Lets get #LesterHoltQuestions trending

ITT: Post your best Lester Holt questions.

>Mr. Trump, why are you a racist bigot?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Mr. Trump why are you so sexist? Why criticize women ever? Its 2016.

I got dibs on this nigger on the day of the rope.

>Mr. Trump, why won't you admit you're a racist?
>Mr. Trump, why do you deny that you're a liar?

>Hillary, what would you like me to ask you?

>Mr. Trump, when did you stop beating your immigrant wife?

>Mr. Trump why haven't you disavowed (((David Duke)))?

>Mr. Trump, if given the opportunity, would you change the past/future?


>Mr Trump why won't you stfu and go back in your racist condo in manhatten to hide like all the other affluent people in this country?

>4th grade questions
>Did you ever think you'd end up in this position?

>get called out
>omg hit job!!!

let's dox him or something

Why do you look like a pedophile?
Why is your name (Mo)Lester?

>President Clinton, what's going to be your first act as president once you win the presidency and become president? Also would you like a cupcake?

>Mr Trump, why did Shillary have a basement server when she obviously knows the cyber warfare stakes are so high?
>And as a follow up ... why do you think she disregarded national security interests over her own?


>Mr. Trump, in a hypthetical situation where you could kick Hitler in the nuts and get away with it, would you do it?

>mr trump, where were you on the night of jonbenet's death

>Mr. Trump, what did you mean when you said "what difference does it make"

kek just tweeted this

Reminder that Lester Holt is a registered Republican who will vote for Trump in all likelihood and is just a professional doing his job.

>Mr Trump, if you had the opportunity to drown a nigger at the beach, would you piss on his corpse after he was dead, or immediately grab your gat and waste his kids?

There's no evidence to suggest he has pro-Trump bias if that's what you're Implying .

Not every republican approves of Trump, just as not every democrat is on board with Hillary.

I'm okay with this.

Reminder that president bush is a registered republican and will be voting for her. These establishment elites are far more scared of an outsider getting in than letting the other side of what used to be a false dichotomy win.

>waaaah our candidate got BTFO so that means it was rigged!

Absolutely pathetic.

Mr. Trump why was your mother, a known Russian spy, artificially inseminated with orangutan semen by Nazi scientists to give birth to you?

like the rigged polls against clinton?

Lester why are you such a fucking nigger?

Madame President, much has been made of the Birther Controversy. Why do you think your opponent is a fucking racist that thinks our Dear Leader was born in Kenya?

Lester Dolt

>mr. trump, when will you finally address the completely legal wholesale slaughter of vibrant urban youths by savage bloodthirsty Nazi cops?

The questions Cred Forums would have wanted Holt to ask Clinton would have been so dumb that they're not even worth asking
>Why didn't you dispatch a division of Marines to Libya after a diplomat and a Something Awful moderator got killed?
>How did John Ashe *really* get his throat crushed while bench pressing?
>How often does Huma service you?
>Tell me about your seizure disorder.
Holt, if anything, was tame with Trump. You guys are mad that he got asked about his taxes--boo fucking hoo. The public has an excellent reason to want to see Trump's tax returns because it allows us to tell whether his financial disclosures of conflicts of interest are true. Trump is fucking lucky that Holt didn't ask about Trump self-dealing to his own charities.

Hell, Trump called for Russia to hack Clinton/the DNC and then played it off as a joke once he realized that it was illegal incitement.

>Implying his birther questions were any better

fucking kek

>Mr Trump why am I such a hideous nigger?

>Trump is fucking lucky that Holt didn't ask about Trump self-dealing to his own charities.

Surely Holt would've asked Clinton about the FBI director Comey being a Clinton Foundation charity recipient. Not like there is a conflict of interest there or anything.

Even the fucking BBC says Holt was obviously biased against Trump.

Fuck off CTR liars.

>In all the above points, the opening for Mrs Clinton's advantage was set by the moderator.

Mr. Trump, why did you make the RACIST claim that our strong, proud african-american paragon of a president might have been born in a different country? How do you account for your blatant racism? Also, you're racist.

Mr. Trump, who do you despise more: women or people of color?

Hillary actually did call birtherism "racist", and Trump just took it.

Secretary Clinton will you be a great President or the greatest President?


Trump stumped himself. Stop blaming the host.

>Mr Trump, are you aware it's 2016?

Let's get the grocery list together:
It was
Black Republican Lester Holt
Faulty Mic
Mic too close
Dry air
Humid air
Hillary's preparedness
His damning statements coming home to roost.

If only the debate could've taken place in his Louis XIV living room on 5th Avenue.

The mic thing is just about the supposed sniffling.

Then he could've transformed into a baby in utter brilliance.

He's as much a Republican as Colin Powell and Chris Christie is