The moderator of last night's debate was very unfair to Mr.Trump

This video shows only words spoken by the moderator. I'll let you decide for yourself.

He's a registered republican :)

how is that relevant?

>This video shows only words spoken by the moderator. I'll let you decide for yourself.
Agreed, he even argues against Trump in several instances.

>He's a registered republican :)

sauce that plox

Did anyone else notice he silenced the Trump supporters, yet the allowed the Clinton laugh track to run on three times??!!!

he's a google skyper

he cant because its not true. kiwis just shit post every one knows that dont respond to them

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

Is he actually black?
He looks like an old white guy painted brown

Trump l'a totalement démontée.

Il a parlé de vrai projets et resolutions and Clinton a juste parlé de Trump.

Il l'avait dans les cordes tout le temps. Tout ce qu'elle pouvait faire c'était sourire de manière arrogante quand elle perdait. C'était très génant pour elle et le Parti Democrate.

Presque tout les sondages sauf pour HONHON (((CNN)) sont d'accord.

Trump a dominé, pédé.

Trump berjaya menumpaskan dia.

Beliau bercakap tentang pelan sebenar beserta polisi dan Clinton hanya bercakap tentang Trump.

Beliau berjaya menumpaskannya sepanjang masa. Semua dia boleh lakukan adalah berlagak menyeringai ketika dia sedang kalah. Ia adalah memalukan untuk dia dan untuk parti Demokrat.

Hampir semua pilihan raya kecuali LOL (((CNN))) bersetuju.

Trump mendominasi.

Shillary's daughter made $600,000 a year 'working' for NBC.

I think he gets points for even throwing the e-mail issue to Clinton.

what a fucking skype cuck

More importantly he's a nigger.

That's not surprising. Typical soft, weak, cuck with no ideals, morals, backbone, or nerve. Fuck this faggot.

>Trump's tax returns
>Birther issue
>Mr Trump you supported the invasion of Iraq

Holt was biased as fuck. He never challenged Shillary's shit record or her inconsistencies.
Repeatedly put Trump on the defensive.
Silenced Trump supporters and allowed Shillary's to laugh on several occasions.

Yet another example of MSM bias in this election.

Trump has completely dismantled.

He talked about real projects and resolutions and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had in the ropes all the time. All she could do was smile arrogantly when she lost. It was very annoying for it and the Democratic Party.

Almost all polls except HONHON (((CNN)) agree.

Trump has dominated homosexual.

Tpaмп yтepли дecтpoјд хp.

Хe тoлкд aбayт peл плaнc aнд пoлиcи aнд Клинтoн јacт тoлкд aбayт Tpyмп.

Хe хaд хep oн дe poпc дe хoл тaјмc. Aл шe кyд дy вaз apoгaнтли cмиpк вaјл шe вac лycинг. Ит вac eмбepecинг фop хep aнд фop дe хoл Дeмoкpaтик пapти.

Aлмocт aл дe пoлc eкcцeпт фop ЛOЛ (((CИHH))) aгpи.

Tpyмп дoминaтeд.

So is H. W.

Trump wada baabbi'iyey iyadii.

Waxa uu ka hadlay qorshaha dhabta ah iyo siyaasadda iyo Clinton oo kaliya ka hadlay Trump.

Oo isna wuxuu lahaa iyada on xadhko jeer oo dhan. All ayay samayn kareen ahaa iskibrin smirk halka iyada waxaa laga badiyay. Waxa ay ahayd ceeb iyada oo xisbiga Democratic.

Ku dhowaad dhammaan doorashada marka laga reebo LOL (((CNN))) heshiin.

Trump heysatay qaniis ah

Trump is not really about Republicans, but common Americans. Almost all republican party was his enemy, remember?

>This video shows only words spoken by the moderator. I'll let you decide for yourself.
> [Error]

video gives me an error.

whatever you do don't copy and paste

Trump talagang binagsak siya.

Ang pinagusapan niya ay tubgkol sa kanyang mga plano at aghikain samantalng si Clinton ang pinagusapa niya puro tungkol kay Trump.

Palagi niyang binabangga at inisasantabi siya. Wala siyang mgawa kundi lang ngumisi habang natatalo. Nakakahiya lang sa kanya, lalo na sa partida niyang liberal.

Lahat ng poll puro sa kanya pwera lang sa (((CNN))).

Trump ang nanaig.

Trump talagang binagsak siya.

Ang pinagusapan niya ay tungkol sa kanyang mga plano at aghikain samantalang si Clinton ang pinagusapan niya puro tungkol kay Trump.

Palagi niyang binabangga at inisasantabi siya. Wala siyang mgawa kundi lang ngumisi habang natatalo. Nakakahiya lang sa kanya, lalo na sa partida niyang liberal.

Lahat ng poll puro sa kanya pwera lang sa (((CNN))).

Trump ang nanaig.

1st question
>hillary, why are you better
>trump... same question....

2nd question
>how are you going to do this specifically trump

Third question
>hillary defend tax increase
>trump defend tax decrease

4th question
>trump, don't the US citizens have the right to know your tax info

Fifth question
>but really trump, why didn't you release you tax info

Sixth question
>Trump be quiet so hillary can address her emails

seventh question
>how do you heal race relations

>hillary, are the cops implicitly biased against blacks?

>trump, why are you a racist birther

>trump, why are a racist birther

>how do you defeat ISIS

>how do you defeat homegrown terrorism

>trump, aren't you being a hypocrite because you supported the war in iraq

>do you support first use of nukes

>hillary is the first female president, and you were a meanie, Mr. Trump, so why did you insult her?

>How will you two win the election?

5 Bipartisan questions
9 trump questions
2 hillary question

The vast majority were negative remarks/questions about trump.

Absolutely a piece of shit "moderator".

I also love how Hillary shilled for her correct the record bots at the beginning of the debate.

"we'll have the record corrected in real time"

Don't worry, he let Trump get in a "muh emales". Only thing he didn't give her was a "muh bengazi". It's not like either of thsoe haven't been done to death for literally a million years.

Trump hat sie völlig zerstört.

Er hat über handfeste Pläne und Politik referiert, während Clinton nur über ihn redete.

Sie konnte kaum paroli bieten, alles was sie tat war süffisant zu grinsen, während sie verlor. Eine peinliche Vorstellung für sie und die Demokratische Partei.

Fast alle Umfragen, bis auf eine von (((CNN))), stimmen mit dieser Analyse überein.

Trump hat dominiert.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree

Trump dominated

>hillary is the first female president, and you were a meanie, Mr. Trump, so why did you insult her?

That's when I knew for sure they were working in her favor.

Trump fucked up, but they were also helping her against him. What the fuck kind of question is that? They need to stick to America not petty garbage.

Schee host des gmacht, Roger.

I was saying the same thing last night