Stop rationalizing his terrible performance. This was a total blowout

Stop rationalizing his terrible performance. This was a total blowout.

I've been a trump supporter since 2015. I've worn the hats and gone to his rallies. I've tried to get my friends and family to vote for trump. I earnestly thought he was going to bring back jobs and give blue collar people like me a decent wage and secure border.

Instead he just showed himself to be a fucking self-aggrandizing rich Jew that only cares about himself, that used people like us for votes. Just like mitt romney.

>yeah I don't pay taxes that's being smart :^) (more like rich enough to hire a big law firm and an accountant you fucker)
>even though I don't pay taxes people like me need to pay even less taxes lol
>yeah I hoped the housing market would collapse, that's business, who gives a fuck about all those people?
>lol I made SOOOOO much money off other people's work
>yep didn't pay my contractors or make payroll after they built my huge hotels that made me billions hahaa xDD more money for me :D

Posting from the construction site on mobile right now on break. Everyone, literally everyone, is pissed and betrayed and wants to rip his guts out now when we all supported him before. Say it was a "GOOD MOVE" and that he looked smart all you want you fucking pussies. He fucked up bigtime. Maybe we were dumb for thinking a billionaire jetsetter would take care of the working and middle class but now at least we know it's all rhetoric.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Posting from the construction site on mobile right now on break
Why not include a pic of the site faggot?


Post a pic of your trump hat too

Fucking CTR shills

I can't, it's against our policy and if anyone found out the foreman would fire me.

We told you m8. You can't get freedom from the hands of one of the ruling classes.

Well lads

Sage goes in ALL fields



it's your own damn fault for supporting an inconsistent retard with no political background just because you were desperately memeing for an outsider

>>yeah I don't pay taxes that's being smart :^) (more like rich enough to hire a big law firm and an accountant you fucker)
nobody likes paying taxes and Trump is telling the American people that they won't be paying as many taxes under his Presidency. Trump wins this point.

>even though I don't pay taxes people like me need to pay even less taxes lol
everybody needs to pay less taxes. But this doesn't concern you, since you don't pay taxes anyways because you are a jobless art major.

>yeah I hoped the housing market would collapse, that's business, who gives a fuck about all those people?
Yeah, pretty much. Those people who lost their houses all took out loans that htye knew they couldn't pay back. Greedy, fucking middle-class showoffs "lost" everything that they never owned to begin with.

>>yep didn't pay my contractors or make payroll after they built my huge hotels that made me billions hahaa xDD more money for me :D
People should be forced to pay for bad work? I guess this doesn't concern you since you don't work

What don't you understand? We aren't allowed to take pictures of the site. It's a legal liability for the company to have someone snapping pictures. I could get fired and risk not getting hired elsewhere.

I know, but who else was there? I would have voted for bernie but he was for open borders.

Everyone is a ctr shill now?

His Jewish influenced business tactics presented themselves unfavorably last night.

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything
What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

Sounds like you're asshurt that you work a shit job

Or more likely you're an ironic shitposter

I simply don't believe a word you say

@CTR shill, quantity over quality

making up powerful stories that auto prune in 10 minutes shouldn't be your angle

>.02 shekels have been deposited to your account

itt: everyone who isn't rabidly pro-trump is a shill

nobody could ever possibly disagree with anyone here without having some kind of agenda and being paid for it

>whoa he has me on the ropes
>phew I'll just not believe him that'll show him

Concern troll please go

>im a trump supporter
>but recent events changed me

how fuckin stupid do you think we are? this is like the 10th time ive seen this narrative in the past 24 hrs. kys tho


place is sounding more like reddit and 8cuck everyday

nobody's addressing what I'm saying

>0.02 has been deposited into your account.

Debate was clearly rigged


You need proper socialists.
The ones that fuck the rich and build walls.
And if you're telling me that they don't...

>I love trump so much I'll misquote him when he said he doesn't pay all taxes when he clearly said income taxes

>he has me on the ropes
I'm just here for fun.

This election doesn't mean much to me, you just come off as a concern troll.
Polls don't support what you were saying either.
It makes no real sense to believe you without even having some form of proof you own a MAGA hat and are on a construction site

>he doesn't agree with me
>he must be a ctr shill

thanks for making a more nimble america(TM)

0.00001 trumpcoins have been deposited into your account

From an objective observer, it looks like somebody wants this board to believe Trump shit the bed when in reality he did okay. Not great, not bad, just okay

If I were to take the post titles at face value, I'd say the sky was falling, but reading the comments and thinking back on the interview I don't think anyone's actually buying the "Trump did horribly meme"

>Maybe we were dumb for thinking a billionaire jetsetter would take care of the working and middle class but now at least we know it's all rhetoric.
You were told over and over that he was full of shit, that he was just out to help big businesses control even more of america than they already do, and you just screamed "fucking liberal sjws!" instead of listening.

Explain to me why I should feel sorry for deadbeats who live a lifestyle they can't afford? Oh you poor thing, you lost a big house that you never owned in the first place. Rich people must pay for your mistakes then.

go back to building you stupid fuck, I'm pretty sure your job doesn't pay you to shitpost on Cred Forums



Dude, calm down. We're posting on an anonymous forum for kicks and giggles. Nobody is taking you seriously so cut your losses and get out of here.

It's starting to look desperate

Im not even a huge trump supporter but I honestly thought he did a better job. HIllary right off the bat starts name calling and being obnoxious. Nothing of what trump said was wrong; foreign countries are stealing jobs, we need more security, etc etc.

Hillary was dodging questions the whole time

Trump was an utter fucking embarrassment. Any of us here would have made a better debate opponent to Hillary.

Post time stamp with your tool belt you lying fucking shill.

>billionaire jetsetter

more like billionaire jester, amirite

>Bernie but he was for open borders.

This is false. He criticized open borders multiple times saying it hurts the economy. It's even talked about in depth on his website.

