How rigged is the Centralbanking System?

In this thread goes everything of about what is wrong with our monetary and economical system. post memes, info graphs and what als you have.

Pic related is some basic knowledge everyone should have about the Centralbanking system. I made it in MS Paint some time ago when I was still a 9fagger to redpill some guys there, and whats written should all be correct. I also dont mind you using and reposting this if you want since I only want the word spread

however here is another thing to think about. in the picture you see how banks make money, 1 thousand dollars they can create 10000 pretty quick by giving debt to someone. that guy also has to pay interests. now there are 1000 dollars in the save, 10000 as debt, plus lets say 10% interests (just to make the calculation easier) now even the first thousand were created through debt by the government and also has to pay interest. so ALL the money in circulation is just debt by someone to someone else. if everyone would try to pay back their debt at once, not only all the money will be out of circulation, but the 10% interest (or however much you have) would be still there as debt even though all the money is gone. now how to pay that 10% off? you work. who are you indebted to? the banks. so who do you work for? the banks. did they ever asked you to work for them? did they ever gave you any choice? that is basically slavery without people realizing it

Other urls found in this thread:–Kennedy_coincidences_urban_legend

central banking allows the government to eternally embark on any project it wants and results in an ever increasing bureaucratic state
when the government no longer has any interest whatsoever in allocating its inputs in a way that makes the populace happy, the system begins to reach its end game

(((central banking))) will destroy the west

also, central banking was the cause of both the great depression, the stagflation of the 1970s and the global recession of 2008. the central banks create business cycles by cyclically inflating and deflating the currency supply by absolutely ridiculous amounts, and this is blamed, as usual, on "capitalism"

nah it's okay just post in slide threads

the centralbanking system is basically the driving force behind the globalisation. they destroy small economies by altering the moneysuply. the spots left free from the destroyed small businesses is than replaced by some multibillion dollarcompany, and they can just blame "the bad economy" on it instead of admitting they are controlling it themselves.

its weird that Cred Forums always seems to be against globalization (rightfully the way its done now) but never tackles the main issues. they go against SJW, racewars etc. but those are only there to create globalization in the mind of the people. the real driving force ist the banking system.

If you want to know how important it is for them look at JFK. he attacked the fed, got executive order 11110 through congress and effectively abolished the FED and even a few billions of the new federal notes were brought into circulation. but then the "lone gunman" happened, the few billion were taken out of circulationm, the FED took on business as usual and noone ever spoke about it again, depsite the EO 11110 still being effective today.

Also the "Federal" ind "Federal Reserve System" is just a distraction. Its a private bank. and guess who it belongs to

also, inflation caused by an increase of the money supply destroys the middle class and the poor. stock prices rise with inflation, savings and stashes do not

for some reason i feel like we are the only people talking in here. guys here rather talk the whole day about which country is the whitest instead of some real issue apparently.

i even got the dubs noone checked

it's okay, user, there's nothing we can do

a government that can expand will expand and any government that expands will eventually destroy its own host

all will be lost
sorry athena

honestly i hope that all gets destroyed. i mean it wont be good times just then, but afterwards we could create a new society free of those deceptions. but for that to happen people finally have to realize whats going on or they will repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

common people, get in here, this is probably the most jewery issue there is on this planet. you cant rant about them while also learning guys

every time a collapse happens, the low-IQ subsidisation of the previous civilisation of non-jews will carry over, and the goys will only prove easier to bring to heel after peak prosperity has once again been attained and (((they))) begin to destroy their host through power lust

as cattle will never be able to usurp farmers, goys will soon never be able to usurp (((the powers that b)))
it's all going according to plan
eternal servitude is coming our way unless we stop the destruction of high-IQ demographics
there is no reset button

basically the whore of babylon, providing false prophecies (predictions) and false wonders (small periods of wealth and prosperity) just to persuade us and bring us closer to our demise, our slavery.

question is are they still on their way to put the new world order in power, or are we already in the middle of it? i usually feel like we are already in it

is it just me or are threads today sliding quicker than usual?

