trump did badly too, but couching it in Jezebel terms just makes me want to elbow you in the face, Nigel.

I'd honestly say there wasn't a clear winner. Hillary was very good and Trump held his own.

>1. the birther shit
Not important, her group started it anyway.
>2. not releasing his tax returns
Also not important. Not only isn't it important, it's a lose/lose for him, he won't reveal anything special and the media will harp on about it nonstop like he killed JFK.

So why does he need to answer these questions again?

woo lard you're very new to all this "computer" stuff.


this is accurate

from "Tax Returns" on Trump lost - but SHillary won nothing, it was merely that Trump lost, and he did that to himself, she didn't do shit but stand there and gloat.
She can't do that for two more debates.

Found it:

Still a girl

She sorta can, though. Hillary will start pouncing on Trump. He's got plenty of baggage to blunt anything he's throwing. If Clinton stopped wasting time and just pointed out where Trump clearly didn't know anything, she would've slaughtered.

But she didn't, so she gets a comfortable win, nothing more.

Trump is stronger on economy and national security. People are sick of the government and how it does things and wants change. This is why he'll win. These debates mean very little.

They've been calling him racist and sexist since day one and it's done nothing. And that's still the only thing Clinton had.

Anyone who is not a retard knows that she brings higher taxes and less jobs.

>I'd honestly say there was a clear winner: Hillary. Trump barely held his nose closed to keep from fucking drowning under all the shit she dumped on him.


>So why does he need to answer these questions again?
Because instead of dismissing them intelligently as you did, he fucked up badly and bullshitted his way through, and only drew interest to to places where there should be no interest.
However, I do think he's setting the bar low, so that he can look vastly improved in the next debates.
He had a bad night, either on purpose or not, but Shill is going to have two more debates to come off as an arrogant cold Ice Grandmabitch, and you know she will. It's Trump's to lose.

Trump got cucked. while neckbeards here will claim he "talked about the real issues", they fail to see the point of televised debates. the average american viewer wasn't sitting at home trying to align their vote based on the information either of them disclosed. they voted for whoever had the best, most socially acceptable image.

what most people saw was trump rambling in a flustered, erratic way while hilary made snide quips in response to win over the audience. the average american would vote for hilary if the election were tomorrow.

>This is why he'll win.

No, it's not. He'll win because there are more stupid fucking people in America than not. Need proof?

He got the nomination and has a 50% chance of being elected President.

Need more proof?

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

No, it's really Hillary's to lose. If Hillary just fact-checks him non-stop next debate, he's finished. She didn't do that this time, oddly enough. Rather she sat back and let him say nonsense.

I think its an early image of Alexis Texas

Cram it, Kiwi.

Thanks for Correcting the Record!™

Thank you for Correcting The Record™
0.003¢ have been added to your account.

We can shove our heads up our asses as far as we like he definately lost this one.

But it's not tomorrow, it's over a month away. This is no different than when he wasn't taken seriously as a candidate and then somehow became the nominee. You spoke far too soon.

I never asked for this kink

. not releasing his tax returns
>Also not important.
>So why does he need to answer these questions again?

Because his opposition is able to make those non-issues, into a issue. Only thing the (((opposition))) needs to do is make the average voter to doubt Trump; they don't need to get Trump voters to vote Hillary, they need only to make Trump voters lose hope in him and abstain from voting altogether.

If Trump is smart and I believe he is, he actually does not have anything bad to hide; he is just using this topic to distract the (((opposition))), as to keep them from diging further. He will release his tax returns closer to the election, so the opposition is left with no time to come up with anything new.

trump was destroyed

Cred Forums is just on damage control

Trump on tax returns is not their only attack though, its just a ticking time bomb. He'll never release them though.
Because, as Clinton said:
>He's not rich
>He's not charitable
>He's done shady shit
It's likely the first one, and when you're a narcissist like Trump, that first one is enough to wreck you. Hes not releasing them. Mofo is not worth 9 bill, not 4.5 bill, not even 1 bill.

>He will release his tax returns closer to the election
As I said, it's a lose/lose, let's say he releases his tax returns, how much of a fuss do you think they'll make once they point out he's not taxes as much as he "should" be taxed since millionaire/billionaire's never pay shit for tax.
All he needs to say is "The IRS is fine with it, [insert some spiel about the IRS being used for targeting], if the IRS is fine with it why is that not enough? If it's not enough why do we have the IRS?" or something along those lines.

Trump wins by default for being a human and not a globalist reptilian AI

Nobody is going to believe me but I watched this in a college classroom, sitting in the very back row dead center. Full class too. I have to say, it was pretty humiliating. Everyone was openly laughing at Trump, and he definitely came off as a rambling fear mongerer while Hillary came off as a calm, rational figure. Almost like he's an angry old man and she's his caretaker who just lets him ramble on because he's old, but corrects him on his politically incorrect views. It was sad, it was depressing, and I'm ready to just give up and ignore politics now.