>concern troll
I have only heard that term used browsing r.eddit to laugh at r.eddit faggots

Go back to r.eddit

>lol stupid fucking blue collar poor slob idiot you deserve to die in poverty while rich people live awesome lives hahahha

That's it I'm officially a #cruzmissile now

Foreign countries are not stealing US jobs. It's just cheaper to build shit in other countries. That's not going to change unless the US massively increases tariffs or eliminates all regulations.


How dare you say bad things about our savior:


>Hillary's only response to arguments from Trump were "m-my team will fact-check that for me, right?"
>Hillary froze up whenever Trump went after her
>Hillary literally said that two people should be paid exactly the same no matter the quality of work
>Hillary dodged every accusation Trump sent her way, while Trump directly addressed every accusation sent his way
>Hillary was left smiling awkwardly whenever being attacked and never fought back, she always changed the subject

>Hillary: "They want to blame everything on me! Ha ha!"
>Trump: "...Why not?"
>[Hillary freezes up]

Fuck off

>I have only heard that term used browsing r.eddit to laugh at r.eddit faggots
>he just admitted he browses reddit
>we're now meant to take anything he says seriously
haha get out faggot

also I wasn't the one who said "concern troll"
but you can't even link posts correctly can you CTR ;^)

just about every poll following the debate had hillary the better performer. in fact, her performance gap was numerically in the top 5 of debates going back many decades.

trump lost

You shills just don't get it do you? Are you blind? Did you even see what just happened?

Did you catch it? It was happening right before your eyes the entire night. Did you even get the point? No..? Let me clarify.

This entire debate was nothing more than a beta test for Trump. An analysis of Clinton. What makes her tick.. What are her weak spots.. He was simply watching her. Probing her.. Studying and diagnosing her every move and tactic. And she fell right into his trap like the pawn she is.

This is not an average man you're dealing with here. Make no mistake, this is a genius beyond your wildest nightmares. He was toying with her like a cat with a mouse, while she was fighting for her life. She has nothing left.

Now that he has a full mental blueprint of his enemy there is nothing that can stop him. Expect something out of this world in the next 2 debates. Something unprecedented in all of modern politics.

Mark my words, the lion has been let out of the cage, and he's hungry tonight. So go now, hillfags, retreat to your twitter and your reddit accounts. Rejoice with your friends for this short lived victory. Pray to your false gods while you still have the faith.

NOTHING is going to prepare you for the storm which is about to come. You WILL be brought to heel before winter ends.

You're one entire election too late stupid working class trash. Ron paul was the honest real deal and you could had all jumped on the bandwagon like I did, but then you were to busy playing beer pong and doing ass shots to realize it in time I guess. Your loss.

>I have only heard that term used browsing r.eddit
>browsing r.eddit

gg ez next map.

“We've had 6 straight years of job growth,
incomes are increasing at record rate,
income inequality is a problem”
*False (shrinking middle class, job growth is private sector only)

-Question 1 “How are you going to create jobs” (fair)

“How SPECIFICALLY are you going to bring jobs back?” to Trump, direct attack
*Implies that he really has no plan

-Question 3 “Defend your views on taxes” fair

“Why haven’t you released your tax returns?” direct attack on Trump

-Question 5 “How do you heal the racial divide in America” (Democrat Ideology)
*Implies there is a racial divide in America

“Stop and frisk is unconstitutional” direct attack on Trump

“Do you believe police are implicitly biased?” soft attack on Clinton

-Question 6 “You claimed that president Obama wasn’t born in the US” direct attack on Trump

-Question 7 “Who’s behind cyber attacks and how do we fight it?” (Democrat idealogy)
*Democrats widely believe Russia is hacking the DNC and spilling their dirty secrets”

-Question 8 “How would you prevent home grown terror attacks” (Fair)

-Question 9 “You supported the war in iraq so why do you have good judgement?” direct attack on trump
*Incorrect, it was Hillary who suported the war in Iraq
-Question 10 “Do you support first use of nukes?” (fair)

-Question 11 “What did you mean by your comments on her stamina?” direct attack Trump

-Question 12 “How will you deal with the other person winning the election?” dumb question

>Drink some bleach you faggot

Hillary stood up there grinning like the smug bitch she is

Do you really think people in town with riots going on believe her?

Trump had to debate her and Lester Holt, and he did well.

Or do they want law and order?

You are literally arguing that people should be able to live lifestyles that they can't afford. You are basically saying that luxury is a right.

>also I wasn't the one who said "concern troll"
>but you can't even link posts correctly can you CTR ;^)

your post with the same ID saying I sound like a 'concern troll' (rebbitor term):

>This election doesn't mean much to me, you just come off as a concern troll.
>concern troll
>concern troll


You have only yourself to blame. Trump is a lifetime con man and charlatan. The press has been documenting it for decades. If you'd pulled your head out of your ass and come out of your Fox News/Breitbart cocoon you would have known that.

>just about every poll following the debate had hillary the better performer. in fact, her performance gap was numerically in the top 5 of debates going back many decades.
Citation needed.
We rigged the few polls that we weren't winning.
>protip: we didn't need to rig that many

The only poll Trump lost in was the CNN in house one where 67% were democrats to begin with and everyone was randomly selected

Huge butthurt today. Understandable. Chinese media reported that "Grandma and grandpa had an ugly spat; moderator won and should be president".

inb4 leaf etc; we know you're jealous. What a sight it's going to be watching grandma frolicking and kibbitzing at the front the Pride Parade. We can't all have really really really good looking leaders.

I support trump myself but people were spamming those online polls all over the donald and pol too. There's a huge chance they were biased.

the elaborate posts from shills are the sad ones

"I was a Trump supporter... now I've seen the light!"

there is something eerie about these posts compared to the "lol drumpfkins btfo :D"

Why anybody posted in this thread past this post is beyond me.

Holy shit you actually responded to that

This thread is fantastic

I planned to leave but people kept taking bait and this guy responds to everything

this thread is free (you)s


>Posting from the construction site on mobile right now on break. Everyone, literally everyone, is pissed and betrayed
LOL you've never been on a job site in your life.

