Trump won is trending on Twitter. The people think Trump won wtf is going on????

Trump won is trending on Twitter. The people think Trump won wtf is going on????

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Come on, Cred Forums. Be honest. He didn't win.

The left is turning on eachother


Hardly. It's just another hashtag that got taken over by retarded, jobless lefties.

actually he did

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

This perfectly encapsulates my views as well.

Trump pretty much mopped the floor with her.

He talked about REAL issues, REAL matters that actually are important to voters.

Hillary just focused on petty childish attacks.

Polls agree - Trump is the clear winner.

I'm sorry, but did Donald Trump already lose? Oh, that's right. The debates aren't even over yet. In fact, only a number of Clinton lock states have reported. Does not having the lead at this point count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the debates are still on? Donald Trump is still winning states right now and has lead in the national polls for how many weeks now? He's up against the worst first female President in the history of America, who just happens to have a lead because she's feeding off the momentum of winning the first debate to start off.. But you know what? She still fucking sucks. Donald Trump is one of the best fucking politicians in the US, he tells the truth. and crushed Cruz because of his popular support. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Donald Trump wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Hillary just lost a future debate to Trump. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You all are a fucking idiots and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Trump topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like Trump because he's successful. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing

Meme magic?

I agree, but I think him talking over her so much might make him look like a dick. I wish he wouldn't do that honestly, once saw a debate in uni where the Tory speaker was constantly interrupted by the other 4, made me want to mute their mics.


Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

Why is CTR so useless , do they need more money.

Trump kompletnie ją zniszczył.

Mówił o prawdziwych planach i swoich pozycjach, a Clinton mówiła tylko o Trumpie.

Przez cały czas trzymał ją na sznurkach. Wszystko co mogła zrobić to arogancko się uśmiechać gdy przegrywała. To był wstyd dla niej i dla całej partii Demokratów.

Prawie wszystkie sondaże poza LOL (((CNN))) się zgadzają.

Trump dominował

>you've been fighting isis your entire adult life
what did he mean by this?

Trump teljesen elpusztította őt.

Ő igazi tervekröl és eljárásmódokról beszélt, Clinton csakis Trumpról beszélt.

Trump egész végig kötelen tartota Clintont. Csak anyit tudot tenni hogy arrogánsan önelégülten mosolyogjon miközben ő vesztésre ált. Clintonak és az egész demokrata pártnak kínos volt ez az egész.

Majdnem mindegyik felméres egyetért kivéve LOL a (((CNN)))-t

Trump dominált, köcsögök.

Neither of them did

He not only had her admit to the email scandal but admit she was wrong and apologised for it. Something she's completely denied up until now.
She also had to admit on the most watched debate in history to calling black children super predators who must be brought to heel.

lmao how in the fuck did Trump win???

I watched the whole debate he got destroyed and was fumbling over himself the entire time. I was so butthurt last night that Trumps presidency was over. And now it's all over the place that Trump won.

lmao wtf!?!

I've not had time to watch the debate yet. Reading the news and pol I honestly thought trump had lost then I visited plebbit and they're on total meltdown damage control mode and realised shillary got BTFO.

...? Get the fuck out of my country you fucking filthy roach.

#trumpwon is like #whitegirlsdoitbetter


You should stop reading Spanish (((newspapers)))

Trump smadrede hende fuldstændig

Han snakkede faktiske planer og politik og Clinton snakkede kun om Trump.

Han havde overtaget hele tiden. Hun kunne kun smile arogant mens hun tabte. Det var pinligt for hende og for demokraterne.

Næsten alle meningsmålinger undtagen LOL (((CNN))) er enige.

Trump dominerede


its happening

The sheer number of CTR shills claiming Trump lost is evidence enough that he won.

No you get the fuck out. I live in a town which always had (and has) Hungarian majority and everything there was built by us except the dirty commie block.
This town was founded in the 13th(i think?) century by a Hungarian royal family and has castle too, I live in Satu Mare btw, so shoo shoo gipsy.

judetul Satu Mare*

Trump won with the demos that matters to his campaign; middle Americans; centrist mainly blue collar and soccer moms.

Sometimes you have to give up a pawn to win. Trump was never going to win the commie vote, or the translesbian genderfluid owlkin vote.

But he can prove to middle American centrists he can be calm and funny without being offensive. He did that last night.


You are all fucking gypsies. Play nice

Both did pretty bad desu no one won

I went to bed early last night because I'm sick, but I watched up until NAFTA came up. The conversation literally went

>Your husband signed NAFTA which was one of the worst trade deals ever
>W-well I was against it before I was for it
>You called it the "Gold Standard"
>T-that's just not accurate!

For a woman who is supposedly confident and has worked in government for 30+ years, he threw her about like a shark biting into chum.

No, you don't know how it is to live in a land stolen by backstabber gippos. Romania is so shit that I have to go to Hungary to buy groceries because here everything is more expensive and lower quality, and there the wages are higher too.

Take your country back desu. Make Romania Great Again!

You do realize that literally all social media is designed to show you what it thinks you want to see, right?

Not from what I saw

>because here everything is more expensive and lower quality
wtf why?

This is why I can't vote for her anymore. She was rude and obnoxious during the debate. We needed someone presidential up there. Trump was way ahead of her. She was just nasty attacking him and his employees calling everyone racist.

It was so obvious that she was lying about her "changing her mind" on the TPP.

Even Bill Clinton is still openly in favor of it. Trump was 100% right on her just aping him because she knew it could be an issue that makes her lose.

Her voice is just so grating, and Trump really let her show her nagging, arrogant bitch side tonight.

Even though he lost the debate point-for-point, if you ask any intellectual, hanging back and letting Clinton run away with it actually hurt her in the collective subconscious of the mass of undecided voters.

Trump's strategy completely ignored appealing to his own base or to Hillary's supporters and focused purely on the undecided voters.

Once Hillary started winning a little bit her arrogance really came out and Trump may have even won sympathy for letting her bully him, letting himself be seen as flustered, further humanizing himself in comparison to her as she grew more and more smug as the night grew on.

That's why Trump seemed to be keeping himself dumbed down. He wasn't playing the intellectual game. He let Hillary make all her best points and now he knows to have his counters ready when she tries to reprise them in the next debates.

No, you have plenty of trumpers saying that it was a tie or that no one won.

With the clintonites, you everyone saying that it was slaughter, where not even one said that it was a tie. That basically means Clinton won.

What determined you to talk like that? There wasn't any Hungarian on this thread...

I agree his strategy was smart but he needed better defensive answers, she hit him really hard on taxes, sexism, birtherism etc. Next debate he needs canned responses ready ... That being said he appeared really warm and genuine when he shook her hand and took a photo with her at the end. This will win him votes!

