Hey racists who say blacks are good for nothing

I have someone I'd like to introduce to you.

Mother. Fucking. Scott. Joplin.

The figurehead of ragtime piano music. This guy was a fucking boss. Listen to his old american tunes and feel straight up patriotism.


And yeah ragtime was the catalyst for so much modern music it's insane. Try to deny the Joplin racists, but you can't deny the mans impressive skills.

I'm proud to call him an american.

Other urls found in this thread:


Nothing wrong with Uncle Toms.

Rap is real black music white boy.

He wasn't really an uncle tom though, because he was celebrated and highly regarded by the black community. Not a sell out in any way.

Try again racists.

a nigger wrote this for an italian film and got three other niggers to play it with him

black jazz musicians were really good, but most of them were still coons who would steal and rob people with a knife for drug and alcohol money. charlie parker used to pawn his alto for heroin money, then borrow other people's altos for his performances. after that, he would pawn that one, too, for more heroin money

That's great, OP. You still don't know the difference between blacks and niggers.


Thanks for the ragtime, based negro!

>the racist nazis agree and say some blacks are alright people


>title: Hey racists who say blacks are good for nothing

Kek they are good for picking cotton

reminder that louis armstrong left new orleans because racist niggers didn't want him having white musicians in his band

Well, anyone can be a bigot! :)

>Rare exceptions redeem the rest


There is no difference. There are no bro-tier blacks.

nobody denies that certain blacks have contributed a lot to music

When people say blacks are good for nothing they just mean actually working. They are great at entertainment, which is why we have some of the music we have today, as well as why they dominate sports. Good or bad, they are around for our entertainment.

Fuck off nigger lover.

This is actually nothing compared to what whites were doing 100˙s of years before that. It`s actually more simplistic.

Also just because one nigger has musical talent does not mean that he was very intelligent

says the snownigger
fuck off vlad, spread your aids somewhere else

>They are great at entertainment, which is why we have some of the music we have today

Most of the nigger entertainment and music is crap though.


lol you think we hate every single black while the reality is that we hate affermative action, gangsta culture, white guilt and blm

People gobble up shit, user. Humans are pack animals. They see that everyone likes *insert thing here* so they like *insert thing here*.

What gave you the impression pol was racist, OP?

If you don't think Scott Joplin was based, you're pretty much a nigger.

>but you can't deny the mans impressive skills
sure i can
1. he is a nigger
2. dont give a fuck about niggers who make music
3. he is a nigger
4. a

why do nigger lovers try to make their self's feel better by post stuff like this

There sure is a difference, just like the difference between a white man and white trash. It's okay. I know nouns can be hard, faggot.

a 13% minority manages to be involved in 70% of the robberies and 52.5% of the murders and you wish to compare my peaceful nation to them you cuck?

Not to mention that most of your niggers are 1/4 white but still retarded. Just wait till you see full niggers from Africa

This belongs on Cred Forums

You know your race has failed when you need to come up with 1 (ONE) individual to make it look better.

i couldn't kek any harder if i wanted too

>listening to some scratchy ass record of coon tunes by some ancient fucking mooncricket
>basically old slave claptrap, minus chains

Oh wow, was that before we put man in space?

Sheeiiit, I've heard this before. Can't remember what it was from though

He's from Slovenia...


Your country is 60% white and falling, at this point there are no "bro tier" blacks since they create more children and grandchildren which will be a problem later on.

Wake up, you will see your white youth hit the 30% pretty soon with all the racemixing and them having more children than you

I am from Slovenia which is one of the safest countries in europe actually. Probably one of the safest capital cities in the world too.

>their self's

This track is better:

Still want niggers to go back to Africa though.

blacks are good for a lot, but when they threaten white civilization and Europe then can FUCK OFF

>Some black people have legitimate talent, that means you can't criticize the way BLM conducts themselves!
>It also means you should really pay reparations to Tyrone :(

Corrected consider record my! :D

>good for a lot

What does this mean?


