Why does she do it Cred Forums? She's 68 and she's fucking loaded...

Why does she do it Cred Forums? She's 68 and she's fucking loaded. Why does she continue with the lies and keep trying to become president? Why couldn't she just retire somewhere and enjoy all of the money she already got from being a massively corrupt whore?

She's not going to live long enough to go through all of the money she already has so why the fuck does she want more power to whore out to evil kikes? I just don't get it. I can understand Donald wanting to have an actual impact, make things BETTER and provide a BETTER future for America and as a result the west as a whole. I mean he could just retire too or just keep running his business until he dies but he actually wants to improve things, to do good.

Why go so out of your way to do evil?

Evil is as evil does, user.

Go back to bed

it's in her blood contract. She already got the reward. Now it's time to pay the devil his due.

It's not about money. She wants power, and to immortalize herself.

It's the same reason psychopaths like Soros destroy. They don't have the ability to create so they can only validate their lives through destruction.

power and ego trip

Why does he do it Cred Forums? He's 70 and he's fucking loaded. Why does he continue with the lies and keep trying to become president? Why couldn't he just retire somewhere and enjoy all of the money he already got from being a massively corrupt dick?

He's not going to live long enough to go through all of the money he already has so why the fuck does he want more power to whore out to evil kikes? I just don't get it. I can understand Hillary wanting to have an actual impact, make things BETTER and provide a BETTER future for America and as a result the west as a whole. I mean she could just retire too or just keep running her business until she dies but she actually wants to improve things, to do good.

Why go so out of your way to do evil?

she needs to become pres so she can bury the email/bengazi scandal. otherwise her daughter will be shunned from politics and she won't be able to continue the clinton-rodham dynasty

She has to pay back all the people who own her.

Why choose the lesser evil?

Some women just want to watch the world burn.

because she wants to leave a legacy. she wants the world to know who she was. she is overcompensating for being inferior. she has tiny penis syndrome.

She's a textbook meglomaniac, she sits around fantasizing about what the history books will say about the first female president of the most powerful country the world has ever seen. She salivates over the thought of it and wants it so bad she will steal elections and lie through her taxpayer paid for Arkansas white trash teeth.

>>and she's fucking loaded

Where do you think she got that money from? Wealthy individuals paid for a service. A service she hasn't provided yet. What do you think will happen if she doesn't provide? That's why she does it.

Like others have said, it's about legacy.

She already has money and power, but being the first female president puts her in the history books. Not just that, she then becomes the role model for little girls for generations - they too can become president; that is all ego right there.

And of course her legacy will be the President that destroyed the US and the world.

Why does he do it Cred Forums? He's 70 and he's fucking loaded. Why does he continue with the lies and keep trying to become president? Why couldn't he just retire somewhere and enjoy all of the money he already got from being a massively corrupt son-of-a-whore?

Why do Germans want to be beheaded so much?

Because moloch wills it

that's rich comming from a fucking leaf

> "I can understand Hillary"

*Enriching intensifies*

She owes a lot of favors that she can pay back if she becomes president. We'll get more of her bad experience if the American people are dumb enough to vote for her.

Because (((they))) have tons of fucked up blackmail dirt on her. Worst stuff you could ever dream of im sure.
Also most of her appearances are cgi technology, as are most every political figure you see.
The reality they sell you is a total illusion.

Once you sell your soul to Moloch and his cabal, there's no defying the orders of those above you

When you've checked off everything on your bucket list EXCEPT being the most powerful person in the world, it has to drive a roastie mad.

She's only doing it to make the final score on her card, that cunt doesn't really want the job, but she has something to prove to herself.

With all things willing, she'll die painfully and miserably before she ever gets her wish, and all will be well in the world.

Her ego wouldn't survive giving up on it, after literally getting it promised to her, after she stepped back for kang nigger's presidency.

If she doesn't win, she and George will swing.

99.999% of the unproven trumped up (no pun intended) accusations are made by Republicans for political gain

Because she cares about the men and women of this country in a way that you people can't understand. Secretary Clinton has devoted her life to public service: giving voice to children and oppressed peoples all over this great nation, and around the world. She's not perfect, but her intentions are honest and honorable. Secretary Clinton has proposed policies and seems to genuinely care about governing in a fair, equitable, and fiscally sound manner. She has been preparing her entire life to assume the great power and responsibility of the office of POTUS, the office from which she has the best opportunity to lift up all of us, making the most positive impact possible. Shame you all can't see that.