
Please ignore, thanks!

fuck off christmas jap

Why did she keep looking down? She brought notes? Cause that's fucking cheating and she needs to be disqualified ASAP

Thanks for Correcting the Record

Goy, you need to stop asking questions.

You're welcome

fuck off leaf jap

She came prepared for a debate, not like drumpf

Electronic shart preventer.
It has to be inserted into the spine at the base of the skull.

It's literally nothing
fuck off shill


trump lost, stop being a sore loser

Your flag looks like Kermit's arsehole lad

It's a microphone. Anyone who has ever worn a microphone will tell you that that is a microphone.

It looks like a standard microphone.

I'm all for calling out her bullshit, but we should focus on the likely things.

wew ladd anyone got this on video?

lol, the best flag insult i have seen in a while on pol

Yes. Prepared in adult diapers.

Also a burly Google was waiting in a false floor beneath the stage with a diazepam pen and her body double. Just in case she short circuited.

Very nice user

Can confirm. I've worn a microphone before.

If you want to know what drug she was on, compare pupils before/after debate. Lighting sure didn't change :^)

Look up "toxidromes" for the top-self info on drug reactions.

(Hint: stims and benzos dilate, opiates constrict)


Fucking keked

The Puppet Masters

stop giving me you's, I stole the joke

we also saw them both wearing lapel mics

This message adds zero value to your life. I hope you enjoyed reading this, because I enjoyed typing it out. If you are still reading this, I would just like to tell you that you are wasting your time. If you think anything positive will come out of this final sentence, you are mistaken

She had someone feeding her the speech lines. What a fucking whore.

Realize how many times she would pause and concentrate while looking down at the podium? She was listening to her damn lines.


Earpiece+battery pack+transmitter/receiver, most likely.

There's no shortage of politicians past and present with these in the back of their suits.

it's a battery for her microphone.

It's a shame the media has presented the debate as a flat out victory for Hillary. I didn't think Trump did that bad

It's a zipper.
( ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)

Damage control this hard.
Sorry your candidate has to be propped up with some stick.

Have you people never watched reality TV?

It's for her mic, a transmitter.

Literally every show where they have wireless mics you'll see them have a battery sized item clipped ontop their pants hidden


he didn't do too bad for it being completely rigged against him.

Softballs to hillary for days

>I have a 10 year old son

It's a hi-tech passive exoskeleton to keep her standing so she doesn't fatigue so quickly.

her spine idiot. shes not fucking human