That's why I'm wondering why the fuck it's trending that he did desu

fpbp. There is no way Trump won that no matter how hard Cred Forums tries to convince me.


It's not trending faggot. more delusions at pol. r/thedonald is that way 8====>

No, it just means Trump fans are more likely to remain rational. Trump absolutely BTFO Hillary a a few times and she did the same to him.

Hillary's fans are rabid and insecure, so they can't admit that she made any mistakes. I can accept Don stumbled a few times. But he won with the groups that matter to his campaign.

It was an overall tie, but Trump won with the groups that actually matter to his campaign. Undecided middle american voters.


It's copypasta m8. Being converted into pretty much every language.

Trump did win, considering he was debating two fucking people and a bias crowd.

No. It's just alt-right trolling online again. Even right-wing places owned by Rupert Murdoch are saying that Clinton won:

"By the end of the 95 minutes, Trump was reduced to a sputtering mess blathering about Rosie O’Donnell and about how he hasn’t yet said the mean things about Hillary that he is thinking.

Most important, he set ticking time bombs for himself over the next six weeks.

As she hammered him on his tax returns, he handed her an inestimable gift by basically saying he pays no federal taxes despite his billions — and moreover, that if he had done so, it would have been “squandered” anyway."

Goku utterly destroyed Frieza.

He talked about real friendship and nobility and Frieza just talked about destroying the monkeys.

Goku had him on the ropes the whole times. All Frieza could do was arrogantly smirk while he was losing. It was embarrassing for him and for the Galactic Frieza Army.

Almost all the Z-warriors except for LOL (((Vegeta))) agree.

Goku dominated

Of course he didn't win. He said whatever he wanted to say regardless of the question he was given. He interrupted Hillary far more often than she interrupted him. He constantly lied and didn't care that stop and frisk was unconstitutional because it got results. He didn't attack Bill Clinton for his role in setting up the 2008 financial crisis despite the opportunity for it being served up on a silver platter.

But everything Hillary said that was good was nothing but a false promise she has no intention of keeping. So I'm still voting for Trump because I'm curious as to whether it's possible for a president to actually make changes counter to the will of the governmental machine.

> Polls that you guys sabatoged agree
That fucking logic.

>He let Hillary make all her best points and now he knows to have his counters ready when she tries to reprise them in the next debates.

She clearly outlined what her narrative was, she basically showed Trump all her dankest memes already.

Trump really didn't show her much of anything at all. Nothing solid she can use against him in the next debates besides a general perception that she won.

But I really think even people who say they want a woman president, even some WOMEN who say they want a woman president, are subconsciously turned off by a woman acting the way Hillary acted.

If normies think Trump won that's good and all that matters. Perception is reality.

Cred Forums just witnessed what happens when they or their leader try to debate outside their hugbox. They get smacked with fact and rational thinking and made to look very small. Trump was stumped. Sad!

Look, most of us generally agree Trump won, why do you have to act like a shill and spam pasta?

>neoconservatives complaining about Trump

They have been doing that since the beginning

Next you're gonna quote Glenn Beck and Bill Kristol.

Every asshole has an opinion.

Murdoch isn't neo-con. He's populist conservative and potentially a strong Trump supporter, except his news outlets are acknowledging that Trump did not have a good night.

At least after one bad debate, there's room for a remarkable turnaround for the second debate!

>Trump was never going to win the commie vote, or the translesbian genderfluid owlkin vote.

that cant be real , CTR TOLD ME SHE WON

How can you say it was a tie or win when Cred Forums literally had a meltdown mid debate and started screaming shill everywhere. Even after that clutserfuck you had people rigging polls to 'fix it.'

He lost.

He didn't, but it's not like Clinton won either. I am utterly dissatisfied with this debate.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated


Please fuck off. Look at Time, CNBC, I would say Drudge but it's a bit ludicrous. CNN literally stated last night that their polling base was skewed, and I guarantee they wont mention it again and keep showing their "results".

Vote and shut the fuck up.

Trump l'ha assolutamente distrutta.

Ha parlato di piani reali e manovre mentre la Clinton ha solamente parlato di Trump.

L'ha tenuta sulle corde tutto il tempo. L'unica cosa che lei ha potuto fare è stato grignare arrogantemente mentre stava perdendo. È stato imbarazzante per lei e per il partito Democratico.

Quasi tutti i sondaggi tranne che per LOL (((CNN))) concordano.

Trump ha dominato.

>except his news outlets

You mean contributors for his news outlets, a lot of which have been attacking Trump since the beginning? It's almost like conservatives have different opinions. Some of them say he came out strong, others say he lost, some like Krauthammer said it was a tie.

but Frieza clearly won, did you see, he managed to deestroy Namek, killing Goku in the proces and managed to hurt Trunks too. I think he did pretty well in that episode

wtf is that "shimmy" shit, I swear to god she had some ben wa balls inside her and had a nice little orgasm there



>he needed better defensive answers

You never show your best defense when you're baiting someone.

He showed almost no offense and only mediocre defense, which is absolutely the most perfect strategy IF, IF he was trying to bait her for next time.

It's perfect for making her come in with her hands down in in the second round, looking for the knockout.

That's when you get knocked out, when you're looking to knock somebody out quick and you don't respect them at all, so you come in aggressive and charge right into a counter you never saw coming.

you're whats wrong with the nature of our elections.

you look to see who looks the coolest, instead of who is speaking the best and truest things.

you're basically a bitch.

טראמפ הרס אותה לחלוטין.

הוא דיבר על תוכניות של ממש ומדיניות וקלינטון רק דיבר על טראמפ.

הוא הושיב אותה על החבלים הזמנים כולו. כל מה שיכל לעשות היה לחייך ביהירות תוך שהיא מאבדת. זה היה מביך עבורה ועבור המפלגה הדמוקרטית.

כמעט כל הסקרים למעט LOL (((CNN))) מסכימים.

טראמפ נשלט

cnn poll saying he won was unfair and only 500 people were asked! everyone knows the truth.

መለከት አደሰው አጠፋ.

እርሱ እውነተኛ እቅድ ነው እና ሂደት ሁነታዎች ክሊንተን ብቻ Trumpról ተናገረ; ተናገረ.

መለከት ሁሉ መንገድ ገመድ ክሊንተን ቆየን. Anyi ብቻ እርስዋ የአንደኛ ደረጃ ኪሳራ እንደ በእብሪት ኩሩ ፈገግታ ማድረግ ይችላሉ. Clintonak እና መላው ዴሞክራሲያዊ ፓርቲ, ሁሉንም ነገር የሚያሳፍር ነገር ነበር.