I'm going to farm (you)'s here for a bit then head off to the Trump general and join a raid

>Stop rationalizing

Lost it.

My plan is to farm for (you)s before I head over to Brit/pol/ for /comfy/ shitposting

yeah, because being the first female presidential candidate - under active investigation by the FBI - and fainting on the anniversary of 9/11 is a "good look"

keep worrying about inconsequential shit like Trump's taxes or some lawsuit from the '70s that targeted dozens of real estate companies instead of wondering how Clinton, who admitted she "forgot" her FBI instructions on how to deal with classified information, could possibly be running for the highest office in the land

>haha he proved me wrong in 3 seconds after I said something untrue you are so dumb

fuckin epic dude xD

you were just ACTING like you were retarded whoa looks like I feel into the ruse

anyway break's over and I have to get back to work

>I've been a trump supporter since 2015. I've worn the hats and gone to his rallies.

Photo with MAGA hat and your ID+timestamp or you are CTR shill

Unless you do that everything you say is bullshit.

No one who supported trump is going to suddenly switch to hillary.

This is pretty much fact. The reasons for voting trump over hillary are non-negotiable. The sheer amount of evil this woman has performed means no one sane would vote for her. I'd rather have an idiot than a cunt like her who will fuck the country so hard for her own agenda.

I watched it live and thought the same myself.

Besides the hyperbole and often bumbling cluelessness that made no coherent sense, it was that open hand wringing merchant type gloating that really got under my skin.

The man is literally a buffoon. A meme candidate.

Anyone with a grain more intellect and political know how would clean up and easily BTFO.

Instead you burgers have got a literal meme candidate who gloats about shitting on the little man while pretending he has your best interest at heart.

Besides all the other obvious stuff that will put off voters he showed himself to be everything ordinary working people, across the globe, despise.

He was utterly embarrassing last night. Complete shitshow.

How have you burgers got yourselves in a position where your only two real options for president are Trump or Shillary? I don't know whether to laugh at you or pity you.

Post proofs faggot

and easily BTFO Shillary*

>Maybe we were dumb for thinking a billionaire jetsetter would take care of the working and middle class but now at least we know it's all rhetoric.
Yes, you were.


Guys I think this guy is a CTR shill!! I didnt even read his post. Fuck Hillary


Sounds like he's not a chump to me, what you saw as being cocky and being a dick was him actually just saying he would make money where he could because he plays to win.

omg stop this ineffective damage control.

>Instead he just showed himself to be a fucking self-aggrandizing rich Jew that only cares about himself, that used people like us for votes. Just like mitt romney.
that's where you blew your cover, moishe

Block the CTR shills

You sound like you were a fucking cuck faggot in the first place. Typical low-class Trump supporter.

post the hat with timestamp

Yeah, post a a damn picture of your building site libcuck
Thqanks for correcting the record


He became self-aware. We made him, we created him and carried him this far through the power of memes and, praise be his name, Kek. But Trump went too far with his programming and shit the bed live on national television in the most important debate and moment in his entire life. The memes overwhelmed him, he could not handle Kek's (praise be to his name) power and maybe....just maybe he was not the chosen one we all thought he was.

We tried so hard and got so far, but in the end it doesn't even matter. Trump had to fall.

It is hard enough debating one person that has been in politics and in the public eye for three decades. It is a lot harder when you have to do that twice.



what are you going to do when Trump wins?

>Tell everyone trump is going to eat cliton alive during debates
>He does his same old slapstick political routine


the guy wont post shit because he's obviously a CTR shilling for Lying Hillary

ahhahahah you're full of shit, I've been a foreman for 10 years and I've never ever heard of a no-picture policy. You lying sack of shit shill.

Well isn't he a controversial candidate te begin with? I mean would you not expect more questions to be directed to him?

Shut up fag!

Post a pic of your boots.
Put two pebbles on top of the left boot and post a pic.

you guys shouldn't bully the OP

you'll need his expertise in construction next year

We kept voting for the lesser of two evils and ended up here

Please learn about protest votes and stop shilling. Still waiting for cogent Trump criticism that makes Hillary seem like the better alternative.

fUCK off shill
fuck construction workers too, poor piece of shit wage cuck, stop shilling
trump is a businessman if you were also a businessman and if you made more than 0.02 shekels for post you would have done the same thing, it's called rationalism


Haha at least you realized how retarded he is now. The delusional trumpfags are not helping him by being yes men. He lost. Admit it and move on. VOTE FOR HILLARY.

This explains the poll results from today, right?

I don't think Trump's comments made any former Trump supporters switch sides.

But he certainly didn't gain any new and undecided voters from those comments. And he may have even lost voters from crucial swing states with those comments.

You can't say "yeah I don't pay taxes that's being smart" and "I didn't pay my workers because they made a shitty product" to hard working blue collar Ohioans. The type of people who work hard, pay their taxes, and then give screwed by the rich man. You don't admit to being a sociopath on stage and then ask the people you screwed for their votes.

I still plan on voting for Trump. I was going to buy one of his hats before, but not after this debate, I'll keep my hard earned money.

I love in Philly and tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. Gonna vote Johnson because legal weed.

how much does the clinton foundation pay? I'm desperate and highly experienced at making terrible posts

Even if Trump did loss due to unfair moderation he still has won every poll online except cnn in terms of the debate. So even when he loses he still manages to look like he won, hes already spinning the online polls in his favor shill.


I'm a little baffled how anyone could think Clinton won that debate. Unless its from lowered expectations of "if she doesn't go onstage and drop multiple shartbombs then its a win" I just don't see how a working brain could reach that conclusion.

Trump clearly won the first few rounds and the rest while Clinton lost them. But she started off at a medium level and never improved, while Trump improved over time and was clearly getting under clinton's skin as her performance diminished. Its a clear 10-0 decision.