Bro learn what an uncle tom means. What the fuck you are a total embarrassment to your fellow racists. At least they have arguments and logic.

A few well behaved blacks is not a problem but they ALWAYS have to be put in their place unless things get really bad.

Blacks should be born 2nd class citizens and strive to reach equality by proving themselves.
Also once they reach a certain % they should give up their right to reproduce or go back to Africa

Blacks don't make complex music any more though, pop music was dominated by a faggot called deadmau5 and rhythm was dominated by a based man named Richard D James

I wonder if it really is true, that suffering made them make good music, because they sure as hell aren't anymore and they have it better than ever, yet their music couldn't be more cocky, entitled or simple, hell they actually just steal it all, add a drum track and basically talk over it in a slurred voice where they sound drunk, which would make sense because they're beginning to not even have good rhymes as if they're too fucked up to remember even the last verse and end up saying the same fucking word to rhyme, it's pathetic

Cicero said: the existence of an exception confirms the existence of the rule.

And shiieeeet

Sup Serbin. I have some questions. What is the % of native Serbs in Serbia? I would say my country is like 80% Slovenian 12% Bosnian a few % Albanian Croatian Serbian

Bosnians and Albanians are a real problem here. I wish you genocided the muzzies


Old timey blacks were stand up citizens for the most part and all of them were Republicans.

Why does it matter? Racists will be racists. Red pilled minorities are fucked either way. Some of them revert back to being blue pilled because they're sick of being shit on by the folks on here. An ugly white NEET virgin is still somehow more valuable than any moderately successful minority or mixed race. I used to be pissed off about "fuck white people" but now I turn a blind eye here and there. You guys can't fight this shit on your own, stop alienating exceptional minorities. I wonder if weakness and cuckoldry is recessive like you faggots, should breed the fuck of out it for y'all.

That would make sense. Most artists generally have a rough upbringing or are unhappy in some way.

Awesome got what I needed..

So now I must ask a very important question, the definition of intelligence has expanded into emotional intelligence, musical intelligence, scientific intelligence, social intelligence etc etc.

So I must ask, do you actually believe this is some liberal concept to make people feel good, or as I suspect is there some truth to this?

Because you have total autists who are incredibly good with numbers but absolutely retarded with social skills.

And you have blacks leading the genre of ragtime and jazz, essentially modern day Mozarts, but completely awful at any type of science.

Scott Joplin probably had a basic grasp of music theory, but completely decimated all the white millennial liberals graduating from music school today in terms of complexity and game changing ideas.

N o w h e r e i s where it gets DEEP

Evolution designed us with a specific intent of survival. Therefore it's arguable that scientific intelligence trumps all. But why is music so popular then? Why should we care about it if it's so irrelevant to our survival?

Does it perhaps have a connection to the divine nature of man? Some implicit attunement to the natural order of the universe?
Or.. am I just completely full of bullshit?

Fucking hell man.. I'm going to think about this all night. This is why I come here.

Music creates a dissociative effect which affirms social bonds through the feeling of oneness. That's fundamental to the human experience, from the most primitive tribes to shitty European electronic music festivals.

While I may agree that's correct.. music has some spooky mathematical properties. Some even relating to the infinite.

"Uncle Tom" nowadays means any black who doesn't have at least one felony and hasn't burned down at least one business or home

So what do you want me to agree on?
That they're natures jesters?
Okay I agree

That is an outlier.

The mean is what's statistically important when analyzing different aspects of society.

imagine typing out all this shit, and no one's going to read a single word of it.


I'm sure leafs are used to it.

>muh music

Literally the only positive contribution blacks have ever made to this country

How many Googles play piano nowdays?


I have all of Joplin's recordings.
Maple Leaf Rag was the reason I wanted to play piano. Guitars were easier to lug around so I stuck with that until tendinitis and a host of problems took my hands, but I still play. Mainly the blues


An alien species comes to visit our planet.

Are they going to be impressed by our shitty scientific advancements they invented thousands of years ago?