ሁሉም ማለት ይቻላል ጥናት ሃ ሃ ሃ (((CNN))) በቀር እስማማለሁ - t

መለከት አውራ ቅጠሎቹ.

>Crooked Frieza destroyed a whole planet in a temper tantrum
and you want this person to be president?


Oн гoвopил o peaльнoм плaниpoвaнии и пoлитикe и Клинтoн тoлькo чтo гoвopили o Tpaмпa.

Hope it works desu. 100 million people were watching today. He actually got sympathy votes for how he got emotional in the end becasue Hillary had an ad with Chelsea attacking him

Ok so I've got an opinion.

Everyone on Cred Forums had huge expectations for the debate. Everyone else, maybe not so much. Trump outperformed the expectations of the general population and Hillary under performed, so the winner is Trump.

My main concern is that he had a few moments to take her down but did not capitalize on them.

Should have hammered more with super predators and the dems claiming to be friends of blacks white doing nothing for them.

Should have hammered her more in cyber security and with the Bernie thing about the DNC

Trump came off as passionate and real, Hillary came off as an emotionless robot. She even mocked him and was smug as fuck, I think this will backfire. This is exactly why people hate her and love Trump in the first place. Also, Trump held back with so much shit he could have slapped her with, she fired all she had. At first I got a terrible feeling watching it, but then I realized it was because I already loved Don, and knew what kind of man he was. The people who have been brainwashed into thinking he was literally Hitler, would see that infact he is just a very real person who passionately wants to fight for his country.

I noticed this as well. Libfags think she lost and we think he did "ok".

>lmao wtf
CTR Doing an awful job. Trump won.

he's just not an experienced debater and seems to lose focus the more time goes on. He forgot some of his main points. I just don't think he has what it takes, user. It was a wayward, underpowered performance. His attention is like that of a puppy.

> sharing all the polls within a hard right echo chamber
> use of bots and VPNS
> "shut the fuck up"


Jotaro utterly destroyed Dio.

He talked about the secret of Dio's stand and punching roadrollers and Dio just talked about ZA WARDO.

Jotaro had him on the ropes the whole times. All Dio could do was arrogantly stop time while he was losing. It was embarrassing for him and for his entire army of enemy stand users.

Almost all the Star Crusaders except for LOL (((Kakyoin))) agree.

Jotaro dominated

lester "google" holt lied his ass off and trump mentions a specific interview which is something you can check with a search engine. before the debate was over it was found and circulated

the left trying to say trump was in favor of the war in iraq is bullshit but hillary did in fact support the war in iraq her voting record in the government proves it

what's the source hans?

Damn I wish I knew how to speak Ukrainian.

Dunno. Maybe.

Still think he needed to at least block better lol Fuck she really reminded me why I hate her and she is everthing wrong with the world today

I don't get it debate-wise clearly Hillary was superior, yes I support Trump, but clearly his performance was sub-par.

Eurofags seems to have listening comprehension problems for debates.

>MSM is hard right
>m-muh bots

Vote. Shut the fuck up. Maybe not in that order. Seriously.

It felt like Trump was holding back, he might be saving his ammo for later debates, probably ending big with the last one. It doesn't really make any sense to use all your ammo, like Hillary did, this early. I would've appreciated him being more on the offensive, and not getting so overly defensive at times. But, as I said, I think he tried to save as much ammo as he could for later debates.

>soros has an army of paid shills
>paid off moderator
>paid off media
>still cant get to win in polls or twitter opinion

Debate wise, Nixon beat Kennedy.

These people seriously think the TIME poll that has over a million votes and Trump leading is only like that because of bots.

And these are the same people who made fun of Trump supporters last month for saying the polls were skewed.

Damage. Control.

I checked plebbit last night too and they were all smug about how Clinton destroyed Trump. I'm actually surprised to find he won, since I didn't even think he did that we'll. Oh well, guess that's meme magic for you. Praise Kek!

Get better soon, user-kun.

I agree he shouldn't have been too defensive. He came off as more rational than she did. He needs to stay calm and keep attacking her on all of her fuck ups. There's still two more to go and I have faith he'll pull an Obama and BTFO her.

CNN sample base had Hillary up 10 points on terrorism? When has that ever fucking happened? It was probably a D+25 poll.


Do you really want a paedophile who frequently engages in incestuous sex with his UNDERAGE daughter to be your president? He can't get a woman his age so he takes out his sexual frustrations on his daughter. Sad!

AND he's a cocaine addict! No wonder you uneducated rednecks love him so much!

There's three debates, dude.

If you're gonna flub one, you flub the first one.

Obama looked like shit in his first debate with both Romney and McCain.

He fucking annihilated them in the final debate, it was night and goddamned day difference.

Tpaмп aттepли дecтpoйд хep.

Хи тoкд aбayт peaл плaнc aнд пoлиcи aнд Клинтoн джacт тoкд aбayт Tpaмп.

Хи хaд хep oн зe poyпc зe хoyл тaймc. Aл щи кyд дy вaз apoгaнтли cмиpк yaйл щи вaз лyзинг. Ит вaз eмбapacинг фop хep aнд фop зe Дeмoкpaтик пapти.

Aлмocт aл зe пoлc eкceпт фop ЛOЛ (((CИHH))) aгpи.

Tpaмп дoминeйтeд


Trump did win. The point of the debate is t9 convince undecideds and Trump absolutely destroyed Hillary in that part. Even MSM is admitting that just saw an article about how Trump turned an entire bar of Democrats into Trump supporters.

I don't see how Cred Forums thinks he won, he outed himself to be as much of a gun grabber as the Dems. Moreso than Hillary, actually. He wants no felons to have guns, not just those on the no fly list. He said so himself.

Reminder, Trump brought up Hillary's "super predator" remark

>lmao wtf!?!

You see, it's really easy to spot a normie when they use internet speak that went out of fassion here eight years ago

You have to go back


>basically saying he pays no federal taxes despite his billions — and moreover, that if he had done so, it would have been “squandered” anyway."

i actually thought this was hilarious
this is generally how most taxpayers feel about their tax dollard anyhow

Refer to my first comment


You're either a highly paid shill or refuse to read the argument i give you. There's is nothing wrong with voting.

Trump heeft haar kanker hard afgemaakt.

Hij praatte over echte plannen en beleid en Clinton praatte slechts over Trump.

Hij had haar in de touwen de hele tijden alles wat zij kon doen was arrogant glimlachen terwijl ze aan het verliezen was. Het was beschamend voor haar en de democratische partij.

Bijna alle polls behalve HAHA (((CNN))) zijn het hier mee eens.

Trump domineerde!




Bitch boy, I am whiter than your entire mongrel mudblooded asian shit hole that you reached with Attila, Light blonde and blue eyes. (My parents might have been german but at least I am a proud Romanian. Go kill yourself fucking asiatic shit.