there is no such thing as "the" new world order
"it" doesn't need to be noticeable
we've been on the ride since jews were selectively bred to be more intellectual in the middle ages of europe, where the only religion allowed to pursue intellectual employment (that is, the charging of interest on loans and high merchant status) was judaism
the idea that everybody would subscribe to the "don't charge interest" notion created a power vacuum that the jews filled. combined with their slimy fucking bureaucratic-like religious books that teach them how to wriggle their way through their own religion's tenets, the jews have been on the path to the domination of the west for a long time

the same guilt cucked us then as is cucking us now

i want off the ride–Kennedy_coincidences_urban_legend

the US fed was established after the great depression, no? how can it be the cause? honest question about your chronology there. I hate central banks too, just I'm confused about what you said


the federal reserve system was founded in 1913
maybe you're referring to the great fdr kiked gold scam of 1933
it's unfair to blame the entire of the great recession, though. fdr pushed it on for years through wage controls, shilling the fuck out of banks, bailing them out and not allowing them to close down

the stated aim of the fed was to stabilise booms and busts
contracting the monetary supply by over 30% during a recession is quite the opposite

didnt even jesus say already that we shouldnt take or pay interests for loans? cant find the quote right now, but im pretty sure he said it. and not even in those 2000 years we learned it.

but again, in order to change we need to give people the informations or it will continue forever. only if they know we can change things

i always asked myself how those coincidences came together. i mean some are just too ridiculous to plan for.
i recently started believing the government uses mememagic themselve for such stuff, i mean pic related, in matrix you can see on neos ID the date 9/11, i think even 2001. king of the hill apparently had one very early.
and then there is this. are they trying to make such things a success with mememagic, just to improve the chances a little bit? if you go even further what about reality TV? did they try to meme dumb people into existence to make people easier to controll? what about all the posters for election with "vote me for president" are they trying to memethemselves into presidency?
did obama try with his slogan to make us channel energy to moloch?

i honestly dont know what to believe anymore

I was very pleased to hear Trumps statement on the economic bubble, the Fed and raising interest rates at the debate

the FED was the plan of many wealthy bankers, one of them being J.P. Morgan. i think all the bankers who worked on it combined already had together half of the earth money under them. they just had to play along and cooperate a bit in order to make economy crumble a bit and then go to congress telling them they have the solution. with their amount of money it was easy to create an artificial regression. with the tool of the FED they even have it a lot easier now

the driving forces are rothschild and rockefeller, even though they hide their tracks quite well

yeah, that one suprised me really yesterday. didnt expect that. like if he really goes against the fed he actually convinced me finally that he is for america and the people, and not somepuppet of the establishment with both sides acting like they dont like each other in order to give both sides the illusion their vote matters. but if he really goes against them i fear we wont have long to enjoy trump

Bump for interest and because this is one of the most critical topics that need to be discussed here. Pic related as well - strongly recommended reading or at least looking up his speeches. G. Edward Griffin is one of the foremost activists in trying to spread awareness of this topic.

Listen to this for an introduction to the topic of the Federal Reserve -

have you looked into how to (((J.P. Morgan))) shilled and got america into ww1

Becuse out of everything we do, there's not a thing we can do to change, alter or affect this. We could redpill everyone in the whole world but everyone still needs money and if you defeat the system the. We're just as fucked as if we were under it, at least in the short term

i actually have that book, but only 2/3 finished. have to take it up again one time
this documentation first brought me ontu the tracks of the FED. can only recommend it

wasnt that with the MS lusitania, where the german government even tried to announce that people shouldnt go into the area between britain and germany because of the war, the US government then blocking the announcement, and sending a cruiseliner full of people, and weapons into that area, and even telling the captain to slow down so they get attacked and america gets a reason to join the war?

people have to realize that major banks always fund both sides of a war, often creating the conflict to begin with. they get the money with interests back, or if not they demand reperations, bring the IMF under the disguise of rebuilding the country, but essentially just results in privatizations of infrastructure, economybranshes the country lieves on or even the humanitarian stuff like hospitals and so on overtaking the whole country. when the government complains they just say "but muh interests" and they basically have to do what they say.

why do you think they give loans to countries too poor to pay it back´, or even too poor to even pay the interest? so they can loan them even more to pay for the interests, which creates bigger interest they will eventually have to take a loan again for. if they then dont do like they said they just stop giving money, the rating drops, no other bank will give them any more and their whole economy comes to a fall, and then they are also free to take what they want.

