At what age do women burn out? My guess is 23-25

At what age do women burn out? My guess is 23-25.


25 it's like someone turned the lights out. Cutie sexigirl turns into nagging wrinkley old hag who gets daily migraines. I've seen it happen so many times. Something about that 25 number.

this most likely

it does depend on how hard they go and how young they start. but it average out to be around 30

Hot women who age well are hot into their thirties. Hot women with bad genes last less long, decent women with bad genes have no chance

always look at their moms

Hillary still going strong at 78.

thirty is emergency mode

forty, you might as well be a corpse

This. They start turning into cunts even before that, but 25 is the moment then go into overdrive when it sinks in that they're permanent garbage now.

If you're dating a 16-20 year old, and she hits 21, keep your eyes open for a drastic change.

much after anyone that posts on Cred Forums.

Women are at prime when they begin to ovulate and at 25 they are spoiled milk

The female mind isn't meant to handle the modern world. Actually, the male mind isn't either, considering it's run by pic related.
With that said, women should definitely be home taking care of the kids instead of working.


i think by 18 they are blown out and it has to be anal after that then by 25 that things prolapsed and its just oral

Have you considered writing a paper on this?

How about it depends? How about she'll be OK at any age if she's a good person? People should always be treated on a case by case basis. It makes sense to generalize women more than men because they actually tend to be more similar and influenceable, etc, but Cred Forums is always completely generalizing and objectifying them. That whole "alpha" thing is good stuff, but there's no need to degrade them so damn much.
t. betakek virgin loser

This chat is exactly the info you are requesting OP

I don't know what you fags are talking about, there are many women who look good into their 30's. Maybe I'm just biased cause I've fucked older women but the real answer is 35 because that is when their uterus.ovaries starts to dry up and chances of having a retard baby increases massively. Then again it does depend on the woman

>it's a woman hate thread

if they aren't fat, don't smoke, don't drink, moisturize, and stay out of the fucking sun they can last until their mid 40s before they start going downhill in a big way

> treat people individually
But only if they are not racist, sexist, white, engineers or male. Otherwise generalize away, amirite?

27 when you realize that you're almost 30.

>people in general
>not drinking
el oh el

they don't

women don't get punished just because they refuse to sleep with you

I'm sorry

Hell I've seen some women who were beautiful their whole lives (last one I met with freaking 80 and she looked way younger). The secret seems to be exactly what you said: They don't drink or smoke, eat healthy, and live happy lives with their families.

Woman are retarded niggers there whole lives because of evolution. No one should have to live with a half baked brain being not much more than a walking incubator.

OP is saying at what age women's attractiveness starts to decline. Fucking krauts mane

"burning out" means depression in Krautistan
that's odd

>Implying that's not due to satanic rituals and constantly feasting upon aborted fetuses and baby blood


Literally the best threads


That also happens but I think it's independent of age.

burn out is only for stressful work and nothing else in krautistan

5-10 years ago I would have responded to that with a joke asking if you were accepting immigration applications.

I can't do that to you, buddy, not right now.

Why do you work so much, Wolfgang?

usually at around 17

Women, generally speaking, didn't drink much in the US until prohibition. They didn't smoke either until cigarette companies started shilling to them.

pick one.

Their fertile peak is in their early 20s. It's all down hill after that.