I thought trump was doing terrible and then my roommate came in and was pissed because trump was winning, and he's a diehard Hillary supporter, mostly because he gets those clean energy bux every time the EPA forces power plants to modernize

I think he's going to be shocked when he realizes the DNC isnt the only one being able to vote in the general election.


>Cred Forums voiced its opinion on a poll open to anyone is considered rigging it

So if i vote for trump in november am i rigging the election?

Not to mention that but we would be like 500 votes AT BEST

Liberal logic i swear

>Fact and rational thinking
>"Muh economic plan will make 12 gorillion jobs and yours will lose 3 gorillion because these random people I won't name say so and I say so and I will not elaborate further"

The fact that Trump could do as shitty as he did and people could still hate the fuck out of Hillary enough to say he won is enough proof that she will lose in November.

I give up, you fucking shitlords.: What does it take huh? We're on here for nearly a year trying to influence you bunch of dick heads and NOTHING works. My contract is up soon and I just have to fucking know. Seriously, we're in it for millions upon millions of dollars, and jack shit out of you. We took down McCain and Romney, we own reddit like a dog on a leash. But here, HERE, you can literally watch the opinion swing towards starting point between shift changes. How the fuck does this shit hole have that kind of power? We've influenced foreign governments and entire races of people to do our fucking bidding, but YOU have to be the ones to fuck it all up. And no matter what we try an how much we try to blend in, we;re picked out like our heads are on fire! What THE FUCK IS IT ABOUT THIS PLACE. Even after we got the owner to sell and even after we replaced the mods, short of total shutdown we have had zero successes. And is not even a stalemate, we can't even CONTAIN you shitheads as you puke your filth all over the internet. I've tried reason, threats, duplicate posting, spamming, bait and switching, every single psyop technique we've fucking GOT for online use. We hold sway on nearly every single english speaking fucking board with more than a hundred active users and this MIASMA of human refuse has stood up to us better than nuclear foreign powers. WHY WONT YOU JUST DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO YOU FUCKING SCUM.

Trump is under budget and ahead of schedule with
$0 spent on shills. Hillary can't win an internet war with unlimited money behind it and an actual company whose sole purpose is to correct the record.

gg ez no re hillary

He actually utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.

I found it funny how Hillary has to basically memorize everything she wants to say. When Trump asked hillary to prove her points on the go she told about her book.

Go buy my book! The things i would do as a president are there. Also go to my website, my assistants will write some opinion pieces there.

If a crisis hits or you need to make fast decisions you can't fucking study the situation for months and then have ghost writer write a book about it.

I wish Trump wins so you have to keep your GMO products and once rotten but still fresh chicken out of europe. If Trump hates NAFTA and other trade deals he surely wont approve of TAFTA.

>standing up against delusion and misinfo

Either a newfag or really shitty b8. pol has always acknowledged the power of propaganda

nice shitpost

Let's be real for a moment, neither candidate won because neither candidate changed anyones mind and let us take a moment to fucking wonder why Trump missed so many opportunities

Clinton came across as expected, calculated, robotic and clearly experienced at debating (which Trump called out "Nothing but soundbites folks, no action") and Trump came across as passionate.

DOn't get me started on the shill Moderator.

>virtually nothing on the emails, Benghazi and her disasters
>Nothing on asking her to disavow her Saudi Arabian doners

There was so much that Trump failed to bring up. I just hope he remembers in the next debate

But Cred Forums will cry and whine about poll rigging and voter fraud come november when Hillary wins the presidency. Wanna bet?



She's been going after al Qaeda then Taliban Then Isis

If we're going to go down that conspiracy rabbit hole though maybe those trumponauts you saw freaking out were really just clintonistas putting on an act to give you that false impression? It was all just a cointel psyop by the globalists to trick us! DON'T TRUST THE POLLS PEOPLE!

This is what you sound like right now.

54 72 75 6d 70 20 75 74 74 65 72 6c 79 20 64 65 73 74 72 6f 79 65 64 20 68 65 72 2e 0d 0a 48 65 20 74 61 6c 6b 65 64 20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 72 65 61 6c 20 70 6c 61 6e 73 20 61 6e 64 20 70 6f 6c 69 63 79 20 61 6e 64 20 43 6c 69 6e 74 6f 6e 20 6a 75 73 74 20 74 61 6c 6b 65 64 20 61 62 6f 75 74 20 54 72 75 6d 70 2e 0d 0a 48 65 20 68 61 64 20 68 65 72 20 6f 6e 20 74 68 65 20 72 6f 70 65 73 20 74 68 65 20 77 68 6f 6c 65 20 74 69 6d 65 73 2e 20 41 6c 6c 20 73 68 65 20 63 6f 75 6c 64 20 64 6f 20 77 61 73 20 61 72 72 6f 67 61 6e 74 6c 79 20 73 6d 69 72 6b 20 77 68 69 6c 65 20 73 68 65 20 77 61 73 20 6c 6f 73 69 6e 67 2e 20 49 74 20 77 61 73 20 65 6d 62 61 72 72 61 73 73 69 6e 67 20 66 6f 72 20 68 65 72 20 61 6e 64 20 66 6f 72 20 74 68 65 20 44 65 6d 6f 63 72 61 74 69 63 20 70 61 72 74 79 2e 20 0d 0a 41 6c 6d 6f 73 74 20 61 6c 6c 20 74 68 65 20 70 6f 6c 6c 73 20 65 78 63 65 70 74 20 66 6f 72 20 4c 4f 4c 20 28 28 28 43 4e 4e 29 29 29 20 61 67 72 65 65 2e 0d 0a 54 72 75 6d 70 20 64 6f 6d 69 6e 61 74 65 64

We meet again period blotch.
Your CTR tampon has failed you worse than hillary's legs on 9/11


This was one of the top ideas in the social media bread yesterday, so yes let's take full credit

>Still think he needed to at least block better lol

If he did that, you wouldn't feel like this:

>Fuck she really reminded me why I hate her

That's the point.

Of course you have to let your opponent score on you, you have to put a worm on the hook, and the more you let 'em really hurt you, the juicier that worm looks.

The better you block, the more your opponent disguises their intentions. The more you let them hit you, the more they start telegraphing their intentions.

This is fighting 101.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.


Trump Won!

>He wants no felons to have guns

It's already a law in almost every state that a felon is unable to own guns.

We will never leave Donald Trump's side. Together we will build the wall and make America great again. Trump is held to a different standered to Hillary, but regardless, Trump is going to curb stmop Hillary like he did to Jeb. Expect Trump to drop the polite side, that isn't him. He is going to come back with a barrage planned Hillary will be beaten by like a quack bowel merchant boy.

