41 Days before the election

Trump chokes in the debate


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Let’s dispel once and for all with this fiction that Trump lost the debate

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

Hillary supporter here, unfortunately I have to agree.

She struggled through this one. Trump landed a few good hits.

I'm not too worried though, there are still two more debated for Hill to shine.

You win this round Trumpkins.

hey how you doin CTR


How many times are you going to copy paste this?

Hillary supporter here. You are right user it was shameful. Didn't even notice her half the time it was Trump versus moderator.

Trump completely and indisputably destroyed Crooked Hillary Clinton. That bitch was sniffing all the time, almost crying. Then she proceeds to choke like a dog, shame! Not only that, Hillary was constantly interrupting the God Emperor with non sense.

I think it should be quite evident that Donald Trump answered every question with facts and won the debate.

You shills just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?

Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire night. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.

This entire debate was nothing more than a beta test for Trump. An analysis of Clinton. What makes her tick.. What are her weak spots.. He was simply watching her. Probing her.. Studying and diagnosing her every move and tactic. And she fell right into his trap like the pawn she is.

This is not an average man you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse, while she was fighting for her life. She has nothing left.

Now that he has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop him. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 debates. Something unprecedented in all of modern politics.

Mark my words, the lion has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, retreat to your twitter and your reddit accounts. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.

NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.

>Didn't even notice her half the time it was Trump versus moderator.

anyone who missed the debate can watch this little clip about the birther shit and see why Cred Forums is a shitstorm of copy pasta today.

this is how you lose an election, folks:


oh the look, the newest CTR strategy

Trump la destruyó completamente.

El habló de planes reales y propuestas, mientras Clinton soli habló de Trump. El la tuvo en la cuerda todo el tiempo. Todo lo que ella pudo hacer es sonreír arrogantemente mientras perdida. Fue embarazo para ella y el partido Demócrata.

Casi todas las encuestas, excepto LOL (((CNN))), están de acuerdo.

Trump domino.

I give up, you fucking shitlords.: What does it take huh? We're on here for nearly a year trying to influence you bunch of dick heads and NOTHING works. My contract is up soon and I just have to fucking know. Seriously, we're in it for millions upon millions of dollars, and jack shit out of you. We took down McCain and Romney, we own reddit like a dog on a leash. But here, HERE, you can literally watch the opinion swing towards starting point between shift changes. How the fuck does this shit hole have that kind of power? We've influenced foreign governments and entire races of people to do our fucking bidding, but YOU have to be the ones to fuck it all up. And no matter what we try an how much we try to blend in, we;re picked out like our heads are on fire! What THE FUCK IS IT ABOUT THIS PLACE. Even after we got the owner to sell and even after we replaced the mods, short of total shutdown we have had zero successes. And is not even a stalemate, we can't even CONTAIN you shitheads as you puke your filth all over the internet. I've tried reason, threats, duplicate posting, spamming, bait and switching, every single psyop technique we've fucking GOT for online use. We hold sway on nearly every single english speaking fucking board with more than a hundred active users and this MIASMA of human refuse has stood up to us better than nuclear foreign powers. WHY WONT YOU JUST DO WHAT WE TELL YOU TO DO YOU FUCKING SCUM.

You've been posting that exact same comment dozens of times over and over since last night.

On a scale from 1 to schoolshooter how autistic are you exactly?


Honestly if Trump was so sure he wouldn't have the need to speak over her so often. To me it says he's afraid and uncertain and has to point fingers to reroute criticism. I don't care for SHill but Trump is a retarded child.

90% on the debate was non-verbal.

Trump was at his home at all times, Hillary was totally lost and switched between coma and customer service smile while repeating her written down instructions.

When Hillary talked, Trump keeped an eye on her every word.
When Trump talked, Hillary went into a coma. After the speech she started with her fake customer service smile and repeated her script.

Which one was a better president? When negotiating deals with other world leaders?

>we replaced the mods,

With our guys.

We've deeply infiltrated CTR and Hillary's groups.

Trump supporter here, unfortunately I have to agree.

he struggled through this one. Clinton landed a few good hits.

I'm not too worried though, there are still two more debated for trump to shine.

You win this round shillaries.


Remove your nignog infested island AWAY from Europe as soon as possible.

Trwmp difrodi hi yn gyfan gwbl.

Soniodd am gynlluniau a pholisi a Clintyn dim ond siarad am Trwmp go iawn.

Roedd ganddo hi ar y rhaffau yr amseroedd cyfan. Pob gallai wneud oedd chwerthin a penuchel tra bod hi yn colli. Yr oedd yn codi cywilydd iddi hi ac i'r blaid Ddemocrataidd.

Mae bron pob un o'r polau ac eithrio ar gyfer LLOLL (((CNN))) cytuno.

Trwmp dominyddu


top kek




Stingray utterly destroyed him.

It swam around minding it's own business and Irwin just copped a barb through the heart.

It had him on the ropes the whole times. All he could do was arrogantly clutch his chest in pain while he was dying. It was embarrassing for him and for Australia Zoo.

Almost all his kids except for LOL (((Bindy))) agree.

Stingray dominated

I like Trump.

But if this is true, he's retarded. You don't just throw a presidential debate to "build a mental blueprint." That doesn't even make any sense. Do you think he just said fuck it during his first few real estate transactions or court cases so he could get a feel for things?

No one operates like that you stupid ass. Least of all a successful billionaire running for president.

Trump did not perform well this debate and it was because he didn't prepare while Hillary did. That's just the simple truth- he was cocky while she was hustling. He lost. He wasn't blown out but he did lose.

That said, he's smart enough to learn from this. And he will recover.

トラムプ ウッテルリ デストロユド ヘル。
ヒ トクド アバヲト リール プランス エンド ポーリシ エンド クリントン ジャスト トクド アバヲト トラムプ。
ヒ ハド ヘル オン ダ ロプス ダ フロ タイム。 オル シ クルド ド ワス アッロガントリ スメルク フワイル シ ワス ルシング。 イト ワス エムバッラシング フォル ヘル エンド フォル ダ デモクラティク パーティー。
オルモスト オル ダ ポールス エックセープト フォル (*´艸`*) (((CNN)))アグリー。
トラムプ ドミネトド。

The one who can form a coherent sentence.

so sad.

>42 days before the next holocaust

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