Give a man a gun and he may rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he will rob all of humanity

Also pic related: CNBC brought article online about major banks laundrying 430 TRILLION dollars, shorty after the article dissappeared and there was a new one of the child of the CNBC executive being murdered.
but banks are your friends goyim

fuck the shortterm. if our current generation has to suffer for the following to go into prosperity and peace its a sacrifice we should be willing to make, or else it will get darker and darker untill noone will see anything anymore

I remember watching this years and years ago, but most of it just went in one ear and out the other. It stirred something in me, but I didn't become "aware" until a couple of years ago.

Note that "aware" is an extremely relative term. The more that I learn, the more I realize how clueless I and everyone around me truly is.

>Give a man a gun and he may rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he will rob all of humanity

A bank alone can't rob all of humanity without the power of the state

well, the movie makes a really good job showing how rigged the system is. but yes, to understand how widely the effects on us are it takes more ressearch. basically everything Cred Forums likes to complain so much about can be traced back to the centralbanking system one way or another i believe
also your ID has NWO in it. sign of kek that you actually show infos exposing the new world order?

but the banks got the power of the state and thus are able to rob humanity. basically the banks, especially centralbanks are in controll of the government itself. the FED is only accountable to their stockholders, not to the government. so if they think the government does something they dont like they stop printing money for them which will make the government go bancrupt really quick. or they will enhance the moneyflow to devalue the currency and crash the economy, all with the press of one button. if that happens of course the government is blamed if they cant shift the blame on the "bad economy" and thus they have the government in controll

That pic, if veridic, is chilling to the fucking bone

I sincerely Hate conspiracy theories, and dismiss most of them on an automatic basis, for fear they may be intellectual parasites. But there really are some troubling, weird stuff

Take the sandy hook shooting. Why the hell did they have to show and mention the owl ? That's absolutely non sequitur, yet Cooper and Obama both took it on.

Could it have anything to do with Minerva/Moloch ? Good fucking question, and going out to seek the answers might get you badly lost at some point

If I was a journalist, I'd try to get to the bottom of this, talk with the nanny, with the executive.. Does anyone know if there has been a follow-up to this story ?

By the way, great thread guys, keep the facts, figures and anecdotes coming, they're most welcome for amateurs like us. Any econ/finance expert in the house tonight ?

did you watch the interviews of the "parents"? they seem to not be bothered at all
i mean look at them smiling, not even having one tear and all

also what you might want to look into is "saturn worship" it basically says that saturn is the planet associated with lucifer. now on the northpole of saturn there is a hexagon. when you put triangles on the flat sides you get the star of david like from the jews. if you draw 3 lines (pic related) you get a cube, like in mecca where they even walk around in circles like the rings around saturn. if you open the cube up you get the christian cross.
The Elites basically switched the symbolism of all abrahamitic religions to channel the energy of the prayers to lucifer/moloch which otherwise we would sent to who it is really meant to.

i mean why is it written in bible that we shouldnt praise false idols and tin gods, and yet we have that cross with jesus dying on it. taken a bit further that idols makes you pray to lucifer(the cube) in the moment he kills our messiah.

trying to selfbumb so more people see it

See, that's where I draw the line. I'm a hardcore rationalist, and I just cannot bring myself to take that kind of data seriously

Now, I also happen to be a huge fan of psychoanalysis, Lacan being a favourite, and I can acknowledge without a doubt, the human mind is a highly irrational tool, and aggregation into groups has very strange effects on it

Jung for example, was right like a broken clock, from time to time. In that oddly esoteric and baroque style of his, he drops a lot of pretty relevant and somehow informative bits, but it's drowned in a sea of vagueness

My point being, there's definitely a lot about the human mind and society we have yet to unearth, but mostly, Verbalize it. The language needs to be sound and on point, and it has to be rooted in an empiric approach

i know it seems a bit farfetched with the saturnism. but is it really? i mean you have the elite worshipping the owlstatue/moloch at bohemian grove. the owl being one of the forms of lucifer. moloch means "all devouring power" or is a word for ritual childsacrifice. melech is the name of the jewish king. in ancient times you had no vocals in the written language making both mlch and probably the difference where just made through some translation. all being lucifer with all devouring power, whom you sacirifice children to being the king of the jews. of course that not what the average jews believe, but it really seems like the elite does believe that.
for me the real question isnt wether or not they did it, but wether or not they accomplish anything with it. is there anything to those dark powers? i mean they should have enough sources of all kind, and the opportunities to test all of it themselves, and probably would have stopped if there is nothing to it. but maybe it is just some weird fetish of them

I have to agree with the French poster, I am almost immediately dismissive when anything occult starts getting mentioned. Does that mean it's false? Of course not. I've just yet to see real, hard evidence that gives it any credibility.

