Presidential debate

So I just watched the presidential debate and holy fuck what a shitshow. The best part is when Trump rambles on about how he has "a winning temperament" and Clinton and the audience straight up laugh at him. Not with him but at him. Rather pathetic. I now see why trumpshills are on full spambot mode.

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated, faggot

Tpaмп aттepли дecтpoйд хep.

Хи тoкд aбayт peaл плaнc aнд пoлиcи aнд Клинтoн джacт тoкд aбayт Tpaмп.

Хи хaд хep oн зe poyпc зe хoyл тaймc. Aл щи кyд дy вaз apoгaнтли cмиpк yaйл щи вaз лyзинг. Ит вaз eмбapacинг фop хep aнд фop зe Дeмoкpaтик пapти.

Aлмocт aл зe пoлc eкceпт фop ЛOЛ (((CИHH))) aгpи.

Tpaмп дoминeйтeд

I liked the part where the crowd cheered for Trump and the moderator reminded them to be quiet. For nearly the rest of the debate, only Clinton's supporters were allowed to make noise.

top kek


Trump l'ha assolutamente distrutta.

Ha parlato di piani reali e manovre mentre la Clinton ha solamente parlato di Trump.

L'ha tenuta sulle corde tutto il tempo. L'unica cosa che lei ha potuto fare è stato grignare arrogantemente mentre stava perdendo. È stato imbarazzante per lei e per il partito Democratico.

Quasi tutti i sondaggi tranne che per LOL (((CNN))) concordano.

Trump ha dominato.

Кeк, лocт ит.

More, more I want more flags in here!

hillary got her ass kicked.


1st I tried google (the service, not the US president) then when failed I remember how our brothers in Moldova spelled their language (sorry Ivan, you did that)

Seems the multiculti crowd candidate is loved bigly only in Pakistan, Mexico and their sponsor, Saudi Arabia.

>0.05$ has been deposited to your account, thank you for correcting the record!

It may have been nonstop shit flinging, but at least trump talked about policy.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.


Who remembers the part where hillary tried to repeat her memorized lines about what we were going to do about ISIS.

It was like listening to a second grader talk about a history report.
> Uhhh and then we're going to move into iraq and then uhh we need to be conscious of the fact that uhh isis is bad .... and that means we need to attack them.

What a joke of a candidate.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated


it was a loaded debate. The 'audience' also laughed when trump asked about the 33,000 deleted e-mails. Lester would constantly rush Trump but never do the same to Hillary, going as far as telling trump that they need to move onto the next question only to then immediately ask for an response from Hillary after Trump was done, not rushing her at all. then when it was all over the camera followed hillary around for 5 whole minutes straight as she shook hands with people.
the entire building was painted blue both literally and figuratively. it was disgusting.

The democrats are going to try to commit voter fraud. I can really feel their desperation.

Trump tuhosi hänet täysin.

Trump puhui oikeista suunnitelmista ja linjoista kun taas Clinton puhui ainoastaan Trumpista.

Trumpilla oli Clinton sidoksissa koko ajan. Clinton pystyi vain virnistämään ylimielisesti hävitessään. Se oli noloa hänelle ja koko Demokraattien puolueelle.

Melkein kaikki paitsi LOL (((CNN))) mielipidekyselyt ovat samaa mieltä.

Trump hallitsi väittelyä, homo.

"Trump is just pretending to be retarded in order to draw out Hillary's weaknesses"
-delusional Trumpkins

Tramp totalī dīstroid ēr. Ai vaz ekspektin zat šī vīl dai on ze steidž.

>The democrats are going to try to commit voter fraud. I can really feel their desperation.
Its rigged folks. Everything except a Trump victory is rigged.

Trump odela henne totalt.

Han snakket om virkelige planer og politikk mens Clinton snakket bare om Trump.

Hun hadde henne hengende i tauene hele tiden. Alt hun kunne gjore var smile arrogant mens hun tapte. Det var flaut for henne og det Demokratiske partiet.

Nesten alle målinger bortsett fra LOL (((CNN))) er enige.

Trump dominerte.

Trump a spulberat-o.

A vorbit despre planuri si politici reale iar Clinton a vorbit doar despre Trump.

A strans-o cu usa tot timpul. Tot ce a putut ea sa faca a fost sa zambeasca arogant in timp ce si-o fura. A fost un moment stanjenitor pentru ea si pentru Partidul Democrat.