The very reason we're hearing all this post-debate discussion of biased moderators and microphones not working is spin for the Clinton loss.

Now, a debate performance is in the eye of the beholder, supporters or either candidate are going to come away from it thinking their side won. But objectively one side does better than the other and in this first debate Trump pulled off a win of moderate proportions.

and stop shilling youre just mad because once trump would be elect you cant come in our country to imigrate youre porbably foreign immigrant and poor anyway TOPKEK

btw sage goes in all fields of shill thred

Meanwhile, in reality

Are we going to hear about Benghazi or the e-mail server next debate? Apparently 'birtherism' was important to make the cut but not dead americans

>>yep didn't pay my contractors or make payroll after they built my huge hotels that made me billions hahaa xDD more money for me :D
Yeah, he's a cunt.
Obviously in America you can be rich enough to get away with this shit for however long you want, but here you're going to get blacklisted, get prices put up on and told to fuck yourself. With an added risk of meeting some guys in balaclavas.

Fuck this low life, I hope somebody he stiffed blows his brains out.

This guy is right Trump won the debate and BTFO Shillary by a landslide. The thing about not paying taxes is ok by me Im also rich and do the same


>nobody's addressing what I'm saying, such problematic shitlords

He goes point-by-point on your argument. Calling you a retarded art major is just a bonus, you retarded art major.

We are addressing, you are just ignoring it.

>one debate doesn't go great for trump
>op starts crying like a baby

wow you are fickle, trump has two more debates and lots of time to do well

>I still plan on voting for Trump. I was going to buy one of his hats before, but not after this debate, I'll keep my hard earned money.

you dont wanna give him the money for a shitty hat but you want to vote him into a position of power where he will be able to get away with enriching himself with american taxdollars beyond his wildest dreams?

Man I'm conflicted. Hillary is a giant cunt liar but you guys are going to be ass blasted when she wins the presidential election. It's going to put the Romney debacle to shame.

That said I hope you guys are recording every liberal faggot whining about how Trump might win so you can harrass them if he does.

fuck off tirk roach, stop shilling for hillary

anybody wants to not pay there taxes, trump just says it like it is for miliions of americans and yoiu can fuck right off back to your sand desert

>Paying your taxes to gib TOWs for terrorist mudslimes

wew you're so smart

that's the power of 400lb people sitting on their beds. Everyone knows from experience how easy it is to win these polls when they're posted here and on /r/the_dohnald.

Cred Forums in full blown denial

Your boy didn't just lose, he tanked hard. Unless Hillary has a seizure the next two debates I don't see how he could recover.

Thought you might be interested in how this "shilling" stuff actually works...

I work for a company that does the SMO (social media outreach) for several campaigns, and one of our big gorilla customers right now is Priorities USA (the super PAC behind Hillary).

We point our outreach associates to about 85 different sites right now. Unfortunately, Cred Forums doesn't make the cut for us because it's too small. Cred Forums has an alexa rank in the 600 to 900 range, which realistically puts it out of the realm of any outreach activity.

It turns out that we pay by the hour, not by the message. The problem is verification -- we don't have software that can track the actual messages posted -- we only pay based on total time spent.

To start getting paid, the outreach associate logs into a specially-modified browser that contains a posting and history logger. In my group, we run statistical sampling on the incoming posting data to measure the quantity and quality of the postings by each associate. The associates get graded by our algorithm, and if their grade falls too low we'll cut them loose.

One thing I can guarantee: If they post more than once in a thread, they're not a shill. Outreach associates can't wait around to have conversations. After they post, they have to quickly move on to the next link in their queue. It's absolutely guaranteed that they'll never see your accusations of them being a shill. It's all about the number of different eyeballs we can reach. Hitting the same eyeball twice is worthless in comparison to hitting two different eyeballs.

I've never done the postings myself -- I work on the software and data side of it, which pays waaay more. Outreach associates are basically people desperate enough to work for the tiny pay. It's kinda ruthless -- we'll take pretty much anybody who signs up, but we fire a chunk of the bottom-performers every week to cull out the slowpokes and the shitposters. Turnover is high, as you can imagine.

It was pretty even; naturally since we're used to dominating it feels much worse. I have to commend the opposition for coming prepared.
He'll be the winner in the next and the dominator in the last.

I'm sure someone is recording all delusional Trumptards

You're right, but you're going to have to vote for him anyway because the alternative is Clinton.

>I'm a little baffled how anyone could think Clinton won that debate.

If you're baffled then you belong in the basket, son. Intelligent people watched the debate and could plainly see that Clinton - even in spite of her failings - is the better and infinitely more qualified candidate than Trump could ever be.

Hell, Trump gets security briefings every morning from the NSC, the NSA, the CIA, and the FBI - all Presidential nominees do once they get their respective nominations, it's part of the process.

Now, think about that: a lot of reading material each day and technically the only person that's legally entitled to read that material is the nominee themselves.

Do you think that Trump takes time every morning to read those and keep himself up to date compared to Clinton whose entire career has been such things?

No, Trump doesn't have the patience OR the temperament to do such things with any regularity and you can be absolutely guaranteed that's not going to change anytime soon. Subordinates are not legally entitled nor would they have the security clearance to read those documents that come in every fucking morning without fail.

Trump will more than likely win, unfortunately, but it's not because he's a better candidate in any respect whatsoever. Why will he probably win? It's really simple.

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

America disagrees


Neither Trump nor Hillary will be elected anyway.

fuck off spic i said i also try to not pay taxes because i earn a decent comfy wage, trump tells it like it is for millions of legal americans in this country tired of the establishment

Oh no, Cred Forums is so wrong about everything he must be doomed.

killary said nothing meaningful during the entire debate. her only strength was maintaining her stupid punchable smug face and not stumbling on her words often.

So you prefer an evil expert politician to a relatively benign amateur?

fuck you motherfucking fat nigger if you don't get identified by what i say then stfu before i stfu your motherfucking mouth, ok? ok

Fascinating stuff. Are you one of the larger corps and are they all sort of third party freelance, or do some organizations or campaigns 'inhouse' their online fronts?