Or might they care more about our culture and art which they might not have been creative enough to make? (probably not but it's more likely than being impressed by tech)

>using an exception to contest the rule


The difference being that he was being productive and non-degenerate.

I'm trying to learn it now. Very hard so far.

Did you figure it out? Got any advice?

Any Beethoven or Mozart piece (or any European classical composer for that matter) is 1000x more impressive than some coon on the piano

Gonna have to try harder than that

That's wonderful! Blacks should really stand together and take their culture back to Africa!

In earlier times, most Americans could play a musical instrument. The Globalist Technocrats took that away. Thanks Democrats

Sheet music from a music store, then practice. Repetition is the mother of all learning.

Mozart is great, Beethoven not so much. Give credit where it's due, all are gifts from God. It's what we do with the gifts that matter.




this is where he got the ragged time

Banging two rocks together is the precursor to all music but I dont see you praising that you retarded hipster

good taste OP

Mozart and Beethoven were fantastic for their time, but nowadays saying they are good is kind of like saying Citizen Kane is your favorite movie. No one is going to argue, because Citizen Kane singlehandedly redefined the movie industry, but on the subconscious level people are going to wonder why you stick to such dated movies and if you only love it because you want to look cultured.

Although I will give an exception to moonlight sonata, that shit is absolutely out of this world and almost proves the existence of God to me.

>Mozart and Beethoven were fantastic for their time, but nowadays saying they are good is kind of like saying Citizen Kane is your favorite movie. No one is going to argue, because Citizen Kane singlehandedly redefined the movie industry, but on the subconscious level people are going to wonder why you stick to such dated movies and if you only love it because you want to look cultured.

Says the man citing a musician who died almost 100 years ago

In my opinion Scott Joplin is much harder to learn on piano than Beethoven and Mozart.

I can't really proclaim that is evidence that Scott Joplin is more intelligent than Beethoven or Mozart though. I'm sure the greats will be remembered far longer than Joplin.

But it takes a certain amount of skill and coordination to master ragtime. I would say that Scott Joplin is more impressive than 99% of white musicians today.

So what?
Did he invent anything that was helpful to the human race in any way?
Sure, niggers are good at music, but was music an integral part of Apollo 11? Does music have a legitimate use to the human race?

never said black people are good for nothing, its the niggers that give you guys a bad name


Mozart and Beethoven died about 200 years prior to this guy, if you want to compare mad piano skillz, listen to Liszt or Chopin.

Actually, fuck it, listen to a Bach Fugue from 400 years ago and then to some rag time. Gimme a break.

> I have decided that you are racist

Wew lads.



> Cred Forums is racist
Lurk more faggot and stop believe any kind of shit people says.

>Actually, fuck it, listen to a Bach Fugue from 400 years ago and then to some rag time. Gimme a break.
You are letting your personal taste interfere, the purposes and uses of their music were different so it isn't fair to compare them. Some Joplin pieces are amazing and complex, and some Bach pieces are pieces of shit no one remembers. Both were virtous in their respective genres.

Scott Joplin is a great American. Born to freed slaves, he was classically trained by a German immigrant teacher in Missouri. Over the course of his life he always wanted to make his music accepted by refined European audiences much like Gershwin.

He wrote the most reprinted song in the country in 1898 and was I believe the first music artist to personally earn royalties rather than the publisher. He wrote an original opera about freed slaves working to improve themselves through education shortly before his premature death. Much of the work is lost due to a producer running off with all the box office tickets and original music.

All of his music is fun to listen to. I particularly enjoy The Great Crush Collision Waltz which is a piano rendition of the publicity stunt where two trains intentionally crashed into each other at high speed. Some say Joplin witnessed it himself.

I'm not here to be racist but how come blak people don't make cool music anymore?

Music like this: youtube.com/watch?v=Gs069dndIYk

this is good music

Giovanni here gets it.

Coontunes are fun and all, but the realest Honorary White Man is right here.

What kind of question is that? Who knows what an alien civilization may or may not value. Fuck you, xenophobe.

Moldova with the philosophy bants.

