No one is commenting on the fact that Trump accurately characterized our current "recovery" as a FED induced bubble...

No one is commenting on the fact that Trump accurately characterized our current "recovery" as a FED induced bubble that will pop as soon as interest rates rise. He also accurately characterized the recent behavior of the FED as "political".

I thought that it was the most interesting comment of the entire debate.

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yeah, those comments were way outside of the general public's grasp. I really appreciate that it was mentioned. It's most likely true that speculators and investors will crash the markets with a rise in interest rates.

yeah Trump is right and as such nobody will touch that statement with a 40 ft pole in the mass media

just like he was right about the housing bubble while 95% of investors suffered horribly during it, he predicted the crash and successfully made money off of it. according to retard "muh feels" logic of Clinton campaign, this is somehow a bad thing, because he apparently wasn't miserable enough.

>tfw kek is a false god.

It was probably the most substantive and insightful commentary in the entire debate by either candidate.

This guy gets it. Most normies were like "huh? is Trump rambling?" They have no idea what the fed is or how it influences our economy.

It was a completely true and accurate reveal of what's behind the curtain and that's exactly why the (((media))) is going to pretend it was never said.

>tfw my 100% normie mom who doesn't like Trump nodded her head and said "he's absolutely right" when he said that

I loved it and I'm sure my money, credit, banking and finance professor had a celebratory beer. it felt so good to get it out there, even if a lot of people are too stupid to realize.

Great point... most middle class voters eyes glaze over whenever anyone mentions the Fed... they've been told over and over again anyone who as much as mentions the fed are fringe lunatic conspiracy theorists .. its such an enormous elaborate abomination people can't bring themselves to acknowledge they are being victimized.

its like Stockholm syndrome on a national scale..

I can hear the jokes about UFO's ...

Well, I am sure Trump has positioned himself to gain when this bubble bursts as well.

He seems to really understand the true state of the economy. He can see beyond the propaganda.

dog-whistle for people that know, he knows the score.

I'd wager a comment like that was to acknowledge he knew the problem and the fence-sitting elites better get in line

If your mom knows about that stuff she may not be as much of a normie as you think she is.

Because most people do not understand this. I'm the kind of person that pays more attention than the average voter and can't claim to understand it.

I think he really needs to sit on this issue for more than an offhand one minute remark.

I appreciate it as well. When he made comments about the fed I gasped.

I don't trust Trump. I know he's working for zionists. But his fed comments guaranteed my vote for him.

where was that mentionned?

This is the only thing that revitalized hope for me in Trump in that debate.

All they know is Hillary smirking to confirm their self righteousness "black people" and "climate change" and "lgbt" which is almost too much for them to remember

Great catch and 100% accurate, but only the zerohedge crowd would catch it as important.
It was good of him to say it because if he wins the fed will probably do just that to BTFO him.

I watched it on television, so I don't have a time stamp. If I had to guess it was within the first 25 minutes.

Trump knows what is important he just doesn't know how to form coherent statements. He rambles, he needs to practice

exactly, politicians know how to talk but dont always know how to execute.

I think that it passed over the head of most people.

What I found surprising is that Hillary did not comment on his characterization of the FED and this "recovery" at all.

Her silence was deafening.

>interest rates
>rising ever
pick one

>tfw interest rates didn't go up this year
is it still figured that the FED is considering the best interests of EU countries?


The fed can't raise interest rates, it's a bubble and it will blow up the economy

No, they are looking out for the stock market. It is the only thing they can point to as "evidence" of a recovery. If rates rise the stock market bubble bursts and recovery theater finishes it's last act.

He stumped her ass on that one

I was like: wtf Trump is indeed right on that matter. I don't know if he knows what he is talking about or whether this was rehearsed though.

He predicted the housing bubble as well. He understands what is really happening with regard to the economy.

I saw that too, almost like he was pre prepping the usa to admit another manufactured crisis is on the way.

It is the dark side of the QE. As the FED started to buy government assets to break inflation cycle that comes with debt (even Keynesians agree with this), they massively inflated the balance sheets of the banks which feed off from the system. This makes it seem like these banks are not exposed to risk, and they massively went for the stock market to invest, thus, due to demand/offer, inflating the price of stocks. This is unreal because a lot of these investments don't hold up to their value and will eventually fail.

