ABC wants to interview me

So the other week here on Cred Forums, a few people, trolls or not were coming on claiming to be reporters looking for facts and contacts in/about the "alt-right".
One of them was pretending to be an ABC reporter and asking people to contact her for an interview.
I shitposted with an email I sent to them claiming to be Jason Wofle (made up obviously), the Australian leader of the Alt-right movement. I promised to "spill all of our secrets in an exclusive interview".

Fast Forward to today:

I get a fucking reply from the ABC show Four Corners saying they are interested. (pic related)
They're an "investigative journalism/current affairs" program here in Australia that is actually taken seriously. Like the rest of the ABC though, they are VERY left/communist leaning and would twist or heavily edit anything I said if interviewed.

What do now? Has my shit posting gone too far?

My only statement I could think to make is that there is not "alt-right" and that it's a boogeyman dreamed up by professional victims to validate their behavior.

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks interesting desu

tell them the leader of the alt-right 400 pound russian

poison the well

Make sure to mention pic related

Don't do it. They'll just slice and dice what you said until you look like a member of the KKK.

Redpill them, but you have to show them the pics and links to back it up so it's not blown off as tinfoil


Meh...bullshit. Just because this is Cred Forums doesn't mean we are all stupid.

if they told me i would potentially be interviewed for a major news network from a shitpost i made on a tibetan truck enthusiast discussion forum i would have laughed

do it
answer their questions with only slightly racial undertones and let them go wild with it
refuse to provide proof of identity for national security reasons

based straya


Call them cunts on camera.

make it believable to them, but with just enough trolling that millennials would realize their news sources are fucking retarded. It would be waste to try to tell them real facts. Just tell them absurd troll shit for them to look like idiots when they think youre serious

make sure its live if they interview you

>Ask them to prepare a list of questions
>Ask them to use the full, concise answers from the transcript you provide with no parsing
>Tell them that you are not the Cred Forums, but rather a frequent semi-anonymous user
>Tell them only facts, not any opinions
>Decline to comment on any questions aimed at you personally
What's the issue here

This, though I don't know how

Please do.

Except point out that the antisemitism isn't genuine and our biggest concerns are left wing fascism, Marxism, inequality of opportunities and youth unemployment. If you spend half the time talking about youth unemployment, you'll make them very uncomfortable. All my youth unemployment tweets for #qanda were ignored, the second I made them absolutely no tweets were being displayed.

Please, red pill Australia but for God's sake don't perpetuate the narrative that we're just racist trolls.

If you don't want to, get in contact with me and we'll swap places.

This. Very important.

You have now reached the final stage of Australian shit posting. Shit posting IRL.

whatever you do, make sure they know Cred Forums is behind pepe the frog and that they are the true face of the terrorist-celled dubbed "alt right".
The truth must come out

Send them our regards

Tell them alt-right originated from reddit, r/politics and r/Sanders4President to be specific and contrary to popular belief the alt-right is actually pioneered by Bernie Sanders and his supporters.


wear a KOBE BRYANT jersey, some tight hipster beta millennial jeans, LEBRON JAMES shoes, and a GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS hat and just BLAST hip hop on the stereo you will bring and do some retarded rap flows on live TV

Oh right, in continuation: Do NOT do it live, as you're most likely not a professional speaker and therefore likely to fumble your words.
Ask for a copy of the transcript immediately after or before the interview is completed.
Notate that all publication on Cred Forums is to be considered works of fiction and not taken to heart.

Post transcript directly to Cred Forums after interview so they can't fuck up.

Take it up to level 9001. Say that the recent Nazi Indian shooting is the first of many perpetrated by actual Nazis who are coming back big time. Rip and paste the Hydra backstory from marvel comics.

Post this as evidence. It's by an Australian.

Part of the reason for this thread is to try and find someone to step in for me and do this.
I'm well spoken, intelligent, mild mannered and not a slobbering neck beard. So a decent candidate I guess.
The problem is that I am a traditional family man from a financially successful business family. Much of the family business relies on public image and relations. No one would do business with us if I went on TV and Cred Forums'd out.
My plan was to go on and point the finger and laugh at the childish, gullible left being scared of the night shadows of memes.

Fucking Australia, I swear

>the Australian leader of the Alt-right movement

it's only right tbqh

Say that the Alt Right is a progressive left movement devoted to diversity and social justice, but that Cred Forumsis satire and the REAL alt right HQ is on Google+, where we speak openly about loving refugees and all peoples.

You know, the truth.

Ignore any of their questions and go into painstaking detail complaining about specific meme trends you see on Cred Forums, what kind of pornography you prefer, and then nothing but spurdo and poopoo peepee pepe meme discussion until they cut you off in rage.

Do it and start baneposting.

>I was first introduced to the alt-right through my wife's son (we have an open relationship). Ultimately I have found the community to be very opening to me despite the fact I am a transgender aboriginal. It even surprised my rabbi to find out I had joined the movement, but I have found it a positive way to fight back against globalism, neo-liberalism and socialism.

I would have thought they'd do the whole silhouette and voice masking thing.

This post is probably made by ABC

I'd have to talk with you before letting you do it for me. I don't want someone fucking this up by shitting autism all over it.

You're giving some good advice here, thanks.

tell them you and your partners in america are secretly trying to get hillary because you believe she is better for white people than trump

im ready af



Claim you get paid to do all this in roubles. Double down on ridiculousness that seems like the story of the century to them, but is a redpill for the Normies.

In that case, you're just going to have to email them and say that you decline a personal interview.
Give them instructions on how to create a thread and how to post with a tripcode.
Tell them to leave a station email for potential interviewees to contact, and forewarn them about a flood of shitposting.

is it live?

If it's live just show up and go "I dunno, I'm not even part of the alt right my name is not even ____"

just embarrass them on the show.