Aproape toate sondajele cu exceptia ha ha... (((CNN)) au fost de acord.

Trump a dominat, gaozarule.

PS: traducere pentru poponarii care pentru cativa shekeli au sarit pe internet sa voteze multiplu in sondaje si sa umple net-ul de comentarii. V-am tras-o in sondajele online de nu v-ati vazut, nu le pot folosi astazi la TV.

Trump akawaangamiza hao wake.

Yeye aliyesema kuhusu mipango na sera na Clinton tu kuongelea Trump halisi.

Alikuwa na yake juu ya kamba mara nzima. All yeye anaweza kufanya ilikuwa ni kiburi tabasamu wakati yeye alikuwa kupoteza. Ilikuwa ni aibu kwa ajili yake na kwa ajili ya chama cha Democratic.

Karibu uchaguzi wote isipokuwa kwa LOL (((CNN))) kukubaliana.

Trump inaongozwa, fagot

טראמפ חיסל אותה לגמרי

הוא דיבר על תוכניות והמצע שלו והילרי דיברה רק על טראמפ.

הוא שלט בה כל הזמן. כל מה שהיא יכלה לעשות זה לחייך בצורה שחצנית בזמן שהיא הפסידה. זה היה מביש לה ולמפלגה הדמוקרטית.

בכל הסקרים חוץ מגוי (סיאןאן) מסכימים.

טראמפ שלט.

טראמפ השמיד אותה לגמרי.

הוא דיבר על תוכניות ומצע אמיתי וקלינטון פשוט דיברה על טראמפ.

הוא שלט בה כל הזמן. וכל מה שהיא יכלה לעשות זה פרצופים בזמן שהיא הפסידה. זה היה מביך בשבילה ובשביל המפלגה הדמוקרטית.

כל הסקרים חוץ מ(((CNN))) מסכימים.

טראמפ שלט, הומו.






Tramp atterly dästrojed hör.

Hi tålked abaout ril pläns änd polisi änd Klinton jast tålked abaout Tramp.

Hi häd hör ån the råps the hål tajms. Ål shi koud do vas arrogantli smörk vhile shi vas losing. It vas embarasing får hör änd får the Demokratik parti.

Ålmost ål the pålls eksept får LOL (((SENN))) agri.

Tramp dominejted, fagåt.

Trump dominerade henne.

Han talade om verkliga planer och politik och Clinton bara talade om Trump.

Han hade henne på repen hela tiden. Allt hon kunde göra var arrogant mysa när hon höll på att förlora. Det var pinsamt för henne och för det demokratiska partiet.

Nästan alla omröstningar utom för LOL (((CNN))) överens.

Trump dominerade.

>Trumpets on Cred Forums unironically believe this

>Trump dominerte, homse

It was an obvious joke, shill.

Trump ching chong dong

Dong fong wong ching chong Clinton ching chong wong Trump

Dong fong chong fong wong ching chong gong wong chong ching ching chong dong fong wong ching chong ling song chong dong fong Democratic chong.

Ching chong fong wong chong (((CNN))) long

Trump ching chong

Trump ditumpas beliau.

Beliau bercakap tentang rancangan sebenar dan dasar dan Clinton hanya bercakap tentang Trump.

Beliau telah beliau pada tali seluruh masa. Semua dia boleh lakukan adalah sombong menyeringai ketika dia kehilangan. Ia adalah memalukan untuk dia dan untuk parti Demokrat.

Hampir semua pilihan raya kecuali LOL (((CNN))) bersetuju.

Trump dikuasai, homo

Trump odelagde hende totalt.

Han snakkede om rigtige planer og politiske holdninger mens Clinton kun snakkede om Trump.

Han havde hende i hjornet konstant. Alt hvad hun kunne gore var at arrogant smile mens hun tabte. Det var pinligt for hende og det demokratiske parti.

Alle ude over LOL (((CNN))) er enige.

Trump Dominerede, svans.

டிரம்ப் முற்றிலும் அழித்து.

அவர் உண்மையான திட்டங்கள் மற்றும் கொள்கை மற்றும் கிளின்டன் தான் டிரம்ப் பற்றி பேசினார் பற்றி பேசினார்.

