YouTube is now openly part of the Clinton campaign

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Beware of the Jew

vote Ireland? why?

get in that comment section boys, do some work

the Skypes behind voteIRL and the "youtube heroes" are in for a real treat when they realize how many young people support Trump

The DNC doesn't want him
The RNC doesn't want him
The MSM doesn't want him
The celebrities don't want him
The corporations don't want him

The people want him. And the people will win.


oh boy
they're getting REALLY desperate now

That ad was pretty neutral despite them not showing any "racists".
It wasn't half as bad as I expected.

seems pretty unbiased.
almost positive julie borrowski supports trump

>Hillary is shit with millennials
>Release a video full of sjw faggots telling folks to go vote

>that feminist laci bitch
>that MTV music bitch
you can't make this shit up

Not just release a video, put it at the top of every youtube search results page. For the US anyway

>vote irl
>vote r l
>tr l
>vote truml
>vote trump

At least they had Julie Borowski in there. She's pretty red pilled.

downvoted :^)

what a bunch of cuucks

will this even work?
i still don't see the majority of young people going out and voting

>those very diverse people
>exclusively leftists

So unbiased.

Literally top result no matter what you search for.

anyone have the Brexit "the people wanted it" caption?

it's basically the same situation all over again

Goy be quiet and vote.

YouTube is owned by Google.
Google representatives have been at the white house twice a week for a year.


I'm endlessly amazed that people can't see these things. Read some news that isn't huff po (fucking garbage is always posted here) and you might learn WHY.

Holy shit, its true. They are going all-out.

>"All the youtubers you like? FUCK EM!"
Too bad the only youtuber that matters has a different plan.

>That stupid clapping music in the background.

Stop it. It reminds me of liberals.

>trumptards are scared of more people voting

It's almost like they know most people don't want Trump to win.


Everyone says it here multiple times, jews are bro-tier. Its globalist kikes we need to gas. The jews just need to go to israel.

Now there is evidence!

I don't want him

They keep making these shitty videos, and they always get mostly thumbs downs

Says something about Trump and the anti-pc internet culture that's starting to develop.

"We know you're trying to get people to vote for Hillary, fuck your video, we're going to vote for Trump, have a thumbs down"

>trumptards are bothered that the corporations, the media and the government are trying to campaign for one of the nominees

Its almost as if the elections were supposed to be fair and that those in power shouldn't abuse that power in order to remain in power.

Almost as if we should take up arms.

>seems pretty unbiased.

sure. minorities are inherently unbiased, right? they are our moral superiors.

what's up with these short moralistic ads lately?They all seem to follow the same pattern of montage: a collage of "everyday" people telling you what to think, while a crigny up-lifting tune plays in the background.
When and why did this become a thing?


Nationalist Jews are pretty cool tbqh

a real shame so many of them are Soros-tier globalist scum

>I don't want the older generation to decide our future

Don't worry, I will definitely be voting "in real life".

For Trump.

>It's almost like they know most people don't want Trump to win.

'most people' aren't eligible voters....yet

I don't think they're that many, grandpa

I just think most of the ones in power are globalist

Sad state of affairs

Zionist jews in Israel support the globalist kikes enslaving the rest of the world you retards. What part of "jewish supremacy" don't you understand?

At least the video is seemingly nonbiased. It's just your run of the mill register to vote etc ad.

frig off mr. lahey!

>everyday people
>leftist youtubers

Choose one, and only one

Most of those people on there are far-Left Marxists, user. The video is just somewhat subtle in it's propaganda.

It's not a new thing.
Basically all media is moralistic, specially with children. It happens since the 80s/90s. See cartoons like Hey Arnold or Doug.
It's what Ren and Stimpy cartoonist is tired of.

Who the hell is Earl


Of course, but none of that is stated or even hinted at in the video. I'll give credit where it's due.

Well good thing your opinion doesn't matter at all dumb fucking leafposter.

As soon as I saw Cenk, I knew this was gonna be bad.