Fucking kek. Say you are 400 pounds

Accuse their zionistic news network of trying to destroy white civilization and tell them to fuck off





>Double down on ridiculousness that seems like the story of the century to them

Burger you don't understand. Shit all happens in this country, EVERYTHING would be a story of the century to the ABC, they fill the trough which our bogan white trash feeds from.

this is where I'm calling your lie no such thing as the alt-right

YOU HAVENT GONE TOO FAR ENOUGH! Go on national television and shitpost like no aussie has shitposted before. Do it for Pepe.

>Makes Australia Alt-Right
>Joins America against Chinese aggression in South China Sea
>Saves Asia from Commie Chinks

OP is our savior!

[Tr]bump desu~

Do the biggest ironic shitposting you can think of and make them report on it. Say shit like alt-right is a scam to raise the value of rare pepes which you're planning to cash out on by the time the interview is aired and the pepe market crashes.





Tell them you have around 1,488 members in your town


Funny cunt.

Reverse psyc them. Convince them you're blm and pro Hillary

tell them that the alt right is funded mostly by donations from the open society foundation and media matters for america to promote racial pride for everyone and that it has over 300,000 registered members and leaders worldwide

if you don't pull a hugh woatmeigh on them then i don't want to know you

Tell them Ben "Six Million More" Garrison is the world leader of the alt right and that all orders come from him; they then trickle down kind of like Reaganomics but with the bodies of dead kikes instead of money.

I'll need people to start posting some contact info so I can pass this torch to someone more willing to shit post in public.

I've set up a gmail to use for now:
[email protected]

I want to see if I can get someone else to do it first. I'm still considering doing it myself if I can't find anyone.

They're only biting right now. All I have is the email I posted. It's all prerecorded though, no live shows.

Make your own recording. Get one of those tiny recording devices if needed. These guys will cut a 4 hr interview into 30 seconds and after the fact fabricate questions to make your answers look bad. The shit they pull makes Werd Al look like an hoist interviewer.

DAK 16.10.16

>Has my shit posting gone too far?
No it isn't good enough before the editor actually comes running to the pub, when you are spotted in Oslo. Yes this a small country as we keep saying.

This actually happened this summer, he be question me a lot, but he was not honest he did not give me his name. I knew something funky was going on, so I him the red pill light (they got a perma hacker working there, knowing this culture of ours). Long funny store another time, we just put on show for them and dropped some bombs. He was really puzzled, I regret I had to run meet a friend so he didn't get everything he wanted.
>he fucking came running
>And yes Einar.... not da phone you faggit, I know what you damn swede, you fool me!

DO EEET user!!!!!!! BRING KEKS!

Tell them Putin won't allow it.

Worth the risk.

Deleted now so only people watching this thread with scripts and clients can see it.

I only want to help. Fuck it, I'll go down if I have to.

I know that. I was planning on stating that.

I can't go making Ben Garrison or Sam Hyde memes, blaming them for things. It's against the law here in Oz to do things like that. I'd get done for defamation.

That's my goal. I know they don't know it's me but a lot of people know what I look like and sound like, enough that they would find out before airing. If I go on TV I'd have to have one of those darkened room, changed voice deals.

Not a bad idea though counter productive.

Fill a scrapbook with image macros and pepes.

Walk in, hand it to them, tell them it's everything they need to know.

Walk out.

if you intend to go through with it watch this:

that is the kind of information to put out, the 'alt right' doesn't care about "white identity" but the preservation of values and democracy etc built up by western cultures

Alt-Right is a label used to dismiss the colossal umbrella of people who have been left by the wayside by conventional politics, the economics of left v right are irrelevant as both sides are currently lead by big globalist funded puppets that give more and more state autonomy away to unelected foreign commissions and groups with no accountability.

Globalism pushes for constant unabated mass immigration into rich nations with no regards to the potential consequences, punishing those who even raise questions to this unsustainable policy by socially ostracizing them with what is essentially the modern day witch-hunt.

Multiculturalism is a lie, revisionist history is being pushed in our schools like Islam has always been a part of the United States or Western European nations have always been multicultural to the point they have no distinct culture. Diversity is another word for Division. Its a Tower of Babel situation, being built despite the increasing starkness in similarity and language between the workers. Europe will break into a continent wide Balkanization, but again, none of the warning signs are being broadcasted or debated by the public thanks to the unqualified, self-elected moral guardians with their standards set by Alinksy and other self-hating cultural marxists.

Give the ABC the jist of that m8, it's the vibe that counts.

You could've taken shitposting to new levels, instead you posted yourself sperging at youtube.
REMEMBER: No matter how manny proofs, facts and anything else you present to the left, they'll just start a huge orgy and collectively shout over your facts and opinions, and the mass will believe them. You have only one thing with you , MEMES. They control everything else. Just be one with shitposting,4D shitposting. Make memes your armor because they WILL portray you as the bad guy no matter how right you are.
Good luck aussie bro, take it to new dimensions cunt.

Hey, did you see my post before it deleted? Out of all the shit lords here on Cred Forums, I think you at least need to watch my shitty video of me sperging



only agree to be interviewed if you can also record the full thing

only discuss things by email, so there is a record


Post link


You, my friend, are making history.

I'd like to know exactly we are going to achieve by doing this, though. Is this just a farce or are we striving to achieve a legit goal?

[Tr]bump desu~

whatever you send them, make sure it spells something hilarious with the first letters of each paragraph

hitler did nothing wrong or something like that

whatever you want, something

This desu, bullshit them but in a really subtle way with a straight face, it will be glorious.

Shitpost more, the alt-right movement is a meme anyway.