I still don't support Hillary, but I have to say Trump got fucked up- bad. You could see it in his eyes and the way he left the stage, even he knew he lost.

No one won, it was a mediocre performance by everybody

Thanks for Correcting The Record!™
0.003¢ have been deposited to your account.

hey clinton shills, you know you're not changing anybody's minds, right?

in fact shilling reinforces existing beliefs in those who are aware you're here (we all know)

>Please don't anyone talk about REALITY in my safe echo chamber ok ?!1 ;(

It doesn't really matter who won or not. It only matters on voting day.

Correct the Record probably pays out in euros

in nigger cum

Trump missed some opportunities to nail her but he still won anyway. Hillary would have scored higher if she wiped that redneck, snaggletoothed, smart-ass smile off of her face. SHe made the viewer want to punch her in the face.

The reason shills are on in full force only proves trump won.

>the media says otherwise
Since when did we trust a word they said?

Donald Trump lost. He is a one trick pony. He didn't lose any votes from this, but he doesn't have enough to win.

>Trump won
Only on Cred Forums.

>I watched this in a college
Regardless of how well Trump did, you've the wrong impression.
If you're sitting in class full of brain-washed, tumblr lefties that are the core of Universities now... they would mock him regardless.

>Hillary Clinton is "calling out" Trump because there's a high chance he doesn't pay 100% of the tax he could
>Hillary Clinton who has wordlessly ignored being caught in barefaced lie after barefaced lie and dodged repercussions of real actual crimes that have gotten people killed and would have landed anyone else in prison

If the American public get distracted enough to fall for this, they deserve the horrible future they'll choose


>Fuck I miss the 80s
t. someone that was born in the 90s

>inb4 you're actually 40+ years old

>trump won

5th japan post i've seen of this image

wth man$blob=1

>Believing CNN

what are you even saying?

english teacher go home
or are you afraid of muslim in your country now?

Pasta more you fag.

>another English teacher telling another English teacher to go home

Who is this weiner cleaner?

dingo eater go home

except he's leading in the polls you stupid motherfucking faggot

Trump got BTFO, just spouting his nonsense to the people who already support him whilst Clinton was actually coherent.

Clinton utterly destroyed him.

She talked about real plans and policy and Trump just talked about himself.

She had him on the ropes the whole times. All he could do was arrogantly ramble while he was losing. It was embarrassing for him and for the Republican party.

Almost all the polls (that haven't been rigged by 400 pounders) agree.

Clinton dominated

But why do you love shitskins and marxism so much?

Pretty much. His expectations were lower so he'll win by default. Really, at this point I think all he needs to do is not get beaten badly at these debates and he should still manage to pull out a win. If he actually beats Clinton in one of them it's over.


This girl will never fail to make me rock hard.



Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree

Trump dominated

this post needs the old shriveled up wojak or this one.

Yesterday I discussed it in class too.
All my hued classmates suddenly started making chimp sounds.
Now, these are the same students that are always completely ignorant of any news outside of their Facebook fees.

They did not know about the vote on organdonation, they did not know there even was a conflict in Mali, they did not know that Prinsjesdag happened. Yet they knew all about Clinton being the first fumule prusident and racist drumpf. It is sad really. I have one teacher that actually wants us to be informed and she thinks I am a godsend for reading the papers every morning.


Holt was too soft on Hillary that's what I got from the debate

M8, she has to walk on eggshells. There are more skeletons in her closet than in the catacombs beneath Paris.

My theory is that Trump's saving the vicious attacks for the 2nd or 3rd debate.

The foreign interest money, the selling of favors as Secretary of State, pay-to-play for State Department employees, selling of uranium to Russia, constantly antagonizing Russia and accusing them of hacking the DNC, rigging the DNC nomination process with her insiders, the GROWING email scandal (with Congressional hearings for one of her underlings soon), her health concerns, destabilizing the Middle East as SoS, Clinton Foundation financial fraud, blatantly slandering half of America by calling them deplorable, etc. All he needs is the opportunity to attack and then never let up from that point forward. Combine that with whatever/anything WikiLeaks is planning, and she's D.O.A. on November 8th.

The list is massive, but you're likely a shill, so why even bother listing it all out.

Mr... Mr. Plinkett?

You are an angry, sad little man, you know that?

I'll say a prayer for you, I hope you find meaningful work after your leftist Ivory tower comes crashing down.

God bless and good luck.

Fuck, I guess Brexit lost too.

>Yesterday I discussed it in class too
Butit was at 3am. Wtf are you talking about?

wtf I'm the 99% now

I have been posting lots of "Trump BTFO" threads after the debate but they all got deleted. You tell me if he won.

it dont matter who won. america lost.

NO dont answer about the tax returns. I think we all know its a non issue.

>Oh so hes not releasing them but hes still paying?
>Oh good lets here some policy from Killtonbot 3000
>Well that seems a bit much...

