It's official. #SheWon

It's official. #SheWon.

RIP Trump

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God you fucks are horrible

it's rip in peace you worthless niggers

Well, she is no matter how you look. People with half a brain cell wouldn't call Trump a winner.

Great people. Love having them here.

They're a true jewel of democracy.

RIP in piece



I hope you super-PAC drones realise that you're no better than Putin at this stage.

Do superpacs normally get verified twitter accs?

can't we all be winners??? D:

really corrected my record, its getting Baghdad bob tier



why the fuck did she say she would go after big daddy?

Notice how "#SHE" is transparent. Old pronouns are cursewords.

>Watch it live
>Afterwards listen to "experts" dissect it
>Pick one out of many of Donald's good points
>The only positive thing said about Killary was "She called him a racist and that's good for her"

It's incredible she's even A nominee never fucking mind THE nominee.

Fucking rekted. Now I can't wait for things to go back to normal as it should be.

>she won
What? Did someone kill her?

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated

thanks for correcting the record ;)

the (((smart money))) was wrong about Brexit too.

Oh OP I couldn't agree more!

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated



Congratz on pasting this 20+ times in 24 hours. All of the polls you mentioned don't add up to half a million respondents. Trump supporters are rabid and will hit every poll in spite of Trump clearly not knowing his shit and rambling like coked up first year poli-sci major.

Thanks for your great cyber efforts, really thanks you're great isnt he great really The Donald has donated 20 rubles into the vetted fund of your choice.

Trump did not destroy Hillary. Hillary destroyed herself by being an irrelevant third wheel in the debate between Trump and Lester.

>don't add up to half a million respondents
The one by Time is well above a million.

Wtf? My record has been corrected.

Hahahaha! You ass-sniffing fucktards. Trump's going to fucking lose and I'll be here every day to say it, and I'm going to REALLY fucking rub your noses in it in November.

The asshole "strongman" you fucks jerk off to is losing, and you 400 pound fat fucks sitting on your beds don't even realize it.

Best part is? I'm not going to fucking read your responses! So sit around and jerk each other, assipes.

> Mr Trump how will you fix wage disparity?
> well I will make it so bankers and CEOs don't have to pay taxes anymore then I'll jack up taxes on Chinese imports causing prices at Walmart to go way up


> Mr Trump how will you fix race relations?
> law and order, and stop and frisk. But only in Chicago. And maybe Ferguson. As president I'd have full control over those cities of course..


> and lastly Mr Trump how would you have handled diplomatic relations with Iran
> Blow those boats outta the fuckin water faggot!!


> also, I'd like to remind Miss Universe that I called her fat and ugly because she's fat and ugly..

Dude. Last night Trump lost the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the veteran vote and the woman vote.

Good luck with that

Pic related?

> "my 10 year old grandson knows a lot about the cyber.."

>There's an entire super PAC dedicated just for shilling for hillary
>Nobody gives two fucks

>Some rich autist makes a website to support Trump
>ebul payed shills trump BTFO LMAO

Damn, guess this is it for Trump. It was a good run lads.

#ImWithHer #ShillForHill #StillDickingBimbos

referring to CTR saying she won. Fucking kill yourself

Why is this english teacher posting this in every thread?


Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated



*Audience laughs*


*Audience is rolling on the floor dying of laughter*


>donald your time is up

Post that pasta another hundred times, maybe it will change reality!

You should have made it actually somewhat believable though. Not even reasonable Trumpers think "he had her on the ropes the whole times", quite the opposite.

shills are going all out this time

fucking pathetic

You will lose because you think that you are capable of perceiving objective reality.

Thanks for your great cyber efforts, really thanks you're great isnt he great really The Donald has donated 20 rubles into the vetted fund of your choice.

Insofar as there's an "objective" reality to the debate, it's that Trump spent far too much time on points Hilary wanted him to and not nearly enough time in his territory. He claimed to have the superior temperament and proved the opposite.



Why do these cucks always have to make things about gender?

There is no objective reality.

That is both probably true, not something Trumpers typically believe, and a panic button response to Trump's terrible performance.

Is your dakimakura waifu telling you to repost the same image in every thread?

I don't think you quite grasp. If there is no objective reality, then Trumps performance was not terrible. It's whatever you think it was.

You are blinded by your own confirmation bias. This is why you will lose. You don't understand that you're trying to convince people of a reality that exists only in your head.

I don't think you even believe in it yourself desu.

30 years

Trump's loss is what you would call inter-subjective, in other words generally agreed upon.

You don't get it, it's not worth explaining something this complicated to a simpleton.

mother issues, for some



What is this shit about temperament anyway? I've seen and heard hillary pissed off on some youtube videos. Never heard or seen Trump get mad up to the point of screaming hysterically like hillary has.

Trump should already know Hillary is an autistic sociopath. She is not a normal human being. In the second debate, he should FOCUS STRONGLY on the fact that she acts like an apathetic robot. Something like:
"Listen, I've debated 19 people. I've won big league. I'd like to emphasize PEOPLE. Secretary Clinton, on the other hand, is not who you think she is."
Proceed to list off countless lies, shortcomings, awkward moments, etc discrediting her as a human being.
"If she needed to meet with a major world leader, they would think twice before extending their hand in partnership, let alone friendship. I've met many people. No one, believe me, NO ONE, in my MANY, MANY years has had such a BLATANT disregard for human life. We came, we saw, he died? She's sick. In more than one way, believe me."

Trump utterly destroyed her.

He talked about real plans and policy and Clinton just talked about Trump.

He had her on the ropes the whole times. All she could do was arrogantly smirk while she was losing. It was embarrassing for her and for the Democratic party.

Almost all the polls except for LOL (((CNN))) agree.

Trump dominated


That because the people with half a brain cell are the ones saying Clinton won.

Why was Lester Holt wearing an earpiece when there are rules against doing so?