அவர் முழு முறை கயிறுகள் அவளை இருந்தது. அவர் என்ன செய்ய முடியும் அனைத்து ஆணவத்துடன் இருந்தது அவள் இழந்து போது இளி. இது அவளுக்கு மற்றும் ஜனநாயகக் கட்சிக்கும் சங்கடமாக இருந்தது.

குபீர் தவிர கிட்டத்தட்ட அனைத்து தேர்தல் (((CNN),)) ஒப்புக்கொள்கிறேன்.

டிரம்ப் ஆதிக்கம், கட்டுடல்

Takk, min nordiske bror. Også hun -> han

Trump hoàn toàn bị phá hủy của mình.

Ông đã nói về kế hoạch thực tế và chính sách và Clinton vừa nói đến Trump.

Ông đã có cô trên những sợi dây thừng toàn bộ thời gian. Tất cả các cô có thể làm là ngạo mạn cười tự mãn khi cô bị mất. Đó là đáng xấu hổ cho mình và cho đảng Dân chủ.

Hầu như tất cả các cuộc thăm dò trừ LOL (((CNN))) đồng ý.

Trump thống trị, đồng tính nam

Hillary on numerous occasions directly made inflammatory comments about Trump. Moreoever, it doesn't refute what I said. She was given the floor to make her responses even though there "wasn't enough time" and "they had to move onto the next question".


Trump dominert derre sklotta der.

Hainj snakka om EKTE plana og politikk, mens Clinton fjasa om Trump.

Hu gikk på TRESKI. Alt hu kun gjor va å stå der me det pessmongoe gliset sitt mens hu tapt. Det va kleint for både hu og det demokratiske partiet.

Nesten alle måling utenatt LUH (((CNN))) e enig.

Trump pessa på hu, homo.

Trump utterly fucked her.

He was going on about real plans n policy and Clinton just spouted about Trump.

Dumb shiela was on the ropes whole time. All the dumb hoe could do was arrogantly smirk while being destroyed. It was an absolute shit show for her and the Democratic Party.

Almost all the polls except for bloody (((CNN))) say it so.


Trump ją zupełnie zmasakrował.

Mówił o prawdziwych planach i rozwiązaniach, a Clinton mówiła a Trumpie.

Miał ją na linach od początku do końca, wszystko co mogła robić to stać z aroganckim usmieszkiem i przyjmować ciosy. Wstyd dla niej i dla jej partii.

Praktycznie wszystkie sondy, poza (((CNN))), się zgadzają.

Trump dominował

ترامب دمرت تماما لها.

وتحدث عن الخطط والسياسات وكلينتون تحدثت للتو عن ورقة رابحة حقيقية.

وقال انه لها على الحبال الأوقات كلها. كل ما يمكن القيام به هو بغطرسة صمة بينما كانت خاسرة. كان محرجا بالنسبة لها وبالنسبة للحزب الديمقراطي.

جميع استطلاعات الرأي تقريبا باستثناء LOL (((سي ان ان))) نوافق على ذلك.

ترامب يهيمن عليها، مثلي الجنس

trump utt'rly did destroy h'r.

that gent did talk about real plans and policy and clinton just did talk about trump.

that gent hadst h'r on the ropes the whole times. all the lady couldst doth wast arrogantly smirk while the lady wast losing. t wast embarrassing f'r h'r and f'r the democratic party.

almost all the polls except f'r lol (((cnn))) concur.

trump dominated, faggot

>The best part is when Trump rambles on about how he has "a winning temperament" and Clinton and the audience straight up laugh at him. Not with him but at him.

didn't he beat 16 people to get there? was the audience plants like the fist rep debate?

Trump heeft haar totaal kapotgemaakt.

Hij praatte over echte plannen en beleid en Clinton praatte alleen over Trump.

Hij had haar de hele tijd op de kast. Ze kon alleen maar arrogant lachen terwijl ze verloor. Het was genant voor haar en voor de Democratische partij.

Bijna alle peilingen behalve LOL (((CNN))) zijn het hiermee eens.

Trump domineerde, flikker






Trump totally wreck her pussy bruh.

He been talkin bout real slick moves nd Clinton finna jus talk bout Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole damn time bruh. Bruh all she could do was mean mug while she was gettin dunked on. It was humiliatin for dat hoe and da whole damn badonka donk party you feel me cuh.

Damn near all dem polls cept fo LOL (((CNN))) keepin it one hunnid.