The "wew okay! :D" shimmy enraged me

The Pepe utterly peepee poopoo.

He talked about Lord Kek’s plans and policy and Boxxy just talked about Pepe.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Cred Forums party.

Almost all the boards except for LOL (((Cred Forums))) agree.

Pepe dominated.

>> sharing all the polls within a hard right echo chamber
Yeah how unusual and obviously an attempt at subverting the integrity of the polls themselves, why else would politically minded people talk about a poll relating to a political subject, must be conspiracy.

>> use of bots and VPNS

Being a proud Romanian doesn't equal hating on Hungary, just saying. These Hungarians in our country are cocky, indeed, but ignore them like spoiled brats they are.

It was essentially a shit tier draw where both candidates made a pretty bad impression and who ever hosted that debate should never do it again as it was just terrible.

>moderator lost control of the debate 2min into it and never got it back
>Clinton and Trump made some good points in the first 30min
>terrible "no you" off-topic shit flinging from both side for most of the debate
>clinton didn't answer any questions she just read down a script she memorized and couldn't even answer questions to that so she had no idea what she was talking about
>trump going off topic, repeating himself over and over again and talking over her

He will try his best to crack illegal weapon dealers when he fucks with the cartel and builds the wall.

Alright now post the bots, post the vpns, those are much more damning allegations. Getting people out to vote isn't rigging it's how the systems supposed to work.

>Uncanny valley
It's almost a Cred Forumsack but not quite

He won the persuasion battle.

He also won the policy battle IMO.
But that doesn't matter because people don't remember shit about policy after a speech.

Trump "won" but by better selling himself. Now the media and those who wanted it to happen are saying Trump sperged out again. When he didn't. And Hillary was again one of the worst looking and sounding people on the planet.

>online polls

Into the trash it goes

Those numbers are not remotely measurable

It's federal law.

You shills just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?

Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire night. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.

This entire debate was nothing more than a beta test for Trump. An analysis of Clinton. What makes her tick.. What are her weak spots.. He was simply watching her. Probing her.. Studying and diagnosing her every move and tactic. And she fell right into his trap like the pawn she is.

This is not an average man you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse, while she was fighting for her life. She has nothing left.

Now that he has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop him. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 debates. Something unprecedented in all of modern politics.

Mark my words, the lion has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, retreat to your twitter and your reddit accounts. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.

NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.

It was a little skewed.
D +14
R -2
I -10


Trump odela henne totalt.

Han snakket om virkelige planer og politikk mens Clinton snakket bare om Trump.

Han hadde henne hengende i tauene hele tiden. Alt hun kunne gjore var smile arrogant mens hun tapte. Det var flaut for henne og det Demokratiske partiet.

Nesten alle målinger bortsett fra LOL (((CNN))) er enige.

Trump dominerte, homse.

If you're paying 33% tax rate I assume you're too cheap to higher a proper accountant and too stupid to know why that's important.

So much this. Liberals are way more on the internet, than conservatives are, yet he beats her by a 10-20% margin.

voter fraud butt-hurt ensued after the Bush jr. won over 'Day After Tomorrow' guy. someone will be butt-hurt at the end of the day.

Hopefully this'll finally wake people up to how useless they are.

Hillary won the debate

Trump won the people's hearts

Ehh, they just kinda talked in circles. I'm not truly sure anyone can say it was a win, however out of the fee jabs they pulled on each other, trumps were funnier.

Very nice post

Trump has never done drugs as far as anyone is aware

I'd say it was a draw desu, both got rekt at least three times during the debate.
But more "controversial" questions were asked to Trump.
He was nervous as shit in the beginning though, with his constant sniffing and erratic movements, but calmed afterwards, if he continued like that he definitely would've lost.

Hillary supporter here, unfortunately I have to agree.

She struggled through this one. Trump landed a few good hits.

I'm not too worried though, there are still two more debates for Hill to shine.

You win this round Trumpkins.


Five Times Lester Holt Shilled for Hillary Clinton at First Debate

Hillary could drag us ALL into a catastrophic war



>informing a website that people are voting is suddenly rigging

No one is using bots or anything like that, and the polls dont have "CNN EXCLUSIVE" written on them, so fuck off.

He is coming Hill. Your days are numbered.

>26% republicans
>41% democrats
How in the hell is this poll in anyway taken seriously? It's not the first one I've heard about either, how can you miss something as basic as ensuring you've got a representative sample and then never get fucking called on it, are more people pointing this out? It's fucking outrageous, this poll's getting presented as the absolute bloody gosepel by the "muh rigged votes" people and if anything it's even more rigged then the worse fucking online poll overwhelmed with (alleged) bots and (alleged) vpns.

>But everything Hillary said that was good was nothing but a false promise she has no intention of keeping. So I'm still voting for Trump because I'm curious as to whether it's possible for a president to actually make changes counter to the will of the governmental machine.

Man if you thought the Clintons abused their power for personal gain wait until you see President Trump. The main reason he has so much support from normal Republicans is they assume he'll be impeached in the first year and they'll get President Pence out of it.

>Get paid to correct the record
>Can't even correct the record

Link utterly destroyed him.

He talked about BOMBING SOME DODONGOS and EATING OCTOROKS and Ganon just talked about making his face the greatest in Koridai.

He had him on the ropes the whole times. All he could do was arrogantly smirk while he was losing. It was embarrassing for him and for the Triforce of Power.

Almost all the tribes except for LOL (((Gerudo)) agree.

Link dominated

Because Trump always wins.
Even when it looks like he is losing he wins.
have you not been keeping up?
This man it the next potus.

Trump cut her head off and shit down her throat in front of 100,000 viewers.

He beat the absolute fuck out of her.


NRK klarer ikkela væreå ronke over HRC. Snakket om debatten på radioen i morges og spilte bare av Clinton sine soundbites og Trump ut av kontekst. Blir så jævla provosert av denne propagandaen.

Nope, if a Bush can do it and a nigger can do it, Trump will most certainly do it.

He was an incoherent mess. I've kissed goodbye to the 200 eurobux I bet on him.

Whats it like living in your own reality Cred Forums?

I think Trump seemed collected and HRC seemed jumpy and unsure.

>lmao wtf!?!


Whats it like living in yours?

VG skrev at Hillary er en "snill pike" igår. Moroe saker.

Not only that, they were prescreened. How do we know the pollsters didn't choose a bunch of never Trumpers?

o man a double whammy time to watch her slip into oblivion

>he doesn't bang his daughter
>he lets other men bang his daughter
i can just imagine you coming home after a double, your daughter sitting in jamarcus' lap, your wife bringing him dinner while he wears your robe.