You have to realise OP that Cred Forums's support for Trump is completely ironic. If Cred Forums users were as smart as they say they are they would realise that Trump is one of the worst presidential candidates of all time. If this was any other politician he would have been disqualified or knocked out of the race eight months ago.

>Posting from the construction site on mobile right now on break

Are you the guy who stole the workers toilet paper and wipe their arse with your tongue for 5 bucks?

your an retard.

hillary may be a cunt directly from hell, but Trump is ten times worse.
Best case scenario if he gets elected: he just bumbles around, thrashing america into the ground whilst enriching himself and the world goes its way.
worst case scenario involves nukes..

Stop rationalizing her terrible performance. This was a total blowout.

I've been a hillary supporter since 2015. I've worn the pantsuits and gone to her rallies. I've tried to get my friends and family to vote for hillary. I earnestly thought she was going to bring back jobs and give blue collar people like me a decent welfare and no border.

Instead she just showed herself to be a fucking self-aggrandizing rich Jew that only cares about herself, that used people like us for votes. Just like barack obama.

>yeah I delete e-mails that's being smart :^) (more like rich enough to bribe/extort the entire justice department and a sys-admin that pleads the fifth you fucker)
>even though I don't pay taxes everyone else needs to pay even more taxes lol
>yeah I hoped the middle east would collapse, that's politics, who gives a fuck about all those people?
>lol I made SOOOOO much money off other people's deaths
>yep didn't let my aides live or not commit suicide by two bullets in the back of the head after they wiped my servers that I used to """accidentally""" let foreign governments hack to steal state secrets hahaa xDD more money for me :D

>be American
>get to choose between a corrupt criminal and a corrupt criminal

oh my, this show is only getting better.

Yes, absolutely, because Clinton knows how to work the system worldwide and isn't stupid.

Trump, on the other hand, can't keep his fucking mouth shut. Can you imagine having some kind of big conference with world leaders and Trump just continually blurting out "WRONG" or "I DID NOT SAY THAT" every time one of them opens their mouth?

He's not qualified, not experienced, and has no clue how actual politics work, he's a personality, not a politician and that makes him too dangerous.

Fuck, he's practically Kim Jong-un for America at this point, mouthing off constantly about shit he should really learn to keep quiet about.

He's dangerous in incredibly problematic ways whereas Clinton is predictable.

Want to know why some foreign leaders, especially Castro, are allowed to live for so long and hold power? Because they're known entities and predictable. They don't get assassinated because the replacement could be infinitely worse and unpredictable and that's not acceptable.

fuck i hate europeans they think theyr so educated but they actually lost touch with real worlld problems and shoudl go back to being impregnated by foreign immigrants.

You guys dont understand that Trump is actually smart and plans his move strategicvallyl while also telling it like it is for millions of americans who are tired of the establishement,

Hes the ionly one who actually cares about bringing back jobs to americans and hes also tired of the system, the country is in a very bad state for the first power in the world, hes just going to make us great again and BTFO shillary once and for all


Hillary: Trump has a temperament problem.


Hillary: Whew.
[audience laughter].

It was over from that very moment. Sorry folks. Future does not look bright for USA.


Trump is not as vicious as Hillary.
Hillary is far more likely to plunge us into war.
Hillary will thrash (white) America into the ground much more ruthlessly.

What are you talking about, Hans?

>3 posts by this ID

psy ops is not effective, user counters attack with poo poo

you sound like a political attack ad

no not rly

>yeah i don't pay taxes that's being smart :)
Every rich guy does it you fucking faggot, even the Clinton foundation.

>even through i don't pay taxes people like me need to pay less taxes lol

Okay, one, whether or not he fucking benefits from the higher taxes on the rich is irrelevant as to whether or not lowing taxes on the rich will improve the economy. Also,

Yeah, you're a shill. Obviously a normie.
Go away.

The reason no one debates you is when you fucking look at a debate where every poll seems to show Donald Trump winning and you little shits are like 'LOL I SUPPORTED TRUMP UNTIL THIS SPECIFIC MOMENT AND NOW I COMPLETELY DESPISE HIM' is ridiculous.

No one believes it, and i honestly can't believe you'd think anyone would.

I would agree with you if the state of the US and West in general wasn't so desperate.

Hey look it's OP's t-shirt. "I sold my soul to CTR and after all that shilling all I could afford was this shitty t-shirt"

fuck off european the debate was rigged and we are millions behind trump, stop acting like you know it all you just want to be american but you will always be an illegal

>Trump loses
>Trump's poll numbers skyrocket
Literally pick one retards. You had ONE chance to actually stop Trump and even Michael Moore thinks he won.

I'm tired of this bullshit already

These debates don't fucking mean anything, they're supposed to be policy talks but there's no way you can explain complex shit in 2 minutes without sounding "incoherent." These are shouting matches.

Fuck american politics

At this rate if Hillary actually wins the election we're gonna have people here spamming DUDE CTR LMAO at anyone who makes a thread about it.

Trump fucked up at the debate and this board is in complete denial.

sorry man i dont mean to offend you just this is about trump so tis not of your business bbecause youre a hispanic you cant be an american

>he had to fall

Sure I bet you would love that cuck, too bad the polls say otherwise. Top fucking Kek

It's called energy

He is literally the most thin-skinned political candidate ever.
>m-m-muh bantz :^(

God youre an idiot. Have none of you gone to college or taken any psych classes?

Theres three debates, trump knows that, shill knows that. However trumps going to use his lead in the polls to lose this debate(he can afford it). He let hillary constantly attack him and made it apparent that shes spending tons of money to slander him with ignorant ads(such asthe black people suing him).

Trump has tons of dirt on clinton, which is why be said at the end "i could be saying tons of hurtful things, i could release somethingr that would ruin your family"(im guessing the epstein bomb).