Trump dominate, trill spit bruh

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do
Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

Trump diddled her like a Ballarat Priest.

He talked about proper ballsy shit and glassing lebs and Clinton just shlicked herself over Trump.

He had her on jobseekers the whole times. All she could do was cuntingly shitpost while she was getting ramrooted. It was bloody bodyline for her and for the English cricket team.

Almost all the fucktards except for LOL (((abc))) agree.

Trump shirtfronted, poofta

What a waste of 90 minutes and a great venue. I was expecting them to actually address shit but the moderator wanted to do nothing but press Trump the whole night.

>No discussion on censorship and free speech
>No discussion about the internet
>No discussion about the TPP and similar treaties
>No discussion on immigration
>No actual discussion about national defense and war
>No discussion about the space program
>No discussion on racial tensions outside of some softball questions

The whole debate was fluff fluff fluff.


>He had her on jobseekers the whole times.


this fucking spam is making me kek so hard
never change Cred Forums

WE WUZ KANZ.. of Bing translator

Slutt å knot.

>the audience straight up laugh at him

And the 'unbiased' moderator did not silence them (x3) like he did the Trump supporters.

Aside from all the talk about policy, I think it's shocking that Donald Trump kept referring to Hillary as 'Secretary Clinton'. How did the moderator even let that smearing continue? It's terrible that because she is a woman, Trump refers to her a secretary. She's running for president, she's a lot more than just a secretary.

Wallah, Trump heeft haar helemaal gejoekt, vriend

Hij zij die echte shit en Clinton zij alleen die dingen over hem

Hij bleef haar klappies geven, vriend. Enigste die ze kon doen was lachen terwijl ze werd geklapt. Ik moest echt huilen voor haar en die partijtje van d'r

Bijna al die peils zeiden dat behalve LOL (((die kankerjoden)))

Trump heeft die gewonne, kankerflikkertje

mordi går på truga kis

Trump l'a totalement démontée.

Il a parlé de vrai projets et resolutions and Clinton a juste parlé de Trump.

Il l'avait dans les cordes tout le temps. Tout ce qu'elle pouvait faire c'était sourire de manière arrogante quand elle perdait. C'était très génant pour elle et le Parti Democrate.

Presque tout les sondages sauf pour HONHON (((CNN)) sont d'accord.

Trump a dominé, pédé.

The tables have turned since the Primaries.
Back then it was Trump smirking and on the attack against the other candidates.
This debate he looked flustered and was on the defensive.
Hopefully he can turn it around for the 2nd debate.

Nope, shes current secretary of the state. Been there ruining lives for what 8 years now?

Trump zerstörte sie völlig.

Er sprach über wirklichen Pläne und Politik und Clinton sprach nur über Trump.

Er hatte sie in den Seilen, die ganze Zeit. Alles, was sie tun konnte war hochmütig zu Grinsen, während sieverlor. Es war peinlich für sie und für die Demokratische Partei.

Fast alle Umfragen mit Ausnahme LOL (((CNN))) stimmen zu.

Trump dominiert, Schwuchtel

Mått heint di me hænger

>he thought they would actually discuss serious issues

Hardeste du har opplevd e pikken til fardin

Trump destroy that bitch ese.

Homeboy talk about real plan and policy you feel me dawg and Clinton talk about big homie Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times ese. All she could do was sit there with her teeth grinning while she losing dawg. All the homeboys embarrass for her and la Democratic casa.

Nearly all those polls ecept for jajaja (((CNN))) are down for the hood vato.

Trump dominate that shit, puto

ummmm but tax returns !!!

And this how a meme is born

Bit texty, and lengthy, but was the determination of one guy to post his opinion over and over on every single CTR shill thread.

I tried with gore pictures form Syria, Hillary legacy - does not work for them, because they're sociopaths. A kid in a pool of blood with ululating ISIS around him, means nothing. 36 hours now I'm fucking with them, and I'm not a young chicken anymore

I salute you user! Perseverence and inspiration pays off

>shes current secretary of the state

No, Kerry took over 4 years ago


Trump'as visiškai sunaikino ją.

Jis kalbėjo apie tikrus planus ir politiką ir Clinton tik kalbėjo apie Trump'ą.

Jis ją laikė ant virvės visalaik. Vienintėlis dalykas ji galėjo padaryti tai arogantiškai šypsotis kol ji pralaimėjo. Tai buvo gėda jai ir demokratų partijai.