>"hunny could you sleep on the couch tonight jamarcus drank your 40 year old whiskey, you wouldnt want him to get arrested would you? don't be racist"
>"i would join but i have a bad back, don't worry my poodle can keep you company! jamarcus hates dogs, so we'll need him closed in the bedroom"

>wtf is going on?
nu/pol/ went around rigging polls then used these rigged polls as evidence that their candidate had won. they're literally just shilling now.

We should add fuel to such fires.
Why destroy your enemy when you can more cheaply and easily help them to destroy themselves?
We need to start playing 4d chess in social media.

I give up, you fucking shitlords.: What does it take huh? We're on here for nearly a year trying to influence you bunch of dick heads and NOTHING works. My contract is up soon and I just have to fucking know. Seriously, we're in it for millions upon millions of dollars, and jack shit out of you. We took down McCain and Romney, we own reddit like a dog on a leash. But here, HERE, you can literally watch the opinion swing towards starting point between shift changes. How the fuck does this shit hole have that kind of power? We've influenced foreign governments and entire races of people to do our fucking bidding, but YOU have to be the ones to fuck it all up. And no matter what we try an how much we try to blend in, we;re picked out like our heads are on fire! What THE FUCK IS IT ABOUT THIS PLACE. Even after we got the owner to sell and even after we replaced the mods, short of total shutdown we have had zero successes. And is not even a stalemate, we can't even CONTAIN you shitheads as you puke your filth all over the internet. I've tried reason, threats, duplicate posting, spamming, bait and switching, every single psyop technique we've fucking GOT for online use. We hold sway on nearly every single english speaking fucking board with more than a hundred active users and this MIASMA of human refuse has stood up to us better than nuclear foreign powers. WHY WONT YOU JUST DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO YOU FUCKING SCUM.

And is nobody seriously calling them on it, at all? It's just so blatant.

Still if Director Comey's taught me one thing it's that so long as CNN didn't INTEND to mislead the American public about the response to this debate in order to manipulate the election they're completely innocent of everything.


>And the winner of the first abominable debate is? Trump.

I guess the WSJ didn't get the memo from the establishment

this is what trump supporters actually believe

You shills just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?

Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire night. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.

This entire debate was nothing more than a beta test for Trump. An analysis of Clinton. What makes her tick.. What are her weak spots.. He was simply watching her. Probing her.. Studying and diagnosing her every move and tactic. And she fell right into his trap like the pawn she is.

This is not an average man you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse, while she was fighting for her life. She has nothing left.

Now that he has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop him. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 debates. Something unprecedented in all of modern politics.

Mark my words, the lion has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, retreat to your twitter and your reddit accounts. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.

NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.

2bh I only watched 10 minutes and they were both talking about what crashed the economy and they were both wrong. Every retard was screaming that Hillary btfo him but she didn't answer the question correctly either. (it was the mortgage industry that caused it, not tax cuts for the rich) I think people just hate the other side so much that it doesn't actually matter what the fuck is said.

>Voting in online polls to show which candidate you believe in
>Rigging polls

>This is what Liberals actually believe.



Good point user

But he did win. Hillary could only smile and spout buzzwords in a haughty tone. She had nothing.

As opposed to those nice, sane, rational, not-at-all-batshit-crazy clintonistas who are apparently convinced that a vast secret alt-right conspiracy is the sole reason why Trump is doing better in the online polls. Let me guess guys ol' Putin's running the whole operation out of Moscow? Or is it da jews behind it are you that kind of nutso tinfoiler? I just can't keep track there's so many different kinds now.

You didn't even try to read the linked thread did you?
It's not a thread about voting to show your support, it's a about spamming the polls using bots, incognito mode and such in order to make Trump win. Read the thread. It's exactly the same way that Cred Forums always influences online polls. Do you think MARBLECAKEALSOTHEGAME was just people showing who they believed in for time person of the year?

>"I was going to say something extremely rough to Hillary, to her family, and I said to myself, "I can't do it. I just can't do it. It's inappropriate. It's not nice."

Տռամպ ատտերլի դեստրոյդ հյոր։

Հի տոկդ էբաուտ րիալ պլենս էնդ պոլիսի էնդ Կլինտոն տոկդ էբաուտ Տռամպ։

Հի հեդ հյոր օն դե րոուպս դե հոուլ թայմ։ Օլլ շի կուդ դու ուազ սմիրք ուայլ շի ուազ լուզինգ։ Իթ ուազ էմբերասսինգ ֆոր հյոր էնդ ֆոր դե Դեմոկրատիք պարթի։

Օլմոուստ օլլ դե պոլլս էկսեպտ (((ՍիԷնԷն))) էգրի։

Տռամպ դոմինեյտե՜դ։

Fuck em. Spread it. #TrumpWon

I give up, you fucking shitlords.: What does it take huh? We're on here for nearly a year trying to influence you bunch of dick heads and NOTHING works. My contract is up soon and I just have to fucking know. Seriously, we're in it for millions upon millions of dollars, and jack shit out of you. We took down McCain and Romney, we own reddit like a dog on a leash. But here, HERE, you can literally watch the opinion swing towards starting point between shift changes. How the fuck does this shit hole have that kind of power? We've influenced foreign governments and entire races of people to do our fucking bidding, but YOU have to be the ones to fuck it all up. And no matter what we try an how much we try to blend in, we;re picked out like our heads are on fire! What THE FUCK IS IT ABOUT THIS PLACE. Even after we got the owner to sell and even after we replaced the mods, short of total shutdown we have had zero successes. And is not even a stalemate, we can't even CONTAIN you shitheads as you puke your filth all over the internet. I've tried reason, threats, duplicate posting, spamming, bait and switching, every single psyop technique we've fucking GOT for online use. We hold sway on nearly every single english speaking fucking board with more than a hundred active users and this MIASMA of human refuse has stood up to us better than nuclear foreign powers. WHY WONT YOU JUST DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO YOU FUCKING SCUM.

I seriously love this election. Things are gonna be so boring after it's finally over.

He kicked her ass so bad it wasn't even a contest.

Anyone who sees it differently is not being honest with themselves.

Hillary had the first half locked down, but dropped the ball in the second half.

>sabotage votes and polls
>use twitter bots to trend trump won
This is a strange mix of pathetic and hilarious

I guess Trump won.

Election over. Put Hillary in prison.

>constantly claim every other more legitimate poll was rigged by "the trolls"
>continue posting this horrifically biased piece of shit poll everywhere like it's somehow better
This is a strange mix of pathetic and hilarious

>Fuck she really reminded me why I hate her
You and the majority of the American viewers.

5D hyper chess.

>A billionaire in the USA can't get any woman he wants

Meanwhile this Britbong's daughter is some Paki's pimped out sex slave.