The problem is that when the "normies" are exposed to verifiable and legitimate conspiracies, such as central banking, there is so much nonsense and noise mixed in that they dismiss it out of hand. They associate the most radical conspiracies with the ones that really have a basis in reality and need their knowledge spread to the masses. I mean no disrespect to you or those that do invest in the more outlandish theories.

that picture always freaks me the fuck out. No one is safe in this fucking world

Checked. Which book do you recommend to understand monetary policies?

The state enforces the central banks currency monopoly. If we had competition among currency that could not happen

yeah, there is a lot of disinfo. and how good it worked i saw in some previous thread i made. i had a few threads about the nasa, and how they are faking a lot of the stuff. i even provided reasons (covering ayy lmaos, secret military spaceprogramm, maybe even for the elite to have somewhere to settle when they drove this planet into the dirt, maybe a scam where they say they give nasa 20 billion a year, but give them only 2 billion for some fakery, coke and hooker, while the government uses the rest for blackprojects like false flag operations, said secret spaceprogramm, some overthrowing of small nations etc.) still i got always ridiculed as flatearther dispite me providing other reason. i even came tho think they went really to the moon, but only show fake stuff as a huge psy op, creating the people who believe the official narrative, which is usually the bigger one, and which has irrefutable proof since people were actually on the moon, and the group who doesnt trust everything blindly and sees the fake stuff, maybe even flat earthers were planned. that way whenever you have someone saying he doubt the official narrative you ridicule them like "you think 9/11 was an iside job? bet you also think the earth is flat idiot" making them able to riducule all future conspiracies.
if someone wants to look into see even though its a bit dry to read from time to time also look

You economic illiterates need to read a book on banking instead of watching shitty documentaries or falling for the Austrian bug. The Fed has even published one some time ago:
This is very similar for the Euro.

i know its very similar to the european bank. to almost all centralbanks. that doesnt make it any better, but even worse

a shameless selfbumb

>how rigged is the banking system?
This is one rabbit hole you do not want to go down...

The debate wasn't rigged at all. Drumpfkins btfo

I remember my first red pill...

If you want to teach people about the monetary system, the only link you need is this:

post more

dyou have any infographics, copypasta, or memes about this tuff

but we need to in order to make things better.

wow, thats some serious shilling. nowhere is mentioned here in the thread that the debate was rigged, nor is the debate besides of the small statement of trump anywhere included in here in general. if you would read a bit more instead of just shilling around you would have seen that i have myself doubts about trump. thanks for bumping anyway

Still, your OP has some serious mistakes. You mix up some truths with complete misconceptions, which immediately tell an economist you have no idea what you're talking about.

But the weirdest thing is that everything is framed in a negative way. Can you actually provide me a GOOD reason why the banks work the way they do? If not, please consider that you might be dogmatic on this issue.

You are right. Central Banks are Cancer. Its not a conspiracy theory, its a conspiracy fact and its there for all with half a brain to see.

We are slaves to the system!

Last 3 chairmans of the FED, Greenspan, Bernanke and Yellen, all kikes. just coincidence!!

honsetly, i believe the centralbankingsystem is the only real redpill. i mean it basically is the matrix abusing us as powersource/workingforce/slavelabour for the machines/elites. its just not a computerprogramm, but a social construct with lots of deceptions. just like the matrix the system failed several times already and had to be rebuild.
and we are morpheus (god of dreams), the dreamer, dreaming of a better world and to accomplish it we give red pills/information to those willing to take them, in hope of finding the chosen one who frees us. however i believe the chosen one wont be a single person, but all of humanity who finally woken up. maybe it is one person though who is in the position where people listen and believe him who tells them of it. but so far all we can do is spread the red pills

not really, im running out of stuff. hoped more people would help but besides from 2-3 guys who are interested there isnt too much coming in

where am i wrong then? i really like to know.

