What are the odds of Donald winning?

What are the odds of Donald Trump winning?

It seems like the Trumpster could possibly have enough support to take the election from Hillary, but the thing is that it seems that most, if not all presidential debates like the one that just happened will have a biased moderator and questions designed around Hillary's platform. So each debate will equal gains for Hillary, marginal or not. On top of that, we have no reason to believe that Hillary will NOT find a way to cheat the vote in November seeing as she already cheated on the primary.

0% because it's rigged by the CIA


Well Satan, as long as you don't let Johnson drop out of the race, Trump may end up winning.

Huh? When did the CIA get involved in all this crap

Satan(lord of lies) trying to demoralize the opposition ITT.
Sorry, the spread of your cult will be slowed and your system constructed on Lies will have a setback.

Its was foretold and so it will be.


Listen despite what the polls say (even though the real ones have him leading), the independents will make their mind up election day.
Trump is the change candidate, and people are upset with the establishment.
Trump exudes Strength, Confidence, and Hope. Something people really connect with
Trump will win

Okay so you think the primary rigging thing was a lie okay cool guy

They're Big guys

>Note realizing the CIA is just a front for the GPD

The truly extraordinary thing about this election is that NOBODY HAS ANY FUCKING CLUE

Personally I think Trump has this in the bag, absentee voting so far places him REALLY high in NC and Florida and that's strange considering those votes tend to be liberal. In addition, looking at his path to victory and energy of his supporters, all he needs is for ONE blue state to flip and there's eight of them within 1 or 3 points of him tipping it. If things continue has they have been the past month, I'd say it's 80% chance of Trump winning.

>absentee voting so far places him REALLY high in NC and Florida

What? absentee is not counted until election day.

Check the source on this, I just hate typing URLs. Maybe it's bullshit

For you

he has already won since even if you think he is bad , compared to the shitty person that is Hillary he looks golden

thats how terrible crooked Hillary is

for you

You mean the debates are about shit that actually matters when you're president?
The same shit that businessman Trump basically has no clue about and just rambles on for 5 minutes?

Dude got completely exposed. He isn't even fit to hold a low-level government position, let alone commander in-chief.

If they were already counting ballots it wouldn't be hidden with some huge url, it be on ever news site.

But the media is doing the same to Trump with their smear campaign so I don't count that for much

It's not even about who's fit to hold a government position, it's about the supreme court. The choices Hillary will make will do damage to America for generations. With either Trump or Hillary no matter which way you think they can only do 8 years worth of theoretical damage

44.8% according to Nate Plastic