Hes making her look like the bad guy, the one who is hostile and rude. Hes showing the dem party that they are all just talk. He brought up a good point and i was confused as to why he didnt elaborate on it.
He said she has hardly been campaigning, which to that she reaponsed "i wanted to be prepared like a president is supposed to"

He couldve then said "thats exactly what im saying, you care more abojt the press than the people, youll lock yourself in a room for 4 days pulling up all the info you can, where is that kind of drive towqrss the american people?"

He was mostly testing the waters and figuring out how hillary will work these debates

Tldr: im pretty sure hes going to slaughter her next two debates

>worst case scenario involves nukes

Why is that necessarily a bad thing? If mecca, Bonn and Berlin are targeted, is the best possible outcome.

The CTR shilling is such a fruitless endeavor.

You cannot simply out-sperg Cred Forums

Now that he's probably going to win he's starting to realize that his feet hurt and he wants to go back to his company. Being POTUS is a burden to this businessman.

I'm not a Trump supporter but I was until he chose Pence as his VP. It was a shit performance you fags. He also is clearly the good goy of the two with all his anti-Iran shilling.

>f-f-fourchans not important

>Maybe we were dumb

Ya think?

>You guys dont understand that Trump is actually smart and plans his move strategicvallyl while also telling it like it is for millions of americans who are tired of the establishement,
>Hes the ionly one who actually cares about bringing back jobs to americans and hes also tired of the system, the country is in a very bad state for the first power in the world, hes just going to make us great again and BTFO shillary once and for all

Is this your first election? You sound gullible as fuck.

Trump is going to win.

> tis not of your business

Yes it is, America is one of the most relevant countries, and i don't want an old bitch to destroy the world

I like how you posted about how you're on a construction site, shill. Fuck off.

lackluster b8

Sage and slide my friends, gook moot was bound to fail us so we must push onward

Typical romanian cockroach.

>hey don't get assassinated because the replacement could be infinitely worse

No you dumb shit, is because any potential opponent is killed or imprisoned ahead of time, and the only dudes with guns are his guards/army.

Now that we establish you're a moron commie of CTR you thing Clinton will perform a better fellatio on foreign leaders than 0bama?

>hillarys the right choice! y-you're all gullible

Better than Clitler.

>clement attlee will never be PM again

have you seen just how much money he made and his reality show, go ahead and have your own reality show then run for president, after that you will see who is really thin skinned


the trump defence force is literally imploding with autistic rage and its a hilarious spectacle to watch

trump objectively got fucking destroyed last night

>BTFO over being a racist asshole
>I dont pay muh workers lol :^^^^)
>lied in nearly every question

how many trump supporters do you think are 400lb losers with no life anyway, because thats about the only truth he spoke out last night

Every online poll I've seen, with the exception of CNN and USAToday reflected he won.

You view is utterly meaningless.

2016 was supposed to be a easy win for the Republicans. Clinton is an incredibly shitty candidate and would have been decimated by Rubio or Cruz.

Of course Trump was nominated and now he's going to lose the election. You reap what you sow, fucking retards.

>undecideds decided Trump did better
>Independents already favor Trump
>MA has gone from solid blue to likely
>Maine has been flipped from likely blue to toss up
>Maine's second district is now solid Trump

no im a businessman myself and i can tell when my country needs a strong man like trump, have you ever ran a company that makes tons of cash? probably not. Youre also not an american so you can go back to shilling for foreing immigrants

I'd rather money goes to Muslims slaughtering each other than feeding third world spic shitholes like yours.


Nah that was legitimately funny Finland, people here all laughed because they knew it was just a joke Trump made so that people would stop caring about Temperament. After the debate polls said only 12% of voters care about it, Trump made it a joke to parody on SNL this week and people will never really care the rest of the year.

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

the hillary defence force is literally imploding with autistic rage and its a hilarious spectacle to watch

hillary objectively got fucking destroyed last night

>BTFO over being a corrupt bitch
>I tax my constituents lol :^^^^)
>lied in nearly every question

how many hillary supporters do you think are 400lb losers with no life anyway, because thats one of the many truths Trump spoke out last night

>undecided decided trump did better

>Independents already favor Trump

no, check my link above or google something you fucking idiot

>MA has gone from solid blue to likely

one state oh no

trump still needs to debate clinton 2 more times, do you honestly believe hes going to be able to handle them any better than the sniveling, weak performance he gave last night?

>Muh CTR


I only want Repubs in because Obama/Hillary have it in for the UK at the moment, especially post-Brexit. Trump is still a complete swindler, and proud of it.

Are you trying to emulate Trump by struggling to string a sentence together?

So you assume that him defending himself in a political debate between two canditates will somehow reflect on he will act as a diplomat when he becomes president?

Ridiculous. Do you think he has become a rich businessman by shouting at other people? No, he is most likely good at making deals, as his experience shows.

America has known thousands of 'experienced politicians' that ended up not doing anything for it. George W Bush, Obama... Believing that someone will be a competent president on political experience is a horrible way of looking at it.

I'm not seeing any rage here. I do notice a increasing amount of shilling after the debates, through ,as this thread shows.

Yes. This was a recon mission.

He has so much ammo.

give me fifty thousand dollars

democrats are the friend of the worker. republicans are only friends of the rich.

>validating ur opinion with online polls that Cred Forums fucked with
This is going to be Romney 2012 BTFO all over again. People forget that Cred Forums was literally convinced that Romney had it in the bag because they spent all day shitposting Cred Forums and never interacted with normies.

maybe you should try reading Cred Forums with your eyes open if you cant feel the sperg force coming out in force to defend their god emperor in the face of devastation and rationality.

trumpcucks need to stop sucking that corporate cock

>he bought into the meme

Trump was never one of you.

>h-h-h-e lost on purpose guys!!!

god i hate europeans they act like theyre all smart and stuff but no ones understand what they say, i didnt have time to go to any school for dipolomas i was too busy attending my business and being youesful to my company and my employees and i still make more moeny than most europeans ever dream of

Rubio: " Hillary Clinton Knows Exactly What She's Doing..."
Lester: What does that have to do with your gay sex parties?
Rubio: " Hillary Clinton Knows Exactly What She's Doing..."