for the reasons it simple. gaining more wealth and influence.

i guess i'm looking for something more comprehensive, infographic memes are great because they're inviting to the eye and easy to digest. like even just a compilation pics of all the fucking pentagrams in architecture - DC, 2016 rio olympic grounds, on the one dollar bill where it connects to 'MASON,' etc.

greenspan also was at the bohemian grove prior to be made chairman of the FED. just like nixon and reagan were before becoming president

just remembered this here from some time ago. not specifially related to the central banks, but shows the unfairness of the system

The point on the payment of interest is the worst one. Interest is a flow variable, whilst debt is a stock. You seem to be assuming both are stock.

Also, money is not created through those incremental stages. That's a meme from textbooks.

The legal reserve requirement is there just to guarantee that banks have money in their vaults and don't overextend themselves. In practice, it's not even needed because most banks keep reserves at 3-4% naturally: that's why some countries have the requirement set to 0%.

What mostly limits money creation are capital requirements, demand for money and banks' appetite for risk. These then works through several channels.

will watch the video but the pic you uploaded in this post is what i'm talking about more like this if you got em!

i'm in another thread right now about violence and race - dozens and dozens and dozens of OC infographics concisely giving you info, nudging you towards conclusions. why isn't there most shit like this for the occult or conspiracies in general? i lurk /x from time to time and they don't have shit

So, If we all know the problem, what is the solution?

>Interest is a flow variable, whilst debt is a stock.
I know what debt is. I know what stock is. I know what interest is. I do not know what a flow variable is. Could elaborate please.

but technically it is created that way. the modern money mechanics books even says it, even thoug with some more complicated terms.
and when loaning someone money, money is created. imagine the bank has 1000 dollars in it vault. then some guy gets a loan of a hundred dollars, they wont write off the 100 dollar from their acoount, but simply add the new 100 onto the account of that guy who has got the loan, meaning there are now the 1000 dollars, and the 100 dollars on the account. that way they have now created a new 100 dollars.

the minimum reserve may is there for that reason, but why only 10% or 1% in case of the european bank? that only means that when everyone want their money back that 10%/1% of the money will be there. all the rest can be just digitial money on different accounts, loans bonds etc. the minimal reserve allows the bank to take 90% of your money and loan it to someone else without having to ask you. what do you think how bankruns are created? what do you think why they cant pay off all the people who got money deposited in the bank? because they only keep the minimal reserve and use the rest to increase their money.

did you try to take a few thousands from your bankaccount recently? the average banks wont let you do that and either will have you make up a date where you can come and get it, or sent them to the mainfranchise were they usually got a bit more money. any even there you can have troubles with that

also of course the interests changes, but its easier to work with stable ones for now.

you mean like in the OP? sorry, not really. i did that some time ago in MSpaint. im not good with creating such stuff. maybe someone else can help out

I'm planning a game which incorporate red pill precepts into it's workings. At lower levels it would be a more interactive gta (player bait), at highers it would be a full blown kike simulator, where the player (after being aclimated with the world)would choke on red pills.

How delightfully ironic would it be if the real life matrix fell because of a virtual game?

no in this post 'bohemian grove emails'

It's pretty fucked

>Also, money is not created through those incremental stages. That's a meme from textbooks.
This doesn't even make sense.
meme from textbooks?

You are deliberately trying to overcomplicate the issue to confuse people.

>How rigged is the Centralbanking System?

The point about the minimum reserve is to let private banks decide on how much money there is in the economy and to minimize the cost of dealing with money. The fact that reserves are like 1% or 5% isn't really that important because commercial banks can borrow fresh money from the central bank at any time (see discount window), even though it is more expensive. That has happened during the recent crisis, where the reserves some banks were holding shot up when they got afraid of a run.

When you say "take thousands from your bank account", you mean withdrawing the money? You can't exactly because the bank is keen on having a given % of reserves. If there is a sudden rush, they'll just say there's not any more available and ask you to come the next day or something. This is not a bank run, obviously, even though all of them start like this.

ah that, thats something i just stole from someone else. again im not good enough for that stuff

No sorry. You are not weasling out that easily. You come here claiming to be an expert. Prove it.