"Uncle Tom" means any black person who doesn't constantly demonize and blame Whitey for all of their problems.

Not just based music. His mother instilled a Frederick Douglass sort of "education is the key" mentality, and he was one of the serious "get your shit together, guys" activists.

His entire life was about raising his own people up -- he regularly called out fellow blacks who didn't work, were criminals or junkies, etc. One of his main lines of attack was along the lines of "you will never get white respect as long as you keep acting like you do."

His early lessons were with a crazy old German who instilled a love of European music, especially opera. He desperately wanted to write that very high-end classical music and approached it from the point of view of poor black culture. As a result, musical analysis of his songs/tunes/structure are far more legitimate than most other ragtime being written. His music is more pleasing to the ear because he approached it more formally and wanted to create Art, not just sell a piece to a publisher for PurpleDrank money.

He used his fame as a vehicle for giving piano lessons and life lessons to poor blacks, mentored several, and was by ever account a good man, accepted in white circles and black.

t. musician writing a musical based on his life. Pretty fascinating stuff

>how come blak people don't make cool music anymore?

Crack and meth. Also, the 70s ended.

I legit feel sorry for that Debussy nigga. Looks painful. I hope he got treatment in prison.

Good post. I am Can we be friends?

>The figurehead of ragtime piano music.

anybody can shoot smack and sound good banging on an out of tune piano

sorry home base skillet cash gee money grip

rap isn't music

>implying there's no difference between black people and niggers.
Who's the racist here?

Hey mother fucker.


Not fully black. Success due to his White blood.

>But why is music so popular then?

according to military tests music is associated with math

>Guitars were easier to lug

just grab a dx7 dummy

>Any Beethoven or Mozart piece (or any European classical composer for that matter) is 1000x more impressive than some coon on the piano

sort of but not exactly, they're different styles, basically in the modern era nobody beats Art Tatum, Lenny Tristano is a close second.

>The Globalist Technocrats took that away.

now even black guys can't play, because they'd rather dress up like a fool and hold a microphone like a retard

>You still don't know the difference between blacks and niggers.


not in the slightest, rule through lack of protein is a specific problem especially in African societies but all peoples are affected by this truth of human existence

Seems like a pretty cool nigger desu

>Watching documentary about Americas role in ww1
>Gets to the black hellfighters portion
>Sudden jazz
>Main pioneer survives war
>Gets stabbed in the neck by his drummer the day after welcoming parade


Musically, it is rudimentary. Harmonic content is limited to diatonic chords, at a time when Brahms,Schoenberg etc had pushed the boundaries.

Joplin Music is akin to the folk songs written centuries previous.
The fact he has 1, maybe 2 memorable tunes is testament to the overall weakness of his oeuvre

>I'm not here to be racist but how come blak people don't make cool music anymore?

Why make music when you can just rhyme some words together

>I'm not here to be racist but how come blak people don't make cool music anymore?

plot by jews to destroy the black community with crack and rap culture

>Or.. am I just completely full of bullshit?


>Why make music when you can just rhyme some words together

some jew at a record label has a gold record waiting for anyone willing to rap shoot niggers sell crack pimp women etc

I could play ABBCBBA on a recorder in middle school.

I own a guitar, but rarely pick it up, instead favoring my firearms.

10/10 bantz

10/10 cuck

I truly and genuinely dont give a shit about race, racialism, racism, nazism or any of that shit

Thanks for the music btw. American Black people always had pretty good tunes tho, nothing new there.

>Hey racists!
>I found one monkey who isn't a complete nigger
>this one person disproves everything!

Crime stats, nigga.

...says the neet

>In my opinion Scott Joplin is much harder to learn on piano than Beethoven and Mozart.

>retard alert


Nice projection, you literal nigger.

youre a fucking troll

everything Bach wrote was good. prove me wrong


Is it akin to the golden ratio/fibonacci where things are visually pleasing when they appear in a certain way?

Which then begs the question of how different types of music are more appealing to some than others.

ragtime sounds like shit.

black people are like women

Law of averages