Rato: "Hillary went after my family, I'll go after Chelsea, shes got a dark past and crushes kittens in videos, we discovered on the internet, SO THERE"
*audience gasps in total disgust*

Keeping it real.

>he bought into the meme

Hillary was never one of you.

>Posting from the construction site on mobile right now on break.

had me up until >rhetoric. No construction worker would ever use that word, not even any normal person, only a college indoctrinated leftist shill. sorry but nice try

thats why at first i was all like wtf what about the wall but i think he keeps that part for the end just wait and see. illegal immigrants will be BTFO dead in the water it will be beautiful to watch beleive me

Come now you're gonna need a better source than the Guardian to be taken seriously.

OP is a fucking spastic. If youve ever actually worked on a building site half the lads are pissing about and the other half are chuffing a joint. Most of the time on site youre waiting for shit to come or people to do things. Ergo you have plenty of time to take a photo of the site, and unless your building fucking Cheyenne Peak level military bunkers nobody gives a fuck. Saged.

Still would have been better than

>lol i didnt pay him cuz he didnt do a good job
>lol im smart fuck taxes

yeah and so what? the rich are the ones giving all the jobs and the salary. what have poor people done for this country besides doing crime?? NOTHING

thank you for correcting the record.

HAHAH a leaf thats speaking? what do you need money for your a godamn leaf

well ok, how about you give me a non-biased source that points to trump winning the undecided vote last night

or is the fact that Hilary rose 5 points, all betting sites dropped trump like a fat turd into a toilet in terms of odds/% of winning and the only 'proof' of a victory is the polls Cred Forums literally rigged last night?

Nice proxy mate. And also anyone with half a brain can still release its better trump than shillary.
Thanks for correcting the record though pal.

Lol I was called a shitposter for making a similar thread last night

Hillary is also controlled so you guys are fucked

exactly, thats a shillary thread, SAGE SAGE SAGE

Then why not just post those?

Guardian is about as reliable as Breitbart.

I'm not actually disagreeing with you by the way, just shitting over Guardian.

No. He clearly did better, but slipped a little about 3/4 if the way through. No one can take Clinton seriously anymore though and don't even get me started about foreign policy or Clinton's attempt to talk about her knowledge of 'cyber security' kek.

Yeah he fell for the bait pretty fucking hard.
Sad to see so many people saging and shitposting when somebody actually makes a good post here

> CTR doesn't know we do it for free

daily reminder that people like op are paid by hillary's campaign to shitpost on all boards supporting trump

yeah the guardian isnt ok but that article specifically its alright, I dont think you'l find a non alt-right source that will disagree with me though.

>mfw I've been screencapping all the "trump will win" posts from the past year till this day
>mfw I will be paid by a very familiar client for creating a meme collage containing all of them when Hillary wins

Nobody cares about this election, they only care about the memes.

It's easier to sprout correct the record memes then to discuss anything

but taxes are bullshit. who the fuck likes taxes?

someone at home would hear that response and instantly start relating to it.

No one is buying this narrative about 'Trump has been an excellent businessman so for some reason I won't disclose he must only be running for President to steal money from the American people'. Sorry.

Nobody likes taxes but no one likes tax dodgers, you cunt.

>average American
>relating to a billionaire who never pays income taxes
The mental gymnastics Cred Forums has been doing since last night is astounding.

user just think of islamic terrorism.

out of every issue this is the issue that matters most. sure clinton might have some better policies but the policy that matters the most of all is letting in HOARDS of refugees. which will eventually quantiplicate and youll never get america back

for that issue alone you should still support him and then shill for someone else next election. just keep clinton away

do you want your grandchildren to get beheaded one day user?

Trump won the polls by such a large margin that it is pretty much a mathematical certainty that he won the undecideds.

Degenerate gamblers thinking Hillary won is a feature, not a bug, you dumb shit.

Thanks for your great cyber efforts, really thanks you're great isnt he great really The Donald has donated 20 rubles into the vetted fund of your choice.

He could have watched her to do his beta test on youtube

>Maybe we were dumb for thinking a billionaire jetsetter would take care of the working and middle class
Yeah youre all fucking retards, its probably why your so poor

>botted polls mattering
Literally watch the debate and you can tell he lost

Does the software tell them what to post, or do they have to get creative?

he didnt kill it like we expected but he had some really good moments. he absolutely destroyed her on the economy and had some good comebacks, he just needs to cut back on repeating himself and focus on attacking her. it was a pretty even debate, not a decisive victor

She sure did lose! That's why all the polls say trump won

any online votes with more than 100k participants is total bullshit

Don't you mean Cyber?

>at work
>instead of doing job is arguing with kids on the internet
Yep, you sound like a Hillary supporter.....

There were threads on pol last night specifically for swarming various polls kek


They are very bad at pretending they enjoy that

400 pound losers all collectively were BTFO last night

Even tripfag fanatics of Trump cringed and whined their way through the debate


this is how it all comes crashing down.

Post more hans
Also reported

Lol at the trumpfags rigging all the online polls last night just to claim he won today

GTFO SHILL, you were never a fucking Trump supporter and you never will be because your brain is a pile of shit.

I can spot a faggot shill from a mile away with your stupid fucking talking points.


>tariffs bringing GDP growth of 10%



He didn't pay any of his contractors, op? I haven't heard this til just now.

The rest of the stuff you mentioned is perfectly normal for any businessman. Stop being a plebe.

You lying sack of shit.

You're just as bad as them you fucking faggot.

Suck my dick nigger

if I see this same ctr thread ONE more time...


It wasn't the best but it didn't sway anybody. Both sides sucked, which makes Trump the default win.

even germans are mocking trump now

this is too sad

goodbye Cred Forums

are you just now realizing he's a one trick horse

Kill yourself pedo

Hilarious how hillary shills think that they understand the Cred Forums lingo and knows how to use it in their favor.

