Houston Mall shooter wore a Nazi uniform

What have you done, Cred Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:


Retarded fucking nazis.
Just put them in the ovens.

He was also a Poo in loo

What have you done, CTR?

he wasn't one of us.

Cred Forums is a board of peace

also ((((((israelnationalnews.com))))))

shouldn't i ask you the same thing chiam?

>injured nine people

he injured no people, checkmate ctr

fucking kek

He was Indian (dot not feather).

Lol, here's your ((white)) supremacist op

He was a lawyer.
Not hard to see why he made the leap into becoming full on nazi despite not being able to shit in a toilet.

>according to reports
>no mention of where the reports came from
>no mention of who's doing the reporting


Registered Democrat Poo in Loo. Typical Nazi.

Wow! Was he really a nazi? Did he have a time machine, or was he just hiding out for the past 70 years waiting for this chance?

Another shitskin claiming to be a member of the masterrace
nothing to see here

RACE WAR!!!!!!!!!



Just saw on Fox News. Dude was a Turkish immigrant and had a picture of ISIS leader in his pocket.

He took the only bown uniform he could find.

probably his dads janitor overall


Didn't he say he'd vote hillary on twitter?

> 2,500 rounds

Good going /pol. Sure hope you're happy with your actions. The alt right is now under attack for being radical, Pepe has been placed on the ADL hate list and Nazis are shooting up innocents. Great job guys. Way to go.

Different shooting, friend. That's the Washington shooter. The nazi was in Houston

It's nice to see my hometown on the news once in awhile.

The shooter was Indian.

My mother is an attorney who works in the area the shooting happened. There was a bomb threat on her building Thursday, then later on this happened.

Well, Trump has officially lost.



>He was also a Poo in loo
is this a thing? I need a spoonfed source.

CTR, you in for a ride again, lol.

>what are false flags

Oh dear, please keep pushing it, all it will do is convince more people the government is totally corrupt and the media is controlled by those with certain agendas, just like with Brexit.

>represents good fortune
not working really is it.

Just type his name into google

Are you really this bad at betting...

They are setting people up for the switcheroo

If someone's spread goes UP after the money flocks to them, it's because the bookies know people will keep betting on them. This allows the house to pull the rug from under all of these bets by having the other candidate win.



Nathan ((DeSai))

gr8 source there OP

who people think will win isn't equivalent to who they want to win.


Let me set some things strayed
>he's not a real nazi
>nazis are peaceful
If you want to argue against those facts
>you don't understand nazis, one rotten apple does not reflect the whole acres
>this is racist
>check your privilige

>2,500 rounds of live ammunition
As compared to the mass shooters who carry 2,500 rounds of deactivated ammunition? Was it really important to make the distinction?

Read the thread its a false flag poo in loo.

Why do I get the feeling the blame is still going to get pinned on white extremism even though he was a poo loo?

>In Indian Subcontinent, the swastika is omnipresent as a symbol of wealth and good fortune. In India and Nepal, electoral ballot papers are stamped with a round swastika-like pattern. Many businesses and other organisations, such as the Ahmedabad Stock Exchange and the Nepal Chamber of Commerce, use the swastika in their logos.

>confusion and controversy has occurred when consumer goods bearing the Buddhist symbol have been exported to North America, and mistakenly interpreted by Western consumers as a Nazi symbol.

Poo Nazis


It ain't over till the Fat Jew clogs up the chimney


Remember the Brexit vote?

India yuo are my greates ally!

His problem was carrying all that ammo. Unless he's packing a .22 that's gonna weigh a fair bit. Notice he only shot 8 people.

His other problem is being a false flag tool ( if this story is even legit )

That's the Seattle guy

but that's wrong, when the chance of winning goes up the payout for betting on them goes down, so the number of people betting on them goes down also.

You're basically saying the secretly know trump is going to win, so they are giving a better payout to the people betting on him. Makes no sense, they would lose more if trump wins.

>be American
>get shot

Surprised one of the edgy kids that live on Cred Forums finally picked up his dad's rifle and tried to "restore the true race" or whatever

Nazis are all fucking talk desu

That's why he's not a real nazi and you're racist if you call him one

Indian Muslim. His name:

> Mustaf Herod Apyur Pupur