Beveik visos apklausos išskyrus LOL (((CNN))) sutinka.

Trump'as dominavo, pydare.

wajoo g
mocranon brengt de eckte torie zoals zijn moeder ons naar ROC brengt wetog
fak de plietsie kankerjoodjes

Are you thick? The last or most distinguished title held in office is the proper title. You see this on shows with talking heads and pundits all the time. Trump was using a proper title for her

Trump totalt förstörde henne.

Han pratade om riktiga planer och policy, Clinton pratade bara om honom.

Han hade kontroll över henne hela tiden. Allt hon kunde göra var att ge ett arrogant leende medans hon förlorade. Det var pinsamt för henne och för hela det demokratiska partiet.

Nästan alla opinionsundersökningar är på samma sida förutom den för (((CNN))).

Trump dominerade.

Trump teljesen elpusztította őt.

Ő igazi tervekröl beszelét és eljárásmódokról beszélt, Clinton meg csak Trumpról beszélt.

Trump egész végig kötelen tartota Clintont. Csak anyit tudot tenni hogy arrogánsan önelégülten mosolyogjon miközben ő vesztésre ált. Clintonak és az egész demokrata pártnak kínos volt.

Majdnem mindegyik felméres egyetért kivéve LOL a (((CNN)))-t

Trump dominált, köcsögök.

wahakallah g, je weet zelf, blijf rustigg dan

I've always loved British humor.

Their were multiple times they laughed at her and cheered for trump

Trump berjaya menumpaskan dia.

Beliau bercakap tentang pelan sebenar beserta polisi dan Clinton hanya bercakap tentang Trump.

Beliau berjaya menumpaskannya sepanjang masa. Semua dia bolwh lakukan adalah berlagak menyeringai ketika dia sedang kalah. Ia adalah memalukan untuk dia dan untuk parti Demokrat.

Hampir semua pilihan raya kecuali LOL (((CNN))) bersetuju.

Trump mendominasi.

Trump wada baabbi'iyey iyadii.

Waxa uu ka hadlay qorshaha dhabta ah iyo siyaasadda iyo Clinton oo kaliya ka hadlay Trump.

Oo isna wuxuu lahaa iyada on xadhko jeer oo dhan. All ayay samayn kareen ahaa iskibrin smirk halka iyada waxaa laga badiyay. Waxa ay ahayd ceeb iyada oo xisbiga Democratic.

Ku dhowaad dhammaan doorashada marka laga reebo LOL (((CNN))) heshiin.

Trump heysatay, qaniis

O Trump destruiu-a por completo.

Ele falou sobre planos reais e políticas e a Clinton só falou sobre o Trump.

Ele teve-a nas cordas o tempo todo. Tudo o que ela pôde fazer foi sorrir arrogantemente enquanto perdia. Foi embaraçoso para ela e para o partido Democrático.

Quase todas as sondagens excepto a LOL (((CNN))) concordam.

O Trump dominou.

fuck typo correction

Trump teljesen elpusztította őt.

Ő igazi tervekröl és eljárásmódokról beszélt, Clinton csakis Trumpról beszélt.

Trump egész végig kötelen tartota Clintont. Csak anyit tudot tenni hogy arrogánsan önelégülten mosolyogjon miközben ő vesztésre ált. Clintonak és az egész demokrata pártnak kínos volt ez az egész.

Majdnem mindegyik felméres egyetért kivéve LOL a (((CNN)))-t

Trump dominált, köcsögök.

did you ever think the ones laughing at Trump are the Hillary supporters in the audience? Trump had cheering for him at many parts in the debate but it's easy as fuck to understand that it was his supporters cheering for him and laughing at his jokes, as was the same for Hillary

Trump la destruyó

Él habló de planes reales y política y Clinton sólo habló sobre Trump

Él la tuvo contra las cuerdas todo el tiempo. Todo lo que ella podía hacer era sonreír arrogantemente mientras perdía. Era vergonzoso para ella y el partido Demócrata.

Casi todas las encuestas excepto por LOL (((CNN))) coinciden

Trump dominó

Welp. It finally happened, I had to Dump Trump. I was a supporter from day 1, ordered every season of The Apprentice, stayed at Trump Tower in Chicago when I visited, bought all his books and highlighted my favourite quotes with the classic neon yellow highlighter we used back in school, I did everything to support this man. But, now, I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of staying up all night on social media trying to defend all of Trumps blunders, this complete self-destruction in the debate was just the latest one. I'm tired of always being stressed out, wondering how badly new blunders will hurt him in the polls.