Scar utterly destroyed Simba.

He talked about Simba being responsible for Mufasas death and Simba just talked about how he just can't wait to be king.

He had him on the ropes the whole times. All Simba could do was arrogantly eat bugs while Scar took his pride. It was embarrassing for him and for the pride.

Almost all the lions except for LOL (((Nala))) agree.

Scar dominated


We was doing good at first but he got btfo at the end


He sure sniffed like he was on the yay early on in the debate.



Hillary shilled for globalism

i agree with you user as much as i fucking hate to say it. WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE DOING

fucking awesome

Because he did win. The purpose of the debate is to entice voters. Trump won the whole way with independents, which was his goal.

Demoshits got played hard.


He had a cold and could handle it.

טראמפ הרס אותה לחלוטין.

הוא דיבר על תוכניות של ממש ומדיניות וקלינטון רק דיבר על טראמפ.

הוא הושיב אותה על החבלים הזמנים כולו. כל מה שיכל לעשות היה לחייך ביהירות תוך שהיא מאבדת. זה היה מביך עבורה ועבור המפלגה הדמוקרטית.

כמעט כל הסקרים למעט LOL (((CNN))) מסכימים.

טראמפ נשלט

Mi récord ha sido corregido

Thank you for Correcting The Record, user.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated, faggot.

Trump talked about how bad NAFTA is and the damage it has done. He also mentioned tax cuts to promote healthier businesses in order to keep businesses from leaving the country.

Hillary promoted a tax increase and a higher federal minimum wage as a quick fix to the debt.

Trump called TPP bad and mentioned Hillary called it the gold standard. Hillary called him a liar.

Hillary said guns are killing people. Trump said he agrees with no fly no buy, but that the 2nd amendment is to be protected.

Hillary demanded his tax forms. Trump demanded her deleted e-mails.

Hillary said cyber security is a big issue and that Russia is a threat. Trump said that we can't just assume it's always Russia and that China is a big cyber threat as well.

Trumo said communities full of crime need more law and order. Hillary immediately twisted it to look racist.

That's all I recall right now.

You people have lost your goddamn minds.


He didn´t win, but he didn´t lose either. Hillary seemed so plastic and robotic that his fuckups were not as damaging as they would have been with literally any other politician
A shame, because if he had been as half as pasionate as he is in his rallies we would be waiting for some really nice polls. now we will have to tank for a week or so and hope hillary collapses again

kek, this edit made the copypaste spamming today worth it

thanks user you made me laugh, heres a (you)

Staying the course is a win my friend. If the course is stayed she will continue to slip she basically needed to curb stomp him here and failed on top of basically getting sidelined as Trump argued with the moderator.

No, we are making sure don't lose our fucking country to mudslides and SJWs. He will restore America.

Trump rústaði henni algjörlega.

Hann talaði um alvöru áætlanir og stefnumál og Clinton talaði bara um Trump.

Hann hafði hana á afturfætinum allan tímann. Allt sem hún gat gert var að glotta hrokabrosi á meðan hún var að tapa. Það var niðurlægjandi fyrir hana og demókrataflokkinn.

Næstum allar skoðanakannanirnar nema LOL (((CNN))) eru sammála.

Trump gjörsigraði.

I think that what happened looked like a loss for the vast majority of Cred Forums because of the expectation of him completely annihilating her. He didn't do that but he did managed to look better to look better to the normies by talking about real pressing issues and not giving standard dull politician speech shillary did. She still doesn't understand that he's winning because the people are tired of same old same old.

Twitter, and Facebook, Socialmedia, this site too is ruining our ability to have structured civic debates. Last night's debate is evident of that.

its called being professional, you should try it gook

Also he can't kill her in the first debate. The second debate will hurt her badly and the last debate will annihilate her.

literally the opposite imhotbqhwy

Why even say that out loud? Is he some kind of idiot?


strong-man logic.

It shows he can take control of a situation and put someone in their place. A skill necessary as the president.

The fact that Hilldog didn't recognise that while it was happening and let him walk all over her during HER speaking time, showed she lacked a backbone. He made her look weak, while just confirming people's suspicions that he's a bit of an ass.

10/10 move.

this isn't a video game bongbro, the debates have a decreasing effect on the polls as we move forward so he should probably unload most of his ammo next debate then just hold the line during the last one

I think what he's hopefully referring to is not allowing those hood nignogs to have weapons.

>translesbian genderfluid owlkin

Excuse me, I prefer 'moonkin'. Thanks.

I guess.

Debates are for people who are still undecided and none of them said anything to impress me. All I'll say is that the general consensus here was that Trump was blabering. Now, I'm waking up to people saying he won.

Same thing with the "smugness," Trump had a whole run doing it, I don't get why it's a problem because Hillary was doing it. Trump has and was doing the same thing and I like it. It shows that they're confident in the bullshit they spew.

My vote is still on Johnson. But between the two, I felt that Hillary Atleast sounded competent while Trump sounded like a Kanye West soundbyte.

I give up, you fucking shitlords.: What does it take huh? We're on here for nearly a year trying to influence you bunch of dick heads and NOTHING works. My contract is up soon and I just have to fucking know. Seriously, we're in it for millions upon millions of dollars, and jack shit out of you. We took down McCain and Romney, we own reddit like a dog on a leash. But here, HERE, you can literally watch the opinion swing towards starting point between shift changes. How the fuck does this shit hole have that kind of power? We've influenced foreign governments and entire races of people to do our fucking bidding, but YOU have to be the ones to fuck it all up. And no matter what we try an how much we try to blend in, we;re picked out like our heads are on fire! What THE FUCK IS IT ABOUT THIS PLACE. Even after we got the owner to sell and even after we replaced the mods, short of total shutdown we have had zero successes. And is not even a stalemate, we can't even CONTAIN you shitheads as you puke your filth all over the internet. I've tried reason, threats, duplicate posting, spamming, bait and switching, every single psyop technique we've fucking GOT for online use. We hold sway on nearly every single english speaking fucking board with more than a hundred active users and this MIASMA of human refuse has stood up to us better than nuclear foreign powers. WHY WONT YOU JUST DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO YOU FUCKING SCUM.

He only needed to stay calm. The 'debate' itself was pretty even, Trump won with his demeanour.

Clinton is smart. She's corrupt and dying, but smart. As long as she got through without dying she would be fine.

This is a presidential debate, not the primaries or a rally for Trump to BTFO Clinton. If he had gone in with that mindset he would have lost.

Trump won through by showing that he can play the game, speak calmly and act the statesman. If anyone had doubts about Trumps composure, he successfully settled those doubts last night.

Of course he didnt. But we can convince people he did.

