Enjoy this GIF of Hillary's Teleprompter turning off after the debate

That's all

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what is this supposed to show

do you not have eyes or what

watch the mouse. watch the glow


That she used her teleprompter less, so it went to sleep sooner.

Trump has one too


That's a light you retard


his podium isn't glowing at any point buddy

Can you literally just please kill yourself

>theres no way hillary could have done so much better than donald
>s-she ch-cheated!

Cred Forums on suicide watch


Post the yt link so we all can see what you claim.
That gif is literally shit.

Wtf i hate trump now

Trump needs to demand a debate where they don't have podiums. They do them all the time. We'll see how well everyone does.

gr8 b8 m8

id like to hear your explanation of this

This is like when Killary "waved at a wall"

So many real things to crush her on but you focus on nutjob conspiracy shit


Nigger are you stupid we all agree that Trump BTFO of her but that doesn't mean we still can't point out obvious shit to find dirt on this dirty bitch, but anyways why not
>0.5 cents have been deposited to your account thank you for supporting Hillary!

She's an evil witch but that's just a light...

Source: I worked at a TV station for 13 years

The moderator asked a total of 23 questions at the debate. 6 were posed to both candidates. 2 were posed to to Hillary Clinton (He mentioned your emails, would you like to respond? is one of those two).

Trump got 15 questions. Numerous attempts to interrupt Trump. Two shamefully incorrect attempts to fact check him live. Questions based on Clinton campaign talking points (Tax returns, but no email server?)

15 vs 2. There's really nothing else necessary to point out how absurd this all was. Lester Holt shouldn't be fired, he should be shot.

15 questions aimed at Trump. Some of them pure Clinton campaign bullshit. She didn't need notes. Lester didn't ask her shit. She got two questions and one of those was to ask her if she wanted to reply to Trump. Not asking her to address something important (emails) that he had himself failed to raise, but to meekly ask her if she'd just like to add anything to that.

You're wasting your fucking time with this Ben Stein looking motherfucker and this teleprompter, notebook conspiracy shit. Use what's on the fucking tape and available in the transcript. Lester Holt ran the debate like a hit on Trump.

Anyone talking about anything other than the 15 vs 2 questions, or preparing the attacks on the next moderator is fucking up and ultimately helping Hillary by distracting us from useful attacks and productive research.

i can't help entertaining myself

Made me hmmm.

Have a bump.

Why didn't trump just bodyslam her there and then? Talk about a missed opportunity


too much touching

Shes been known to use iPads.

Specifically destroying them with hammers cause she'd used them to write terrible emails.

But it couod be an iPad.

This is getting beyond pathetic now.

>First the ear piece
>Then she must have known the answers in advance
>Now this
Cred Forums cracks me the fuck up. Do you fags realize how desperate you sound?

Guys trump used a teleprompter too.. So whats the issue here?

Whoever wins, we lose.

I disagree, whoever wins, we win. Cred Forums has been a complete joy to read since the debate.

>Drumpfkins are this desperate
Man, he must have lost really hard in the debate.

That's the next debate, retard.

All these idiots

>durr the audience will have a major effect
While they broke silence, which they aren't supposed to do, the audience's cheers for BOTH Trump and Hillary were minimal.

>durr there needs to be no podiums
Which there are.

>durr Trump willl devastate Hillary
Held her ground at the VERY least.

Time after time again Cred Forums indicates that 15 year old retards who are tired of getting bullied by niggers at school are searching for some outlet in a world they have brainwashed to think is against them.

you literally get paid to shitpost on Cred Forums, do you know how pathetic that is?



Maybe you're right.

What the fuck are you smoking the state of Cred Forums is a disaster
Copy pasting should be auto ban for a couple of weeks,

he's with ctr don't reply to them

can we get #15v2 trending?

Cred Forums is now a mixture of baiters and trump supporters who are taking the bait all the time.

They are also coming up with these conspiracy theories every day, its madness.