Every liked comment I read untill I got bored of scrolling was pro trump, or at least anti this video.

Feels like generation z is gonna be pretty right wing

according to commenters in this thread, this statement is "unbiased"

I have never been so glad to have a man on the inside. Youtube can't overthrow their number one subscribed content creator.


That's what your mother said when she found out she was pregnant with you

Do not underestimate the power of Cultural Marxism, Britabong...

Hillary is going to make sure that the TPP gets signed. She is the only candidate that cares about business.

I seriously hope trump wins this. It will be so satisfying watching these people bitch on online about how they lost to the big orange meanie


If you were a faggot Australia you'd be getting many (you)'s

Wasn't the TPP going to be approved before the elections?

Here it goes fellow country mate

I didn't see any Clinton propaganda there. It just says "go vote."

"Rock the vote" was a saying back in the 2004 election. You don't even have to go to a polling place or leave your house to vote. You can just vote by mail like I do.



>laci green is sitting down with a desk to hide her bloated body

>Those stolen white genes.

LARPing, false jews.

if a small minority can control the world, well they must be super genius dont you think? like how can you even be mad at them if thats what you beileve

this is neutral wtf guys relax

>Hillary's America most powerful demographics will be women, niggers and nu male cucks

Truly a horrifying future ahead of us if Trump loses.


They don't have to be; Trump's already lost as far as intelligent people's concerned.

>don't let old racists win the election for trump
>numale cucks and women go out and vote!

this is frogwhistle politics

Ofcourse they start out with a girl with hillary like hairdo..

Vote IRL.

It was the EXACT same bullshit with brexit. Means fuckall what those retards think.

The more these assholes try to emotionally manipulate people to vote for hillary, and the more propaganda they spew.. the more people realize what scumbags these people are.

>smart money
The establishment are against trump, not because it's the smart thing to do for america but simply for their own benefits.

1+ year of the establishment going after trump in the media and other such things, and you lay this stupid shit on us pretending that they're now "smart people".

he didnt say anything biased, that's what matters when it's a one off thing

Nothing wrong with this, the only message was to get out and vote. At least it wasn't
>"lol Trump is so evil we got to stop him XD"
tier drivel like that shitty celebrity video was.

>immigration is a right

>Implying a reluctant conservative voter would vote after an appeal from sjw youtubbers.


tumblr also has a register button

The wealthy are wealthy because they are intelligent and hard working. The west is dying because we have stopped listening to them.

obrigado m8

laughed too hard at this. I'm seeing Randy and Mr. Lahey live ya know.


Tumblr send me an email telling me to go register to vote

They're really trying to get 'that' audience

Everyone in this is shit besides the philip defranco guy.

>SJW fags in video, the kind of people who would vote for Hillary, minus impartial Defranco

>Vote IRL


>H I L L A R Y

>H (I) (L) L A (R) Y

>Hillary has the letters I, R and L in her name

>I'm from Ireland

>But Irish people can live in America and register to vote


I'm starting to see there a real a lot of good Jews that have been overrun the same way white people have with their shit lefties.

And of course the mongrels vote for more gibs.

Having power and abusing it do not go hand in hand

I don't advocate white people genociding blacks

damn mtv blackgirl is hot.

Wow. This frame sums it up.

They use only certain type of people because whatever they say will mostly affect their fanbase

OP are you fucking stupid? They're literally just telling people to vote

Fuck whoever directs and edits these, and the "actors telling you who to vote for" videos, and the #callbrussels shit. Soviet propaganda was less subversive than this.

You're in Cred Forums what the fuck do you expect?

You have to look at the people that are saying it. They're all Clinton supporters. They even have the fucking gall to put that genocide denying cunt in there.

I liked the video


the guy with the glasses is the most dangerous imo

not as many subs i think but hes more subtle then laci bitch and black laci bitch.

>filters the bong water to make it drinkable

>See cartoons like Hey Arnold or Doug.
I don't think it is being very effective, I remember hating these shitty cartoons.