I did not. I'm shit posting from work right now.
Email me at the throw away email I put in this thread.
I'm going to make another thread tomorrow looking for candidates/volunteers.

they are probably retarded enough that you could talk about secret alt-right lairs and they would publish it. That kind of shit is funny to media. Everybody loves to make fun of idiot newscasters. You would be a legend among your peers

Start off your interview by shouting "Heil Hitler!"

post link like this?
Gas us so fast? This is just some harmless twitter bot some of these damn redditors made 6 million years ago to bomb tags

>the 'alt right' doesn't care about "white identity" but the preservation of values and democracy etc built up by western cultures

>blaiming sam hyde
but its true

anyways heres the solution:
>get friend sloshed drunk
>take him around town for fun times
>bet him money and another fosters he wont go do an interview
>have him watch videos of liberty prime from FO3 on the way to the stage or whatever
>watch as a major news network fumbles about trying to corral the "leader of the alt right" as he stumbles about drunkenly and yells "BETTER DEAD THAN RED" on live tv.
commies btfo

holy shit why is this even a thread

ABC interviews are very rarely live. John Howard (ex prime minister) actually refused to do tv interviews because he believed that theyd cut and mash to make it seem like hes either a retard or doesn't know his policies

You have two options

A. Play it serious and try to paint us in a better light. (which doesn't matter because they'll just make you look bad anyways)


B. Shitpost IRL (the only true option)

Please please please let me take your place!

I'll do anything, I'll pay you $200 and suck your dick please

Just shitpost random movie quotes and have a laugh afterwards, if you don't someone else will do the interview.

contact me at:
[email protected]

We'll talk and I'm going to see if I can get a couple of choices going forward. I'm going to try and make a decision and fuller plan by the end of the week.

I hope we can make this a real thing.

Is it a fisking show?
>just be careful not to talk too much about the weather

It's ww, I actually "have to" write this paper and also writer for the shit I mentioned, I'm just watching them evolve in this KEK vs facebook and google shit they are doing. Not to mention fighting to kick out their (((jewish))) overlord, (((Goldman Sachs)))

>Tell me an *cough* Hansen, about this Goldman Sachs, he is one the worst right?
Absolutely, but the worst and far as we think we see in this shitt. Is this guy called George Soros.........

We talked about 5-10 min loosely, I knew his face, but I pretended to be dumb. They got me on... I can't tell this.
>I bet they lurk

John Howard was a nogunzfag, but he was smart enough to deal with the lugenpresse.
Also tried to get Mateship apart of the constitution, until the usual suspects shot that down, always has a bit of my respect for that.

>I hope we can make this a real thing.

i know that bullshit line you kike business fucks always use.

I'll do it, if you don't want to, OP. I'm a third year political science/business student and I know a lot about political philosophy. I am impartial and reasonable and am capable of empathising with a wide variety of political positions even if I don't agree with them. I can control my powerlevel. I scrub up well if they want to do an actual camera interview though I am overweight (90 kilos) and fairly short. I am employed. I just came back from a three day hike and have worked on a farm before. I enjoy the great outdoors but I haven't gone hunting. I come from a wealthy upper-middle class family and have never received welfare in my life.

I would relish the opportunity to participate in something like this.

Expecting the Zionist Propaganda Networks to air that strikes me as quite ignorant

Say the alt-right has already split into several factions, the alt-alt-right the left-alt-right the left-right-left-right and the people's front of Judea

Rule #1 - Keep it simple, stupid.

Keep any answers short and concise. Be specific, but don't ramble. Don't get bogged down in details or try to defend positions you aren't prepared to defend coherently.

If they ask about Cred Forums supporting Trump - simply say that while there are many posters on Cred Forums who support Trump, there are also many who support Clinton, Johnson, and Stein, as well.

If they ask about racism, or fascism, or misogyny, or other bait-y shit like that - simply say that Cred Forums is a site where people from different countries and backgrounds come to express their political views in an uncensored environment.

If they ask a question you don't know the answer too or aren't comfortable answering - tell them you don't know or don't have an opinion on the topic.

Most importantly, don't try to pull off some elaborate meme-filled shit. If you go on television and spill spaghetti everywhere trying to wedge in some crappy "FOR YOU!" or "PRAISE KEK" type shit into your response you're going to look like a complete retard.

>Australian using Indian proxy
Literally why?

Do you honestly think it's not obvious when you're Australian or not? There is literally no chance an India native in India would use language like that, it literally feels Australian.

Anyway, now Cred Forums knows who I am, or at least some auspol irl trolls. You should know I'm the same guy that goalposts Cred Forums (with effort) purely so people can take my arguments. I wish to be anonymously plagiarized.

Although, because of reasons it's usually the Indian posters who notice me... I'm that same guy who used to post in the polytheism threads.

On it.

Search FAP.NET, find the author's name, search that in YouTube, watch the one with the current year in the title.

Hopefully this is too much work for a bad troll.

Sent to [email protected]

Posting with the website because my client ironically stopped working. Don't respond to this post.


They will twist everything you say and lie
You will be punished for outing yourself by society

Don't forget those bastards in the Ctrl+alt+right

anti-Semitism isn't real?! WTF If you say that also say it's rather coincidental that Israel seems to have a huge sway over America and things like the USS Liberty make you wonder about a country and their peoples morals.

Do it pre recorded and masked. All recorded questions prior sent so you can post them here!

Tell them that you work for the CIA and that you're a big guy.

I'm partial to the alt-tab, myself.

The media is catching on to memes like that dont use it. Theyll discard it

pls tell me this is real! and all other domains are free.... Don't you even dare goyims!!! I can get right now! You can't!

Kek I'll find it

>Posting in a historical thread

Australia has literally reached the apex of shit posting

see, like this shit here don't do that shit

Tell them you are serious and you and your friends have killed many blacks and jews and just dumped them in the outback. Australia is so big no one will find them or even care, because everyone in Australia hates non-whites.

Gotta get the word out there. If he's as charismatic as he claims, all he needs ammunition and preparation for debate. He can win this, I believe in you OP.

This time not a fag!

Yes, antisemitism is real here but it's like one guy per thread, that should be telling. Unless it's part of the joke, it's actually not all that uncommon someone brings up daj00z.

It's a programming library, I don't run a porn site, I swear. I'm an engineer Norge.

>Tibetan truck enthusiast forum

Lost my shit T bh

No act paranoid and tell them you believe you are under constant surveillance by BIG GUYS in the CIA

You know what you must do.
Its in your blood.
Its in your genes.
Bantz to your DNA!

include me in the cap

literally just tell them the plot to fight club.

every fucking word.

read the screenplay to them on the phone.

