Polls indicate Trump lost the debate

>polls indicate Trump lost the debate
>Cred Forums decides to correct the record with proxyspam
>Trump now unironically believes he extremely did well
>will proceed to do the exact same shit of taking Hillary's bait over and over again and scrambling to defend himself instead of going on the offensive because he thinks it's a winning strategy
Where were you when Cred Forums self destructed? Or maybe CTR managed to convince you retards to do this. I sincerely hope he knows his performance was mediocre towards the end and is just flaunting poll results as a power play rather than actually believing this shit. Fucking faggots.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

You ignorant mongrel of a dingo-fucking shitstain. Don't you get it? Of course you don't, you live on an island inhabited by monkey-niggers and criminals.

The people believe what the media tell them to believe. When the polls tell them that Trump won, they'll think Trump won. If they think Trump won, they'll vote Trump.

It's not that difficult to understand. Even your alcohol-drenched monkey brain should be able to grasp this.

I'm a Hillary supporter but even I think Trump won the debate.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

>Cred Forums is responsible for over 600k votes in 6 hours
ok fag

Really causes my neural cells to depolarize by opening gated channels in the membrane and passively diffusing potassium ions out of the cytoplasm down its concentration gradient leading to a sequence of action potentials to stimulate in accord with long term potentiation pathways developed through the release of seratonin at key moments of sensory input.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated


* Tips missing aeroplane *

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.

...Anonymous (ID: v11K6XZw)
09/27/16(Tue)04:36:15 No.90580933
(OP) #
Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

Awww, poor little baby. Did the little numbers not reflect your feelings?

I've been at work all night and I'm watching the debates now. It honestly seems 50/50 so far, but go get punched by a kangaroo for crying about your feelings on a west pookiespie image board for frog memes.

Look at this little shill, he is filled with fear. All his shill-work amounts to nothing.

Hillary is like a dead fish, she floats on the top of the water and you try to advertise her as a healthy fish.

Wasting your time to shill for a candidate that fucks up everything she touches, instead of going full damage control, look for a real job. I heard McD is always looking for low-skilled workers like people with a degree in social or women studies.

95% of the people have lost their trust in the media

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

>Cred Forums rigged breitbart

That's how you spot a CTR shill, my friends.

Nobody reallt won this time.

Any candidate who thinks that they have won this round is simply setting themselves up for a loss in the next round.

Both Hillary and Trump have to look deep and reflect on their weaknesses if they ever want a decisive win.

Hillary needs to be more passionate, transparent, and committed to her convictions

Trump needs to remain calm and be wittier on his banter.

We want to see an accomplished politician vs a quick witted businessman. Not a deceptive corpse vs an exploding idiot

He got rekt in the debates. End of story.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.

kek utterly destroyed Cred Forums.

He talked about real plans and policy and Cred Forums just talked about Trump.

He had Cred Forums on the ropes the whole times. All Cred Forums could do was arrogantly smirk while it was losing. It was embarrassing for Cred Forums and for the sperglord party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree

kek dominated .

Yeah nah Trump is going to tweet "ah fuck these online polls by people say i won but i totally lost i'm fucking shit lkads" isn't he

fuckin bindi cunt

CTR Is in full effect to damage control as you can obviously tell
Just report the retards

>posting less data than op
>trying to refute op
you're new to this whole internet thing arent you?

Trumpshills needs to stop acting like he won the debate. Instead, they should spend their energy preparing for the next, so it doesn't end the same way as now.

The most fundamental of the Chinese fifth century general Sun Tzu's principles for the conduct of war is that "All warfare is based on deception".

The first casualty in war, is truth. Demoralize the enemy and wear them out.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

it's funny because newpol still thinks it's actually helping Trump by being retarded.

maybe dubposting for kek will do the trick.

Fuck you for making me laugh through my nose.