They will kill him if he takes it to far. We all know what our founders said would happen to our country if we let a private central bank take control.

Fed Chair serves at the pleasure of the President

she like when he mentioned the emails she didnt even speak,

>14 year terms

okay Pepe

Thanks, that is a very clear simple explanation.

That is a sign that she knows what he said about the FED and the recovery are true, just as she knows what he said about her server scandal are true. Therefore, she chooses not to respond.

He is meddling with some dark sorcery. He had better watch his back.

he word "economy" is derived from a Greek word meaning household management.

The economy is supposed to serve the people, the people are not supposed to serve the economy. A national 3% GDP growth is meaningless if the population does not somehow benefit. It becomes an irrelevant number.

So many people say:
>Gone are the days of giant steel mills and factories that can employ 10,000 people at a time with very satisfying wages

Steel is still being produced. Factories still exist. Products are still being made. Why not in the US for a US market at decent wages?

It seems like the modern orthodoxy is that the people must adapt to the economy and not that the economy must adapt to the people.

I just don't know anymore. I guess it's just people that are fully vested in the current economic structure defending their wealth by perpetuating the status quo at any cost.

The only thing I can think of is that the monetary system itself requires perpetual growth or it will collapse, and that the social welfare systems that are in place are structured like Ponzi schemes and will implode without sufficient numbers of new people paying in each year.

Are the politicians and the FED really willing to destroy Western Civilization just to save the monetary system? Are they really willing to destroy Western Civilization just so they don't have to admit that they have mismanaged the social welfare programs?

It's like burning down your house so you can collect insurance money that you will use to pay the mortgage

What would cause interest rates to rise?


It's under the FED's discresion, so expect a rise in interest rates if Trump wins.

In the USA the fed has direct control over interest rates. The people employed there (citizens didn't vote who) actually choose the I retest rate. They literally type it into a computer and directly set interest rates.

A loss of confidence in the dollar could cause the rates to rise as the secondary market demands higher rates during T-bill auctions. That is to say, they will be forced to raise rates if auctions start to fail at the current rates.

Remember that this is all just a massive long con. Con game is short for Confidence game. You hear the FED constantly babbling about consumer CONfidence and the CONfidence that foreign nations have in the USD. They have to keep the illusion going for as long as possible.

I say this only half-jokingly, but the FED are master sorcerers. They have imbued paper with power. Each dollar is a talisman and a sigil. They have CONvinced the people that paper representing debt is so valuable that people will kill to obtain them.

I am just having a bit of fun here, but in all seriousness, raising rates is not entirely in the control of the FED. The markets may force a rate hike.

So it's like the ECB, but wouldn't it be a huge scandal if they raised them when Trump wins? What kind of reasoning would they give for doing something like that? I'm under the impression that this is done when the economy is artificially growing too much in order to prevent further debt, but I'm pretty much illiterate on it, just curious what their (public) justification would be.

Didn't see your reply before the last, sorry. Isn't confidence directly related to the rating agencies which are all in USA pocket anyways? Anyway I guess you answered my previous question, I just find it kind of preposterous to imply that Obama leaving the WH would have such an impact on the economy.

Any way to meme this into the mainstream? Get breitbart and others to get it out there.

What do, pol? Anyone want to take back the narrative?

So, how have we gone from a serious recession to a bubble again in... eight years? Genuinely curious, what happened?

Lester changed the topic so fucking quickly after Trump brought up the Fed.

Calling out the Fed means that you'll get assassinated if you take office, sorry guys.

The entire "recovery" has been a bubble. They never cleansed the system of malinvestment. Instead, the FED poured hot money into the market through low or no interest loans to the major banks that caused the crash in the hopes that these banks would start loaning to the general population. Instead, the banks either parked the money at the FED or speculated with the money in securities...hence the recovery of Wall Street while Main Street is still in recession.

The new bubble is the" recovery".

The eyes of most people glaze over when people start talking about the FED, rates, and monetary policy. Hillary knows that what he is saying is true; she did not even try to retort.

Whether or not this gains traction, it is important, however, that he is on the record in one of the most viewed debates, stating that this "recovery" is a bubble and that it is about to burst.

He saw it coming.

Do you faggots remember when Janet Yellin fainted while giving a speech? Yeah, I think that about sums up where we are heading.

she must hate the shit out of herself

also hump