Claim the entire alt-right are actually paid by the Clinton foundation to post racist shit to create racial tensions.

>only statement I could think to make is that there is not "alt-right" and that it's a boogeyman dreamed up by professional victims to validate their behavior.

You need to do this if you're not trolling them

Contact me over the email I've listed in this thread.

I can do this but I'm looking for someone to do it for me who isn't a complete retard. Hell, I'll even be there every step of the way to help.
I guess what I'm looking for is a face and mouth without a retard attached.

You should definitely wear a ridiculous costume of some sort if it's an in person interview.

Brand alt-right as people who don't fit the "right" stereotype, but have republican values.

IE: You can be an IT engineer vegan, but still identify with several other red policies.

Brand that shit as a formal, reasonable, and excellent person.

>NORID Handle...............: FAP9D-NORID
>Domain Name................:
>Domain Holder Handle.......: KD424O-NORID
>Registrar Handle...........: REG42-NORID
>Legal-c Handle.............: KD1330P-NORID
>Tech-c Handle..............: KD1330P-NORID
>Name Server Handle.........: GERA1H-NORID
>Name Server Handle.........: JASM5H-NORID
>Additional information:
>Created: 2011-08-01
>Last updated: 2016-08-05

Noooooo Damn you Kristoffer! I needed (you need to have a company or "enkeltmansforetak"-oneman-comp to get the .no shit and it must be a nork registered one!

5 years to late.... and the kikes have taken the other fap's too

I think he should mention some of us are extremely paranoid and then basically begged him and offered blowjobs to come out as alt-right for them since they were scared cowards themselves, but I don't think he himself should come off as one. Be brave OP.

Trolls giving bad advice. This is why we can't have nice things. Pointing out the growth in youth conservatism is a better thing to say than that we're funded. Interestingly, the honest truth is actually best here.

We're actually libertarians and we're the last crusaders for virtue and equality because feminists have basically redefined everything.

Seriously, the honest fucking truth is good here.

Just so long as I can be anonymous.

Bros. This is it.

This is the new narrative.

say moot created memes and pepe and the altright

>the antisemitism isn't genuine

Make sure Cred Forums gets out of the loop, and explain why alt-right isn't fucking us. This annoys me more than the rest, that goddamn alt-right.

And don't you dare walking away without praising kek.

Don't do this, were better off with people knowing as little as possible about how this site actually operates, we need to make them look like fools for even letting us on tv in the first place.

What happens if this post is a psy-ops to get actual Cred Forumstards to email and out themselves to whoever is in control of that email??? How do we know that this thread isn't a data collection scam to get actual Cred Forums users emails? I will believe it when I see the interview. I hope it is real, but paranoid all the same.


moot invented memes and now he is creating memes for the NWO like dat boi

>the antisemitism isn't genuine

sent ;)

Go there, and talk about the distress she caused when she started to post propaganda on your favorite mongolian naval themed pottery forum. Talk about how stressful it was and how triggered your Swiss friend got. Say that the alt right is a movement of peace, bu there are isolated bad actors, #almostallnazis. Oh, and as an icing on the cake, claim you have a lot of russians in your movement and that the ongoing russophobia, peddeled by the left, is racist and needs to stop.

Whatever you do, never mention the Jews. Basically the easiest way to alienate normies is anti-semitism. Steer away from conspiracy theories and the Jews.

Where do they even make faggots like you?

These dubs were wasted, kek is not pleased

Also pls Bread this afterwards? So many hillary shills out in force sliding, they are sleeping now I bet though

>australia reaching another dimension of shitposting

Toasting in epic bread

Congrats user, you just became famous

Ride it as far as you can and make sure to make some money from it.

You could say that the alt-right was created by people drinking skittles infused vodka mixed with Ritalin which has warped their minds.

They will never believe this
More like 40 pound russian

Fucking Aussies. I see one thread with an Aussie shitposting on model's asses. Now this.

You better not fag this up, faggot

you have something very special on your hands OP. are you australian enough to step up the bantz for something epic that will live in Cred Forums history forever? reach deep within you bruh. maybe this calls for a creative team of australia's finest shitposters to come together for the greater emu

It's real. I don't believe it myself truthfully.
Can you tell I'm in a mild state of shock? I came to Cred Forums for advice.
I'm going to make another thread tomorrow and I can post "proof" then. It's late in my work day now and I'm about to go home to my family.
I can't shit post all night with you people.

Fuck you. These are just figure of speech that I've picked up because, as stated, my family is heavily in to business, domestic and international.


literally OP

How did you escape the gas chamber?

Remember that Aussie who said he was rightful King of the British empire?

Whatever happened to him?

>implying the "abc" aren't counter shitposters

OP, forget everything that's been said up until now.
You dont fight the media wars with facts and information.
You hit it were it's weak, in other words its credibility.
I mean, this reporter knows nothing about you or wether you actually support the alt-right. This reminds me of when an user trolled a reporter after the elliot rodger killings, saying that he had been taking creatine and that had been making him unstable or some other bull. They end up making a giant exclusive piece, on their website aswell as print", and when people catch onto the truth everything blows up in that said newspapers face.
Trust me user, you do NOT want to be having an argument about ideology or be spouting some memes that they will find too cringeworthy to write about.

This is the quality programming you can expect to see on the ABC:

eh no, nobody cares about libertarianism here. 2012 was four years ago bud. You're a pretty poor attempt at a shill

The goal is to make Cred Forums seem harmless... not to come across as a bunch of nutjobs.

The best way to do that is by responding to questions in as vague and neutral a manner as possible, not spouting memes and conservative talking points like some autistic weirdo

>Has my shit posting gone too far?
Not far enough.

>when Aussies shitpost so hard if makes the news


Norge what the fuck are you doing omg so retarded stupid cunt.

It's not.

The globalist Jew bankers thing is kind of memey because it's an unpleasant but slightly true narrative. If we're talking about that then yes, genuine antisemitism. Otherwise people don't just crash threads with antisemitism that's weird.

The real alt-right is stormfront.

The alt-right in hilary's sites is us.