You guys don't see it. Hillary used up all her material in the first debate what's she going to say in the next one? Trump will destroy her in the next debate. He knows her tactics and she can only repete herself.

Shitposts get deleted, more news at 11.

Did he manage to shrugg off some of the brimstone and sulfur smell do you think? Is he still
>literally Hitler
Poor substitute m8

>khan controversy
>trump university
>judge controversity
>trump foundation

that's what I can come up with on the top of my head. But Trump should prepare better for the next debate.

Class war, race war..
What's the difference again?

Trumps doesn't need to just draw in the debates, he needs to land haymakers because he has been consistently behind in the polls.

I have a hard time believing watching that debate changed the mind of anybody. Clinton won because she limited the damage Trump did.

wow, you arent from around here are you

..I like this guy


trump seemed disorganized, hill seemed literally not-human, maybe besides some smugness/condescension, impossible to imagine something thinking 'i want to vote for that'

overall, shit-tier debate with bad moderation and inane/irrelevant topics

The moderator wasn't interventionist enough,

Holts questions showed a clear slant towards Hillary, it was kind of shockingly transparent.

Arguably "Hillary Clinton has been fighting ISIS her whole adult life" was the single worst soundbite of the debate and it came from Trump;

I would LOVE him to come out with a zinger for the Khan one. Something along the lines of

>Well as much as I morn the loss of that young man its not a basis for this open borders sharade especially taking into account that he was killed by the same people that are looking to infiltrate into the United States! There were over 4000 young men who gave their lives for this country. I think I side with the majority on this issue

>b-but no murders by refugees
>D-don't look at rape figures!

wow so stumped

regardless of who won (I don't think either did they both were utter shit, partly due to the shit format), regardless of who wins all these retarded polls, what matters is what happens in the polls, which I believe won't move much but it definitely slowed things down.

You don't understand betting you fucking period.

Trump was behind in polls and has been behind in polls most of the time. Even an even performance in the debates has a negative impact on Trumps betting odds. Trump has to actually make progress in cracking Clintons support to even go even in the betting markets, and has to really blow her the fuck out to rise in betting markets.

Go kill yourself, you low spirited faggot.

>almost 1 mill votes
hehe, gj Cred Forums


trump won because he offered a clear, viable alternative to clintons old, tried and failed agenda...

he put the best interests of the american people first and foremost

clinton lost because she could run on her record in government


because her record in government has been an unmitigated disaster

>guys highly educated liberal voters when in a group, rallied against Trump.
>Trump is finished!

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.

Which fact checker site is the least biased? I was reading NPR transcript but I couldn't tell if it was pro Hillary or if Trump was just wrong a lot

Yea, cuz le legion, fear us :^)

Online polls mean jack and shit

Router, and to a lesser extent other IoT device, botnets are HUGE now. The industry has comically low security standards, somewhat of a monoculture of common SoC boards that you can find open source toolchains for, and most people never update the firmware anyway or even know that's a thing they can / should do.

One of them launched the biggest DDoS ever recorded, in the range 620 Gbps - 665 Gbps, at KrebsOnSecurity recently :

I wish she would bring up the Trump foundation.

>mean jack and shit

Just like your shitty country,

You're a sexist asshole for using gendered words like mansplain.

>Treated the slut like he would a male opponent
>Waaaaaaaa Waaaaaaa Fucking Drumpf is so sexist.

WTF happened to you britbongs, when did you get so weak?

i was watching cnn when they said the poll was democrat biased

Yeah I'm watching it just now and I'm getting the impression that Trump is debating both the moderator and Clinton, while Clinton is totally on the defensive the entire time.

>not releasing his tax returns
Why does this matter? Really.

It's deflection away from the shit that matters


Stop posting porn on Cred Forums, you dumb fucking newfag shill.
Yotsuba CSS means "NSFW", not "Porn Board".

>Stop posting porn

>woman in bathing suit is now pron
>ameriburger prudishness strikes again.

I think Trump won a marginal victory in truthfulness but he could have done much better.

Heidi Harper.


This explains such amount of CTR filth on Cred Forums this morning.

Yes, it's almost as if he knows how to get shit done.

The moderator pointedly asked him to explain his positions on:
-Not releasing tax returns
-Discriminatory renting practices from the 1970s
-Statements on Twitter
-Using the housing crisis for personal gain
-Allegedly being for the Iraq war before being against it (attempting to paint him a Kerry-esque flip flopper)

They were soft on Cliton, hard on Trump. Trump handled it pretty well, except his interrupting Cliton too often.

Yes. Trump won.

If a guy is a good bar fighter. If a good bar fighter gets into a boxing match with a pro, and takes that pro the distance, that bar fighter won that fight. The pro should dominate him because of the training and the fact that this the pro's life! The amateur making you wonder who won means the amateur won.

>trump won.
If you watched the debate last night, then you're suffering from psychotic delusions.

You're always the last to know.

>{{{cultural marxism}}}

{{crazy conspiracy theory bitching intensifies}}

Sauce please.