Is it a bad idea to tell your psychologist that you're a nazi?

Is it a bad idea to tell your psychologist that you're a nazi?

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If you feel like rotting in prison for thought crimes, go for it.

>location :: sweden
>admitting to anyone your a nazi

not a good idea

Nah, gotta redpill that motherfucker. Think of all the minds he has access to.

10 to 1 he's reported you to the authorities already. You gotta make up some story user.

is this from a anime?

Bad idea.
Unless you feel that your doc has similar views, chances for this is slim tho.


>so what is the main thing that is bothering you?
>the third world subhuman invasion of Europe

Yeah I imagine they'd be real empathetic after that one.

Don't see psychologists. They report everything to the government.

Besides you have us.

That's literally what I said to my neurologist when she asked if I knew what was going on in the world. She hadn't heard of it yet and was impressed by cognitive abilities.

Psychologists talk about what their patients tell them. I was forced to see a psychologist 10x, and it costed over $1500. When I was 15. To avoid being prosecuted in court for enacting my right to self defence in a school yard brawl. I simply lied to the fucker through my teeth, the entire time. But I realized, I had to have a sob story, so I went "bawwwww i miss my gf, its not fairrr wahhhh wahhhh". Cock sucker faggot cunt took the bait, and stopped trying to probe my brain after that.

I forgot how bad Cred Forums was, I'll take it up with my kampgruppchef instead.

It doesn't seem fair that the person you're supposed to be able to talk to when you need help can't even be trusted.

But it's probably true OP.

Answer the fucking question Sven what fucking show is the god damn fucking picture from!!

It's from this artist, nice quads btw

>Besides you have us

Thank you for the answer.

See your dubs hiding in there.

if you have someone that you call "your psychologist" you already have many more issues than you should, so it's a very good idea to tell him because he might help you

I can go on, I know that is the only option for us no matter how bad things get. I often think of the French SS men that defended the Fuhrer bunker to the absolute end. Or about the Fuhrer himself, but I feel utter dispair, I want to fight but I am convinced that it is already over, that much like those SS men we fight for something that we have already lost. It it my destiny to fight by all means until I no longer am able, but I feel so utterly defeated already and the true fight has not even begun. The worst thing is that I know that I would shame the real men of the third Reich by acting and thinking this way. I just want to die already.

You want OP to be committed don't you?

Sounds like you're bipolar. Marijuana is good for that.

Do you feel that your psychologist is actually helping you? In my opinion, a psychologist cannot give an accurate analysis if you do not tell them the entire truth of how you think. Being a nazi is arguably extremely significant to your being and identity.

But they might well decide this is at the core of your problems, and may try to "cure" you of your wrong-thinking.

Hopefully, a good psychologist could help you without attempting to destroy your convictions, but I also think you'd be very hard-pressed to find a trustworthy psychologist who wouldn't make you question your convictions.

I would suggest telling them. Their reaction will tell you what your experience with them will be from then on.

I love you Rachel

Don't tell them the truth about anything, retard.

Your psychologist is not your friend.

Stupid rabbit.

>what is lotr fanart
>what is lotr fanart

Are you in elementary school or something, you fucking retard? How can anyone look at that OP image and not immediately know what its depicting even from the fucking thumbnail?

It's a painting depicting Gandalfs arrival at Bag End, from The Hobbit.

I once met with my history professor at the university, talking about my degree. We went on to talk about our power levels for a good 45 minutes. Never seen a man so redpilled. It's funny, because I never would have guessed his true opinions based on his lectures and public appearance.




~t. Did it.

Because you won't in america? You americucks are so deluded. Just say that you're rightwing on tv and you will get raped by niggers and sjw, you fucking cuck.

Your history professor was secretly an informant paid by your police to extract information on the extent of your radicalization. Good game.

Don't tell them anything. They will keep it on record and it will be used against you in future purges.

Remember how the Nazis used data collected from innocuous censuses taken in the Netherlands to locate Jews? That could be you.

>german nazi's wanted to throw jews out of the country
>they seek for more jews in europe to then use their resources to kick them out
mate what the fuck

Don't tell him any of that nonsense you sperg, he'll never let you go.

Why are you seeing shrink anyway? You can talk to us, it won't go any further. Also, do you own a gun?

>"I sexually identify as a nazi.My preferred pronouns are Mein and Hur "

Yeah........they were really tolerant of Jews in the Netherlands when they invaded

Crippling depression and I may or may not have weapons.

It was just a prank bro

i think im wrong , but i think in America they cant report to anyone and its confidential (again i think im wrong?)

court cases are another thing though

tell him you're a militant progressive, and you want to kill white couples because the swedes need to die out to make way for muslims. You can say it's some shit like you saw an immigrant rape your mother when you were a kid, they think everything comes down to sex. He'll either agree that whites should die out and let you go, or try and argue against it, either way it's all good.

So? The niggers and SJW's would come for both of us, but at least the state can't come after me, fag.

Not really, we do have some confidentiality, we can't talk about a case using the patients name, with the exception of police warranties and when the patient outright states that he will commit a crime.

come to murica than, or deus vult already

the psychologist is a bad idea.



It's bag end from LOTR tard,

Atleast in Murica and Finland the only obligation to break the confidential doctrine is a court order on open investigation and obligation (or right) to inform authorities of patient's future plan of using deadly force on another human.

There's nothing wrong with being right wing, but you have to get some perspective. You won't be much good when we race war if you're curled up like a fucking foetus, will you?
You probably shouldn't spend quite so much time here. Go on long walks in the countryside, and get fit. Cut out drinking. Improve yourself.

Keep stupid shit to yourself
p.s it wouldn't be the first time a government worker ratted out a "racist" an old guy got ratted out by his home helper he got beaten up by Antifa scum

>Go on long walks in the countryside, and get fit. Cut out drinking. Improve yourself.
You might as well say "that thing you're doing? Don't do it." It's condescending bullshit that makes you feel superior, not advice for someone with severe depression.

It's a bad idea to be paying money to a fucking quack who specializes in an unfalsifiable psuedoscience to begin with. The fuck are you doing? The only thing you should be telling a quack is to fuck off.

ya honestly OP

stop seeing the fucker , or just dont bring up nazis AT ALL or hint at it , he will fuck you in the ass if you do

>paying a psychologist
what is socialism?

This too.
Seriously you need a friend and hobby.
Not a fucking pseudointellectual with muh theories on brain functions and how I interpret them.

Oh yeah I forgot sweden is a hellhole, right.
Either way, "psychiatry" is jut a codeword for government datamining.
And you're still paying anyway through taxes, as well as costing your countryment, so.

Actually spat coffee out my nose

Sweden is third world shithole. They were not in NATO or Warsaw Pact.

Why are you seeing a psychologist?

Wow, you're a really stupid cunt. It's not the same thing at all. I've had reasonably severe depression, lost my job and nearly my career through it. Doctors pills and shrink did nothing. Spent time outside walking and gardening, and gradually came out of it.

It depends on circumstances, but often looking at trees and some light exercise is a pretty simple step and has well-document results. Booze isn't quite so easy to kick, but there's no harm in telling him.

Aw man, the perfect rhyme is lost in translation. Could have at least been a bit creative about it, like "gulago archipelago",