I guess it does need to be said that we've been mislabeled due to being consistently ignored. If we chose a label, the people against Hilary, posting Pepe and shilling for anti SJW, it's libertarian (or ""nationalistic"" libertarianism) but this is a difficult position to argue against, so the media pigeonholed us into this box they could easily label racist.

Because the real alt right is racist.

Yeah I'm a little worried about that.

Worse case scenario it's more than NEC that sees my identity and the media has me in a target. Then I'll never get a job and have to an hero.

We know the risks.

22 dubs are weaker than 66 dubs.

I want the reality of the moderates of this movement to be famous. We are the last bastion of people who care about equal opportunities. If I'm going down for that, I'm going to make it metaphorically bloody.

I'm generally not on at this time tomorrow since I usually work out around 4. I got a body to maintain.

Hahaha antisemitism and trips, haha kek, totally a malevolent force to reckon with.

Honestly not Jewish, I just look it and have the surname. Mother dearest is Sicilian and daddy is Germanic (Tyrolese and lowland), always the genetic heritage for you people. See how I mentioned antisemitism and suddenly it's here?


Follow the links, I'm clearly not a shill either. I think I believe OP though still paranoid.

This feels right.

Give them heaps, redpill the fuck out of them but make sure they respect your anonymity as they can be the nastiest cunts on this planet.

Just use all the same arguments muslims use to justify terrorism. Say that we are the movement of peace, not all alt righters, etc. Basically look up articles defending islam and use those same arguments.

Here's one to start off with.

My plan, if I end up doing it myself, is to just be calm, measured and make anyone pointing to us as bad guys, look like complete fools.

You are on the wrong board. If you want to shill for libertarianism then r/thedonald the the place for you

Cred Forums has always been proudly antisemitic

you sound like one of the newfags who stumbled across this site when milo mentioned it and don't seem to realise that we are proudly racist and antisemitic

take you libertarianism and shove it up your arse

He got quints but nice trips!

Whoever does it needs to mention coincidences!

>one guy per thread

i hate new Cred Forums

You must come back!

Jared Taylor would have an aneurysm if you shitposted about the alt-right on TV. His low IQ hwhite ass is already upset about Trump and Brietbart being labeled alt-right.

just reveal your trye power level and go on an anti-semite sperg out for the luls

it will represent us well

every interaction with the media has to be better than getting Oprah to say OVER 9000 penises, all raping children

that's the benchmark

can you get this person to say something even more epic?

for instance, trick the person into saying the 14 words unironically

or get them to oppose the 14 words...

Me too. I miss the JIDF tbqhwy. I'm afraid theyve been honing their skills under our noses.

Shameless self-bump.

>I guess what I'm looking for is a face and mouth without a retard attached.
Then you're looking in the wrong fucking place.

I hope this real and works. Just be careful, the day of unveiling is not nigh yet, I believe. Or maybe you will be the forerunners of our unveiling.
Good luck you aussie cunts.

I will. This isn't over until I either get myself or some other faggot on TV or the ABC looses interest and backs off.

I'm going to compose my reply email tonight and go over it a few times. I'm going to make them BEG for this.

Watch out for the thread tomorrow.

You never show your power level to normies. The tide takes time to turn. Just as cultural marxism has done to the west, you do unto them. Until Cred Forums thought is more mainstream

>inb4 Wofle movement is started in Ausland

This desu. And bump.

Don't be an advocate, purposely make yourself seem like an idiot, while making abundantly clear to anyone reading/watching the interview that you're tolling them. Eg. Drop some wife's son references, bane posts, etc.

not myself :(

>Cred Forums has always been proudly antisemitic
Yeah, but only rarely genuinely.

Last reply to check satan-doing-a-sick-hand-stand trips.

You bless me with your digits.


Now I'm a newfag... Fuck off cunt I grew up here. I remember when shoe0 was boxxy.

And yeah there's anti semitism, if I were a tripfag I'd get it every thread and whatever, but it's not the main thing the alt right that's posting Pepe and memes and shit is about, it's just part of the jokes.

I'd also get called a sperger a lot, and again, so what.

I think the revolution should begin in Australia. I began shitposting about equal opportunities, like it was the highlights of my posts, way back and only a few months after that I started seeing Sargon use that phrase as if it's bullet proof in his videos.

I began to use it because it's taught in high schoool legal studies as a cornerstone of the Australian legal system, just like actus reus/mens rea thing that bear_ing is using to BTFO of Kristie Winters.

Not sure what you're referring to, but I'll float around ensuring it remains libertarian if there's any sort of movement surrounding this.

Yeah it's a joke, so what. That's the attitude OP needs if it's brought up because that's the genuine sentiment here.

Represent us genuinely, OP.

This, tell them the alt-right advocates for open borders, reparations for abbos, sharia law and islamization for the anglosphere, globalim, war with russia and iran, greater israel, the works.

>check flag
yup, it's a shitpost

i think by "the jews" Cred Forums means the historical marxist ones and the ones in the international banking and media cabals. i don't think Cred Forums has a problem with the average jewish person. Cred Forums also seems to support israel over the muslims lately.
i know, Cred Forums isn't one person.

Excellent choice!
I did this briefly with mentioned editor too, loose talk as I run each time a reporter shows up eben on de interwebs when not here.

I norked it down so the convo actuall starts with this
>Sitting In sun with one beer
>Guys comes running
>Hey An.. Hansen, do you mind if I share table with you here
No worries sit down and stuff
>Nice weather ey?
Yes, it's prolly our last day we can sit like this ....
>weather talks continue

Then some loose talk, where I give him some red pill lights as mentioned,

This get's to long and I need breakfast! Makkrell in tomatoes I think.

>I smelt the wolf
He saw it was not a dangerous ebil nazi after all (they aren't this stupid here)
I left him puzzled. They don't quite know what we are, but they are damn close due too not only Stangvik I think. We had a psyop there and ... yeah I won't into breaking this thread, this for later.

Just want to let you know, you are not the only one in this boat right now. I too am wondering, but I will have to take off my mask, possibly.