It finally hit me, this man has been exposed countless times as having horrible policies by experts, so why am I staying up all night, every night to defend him? It's time for ALL of us to fess up, Donald Trump tricked us, he made us all believe he was going to make America great again, well hes NOT and I'm tired of pretending he is, I've spent nearly every night of the past nine months trying to defend him, and I'm exhausted, angry and lacking so much sleep.

IT'S OVER, I'm sick of it! I just took the ultimate red pill, the HillPill. Now I'm going to rest easy and catch up on some much needed sleep.

Finally, peace.


Have to remember that for the next monkey-poo flinging thread. Funny, did not saw one since yesterday morning, used to be 1 per hour almost.

I wonder what the reason is....hmmm

Is this new pasta

This copypasta meme is fucking shit.

Cred Forums would be ashamed of your meme-culture.

Thank you for correcting the record.

It might seem that way from your perspective, but as a hillary supporter, trump definitely won by a mile.

She's so uncharismatic on stage it really works against her. Her proposals are good, but she's really awful as a public figure.

Trump took this one guys.

Sleep in peace, CTR friend.. once you took the HillPill, you can never testify.

I hope you can still read this while you're feeling sleepier.. and sleeeeepier.. but there is a guy behind you with a barbell trying to decorate your neck.

Being charismatic dosn't mean you are right tho.

Both of them are a bunch of retards, just because Trump acts like an autistic kid on stage with his motions dosn't mean he is somehow better.

This is the most retarded paragraph I've ever seen. Stop google translating and learn proper chinese holy shit.



> his head this deep in the sand.
Ya boi lost.

Whoops, replied to wrong post.

>fluent in Chinese
The memes are real after all.


1 gold backed dollar has been deposited in your account for trumping the record

Exactly, this just proves how badly trump lost the debate. trump is a fucking incoherent moron.

You have no idea. Try Auckland in NZ - half the city are chinks

트럼프가 힐러리를 처절히 짓밟았어.

클린턴이 바보 같이 트럼프 얘기만 하는 동안 트럼프는 자기 미래 계획을 말했지.

트럼프가 그녀를 가지고 노는 동안 힐러리는 그저 거만하게 웃기만 할 수 있었지. 민주당과 클린턴은 아주 부끄러웠을거야.

(((CNN)))을 제외한 모든 여론조사가 다 동의하잖아.

트럼프의 승리야.

Trump ji totálně zničil.

Mluvil o reálných plánech a politice, zatímco Clintonová mluvila jen o Trumpovi.

Měl ji celou dobu na háku. Jediné na co se zmohla bylo se arogantně usmívat a prohrávat. Bylo to pro ni a pro celou Demokratickou stranu opravdu trapné.

Téměř všechny ankety, kromě LOL (((CNN))) s tím souhlasí.

Trump debatu ovládl, buzíku



Donald Trump Jr, is that you?

>Lester gave him the holy grail to slam clinton
>Trump you said she doesn't have the "look"

Thank you Lester, and I will repeat it again. I don't think Clinton has the look of a true presidential candidate. She totes herself as the first female president and a role model for women? Here lets go through a list of her heinous actions, she shamed women to protect her husband, called the black youth super predators.... and set up an illegal email server, destroyed evidence, and lied before congress.

If presidents are role models for the country, why would we want one that is better served in prison clothes? CROOKED HILLARY, NOT ONCE.

"Trump l'a complétement détruite.

Il a proposé de véritable plan et une vrai politique tandis que Clinton a seulement parlée de Trump.

Il lui a mit la pression tout le long. Tout ce qu'elle a pu faire était d'afficher un rictus arrogant pendant qu'elle perdait.
C'était embarrassant aussi bien pour elle que pour les Démocrates.

Quasiment tout les sondages, excepté LOL (((CNN))) sont d'accord :

Trump l'a dominé."

Trump talagang binagsak siya.

Ang pinagusapan niya ay tungkol sa kanyang mga plano at aghikain samantalang si Clinton ang pinagusapan niya puro tungkol kay Trump.