The fact is that money is created by private banks through loans which are "debt", which drives "growth", and banks siphon a percentage.

I am not. It's a meme from textbooks to explain that money is created "over time" when reserves are introduced in the system, if banks are using the reserve requirement as a constraint. Descriptively, it's completely wrong, even though it approximates the data.
If you have a question, ask. If you think you can be clearer, explain it yourself.

paper money is just another satanic kike magic trick that has the whole world fooled


All Wars Are Banker's Wars

you are confusing a lot of youtube guys here. the basic idea is do you want 'private' or 'public'. it's a false premise, both are the same

Fuck off with your fucking non sense. You're not helping. You're as bad as the shill.

No they aren't.

A brief view of History of the World, the Banks and the forming of the New World Order

> canada
> molynew

Also ask yourself why there is such a huge push to get rid of physical money. more and more they are trying to make digital money more comfortable, but in the end it is just so that people will have no controll over the money anymore. the banks could create and destroy money where they want, and sicne there will noone trying to get his physical money noone will be able to proof if that money really existed and was created rightfully, or by simply entering some numbers into that system. that would make them able to have all the money they want for wars and whatever they like to do with it

you're a stupid fucking leaf

go educate yourself you worthless piece of shit

I'll give you a bump.

>select all towers

Debt does not drive growth: it "allows" it. It allows consumers and firms access to their intertemporal budget constraints, that is, instead of being limited by the amount of resources you have today, since you expect to get a lot in the future, you can have access to them now. There are obvious issues with this, namely because people don't factor risk well and have very inconsistent time preferences. But these issues happen whenever there is any form of debt, be it in a fractional reserve system or a full banking one.

The banks take a percentage of it because that's their business model, the same way, say, oil companies take a % of the value of any good you buy, or the logging industry takes a cut of every manufactured good you buy based on wood.

>reserves are introduced in the system, if banks are using the reserve requirement as a constraint
Ya private interests introduce reserves.
You just said some countries have 0% reserve requirements. What then?

You are deliberately trying to overcomplicate the issue by using flashy vocabulary among other tricks..

When I pay back interest I am creating money for the banks. It increases the money supply.

Is that not true?

The Money Masters:


How do you create money?

Who remembers the almost complete media blackout of Ron Paul?

By taking out a loan from the bank to buy something, and paying it back with interest.
It's technically the bank creating the money, but they couldn't do it without debters' help.

im just here to check Your dubs, OP.

good thread, keep it up.

your graph implies there is still gold at fort knox and/or the federal reserve.

i doubt there is much if any. i mean some time ago we germans wanted our gold back from the fed, and for a long time they didnt want to give it back, until one day they finnaly agreed to sent back like 1% or so of our gold, but not before remelting it and making it unable to proof that it is the same gold we gave them

informing people, many people. when there are enough we can just stop supporting the rigged system and it will come crashing down. but it wont help if only a few do. thats why we have to inform people first

ron paul was covered in the media?

I am using the language economists use when explaining these things to students/people new to this. Since most students are idiots, I expect you are also able to follow.

Paying back interest has no effect on the money supply. To increase the money supply, a private bank must buy some asset from someone: be it an actual bond, a loan (this is the typical case you talk about), some property, etc.580


No, it isn't true, you fucking imbecile. Ask yourself this to show you how fucking stupid that thought is: when specie standards existed, thus fixing the money supply to the specie supply, was there such a thing as interest? Pro-tip: yes, of course there was. Well, if that's the case, then why didn't the supply of gold increase? I mean, you were paying interest, right?

>tfw everyone here is too fucking stupid to understand monetary economics

paying back interest does have no effect on the supplie, but it still creates money for the bank. best case scenario is you lend yourself a lot of money, but never pay back the debt, but only the interests. because the interests is what gives the bank money, if they pay back the loan it will just get written off and actually destroys money in circulation. if you cant pay interests anymore they have to write off your loan as loss, if you pay it back quick they only get a few interests, but if you just pay back the interests without ever paying off the debt itself the bank continues to make money from nothing.

just saw my own mistake in this, paying off a debt does effect the money supplie. it will take money out of circulation. my bad

>Paying back interest has no effect on the money supply. To increase the money supply, a private bank must buy some asset from someone: be it an actual bond, a loan (this is the typical case you talk about), some property, etc.580
God damn...