GO user! I need a bit more time on mine, looks like I have to steer them a bit, activia measurements or what the rus version was kek.
I don't need it. yawn. no get your ass up user foods

Please don't do it user. ABC is a subsidised leftist sewer. You will never wash the filth off of you. Hell, I don't even drive by the buildings the ABC squats in, but then again I'm high strung.

Your effort will not change anything, you will simply create regrets for yourself and the subsidised shills will still be worshipped by this country's bogan white trash second class citizens.

Dude, there won't BE a transcript available immediately after the interview is finished. Transcription takes serious time, unless you're using shorthand -- three minutes to transcribe one minute of audio is reasonable for a skilled transcriptionist.

That's why they use recordings and do them after the fact.

>using tactics literally likened to Judaism

Ones I mean...

Again, I think OP should be as honest as possible. The best of us are at worst self righteous sperglords who have various feelings about being NEET.

But the worst of us really are Nazi pedos...

Again, represent the best of us and not the trolls. That's what's important, because the ADL considering Pepe a hate sign is when it gets out of hand.

We all know the risks.

I'd like to take a moment to Praise Kek for this glorious chance to shitpost irl

20 dubs, 4 dubs were in a row, 2 double dubs, we also have 1488, and 3 trips one of which is lucky 7's

We are truly blessed tonight

Straya this is literally the most important shitposting opportunity of your life. I know you wont let us down

Emphasize that Imageboards aren't alt-right and that the "alt-right" as a label is a means of subversion.

This would obviously be the absolute best outcome. Though it would take one hell of a master shit poster to pull off. Are you that shitposter user?

Don't listen to them, bro.
We must garner more support from the people. Just say the truth - "alt-right" isn't really right at all. It's a loose collection of disaffected middle-class and working-class youth and 30-somethings that lost any faith in rigged systems and came together to wallow in despair and occasionally wreck some individual asshole's shit.

Nazi Cred Forums is a meme. Redpill is class consciousness. Jews are codeword for financial/political elite. Cred Forums is the true multi-kulti melting pot.

Only the Aussies shitpost irl


And keep your phone and release recording


It's not always strictly dubs...

I think he knows, I'll remind him again tomorrow to make sure. OPs a wage cuck (what I want to be lol) and he's probably not posting at the moment, he's gone.

It's somewhat important that it's clear, Cred Forums is a diverse place and example of dysfunctional multiculturalism.

I don't...


Capcha... calle ferme

Tell them you want to talk about Kekism and explain it to normies.

There is a subtle brilliance to that idea though I doubt they would buy it. At least not without admitting that some degree of the racism/Jew hate is legit. You can always just redpill them on the Jews though to help fit the narrative. Hardcore lefties are halfway there when it comes to the JQ these days anyway.

>not knowing that Cred Forums are the new jews

ABC, you mean Aussie Bogan Cunts? Probably.

We are though it's scary!

Just troll the absolute fuck out of them if you actually talk to them


dogmatic ideologues can FUCK OFF

You should fuck off from pol faggot. pol really is anti-semitic, and no we are not just libertarians.

Randlets and gary "what is alepo" Johnsonites need to leave

Witnessed, all holy numbers and a hidden trip
GO NEWS user! KEK wills it!

>who was these people coming here with this information and keking this way
>we have not quite this into seeings ever
Cred Forums!
>[wtf.... ] Please refrain from such racists, homophobic statements. No I ensure you this is these 16 year old virgins from, they are like real nazies and support this Bernie Sanders cand/ex-cand.

Dey called us out, put not here

>I shitposted with an email I sent to them claiming to be Jason Wofle (made up obviously)

As if not call yourself Chad Thundercock.

>I remember when shoe0 was boxxy.

oh, so you really are a newfag then?

user im a no hope suicidal tafe neet

I dont give a fuck if the abc drags my name in the mud

Just let me have a chance at the enemy

Just my thought

No way

Kek is with us brothers

Shadililay kaffir

>that ABC thread was actually real

Wew fucking lad I love this current year

Tell them we are not the alt right, the alt right is closer to moderate and is only right leaning on economical issues

tell them you are being funded by George Soros

>point out that the antisemitism isn't genuine

>"Anti-semitic? No, absolutely not. Sure, there is a statistical over-representation of Jewish people in the media and politics, but implying that has anything to do with religion would be like suggesting that the over-representation of niggers in crime is anything but a coincidence" :^)

>If you spend half the time talking about youth unemployment, you'll make them very uncomfortable

this tbqhwyf

Trips demand you do this!

Fucking hell.

Go full fucking retard.
Get on live TV and totally destroy their credibility

Show us just how well an australian can shitpost

>I began to use it because it's taught in high schoool legal studies as a cornerstone of the Australian legal system, just like actus reus/mens rea thing that bear_ing is using to BTFO of Kristie Winters.

>I remember when shoe0 was boxxy.

>And yeah there's anti semitism, if I were a tripfag I'd get it every thread and whatever, but it's not the main thing the alt right that's posting Pepe and memes and shit is about, it's just part of the jokes.
>Yeah it's a joke, so what. That's the attitude OP needs if it's brought up because that's the genuine sentiment here.

AHHH, i think i understand now. This fag is a 17 or 18 year old, doing or just finishing his high school certificate, doing ((((((((((legal studies)))))))))). Let me tell you something kiddo. Its true that a lot of the antisemitism on pol has died down over the last few years. But that doesnt mean that most users on pol are not genuinely anti-semetic. We very much are. Its just been talked to death for years and people dont like to discuss things like broken records. Also, donald trump has largely taken over the narrative here.

But don't kid yourself and think that the anti-semitism is just a joke and not really. Because it is very mush completely serious here on pol. Before Trump came about, the two biggest issues as seen by pollacks were da joos, and muslims.

Just take the offer bro, make a skype on the fly and tell this aussie user so he can do the same. These will be throw away skypes so no one can mess with you afterwards.

We can really make the Alt Right look like the good guys here. Please will google alt right and something good comes up? Good for us.

