Continental subhumans invade, enslave and occupy Britain and Britons dozens of time

>Continental subhumans invade, enslave and occupy Britain and Britons dozens of time

>"Why do they firebomb us? We dindu nuffin. Dresden never forget."
>"Why are they hellbent on destroying us? We never did anything to deserve this."

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WTC Anglo sweaters?

I think Dresden was a response to the bombing of Coventry. In war civilian towns were never bombed, but Hitler thought it'd demoralise the British. It did the opposite and made them fight harder.

What's the best way to spill Aryan blood, fellow Anglos?

Where can I buy a Mosley sweatshirt or other Mosley merchandise?

When you are watching from the sidelines and they are doing it to each other following the plan you orchestrated.

You retard do know that you were the ones starting delibereate bombing raids on civilian workers home starting May 11. 1940 and as a response, Hitler send planes to britain in september after 7 successful bombingruns on Berlin alone.....

In addition, illegal war acts were actually justifiable under law when it was your intent to stop your enemy from doing illegal war acts.

Bombing cities to shit was churchills plan since WW1, which he wanted to do in 1919 and he was major butthurt that the war was over in 1918 and couldn't get his massacre. This fat, corrupt, drunk maniac sacrificed your empire for his personal gain... money and fame.

Bombing Aryans is our duty after what you have done to us

>after what you have done to us
Which was exactly what? You joining WW1 was basically voluntarily just like WW2. You could have watched from the sidelines eating popcorn laughing at the idiots killing each other. Instead you went in just to lose the empire. Now thats just fucking dandy right?

We're coming for you, little HANS.

Once we've run your fleshy body through the whirring CENTRIFUGAL SHREDDERS we will add your husk to the Bonefields.

We are building MECHA-HARRIS. He will blot out the sun of your wretched nation with 700lb ARYANBUSTER BOMBS - which we will scatter upon your cities, towns and villages like seeds at harvest time.

Don't think that we have ever forgotten the 800,000 English men, women and children you pulverised in the BLITZ.

>You retard do know that you were the ones starting delibereate bombing raids on civilian workers home
>what is the bombing of Guernica
>what is the bombing of Wielun
>what is the Rotterdam blitz

Germany is a good boy, he dindu nuffin, just need more land for them pogroms

Keep leading the fight against the ARYAN online. The Anglo Internet Defence Force rewards bravery and valour.

Here is Twenty Beady Pounds to spend where you wish, gentlemen. Do not give up the fight against the KRAUT.

>pulls out stupid attacks not relevant for britain

You idiot do realize that there were laws regarding warfare back then which stated that when your military is basically at the door of a city you are allowed to bomb it right? You just sending bombers to the mainland with the purpose of killing civilians was a warcrime... the others were not.

I know this doesn't make it really much better but you could at least try to form resonable arguments instead of just shitposting.

what the fuck man

Soon little Hans, we'll come to take you away to the cold dungeons of ALBION.

sweet I can buy another jar of aryan blood. I was almost out and thought I'd have to go out and kill my own innocent aryan baby to get some more

>when your military is basically at the door of a city you are allowed to bomb it right?
>there were no military targets in german cities
>it's fine if we did it to other people, that's no justification to do it to us
and you call me a shitposter

well they didn't want to surrender. they were warned and given time to evacuate


I will never understand why "eternal anglo ecks dee" posters choose Mosley of all people as the face of their shitposts, guy was a massive naziboo and was perhaps the largest advocate for Fascism that the UK has ever had.

Drink deep my friends, our next harvest is SOON.

Why did you take the fucking bikes away?

Is it because we and our great British allies are whiter than you Polish faggots?

He was the largest advocate for Fascism, Anglo Fascism - the purest type wherein we sweep away all of the lesser peoples and countries - starting with our ETERNAL ENEMY the ETERNAL ARYAN.

Vid related.


Nobody back then nor today cares about that insignificant speck of a city and not Arthur Harris who lived in the only city that mattered (London). Coventry was just used as an excuse to kill as many Germans as possible, it doesn't matter if the Germans bombed a retirement home you Anglo's would still get so spergy you'd bomb everything.


He was a larger fan of Mussolini's system aka actual fascism than Hitler

>they were warned and given time to evacuate

Something Anglo's purposely did not do ever

Because the meme was started by an autistic Turk with no historical awareness. He had no idea what he was unleashing.

>Germany attacks Britain's imouto, Beligum-chan, in order to get to France and murders many little Belgians
>"Those fucking evil eternal Anglos. They basically chose to get involved in World War One. Treaties are just pieces of paper that mean nothing!"

But I thought it was started by a Germa...
Oh, nevermind.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.

>implying Anglo's give a shit about a meme country that's basically a launching pad for involvement

Brits really do care about Belgium. I know I do, The idea that the Muslims are going to take over Belgium breaks my heart. I'll take Walloon and Flanders refugees, I won't complain. That's the only country I'm going to miss. I can't weep for Sweden or France or Holland or Germany. Only Belgium. Portugal will be fine, of course.

He was a edgelord that looked down on everyone especially a cretin that looks up to him like you.

Also its ironic that the world your people fought for is the same one that's inviting a bunch of Paki's into your country and rape little white girls and the police do jack shit because its the reap you sown.

I for one am glad that Germany's hubris leads them to aggression. Never waste a casus belli for war with the eternal Aryan

Speak for yourself mate, I don't give a single shit. That chocolate producing buffer state is the seat of the EU, the cancerous heart of all of Europe's political problems and has been for decades.


Germany hijacked the country. I know you like to spout "epik memes" and parrot what Farage says but that doesn't mean you should hate Belgium. You should try to become a better person.

Britons are continentals

bunch of Normans and Angles and Saxons

I don't hate the general population, but it is absolutely a non-country. Literally half French and half Dutch.

What a moronic thing to say. As a country it is older than Germany. Perhaps our own United Kingdom is not a country because it is "literally just" part England, part Scotland, part Wales and part Ireland.

Technically speaking, the UK is not a nation. We're a royal union of four (or arguably more) nations.

>as a country it is older than Germany

The Belgae are not the modern Belgians, mate. Belgium is one of the youngest states in Europe.

Germany was cobbled together out of several nations. Then the Prussian low culture was extended to the rest of the country. We should not call the Germans "Germany", I think that's an error that our language has. They are not the ancient German folk.

Take my hand, together we will skip into the sunset in a world free of both BELGIUM and ARYANLAND.

Love this.

One question though: as someone who is half-irish with blue eyes am I OK to be a fellow anglo? Wasn't Mosley Anglo-Irish?

Really starting to think those Aryans are actually incompetent and perhaps slightly autistic the way they always seem to ruin everything.

Come with us, we will usher in the ARYANDIED together. We will nurture and grow your inner Beady and you will taste beauty and life as you drain the ARYANS DRY.

They fought for a world where men were free to choose their own destiny; not one set by a mad, foolish leader and a oppressive and restrictive culture.

They never fought for a world where men will have their destiny set upon by mad foolish leaders and an oppressive and restrictive culture.

You know except the time where we airdropped leaflets into Dresden.

>They could have evacuated
>It's all your fault people died and not us for bombing civilian towns in the first place.

Fuck off scum. You got what you deserved.

We should have stayed out of WW2 until 1945.

Then we shoulda nuked the shit out of you.