You just wrote 2 sentences. The 2nd contradicts the 1st... What significance is the 580?

You don't know what you're talking about...

you might wanna fix some typos in the pic OP.
good thread tho


Why would they do that? It makes no sense at all.

Very, very strange.

why do the kikes have such a thirst for gold? there must be something more to it

is gold magical?

turned into shekels one might think?

Where is the contradiction? Paying interest is not buying an asset. Again, assets are stock variables, interest is flow.

I have no clue where the 580 came from.

This could not possibly be more incorrect:

People refusing to give attention to some know-nothing crank is not a media blackout.

i could say they sold all our gold to china and tried to cover it up. another more crazier theory is that aliens steal our gold with the government helping them.
>Some gold bars were melted down in Europe to meet the London Good Delivery standard for bars, said Asche.
so our standards were not good enough for us when we gave the gold to them?

>Germany’s gold repatriation program, whereby the nation’s central bank is recalling 674 metric tons from vaults in New York and Paris, is progressing slowly. About 69 tons have returned to Frankfurt so far.
from 3,384 tons ( i couldnt find a number so quick on how much of that is stored in the fed, but should be a lot

thanks, i will some time when i overcome my lazyness

How does buying an asset increase the money supply if the bank does not have the money to begin with? It gets it through interest payed to it by other debters, which it then buys as more loans, thereby allowing it to acquire more interest. Its cyclical growth of the money supply - controlled by the bank, which is privately owned.

(Which would be ok if constrained by a public central bank, but as we all know the central banks are privately owned.)

You are deliberately trying to confuse people.

>another more crazier theory is that aliens steal our gold with the government helping them.
Hollywood should make a movie about that. It would be a hit.

>unironically citing jewkipedia.
He knows more than you ever will. Romney never had a chance and everyone knows it. The media spun the truth of the Fed into some old man's ramblings, even skipped over him during a debate.

look up cowboys vs aliens. there it is basically that the aliens came here to rob our gold. not involved with the government yet, but still

than there is paul hellyer, former defenseminister of you leafs, that stated the government works together with aliens for decades already. they allegedly give us technology and want tot help humanity.

i just dont get how they can do both simultaniously. work with the government and help humanity

You're a fucking retard. This is how money creation works, pure and simple. You'er just not smart enough to understand it:

>stated the government works together with aliens for decades already. they allegedly give us technology and want tot help humanity.
If that were true I can pretty much guarantee they wouldn't be here to help humanity. When has anyone ever committed massive amounts of resources without some profit motive? The Spanish certainly didn't go out of their way to discover America to help the natives. They were in it for the profit.

No idea, but I do recall a bunch of people talking about gold-based telomerase.

When a bank buys an asset from someone, it increases the amount of assets it has on its balance sheet. Since Assets = Liabilities + Equity always (basic accounting identity), this implies something has to increase on the liabilities or equity sides. What usually happens is that they create a deposit for the previous holder of the asset, which is basically a promise that if you go to the bank and ask for your money to be withdrawn, it will do it. Because of this, for the bank this deposit is a liability - something you owe to another. For the previous holder, that deposit is now an asset. Now, if this bank is trustworthy, the value of its deposits will be on par with the value of actual currency created by the central bank and, since people find it convenient to use deposits instead of central bank money, they start paying each other using them. So, people are now paying each other by exchanging assets and all these assets are the liabilities of private banks. This means those liabilities are money. Hence, the private bank has just created money.

Do not confuse profit with "having money". For banks, deposits are NOT an asset (unless they have deposits on other banks, of course).

>Why would the people printing currency want to exchange it for money?

>You'er just not smart enough
Nice non-informative video btw.

I'm not even gonna waste my time reading your non sense anymore. The youtube video pretty much confirms what I've been saying:

One thing the youtube video doesn't mention is that central banks control money supply by lending to commercial banks interest free.

Or at least that's the way things are supposed to happen, but hasn't since they were privatized.

Again you are deliberately trying to confuse the issue.