Alt right is a mainstream slur to hide the fact that the centre of politics has shifted. We prefer alt centre.

Honestly I don't even know what the Alt-Right is supposed to be or who the supposed leaders are.

I kind of suspect it was a term coined by someone who wanted to hijack / profit off of Trumps movement and invigoration of disenfranchised voters & non-voters


Libertarianism is like anti dogma mann.

So much rage from ""that"" Australian.

Have some more (you)s and then take the time to follow the thread, I've graduated university.


Again, I just want this:
>a representation that doesn't make normies absolutely loath us
>non stop shit about Marxism, feminism, inequality of opportunities, all the good arguments
>The insistence that affirmative action in employment caused youth unemployment
If you do this, this will be huge
That last point is critical. It's holding recent third wave feminism accountable for real world problems.

It's Cred Forums pol. People here are rigging poles and posting pepe.

There's an image that says when you remove the stigma of social ostracism by having people involved in discussion remain anonymous it will eventually lead to the most logical conclusion of an issue. This fountain of refined knowledge will lead to a golden age of information. Just memorize that and you're good

>>The insistence that affirmative action in employment caused youth unemployment

Unless I'm kind of missing something I don't get this point

If a young person was hired under AA, then even if they weren't then another youth would be hired. So youth unemployment would still be the same?

Speak for yourself, I think Jews are (((high-IQ))) and exist (((symbiotically))) within their host populations.

This is some nice wording, I've already asked him to the last bastion of free speech thing. He better do it.

It creates unequal demand for certain demographics which then go on to misrepresent the standards of Australian workers, as they're being judged by metrics which aren't meritocratic. From there, employers either hire fewer local YOUNG people, hire a senior, hire from overseas or don't hire anyone at all.

Therefore YOUTH unemployment is effected despite overall unemployment remaining fairly low at around 5%.

These statistics and reasonings are in my video. OP has it which is all that's important.

>Libertarianism is like anti dogma mann.

Just don't be this mad man.

Also, speaking of pic related, do any Aussie bros remember this thing around 2011-12? Pretty sure this guy turned out to be a loser, and I remember he uploaded some really cringe worthy videos on his YouTube channel about a year ago.

Spam them with rare pepes!

>The real leader of the Alt-Right is a 400-pound russian hacker.

Mate go full balls to the wall, make nazis seem like left wing peace keepers compared to the "alt right".

Bonus points if you can subtly link the I sanity to supporting left wing policies

Don't give them shit.

It's better when they make it up out of thin air

BTW I'm worried about trolls shitposting my YouTube video and destroying my chance at escaping NEEThood.

There is literally a line in the Tao Te Ching that goes something like that.

If you want a representation of Cred Forums that's honestly not deplorable yet still doesn't support Hilary, it's the Taoist libertarian with nationalistic tendencies. No 1488 i swear.

Watching your video now buddy.

>Watching your video now buddy.
uh what, what video?

An ausfag posted this 3 hours ago and I assume it's the same people who want to tell the media the leader is a 400lb hacker. I'm feeling proud to that an Australian created this, if I'm wrong? That's sad.


Jesus fucking Christ the delusional paranoia of you cunts is extreme.

>person employed to press candidates on issues presses candidates on issues

She was signalling, if this is true then it's it shows she had an unfair advantage over Trump.

>I dont give a fuck if the abc drags my name in the mud
das rite! Fuck em all! Don't give a shit if it happens

but this
>I'll do anything, I'll pay you $200 and suck your dick please
FFS don't be a swede man!

also BAMP. user is prolly on his way home, time dif, I've just had the breakfast

so you are telling me that you cant see how the questions are biased?

Do you even have the questions?

Do you actually have a transcribed list of all of the questions to look at? Because no, I can't see how they were biased if they aren't there. If you're only relying on your memory of the debate then you've already failed to be academically rigorous.

>She was signalling
Where are the proofs?

great video strayans


Look I'll remain sceptical, it's only fucked if it's true.

Hey again Norge, why are you posting at obscene times?

Do you have them. Why not share them? Oh wait there are live video recordings and you are just a shill, never mind abo scum, go sniff on some paint buckets

-Question 1 “How are you going to create jobs” (fair)

“How SPECIFICALLY are you going to bring jobs back?” to Trump, direct attack
*Implies that he really has no plan

-Question 3 “Defend your views on taxes” fair

“Why haven’t you released your tax returns?” direct attack on Trump

-Question 5 “How do you heal the racial divide in America” (Democrat Ideology)
*Implies there is a racial divide in America

“Stop and frisk is unconstitutional” direct attack on Trump

“Do you believe police are implicitly biased?” soft attack on Clinton

-Question 6 “You claimed that president Obama wasn’t born in the US” direct attack on Trump

-Question 7 “Who’s behind cyber attacks and how do we fight it?” (Democrat idealogy)
*Democrats widely believe Russia is hacking the DNC and spilling their dirty secrets”

-Question 8 “How would you prevent home grown terror attacks” (Fair)

-Question 9 “You supported the war in iraq so why do you have good judgement?” direct attack on trump
*Incorrect, it was Hillary who suported the war in Iraq
-Question 10 “Do you support first use of nukes?” (fair)

-Question 11 “What did you mean by your comments on her stamina?” direct attack Trump

-Question 12 “How will you deal with the other person winning the election?” dumb question

So have we settle on something yet?

I was clearly joking my autistic snownigger friend


Holy shit, I remember that thread.


Don't trust the smug, lefty cunts. ABC is run by jews and fags.

You can't win. They will only broadcast what you say if they are able to ridicule you. If they can't, you won't make it to the final edit.

Tell them about how reddit is invading peaceful imageboards with antisemitism and racism
We get to fuck with reddit while we get away from the direct focus of the media

I salute your bravery, really I do. I was in tafe for my C-IV recently also. I do understand your position. But I value my anonymity more than anything else on this planet, and I value mine as much I value yours.

The ABC/Greens/Labor/Unions inbreeding is so aberrent, so widespread. They may hound you as the unions have hounded my family and business for 2 generations.

