Memes aside, can we all agree that Donald is an idiot and is not qualified to be president?

Memes aside, can we all agree that Donald is an idiot and is not qualified to be president?

An incompetent idiot is better than a serial killer who knows what she doing

no shit. every here "supports" him in a watch-the-world-burn type of way, or just because he triggers liberals. Only fucking retard level hicks actually believe donald.


This. I would vote for an expired can of soup over Hillary. Obongo proved qualified doesn'tmatter anyway.

Let's also not forget HW Bush. He was about as over qualified as Hillary and only lasted one term because he was shit.

Fuck qualified.

He definitely is not an idiot. However most people unironically believing him are idiots.

Someone needs to assassinate her if she gets elected or we're fucked

>Voted for Al Gore

Nobody want's another qualified politician. People are sick of being told that everything is okay when all you have to do is look around to see it's not.


The reason we like trump, or at least one of them, is that he isn't part of the corrupt political system like the rest of these cunts.

We don't care. Hillary is a fucking bitch.

Shoo FBI.

By how scared the media/establishment is they are convinced trump would shake up politics, they don't know for the better or worse. At the end of the day, Hillary is just more of the same, mortgaging our future to feel good in the present aka the boomer dream

Let me get this straight. You hate bush, but want to vote for another big government, tax less, spend more "republican"?

>However most people unironically believing him are idiots.

Trump is the last hope, the chosen one. Although, there may be another.

fuck up foreign scourge. Youre just mad he wants to pull out and not even wipe the cum off your darkie backside

He is though. He paid off the florida attorney general to get out of a fraud investigation. Hes admitted guilt and paid fines for charity fraud. He's violated campaign finance laws multiple times. His previous campaign chair had to resign after he was literally outed as a Russian foreign agent, on Russian payroll for millions of dollars. Trump's foundation doesn't release as much donor information as Clinton's, and we don't have his tax returns, or really any idea at all about his conflicts of interests. Its reported he personally owes hundreds of millions, and his businesses and partnerships are least 2+ billion indebted to foreign banks like the bank of china.

Did you say memes aside and then post a meme album to imply memes are not really aside?

Build the fucking WALL

So much damage control here....
Yesterday it was "he's the savior of the west " and now he's only good because he's better as hillary

Op the voters are in process of picking him over a evil witch who's first instinct is to lie when pressed with a tough situation. Trust the voters.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated.

Faggot normie hipster

I don't think the low taxes were why people didn't like Bush. It was the neoconservative war-mongering. Who did he endorse again?

It was the low taxes combined with the military spending, and medicare part D that exploded the debt.

Trump would be just like bush. Low taxes, increased military spending, and various government handouts to corporations and the wealthy (repatriation tax holiday, >50% corporate tax cut)

The debt would skyrocket under Trump, like bush, he is the opposite of a fiscal conservative (small government with less taxes and less spending). Trump is for more spending, less revenue.

Clinton may be status quo, but that's still much, much better than making our debt problem another $5 trillion worse under Trump.

So you think bringing in trillions of revenue on a repatriation holiday would have a negative effect on the deficit? OK

The money is coming back anyway. Corporations are lobbing hard to get the tax break which could cost the government trillions. Apple for example, is almost 100 billion in debt against their foreign money, and they're having to tell investors they're going to start bringing their overseas 200+billion back within the next year or two, regardless of a tax holiday.

Give in now and the companies will just keep putting money away overseas until the next republican president can be bought off and give them a multi trillion dollar tax holiday. Trump's tax break is purely to benefit himself and corporations, it would cost America 4+ trillion dollars in revenue.

What's more dangerous, an idiot or a criminal mastermind?

Show me in their SEC filings where they're indebted against that money please.

People can restrain an idiot.

>Memes aside

CTR detected.

No. Though I'd expect a Croat to back Clinton. They're the only reason you aren't a province of Serbia.

Cred Forums in general has become a living embodiment of Poe's Law.

Why wouldn't he be qualified to be president? Do you think a president works out tax plans all by himself? Do you think a president comes up with military strategies all by himself? Do you think Trump will be the only person working on an improved health care system etc.? He will pick expert advisers without special interests and their own agenda (at least less so than whoever will be on Hillarys side) and ultimately base his decisions on what is best for the nation and not for (((them))).

This is what I'm saying, also Trump isn't a politician he doesn't now the loop holes and how to get things done. All the bad stuff people on the left are scared Trump is going to do he probably couldn't even if he wanted to.

Hillary does and she has all kinds of connections. And knows her way around the government.

And enough of the media choking on her dick that she can get away with anything she wants.
You really need the mainstream media to be critical of the government in order to let normies know when they've been screwed over.

Clintons are the real campaign finance abusers. (Taking illegal Chinese money)

Also there's a clear Clinton connection to that Ukraine business via the Podesta group. I'm sure you work for CTR, though, so this post is a waste

Tony p