Either that or you're a 1st year econ student who thinks he understands the system, but actually doesn't.

yeah, people have to realize our currency is worth nothing except for what you be.ieve it is. old on the otherhand is needed for multiple stuff like jewelry, conducters in computertechnology, or general electronics and more (im currently are unable to think of)

also gold wont change or rot. it will stay gold and that way will stay stable in its value

like in old greece the gold you needed to buy some neat toga with shoes and all is the aroun the same amount of gold you would need to buy a new suit with pants and shoes and so on, meaning that the amount of work is still valuable the same amount of gold back then as it is now.
differences in the price come from new technology which make the creating less expensive or makes the work less difficult and timeconsuming

but try to do that with our money. what you payed for a good suit 50 years ago probably will bring you some cheap socks today

Do you think DB will fail?

Much of the information on global central banking is hidden in plain sight now, fully accepted by the goyim, you just need to put it all together. It helps to understand the role of the Bank of International Settlements and it's history under the Nazis for it is the central bank of all central banks. Their head office in Basel Switzerland even looks like the tower of babble!

There is nothing really wrong with a fungible global currency on the face of it, to supplement oil and gold but starting with a corrupt prototype will end badly.

What I said is simple accounting with the twist of banking. I cannot dumb it down further.

That video presents you the meme explanation of banking in macro textbooks. I've heard it countless times, I've read it countless times, I've been tested on it and I have tested people on it. Descriptively, textbooks are wrong.

So let me get this straight. Out of the generosity of your heart you're on pol, trying to get people to understand macroeconomics at a level higher than what's written in text books, despite the fact that they don't really need to know the gory details to understand OP's point.
And you're not deliberately trying to confuse people.


i havent seen it here covered by the media a lot, so probably yes.

Much of the information on global central banking is hidden in plain sight now, fully accepted by the goyim, you just need to put it all together. this

also i leave you guys now, i have to sleep.

Continue to spread the word to bring this false construct of lies and deception, created by the kin of moloch, to fall. the lies may shine bright, but Keks darkness will shield us from it and lets us see the truth. The truth is everlasting for it is real, while the lie is just an illusion which feeds on the energy from all of us, and once we see the truth, the lie shall not recieve our energy any more. The chaos will destroy this falls order and devour the owls together with their lies


who would have guessed

I only wanted to say "keep posting, i will read everything up after i wake up again. i will probably not watch all 2 hours+ videos, but at will look into as much as possible"

Way to discredit yourself. Awesome timing too.

It's not really a higher level. What is being presented here is simply wrong. If OP understood what I said, he would not be making many of the points he's making, because many of his views are based on misconceptions about central banking. The impossibility of paying interest is one example. Another one is the implication of hyperinflation you got from the meme version of money creation when the Fed dramatically expanded base money after the crisis. That's why so many economists cried out hyperinflation during that time, because they were following an inaccurate model. The guys in the Fed knew the correct one though.

These are not gory details.

Its not hyperinflation until it is spent.

They transferred wealth (money/power) from the middle class to the rich.

Are you saying bailing out the banks wasn't theft now too.

That's rich.

The meme version of money creation does not account for that. It implicitly assumes all money put into banks will be loaned out and multiplied through the money multiplier. The point you just made shows you are not using the meme version either.

I've said nothing about bail outs.

Fair enough.

Economics isn't much like physics....

>likes lacan
>calls jung vague
literally kys you pseudo-intellectual fedora tipping faggot

Tbqh goyims just aren't ready for a free banking system, where each bank prints it's own currency according to how much jewgold it holds. You'd have 2 dozen different banknotes in circulation in the one country at any time, your typical sheeple cannot process this, cannot understand it and refuses to - as they should. Goyims don't want to be intelligent, they wan't ignorance and a scapegoat for the brief spells that bliss is blown away.

The fiat system (all money) is broken, it's fucked - it's an experiment which is yet to fully conclude, no civilisation has ever tried it and seen it through to the end before.

If we killed the regulation of money and the central banks, and most (((banking laws))) it would be a start.

The crashes and recessions would be fine if the fucking leftist cunts in charge of central banks wouldn't QE immediately afterwards.

The way of thinking is actually very similar at an upper undergraduate to PhD level because both are very mathematical. Still, the fact you can do experiments in physics makes it much simpler and empirically successful, yes. In fact, econometrics was created just as a away to circumvent the fact that most of the time you can't do experiments in economics. It's clearly a 2nd best, but it still manages to work.