Your convictions reassure me, your pure hatred is so righteous, but still I worry for what may come.

>four corners is doing a Cred Forums eppisode
>this will lead to some kind of witch hunt
>royal commission into Cred Forums hate speech

>i'm a right wing with aboriginal ancestors about to be labeled a 'racist' by abc.


Tell them about Kek and how the 400 pound people of Cred Forums are worshiping an Egyptian God and the insanity of it.

Alt right is a made-up term, so you can say whatever you want and nobody will say you're wrong.

You should claim that the alt-right is, in reality, a bunch of post-ironic shitposters (a kind of internet performance artist), that are actually using right wing memes to disseminate subversive left wing ideas.


the alt-right is actually the alt-left

>16 month

>the antisemitism isn't genuine
Fuck off Davo

>I was planning on stating that.

Nigger, there IS such a thing as the alt-right. Just because there isn't a codified set of beliefs, just because everyone on Cred Forums is anonymous, doesn't mean the alt-right isn't a thing, because it is a thing.

It's a phenomenon of young people rallying around right-wing, conservative, and most importantly anti-leftist ideas.

Just because there is a spectrum of different beliefs in the alt-right (from Milo to 14/88ers) doesn't mean the alt-right isn't a real phenomenon. It is a real phenomenon.

Yes. Do all of these things and when they confront you with evidence that it's untrue, blame jewish tricks.

>If they ask about Cred Forums supporting Trump - simply say that while there are many posters on Cred Forums who support Trump, there are also many who support Clinton, Johnson, and Stein, as well.

But that's not true.

You can coherently say that not everyone on Cred Forums believes in white nationalism, because that's true. We love to talk about the extremes here because it's funny, but >90% of people here are not real life neo-nazi skinheads.

But you can't say that Cred Forums doesn't support Trump. I would say 90% of Cred Forums supports Trump.

>Because the real alt right is racist.

I disagree. "Alternative right" was originally coined by Richard Spencer and was meant by him to mean people who are actually racists, yes.

But "alt-right" is different, it has been used to mean people like Milo and his fans as well, and yes it is specifically used to describe Cred Forums and our maymays. Alt-right DOES mean us. WE ARE THE ALT-RIGHT, whether we like it or not.

Words change meanings. But really alt-right never changed meaning because Richard Spencer only coined the term "alternative right". The term "alt-right" is used to mean people like us - that is the widely accepted meaning of the term. That's what it says on Wikipedia (which is taken as authoritative - sorry if it hurts your autism, but it is).

How do they want to conduct the interview? I might be interested if you want someone to fill in.

underrated post

countryballed hard too

epic simply epic

>youth unemployment

This 1000x. How many unpaid interns are working at a news agency today vs. 20 years ago? How many are applying for unpaid internships today vs. 20 years ago?

If we want more jobs for young people we should conquest other countries. Seriously. That's how we created jobs before.

I've made a discord channel for us to discuss this:

This but a rebellious pseudo punk rock crew that just wants to do good but this in today's world is very unusual and considered weird. So we choose the right wing cape to keep people away from knowing we're the most caring and giving people alive!

Oh, watch some Douglas Murray- he's good at saying redpill stuff sensibly

14/88 left socs
trump over Hillary 90 yeah Trump over Bernie etc 60-70.

RIP in pieces Emu Warrior... I hardly knew ye..

When was this and which outlet?
t. Norrlending

Or you could... you know... not fucking consider it for a second.

I trust your shitposting will do us proud, Aussbro




When they chop and change parts (they will), release your raw footage.

Holy shit if this is real.


Get blind drunk when they interview you and just fuck with them.

Oh yeah, after this give your own commentary on things, like

>here they wanted to do this
>here they wanted that
>here they went for this angle and lied to me

Hell fit the whole house out with mics to hear what they all say after.

>Hell fit the whole house out with mics to hear what they all say after.

if he did this and they say something it would be a lolercaust


even better, threaten to publish it after the interview if they try and do so

Just remember it's all a joke and they will make you look like an evil cunt no matter what, loaded questions, chopping interviews, making you look like a dork, whatever it takes.

Don't feel sorry for these people, they're propagandists who hate your guts. They're not journalists.

Tell them that, while the apt right is very anti immigrant and anti Jew, the Australian arm is most concerned with the eternal emu and their threat to white Australians everywhere.

The edit never brings up the real threat the emu's pose to civilized society, and they must be stopped.

That's fucking awful.

Pull a sample Hyde interview. Just use subtle memes the whole time.

then along site the recording write about the interview and how they did this to you


This, it will give lulz while at the same time convey a point

Buy a full body green suit, and an actual suit with a red tie. Go in for the interview and tell them the actual truth. You know the shit the media lies about.

Fuck off normie. You are a libertarian? Grow the fuck up. Pol isn't satire and we do hate the jews. Fuck off back to r/donald. We don't want your newfag shit here.

Hes australian, shitposting to them comes as easy as rioting to niggers. Its what they do. Thats like telling a muslim to blow himself up, or a chink to be good at math or a nigger to kill another nigger and blame white people for it.

This m8

I was always doubtful of actual "shills" being present on this board, but this and a few other things that have come to light have made me realize it is not at all exaggerated.

Holy shitttt

don't get your hopes up.

Nothing good ever happens

You fucking attention whore dick bitch. How many times have you posted this shit today? If you want to represent the

Alt + ->

Then fucking kill yourself.

Because this place has hung itself. Is stale and fucking gay now. A Hillary mention made this board cool and edgy to fucking reddit immigrants and people who saw a pepe once and want to signal some autist fantasy trait. Fucking bye Cred Forums.

I hope you cucks enjoy repeating google over and over again and wanking eachother off under multiple layers of irony so its somehow not gay anymore.

(((At least they have ideas and can execute them without being annoying pussy bitches)))


The committee of shitposting is at full work.
They'll get anally redpilled.

Just see how the guy who made the "japanese Trump commercial" handled the interview he got.

He knew these people were posers.

> antisemitism
> not genuine