No opinion if it's not yours right, and we are the nazis, fucking leftist twat

No, because our nigger in NC who got blown away by the cops was a felon in Texas but NC allows you to get a weapon if you don't possess a felony in NC
Now if you get the Feds to give you a felpny/indictment and not the state you're probably fucked yeah.

Stop reading our newspapers and watch the debate by yourself



>people have different opinion than me
>I'm right, because I'm special
Here. I fixed it for you

Cred Forums doesn't have thousands of posters you dickhead

Debates are largely worthless this late in the game, most people are already decided and this is really one of the most polarizing elections I've seen. You're talking about 0.5-2% at most to be won/lost with these debates. And really whoever you're supporting will be the winner in your eyes, there's no factual objectivity here nor should there be.

However I must say Johnson is a very poor choice by a lot of measures. He struts the line between being a leftist democrat and mainstream "libertarianism" but really only shits out the worst from either side. Were I in your position I'd vote for the Greens felon before voting for this opportunistic poser.

>lmao wtf!?!
Downvoted. No reddit gold 4u


Trump won cuz this is where most people tuned out. Prior to lester and hillbilly's dp. You know I felt bad about the debate last night but I have woke up feeling excellent. I think most of us came in expecting total domination.

How can you sabotage a poll with 800k plus people?

You should put more tears on each pic as you go man
20 posts by this ID

I give up, you fucking shitlords.: What does it take huh? We're on here for nearly a year trying to influence you bunch of dick heads and NOTHING works. My contract is up soon and I just have to fucking know. Seriously, we're in it for millions upon millions of dollars, and jack shit out of you. We took down McCain and Romney, we own reddit like a dog on a leash. But here, HERE, you can literally watch the opinion swing towards starting point between shift changes. How the fuck does this shit hole have that kind of power? We've influenced foreign governments and entire races of people to do our fucking bidding, but YOU have to be the ones to fuck it all up. And no matter what we try an how much we try to blend in, we;re picked out like our heads are on fire! What THE FUCK IS IT ABOUT THIS PLACE. Even after we got the owner to sell and even after we replaced the mods, short of total shutdown we have had zero successes. And is not even a stalemate, we can't even CONTAIN you shitheads as you puke your filth all over the internet. I've tried reason, threats, duplicate posting, spamming, bait and switching, every single psyop technique we've fucking GOT for online use. We hold sway on nearly every single english speaking fucking board with more than a hundred active users and this MIASMA of human refuse has stood up to us better than nuclear foreign powers. WHY WONT YOU JUST DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO YOU FUCKING SCUM.

The only people that think Trump won last night is his Cred Forums army.

Even the FOX focus groups didn't think he won.


t. Podemita

In that regard, I can agree. he was so calm at the beginning that I started to wonder if he was tired or sick. He probably was trying to seem calm to everyone.
but goddamn some of the shit he said will give the libs alot of ammo. As I have said, time to tank.
Lets hope that the states that have just turned into swing states stay that way

I am honest when I say he won and you are annoying, CTR.

There was no clear winner and normies will believe whatever appear on media. So as long as we keep rigging polls, trump indeed won.

the polls are rigged


this is the last redpill: in the end, we jew so hard that we might become in the future what we have been fighting. But as long as we create more good than bad, the end justifies the memes

does 60/40 at 800k become a 50/50 with 400k new illary votes

Can an autist work this out

Sorry senpai Trump won desu

there you go




Leftists are more delusional, or simply paid to believe on that.

kek. Someone start up a twitter posing as a black woman and accuse Michael Moore of being sympathetic to racist misogynists because he's never done a documentary about black women.

Face it trumptards, she won this one

You shills just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?

Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire night. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.

This entire debate was nothing more than a beta test for Trump. An analysis of Clinton. What makes her tick.. What are her weak spots.. He was simply watching her. Probing her.. Studying and diagnosing her every move and tactic. And she fell right into his trap like the pawn she is.

This is not an average man you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse, while she was fighting for her life. She has nothing left.

Now that he has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop him. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 debates. Something unprecedented in all of modern politics.

Mark my words, the lion has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, retreat to your twitter and your reddit accounts. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.

NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.

So we are willing to accept reality more that the other side? I know you are trying to play this the other way around, but I just don´t see it. The MSM tends to call everything a Trump lose and a clinton win since minute one, yet here we are, with both candidates tied.
What´s your point, really?


Shoulda had her talk about DUDE FREE SHIT LMAO.

Why do you think Bernie was popular?




Instead it was just nagging about Trump.

Talk about free shit the entire time and force Trump to go on the offensive and explain why you shouldn't give poor people nice things.

lol he didn't win at all.

he just looked like a buttmad kiddo up there, who can't take criticism. He won't ever release his taxes, bc he wont ever be in office.

>REAL issues, REAL matters
you dumb gook, they talked about the exact same shit.

Oldfag is right.

nah you're right user. he got shit on.

Ah important thing to not forget is not many leftiest/undecideds have heard him speak before. They assume everytime he opens his mouth hes calling for death to minorities. Him showing a different image is a "win".

Other then the image presentation, the debate was a draw. Though that was 2v1.

Overall the debate will help trump more then hillary, and if they get an unbiased moderator it won't be pretty

This isn't exactly accurate, but I will say this.

Attacking Trump for being a racist/sexist/homophobe is pointless at this stage of the campaign. Anyone that will believe this narrative already does.

Instead she should be attacking his policies or questioning his competencies. These debates do not exist for each side to play to their audience, they exist to convince anyone who has not decided how they would cast their vote.

Did he win? Probably not. Did she do anything to change anybodies mind? Again, probably not.

I don't like either candidate but I'd probably lean towards Hillary just walking away slightly on top mostly because the times Trump did have chances for killer blows he didn't land them. He was shockingly unfocused and would miss huge opportunities and really rambled at other times which didn't do him any service. He needs coaching and practice to stay on point, stay succinct and to push issues and flaws on which Hillary has proven to be less than trustworthy or has known weaknesses. I guess he showed restraint which is probably a win for him. Hillary just came across like the usual fake candidate and totally inauthentic. It seemed like Trump had her on the ropes for a time but she withstood most of it and allowed Trump to damage himself by talking too much, going off topic and big-noting his business achievements. I don't think any undecided voters are going to be swayed either way. It was really more of the same and both seemed to avoid talking about actual policy as much as possible but I guess that's partisan politics.

lol trump lost you fucking kid

oh look a flag that doesn't matter

thinking out loud is retarded sometimes user, like that time trump talked about saying mean things, but didn't

lol this


You're not undecided you're just a fucktard

Gas the lolbergtarians

hot chile bowl those polls online don't mean shit, you and your cat know that also.

our expectations were too high
we thought he would banter the soul out of hillary but i suppose a point by point victory is also good