Palagi niyang binabangga at inisasantabi siya. Wala siyang mgawa kundi lang ngumisi habang natatalo. Nakakahiya lang sa kanya, lalo na sa partida niyang liberal.

Lahat ng poll puro sa kanya pwera lang sa (((CNN))).

Trump ang nanaig.

Trump utterly fucked wit her muthafuckin ass.

Dude talked bout real plans n' policy n' Clinton just talked bout Trump.

Dude had her on tha ropes tha whole times fo' realz. All dat thugged-out biiiatch could do was arrogantly smirk while dat biiiiatch was losing. Dat shiznit was embarrassin fo' her n' fo' tha Democratic party.

Almost all tha polls except fo' LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated, playa

He's a cuck like his cuck supporters. Can't wait for him to lose to a women.


>he can't post correctly

lurk more faggot.

Underrated post


Trump la va destruïr absolutament.

Va parlar sobre plans concrets i polítiques, i Clinton només va parlar d'ell.
La va tenir contra les cordes tota l'estona. Tot el que va fer ella és fer befa arrogantment mentres perdia. Va ser vergonyant per ella i pel Partit Democràtic.

Gairebé totes les enquestes excepte la de (((CNN))) concorden.

Trump va dominar, marica.

Bravo bogan.

Va te pendre sale connard. Les gauchistes sont en mode panique.


Va te pendre.

Trump totalnie ją zniszczył.

Mówił o prawdziwych planach i polityce, Clinton po prostu mówiła o Trumpie.

Miał ją na linach cały czas. Wszystko, co mogła zrobić to arogancko się uśmiechać gdy przegrywała. To było upokarzające dla niej i dla Partii Demokratycznej.

Niemal wszystkie sondaże z wyjątkiem LOL (((CNN))) mówią to samo.

Trump dominował, pedale.

ترامب دمرت تماما لها.

وتحدث عن الخطط والسياسات وكلينتون تحدثت للتو عن ورقة رابحة حقيقية.

وقال انه لها على الحبال الأوقات كلها. كل ما يمكن القيام به هو بغطرسة صمة بينما كانت خاسرة. كان محرجا بالنسبة لها وبالنسبة للحزب الديمقراطي.

جميع استطلاعات الرأي تقريبا باستثناء LOL (((سي ان ان))) نوافق على ذلك.

ترامب يهيمن عليها، وطي


"Trump l'a complétement détruite.

Il a proposé de véritable plan et une vrai politique tandis que Clinton a seulement parlée de Trump.

Il lui a mit la pression tout le long. Tout ce qu'elle a pu faire était d'afficher un rictus arrogant pendant qu'elle perdait.
C'était embarrassant aussi bien pour elle que pour les Démocrates.

Quasiment tout les sondages, excepté LOL (((CNN))) sont d'accord :

Trump l'a dominé."

Right after the opening statements Holt lost control of the debate when he gave Hillary 30 seconds she never should've had

just the facts…
of the two candidates running for president…
Only Hillary Clinton was caught lying to congress.
Only Hillary Clinton was fired from a job for being unethical.
Only Hillary Clinton deleted 30 some thousand emails after she was ordered to hand them over to the Fed.
Only Hillary Clinton had that same computer wiped clean by professionals.
Only Hillary Clinton got the rapist of a teenage girl off on rape charges then laughed about it.
Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about Benghazi.
Only Hillary Clinton lied to the American people about her emails.
Only Hillary Clinton lied about being under sniper fire.
Only Hillary Clinton lied about lying to the American people.
Only Hillary Clinton was involved in ” Cash Cow ”
Only Hillary Clinton has a long list of scandals.
Only Hillary Clinton nationally belittled her husband’s sexual harassment ( and rape ) accusers.
Only Hillary Clinton is a career politician.
Only Hillary Clinton will not release her speeches to Goldman Sachs and other banks.
Only Hillary Clinton is tied to Monsanto.
Only Hillary Clinton was labeled ” Extremely careless ” about national security by the FBI !
Only Hillary Clinton said she will raise taxes on the middle class.
Only Hillary Clinton benefited from the DNC rigging an election !
Only Hillary Clinton had to return stolen items from the White House.
Only Hillary Clinton said the Benghazi victims parents where lying.
Only Hillary Clinton wants you to vote for her based on her gender.
Only Hillary Clinton has no real accomplishments after a lifetime in politics.
Only Hillary Clinton has never created any jobs.
Only Hillary Clinton has been investigated by the FBI and found to have put national security at risk.
Only Hillary Clinton has had two or more movies and several documentaries made about her questionable ethics.
Only Hillary Clinton was called “Broomstick one” by the SS.

