Cred Forumss opinion on Milo Yiannopoulos

Cred Forumss opinion on Milo Yiannopoulos

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Hes pretty based

A degenerate Jew that only Cred Forumsedditors worship.

He's pretty awesome.

no useful skills, makes a living off of being edgy

I want to give that girl my seed. Inside her pussy, if you know what I mean.

New Queen of Cred Forums?

there are two kinds of people on Cred Forums

>tfw a fairy has a better chin than me

Milo, you really need to fuck off.

Oven dodger.

sage in all fields


He has a weird last name.

An attention whore, just like all the anti-sjw youtubers like Sargon and Shoe.
He needs a good helicopter ride.

He's got flabby arms and has that sweaty looking marked skin with large pores and poor skintone from tanning and product use. Starting to look like an old queen.

He's hard to look at for all the sexual/vanity based reasoning he uses in his messages, perhaps insecurity or some shit like that?

I'm the same age as him and my skin is still attached to my muscles and skeleton properly, this guy is melting with each appearance.

He was a good clickbait frontman for the nu-right or whatever to launch upon but they're getting sick of him now they're maturing.

Can you please just stop posting about this attentionwhoring faggot?


Sage goes in all fields.

It's about time he gets the kick.

He lost me after his scamming PAC and scholarship. Fuck him.

He's entertaining though in interviews

Gay faggot

liar faggot thief scam artist piece of shit

Coalburning faggot jew


I realised he was never our guy when he shit-talked anime

He's a plant, he is supposed to make the alt-right (AKA redpill people in general) look stupid and ridiculous. Same thing with Alex Jones.

self serving faggot trying to steer the alt right away from its intention of crushing Marxism in all its vile forms

>there are two kinds of people on Cred Forums

Foreigners and Americans.


Kill yourself

Don't like him, I hide every thread about him. At the same time I like that he brings people to the right and may sway some normalfags

He always misrepresents the alt right. Possible kikery at work here.

a jew and a faggot

coal burning faggot kike. reddit worships him.

It's hilarious that a legitimate homosexual race tratior and human cum receptacle became an icon for so many people on Cred Forums. I mean, what you do in the bedroom stays in there but it's ironic that so many regular Cred Forums users like him so much.

Also his fans are autists.

useful idiot without any redeeming qualities

he sounds greek. why the fuck doesnt he fuck back off to his fucking shit poor nation and suck his own cock, huh?

I thought that faggot was against immigrants

Hes a fucking faggot who should hang himself


I love Milo's

Mate, what?

>if you know what I mean.
I kind of understand. But.
Just go and get yourself a girlfriend. Milo is a good bloke.
I'd buy him a pint but no touching or any of that funny business.

Scum of the lowest order

He is from the UK, dumbass.

im not as right wing as the rest of Cred Forums even tho i want trump to win just because i had bad experieces with corrupt bitches as president (check flag)

So i dont agree with everything that he says, but he makes great points about freedom of speech and aggainst pc police, i would think that he is really based and thats a good thing for Cred Forums and also be real, trump would have 0 support from younger people if it wasnt for this guy

Completely retarded faggot who ledditors and retarded newfags from here support.
He's a kike. He's also completely unknown but thinks he's famous.

I look forward to seeing him get AIDS




It'd be hilarious if Google bought Twitter and unbanned him.

He's like most people on Cred Forums but with money

Attention whore, but entertaining enough, plus he triggers SJWs which is always a plus.

Might go see him speak at UC Irvine next month just to say hi and get a picture with him for shits and giggles.

watched 2-3 of his speeches and i liked him, very good speaker

don't know anything more than that, i'm always skeptical about good speakers as jewry tends to train their tools in the art of rhetoric very early and very well

did not detect any jewing in speeches i saw, but can't claim anything from that fact. he surely does not have anything to do with Cred Forums (any attempts to organize Cred Forums ideologically is jewry)

I liked his views on politics, but I hate him as a person. I don't really care about his sexual preferences, but some of the stuff he said on twitter made him out to be just an asshole; like that time he fat shamed a guy at the gym. If it was anywhere else I wouldn't care, but the guy was actively trying to fix his life. I lost respect and interest after that.

bassed faggot

A filthy kike

If you actually believe that, he's done a terrible job, if anything he's brought people to his side


stop these fucking psyop anti milo slide threads you degenerate fucking cunts


>degenerate cunts
>Milo is a half jew and a faggot

No reddit, you are the degenerate.

Becoming more irrelevant by the hour. Let his coming self destruction be a reminder. Don't bite the hand that feeds you

Why do people hate him?
He is literally bringing the pill to mainstream.

Don't you want that or all of you just want to be contrarian little shits?

not a fan but ultimately an ally

cute! CUTE!

Useful point man. Bonus funny. Conservative trumps his flame game.