Name one part of your country that has been made better by multiculturalism that non-whites have made better you can’t

Name one part of your country that has been made better by multiculturalism that non-whites have made better you can’t.

>muh foood

Because we have 10 Japs in Germany, I get Sushi on every corner. Oh no, wait. That just proofs this argument to be wrong. My bad.

Every 10 Syrians in Germany redeems 1 Axe attack. 10 redemptions win one Michael Bay movie ticket on street of Muslim's choice

Auckland is probably less than half white now and it's great. None of the Cred Forums memes of how terrible a multicultural cities are with ethnic tensions are actually real here.

New Zealand was already being 'culturally enriched' by America long before it became New SEAland

Can't name one. No, seriously.

Texas has a strong culture dating back to the Anglo settling days 200 years ago, with a couple of hardass spaniards and one or two mestizos contributing to the culture. It was all well and good until the illegal Guatemalans and peninsula Mexicans showed up illegally in the 60's and 70's. Sometimes multiculturalism works but it's a very slippery slope.

The only immigrants that have made any positive difference to an area are the Poles.

They move into low rent, low income areas and set up businesses. Generally speaking Poles will regenerate shitty areas.

It's just a shame they move back home when they've made their money.

There's a whole street of Japanese restaurants in Paris. The Japanese are probably the best immigrant group with the Lebanese and Armenians.

>best immigrant group with the Lebanese

maybe if they're christian

Yeah Maronites, of course. You probably have the "Palestinian refugee"-Lebanese type in Australia.

We have a mix of both yeah the palestinian lebanese type are absolute scum.

The average penis size has increased

>Waterloo Ontario
>smartest city in the world
>79% white
>8% chinks
>7% poo in loo

Kek stay mad fags. Then again most of you are from euro shitholes that let in bottom feeding manual labor / unemployed garbage into your countries.

japs count as white people

maoris count as white people

Blacks: Sports.
Mexicans: Food.
East Asians: Whores.



>forgot to set his flag to leaf

Good job, retard.

I was talking about Asians and Indians, I grew up with second and third generationers and they could not be better integrated, and on top of that they retain what is best from their ancestral cultures and share that in a positive way with the rest of us, which creates an even more unique culture specific here to Auckland. I am proud to say I live in a city that got multiculturalism right.

It's shit dude I bet you live on the north shore

>But it's the current year

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

I was born and raised in NYC. The food is great and varied and Hispanic women are top tier when it comes to fucking. Brazilian pussy is best pussy.

That being said I'd still probably trade it all away if it meant I could live in a white homogenous nation.

Food ofc. Russian street food is a piece of crap. Thanks god we have migrants from Central Asia making delicious doners on Saint-P streets.

That happens in the US as well. The problem is that people only see people off the boat.

First generation cares about surviving, helping family back home, and maybe some day going back.

Second generation is a bunch of kids who think they have some inside deal with cool lingo. What they don't realize is that if they tried going to the motherland 9/11 times they'd end up being treated like shit because they don't actually know what it's like to relate to people from their ancestral country. Just their group of 2nd and 3rd generation boat people.

By the third and fourth generations, they're Americans who know some recipes or tricks or music.

This guideline goes for any ex-pat. From Antigua to Zimbabwe.

Your case isn't unusual.'re not from NYC, are you?

Aside from Food, none.

I live in (c)howick and I love it.

He's probably renting someone's top bunk for $1500/mo so he can live in the village for the "experience".

Well Asians are alright and that's a decent neighbourhood

kek why does living in NYC trigger Cred Forums so much?

I rather like the cantonese bloke who owns the restaurant down the road from me.

but i know what you're getting at, and yea we did it and now we are doomed to watch it burn.

Enjoy your worms

I live in ozone park Queens and it's great. .. multi cultural and everyone will kick your ass except for Muslims they got to go

who the fuck makes such 3d renderings?

Ozone park is a hellhole

nah even christian lebbos are shit

I'm not even a Cred Forumstard. I'm a real social democrat at heart. I just came by to see the meltdown and cognitive dissonance over the debate last night.

That doesn't mean I'm incapable of seeing people do stupid shit for shit reasons. The problems with NYC is that it's too large to classify as a whole.

It not only is five boroughs, but nearly every other block could be something different. The taxes are too high. Inflation is out of control. And the 'diversity' people like to talk about only really takes place in lower manhattan, and only in select places at that. The diversity in NYC doesn't mesh for the most part unless you think "good block, bad block" is diversity.

In short, while it is multicultural in the fact that it has many cultures; they tend to not integrate like just about any other modern city. It is, in short, a failure or the exception. Depending on how you look at it.

This section is for Jews, this for Blacks, this for Puerto Ricans. And god be damned if you fuck up and move into the wrong neighborhood.

LA may have Compton, but at least you can move out into the HIlls. What does NYC have? Connecticut?

NYC gets cold in the winter, hot in the summer, beaches are shit, city reeks, potholes everywhere, and even Times Square has been Disney-fied.

If you're looking for multiculturalism that actually works as a melting pot and not just a bunch of cultures tolerating each other as neighbors; then visit any other city in the United States.

But like I said, I'm a social democrat. A real one, not a Bernie Sanders kind. So maybe my extreme left almost socialist values has blinded me to how NYC is so great at being a liberal paradise.

i don't know man, i downloaded it when i was really drunk.

have a random one

Look at this new fag

90℅ of this board are just ironically right wingers.

Meh. I agree with most of what you said but I don't think it's bad thing. Multiculturalism at arms length is probably the best multiculturalism you can get. But also everyone self segregating themselves into ethnic enclaves has less to do with people not wanting interact and more to do with most "ethnic" new Yorkers not speaking 500 words of English.


fuck multiculturalism. time to sieg heil

Not with us.we take chinks

Kek lead the way stormnigger, you might get your head bashed in once you leave the basement

That was an interesting take on Godzilla

>implying 99% of Japanese restaurants in Europe are not owned by Chinese pepople