Only Hillary Clinton made congress and others spend millions and millions of tax dollars having hearings and investigating her to find that she lied, that would not have been spent if she would of simply told the truth in the first place ! Fact – all facts !
Only Hillary Clinton regularly cussed out and belittled her SS detail.
Only Hillary Clinton Only Hillary Clinton Only Hillary Clinton over and over again.
But you are going to vote for her because…. you don’t like Donald Trump ? That is insane !
I will never understand how any moral person in good conscience could vote for this woman.
(This is just a small percentage of a much longer list

kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa.

kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa.

kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa. kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa. kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa.

kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa kurwa (((CNN))) kurwa.

kurwa kurwa, kurwa

You're a faggot cuck
You will be sent over the wall when emperor Trump is elected

Who gives a fuck about /tv?
Kill your self

What language is this? They scream it out at all the construction sites in Norway.

yep, thats Polish, we speak in kurwa`s

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.

Trump la ha destruido absolutamente.

Ha hablado sobre política y planes reales y Clinton solo ha hablado sobre Trump.

Él la ha tenido sobre las cuerdas todo el tiempo. Y ella solo podía sonreír arrogantemente mientras perdía. Fue vergonzoso para ella y para el Partido Democratico.

Todas las encuestas excepto por LOL (((CNN)) están de acuerdo.

Trump ha dominado, marica

A man falls in love with a country. Unable to confess, he is gifted by a Deus Ex Machina with the Republican nomination. Never minding the imperfect party ideology, he immediately puts his best foot forward, and is overjoyed to find out that the country has a crush on him too.

But the next day, when he recounts his overwhelming support and high energy rallies, the media starts calling him a bigot, a liar, and a fascist. After some investigation, he finds that the party he is running against is not the same one that the average American voter thinks they are. It is the political left's special-interest counterpart, who has fallen in love with his party's own SI self, who unfortunately failed to steal the nomination from him.

Hijinks ensue as the two battle in the arena of public opinion, and he uncovers her darkest, most private secrets in order to equip himself with the weapons needed to conquer the heart of the nation. While the two pursue their respective goals, DRAMA ensues as they begin to question the NATURE of the American democratic process.

Trump la ha destruido irremediablemente.

Hablo de planes reales y política y Clinton solo hablaba de Trump.

La tuvo contra las cuerdas todo el tiempo y todo lo que pudo hacer fue sonreir arrogantemente mientras perdía. Fue vergonzoso para el partido Demócrata

Casi todas pas encuestas excepto JAJA (((CNN))) concuerdan.

Trump dominó marica

Trump la hizo pico.

Habló de sus planes y weas mientras que la Clinton solo weaba al Trump.

La tenía cagá de miedo to el tiempo y todo lo que puo hacer fue sonreir como maraca mientras le daban como caja. Fue pal pico pa los Democratas.

Casi todos los qlos excepto askfdfak (((CNN))) dicen lo mismo:

Trump la hizo reparir a pichulazos, maraca

>A fleeting Interjection is counted for each time Trump simply said "Wrong" when Hillary was speaking
wew bois

Տռամպ ատտերլի դեստրոյդ հյոր։

Հի տոկդ էբաուտ րիալ պլենս էնդ պոլիսի էնդ Կլինտոն տոկդ էբաուտ Տռամպ։

Հի հեդ հյոր օն դե րոուպս դե հոուլ թայմ։ Օլլ շի կուդ դու ուազ սմիրք ուայլ շի ուազ լուզինգ։ Իթ ուազ էմբերասսինգ ֆոր հյոր էնդ ֆոր դե Դեմոկրատիք պարթի։

Օլմոուստ օլլ դե պոլլս էկսեպտ ԼՕԼ (((ՍիԷնԷն))) էգրի։

Տռամպ դոմինեյտե՜դ։

You realize these posts are making fun of how /trump/ damage control kicked into maximum overdrive, right?

Trabaja, fome culiao o tu jefe te va a mear

Denail aint just a river in Egypt user.

>reality - look into it


Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

This is the most believable post I've ever read on /pol