Understand that people who want Trump aint dependent on group pressure or popular opinions.

Fuck all of you soulless shills brigading this site.

Don't tell me what to do you fucking candyassed homo.
And btw take dick out your mouth before you talk to me BOY.


I hope you get raped by Turks over and over again and then get burned alive you fucking faggot. This is why I don't care about Germany dying. You are a race of degenerates and you were so since fucking Luther came in and you only deserve the most horrible and painful death, and your whole fucking subhuman species should be purged from the face of the earth.

shame you have to spend it all on a fucking check up at the doctor

trump doesnt want to be pres. hes playing that rich white guy to loose on purpose to please the jewish masters.

voting doesnt work, democracy is fake.

jews wants first lady president. and they will get it.

LOHOL didn't read all that shit faggit.

>Posting from the construction site right now

Fucking kek

lel, so full of shit.


>People should be forced to pay for bad work

Your average contractor working on Trump's property doesn't do "bad work" unless they're dumb kids. Your average contractor (and not hourly worker) is a licensed professional.

That's a lie that Trump threw in the water to keep the sharks at bay.

>right wing media thing Trump won


weed? beer? pony up the cash. let me see the lincolns

You don't have the brain capacity. You will burn in Hell and if there's justice you'll burn alive here aswell.

Got a sauce for that?

Can't wait for Hillary to win so I can watch this board implode into a singularity.

It's going to be great.

Nice role playing, CTR. Now go kill yourself.

I just finished watching the debates ,trump definitely had the edge all the way through while Hilary just did lots of nervous smiling and spouted off lots of typical meaningless bullshit.

I'm finally able to use this again.

Am i mentally fucked if these gory images do nothing to me? I think browsing Cred Forums in my teenage years completely desensitized me.

>this is the master race Cred Forums worships

asking for specifics isn't an attack, it's a smart thing to ask of someone who speaks out of their ass


guys I honestly think that being caught was part of his plan

you are a joke, you are 200% not a Trump supporter because we are smart enough to see through the debates, Trump focused on moving forward in his speaking whereas Hillary and her little nigger whipping boy kept trying to attack his credibility because he's the only presidential candidate in decades who isn't speaking with a forked tongue

Trump got finished fair and square. Only tears now.

>I used to be a Trump supporter
This meme is so old. People are still using it?
Damn it's been awhile since the Republican debates and these shitposts first came about. Does this mean Trump is destined for victory since the same shit happened with the Republican Primary?

Hey, genius. Ever thought of creating your own Job or having value that employers Must have?
This America gives you an opportunity. You have to create a living for yourself. All you SJW trolls think government owes you everything. Just vote for Hillary so your swishwashey vote doesn't soil the votes on steadfast patriots!


You know nothing about economic policy faggot

Trump will win

>Dude, calm down. We're posting on an anonymous forum for kicks and giggles

"Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."

rationalize this sage, record corrector.

>the debate was rigged
Because it didn't go his way it's rigged. Why didn't it go his way? Maybe because he was bated and fell into shillary's trap? He can't take criticism and needs to be the best. When given evidence that he isn't the best he calls them lies and claims he still is the best.

Great candidate guys. You're going to vote for a fucking man child who can't be told the truth because it's too harsh on his ego.

so incredibly full of shit

what I don't get is that when the moderator lies and rigs shit, when that happens why don't we throw the faggot cocksucker out on his fucking ass instead of sitting around talking about it like it's a small deal?

Kek was betrayed us.

Delete this.

kek is a god of chaos, he has no political affiliation, he simply wants to generate the most chaos

you cannot control kek

he just tries to generate as much chaos as he can.

>Stop rationalizing his terrible performance. This was a total blowout.
No it wasn't. We're not supporting him based on trivia, fact cheking or any other objetive methric. He's an honorable guy who serves as a paternal politial figure and that's what we want.

Fuck you yankees. You can't get through to people like him.

hopeless damage control is hopeless. Copying our memes are futile.


You talk as if being Predictable is a good thing. Why would you want your enemies or other countries you do business with want to know your every move and game plan?

That's why you don't own a business
That's why you don't have any money.


He's actually not a new candidate. He's basically an antebellum Southern candidate with a Paternalistic political view. This is why he does so well.

When he tried to correct trump on that stop and frisk thing and then tried to tell trump he supported the Iraq war that was some serious bullshit,it became a 3 way debate.

I believe OP is a paid CTR shill. I admit I'm in the minority. However, I was predicting Trump as the nominee (and President) back in July, and people said the same thing.

People think they're Very Smart(TM) because they can look at polls right now. But they don't know hot to talk to people, how to deal with people, how they make their decisions, how to change their minds.

I've understood what Trump is doing since the beginning. I don't know exactly what he's going to do, as he's smarter than I am. He's got a 156 IQ, I'm only a 155, so he's smarter. But I have pretty damn good idea, and I haven't been wrong so far.

A Trump cuck realising what a horrible mistake he did
it's too late now, fgt

thank you for correcting the record

keep up the good work.


>B-B-But how can it be that Hillary lost a fake debate with pre scripted questions and answers
>There was even a biased moderator
>and all the CTR arguments against Trump were made by the biased moderator
>how can it be that Trump won a rigged debate in a rigged system?
>why is the paid MSM unimportant for the voter?
>why is Trump growing even stronger?
>C-C-Can it b-be that you...
>Can't stump the Trump?????

Trump absolutamente la destruyó.

El hablo de planes y leyes reales y Clinton solamente hablo de Trump.

El la tenía en las cuerdas todo el tiempo. Todo lo que ella podía hacer es arrogantemente sonreír mientras estaba perdiendo. Era vergonzoso para ella y para la partida de los Democratas.

Casi todos los centros menos LOL (((CNN))) están de acuerdo.

Trump dominio.

shills are so predictable nowadays...

Good summary, thanks senpai