Roger Jr. looks like Billy herrington in this pic.

Most of the baiters are also Trump supporters, you're supposed to be in on the joke familam.

Anybody got a link to the video if her supposed 'parkinsons twitch' where her finger is moving? I thought nothing of it before but thinking now could not in fact have been her manipulating a touch pad to interact with the screen?

Argentina is right on this imho

Still I would love to see the Youtube of this its really interesting because it seems like she looked down a lot and followed a script. She seemed to know exactly what Lester was going to say and nothing surprised her, Lester made it all about Trump, trying to hoist Trump on his own petard, Hiliery was mainly just there to be Lesters hype woman and to throw out little slanders that went with her commercials.

Can you CTR cocksuckers please just give us a break once in awhile btw? We aren't saying Hillary won or lost its just a interesting theory that shows how she needs props to win like the earpiece and the iPad with script.

Its just interesting to investigate this, which is something Cred Forums takes pleasure in so just relax and stop hating for once and take a back seat and enjoy and/or STFU.

clear as day, she cheated, and the media enabled it!

Requesting .webm of the little sneaky gremlin Jewishly scurrying away with her folder.


But I thought ipads were illegal in America?


trump patting her on the back to check for a wire


holy fuck boys. thats obvious even in this gif for ants that there is a teleprompter

God damp you could get lost for days in that as crack.

>cough prevention machine

And what the fuck sort of machine might that be?

holy shit it's so fucking blatantly obvious in the youtube video.
copy and paste this link, it wont jump to time if you click embed

Phrase it this way:

She used a teleprompter, Trump pulled his punches, and SHE STILL LOST

Whore enabler.
Whore enabler

made a video for normies: please like and share to expose hillary. feel free to steal it or re upload on anything anywhere without giving credit


Calm down. It's propably her anti-seizure lamp.

Or glass podiums.

anyone else notice hillary's mild seizure towards the end of the debate?

who cares? normies will never know it since medias are clintons pawns. give up

Conspiracy theory Cred Forums is the most adorable Cred Forums. It's like /x/ but without all the hippie undertones.

I'm guessing that she had some wireless device in her folder that the Jew scurried off with that was giving her points displayed on her podium screen, the podium screen that the emperor wasn't issued.

kys, outlander

seriously, fuck off back to muh_donald or ctr.gov or wherever the fuck you spawned

and look at trump, with his clipboard, trying to play an honest man's game. what a fuckin bitch.

Trump BTFO Hillary in both intances still.

What would be the purpose of that light?


How often did she look downwards during the debate?

I noticed her glancing to the left a TON, but I never thought to take notice of her glancing down so I don't remember shit about that.

She looked down a lot. I noticed because I thought notes on paper were not allowed.

Fuck that is obvious.

So this is what Trump Fags have turned into? I remember when you guys actually sounded liked you weren't grasping at straws and actually had me believing your shit.

If you watch the debate video it is blatantly obvious that it is in fact a teleprompter.


>omg Hillary cheated
Wow, you guys are treating these TV debates as if it were some kind of formal competition with actual rules.
You do realize these are about as legit as WWE fights, right?

we're trying to expose fraud here. go away

> Lester Holt shouldn't be fired, he should be shot.
But user, the reason why he went so soft on Hillary in the first place was to avoid that from happening.

She started answering questions before lester finished speaking CTR.

The more you shill, the more we know this is real.


ye, he was rly grinding on trump

and i thought they were friends?

is use of teleprompter against the rules?

thanks doc

The same people who believed that Hillary was gonna use a hologram, ear piece and is already dead now have to latch onto new conspiracy theories

I'm sure our fact checkers are working tonight

I hope our fact checkers are working hard tonight

Boy I know those fact checkers are working overtime

What a fucking cunt

No we,re going to do you first.

that's probably one of the lights that let them know when it's their time to speak and give them warnings when time is running out (like a traffic light).


Its away of accusing him of lying, without actually having to say what he lied about it and how it was a lie.

You dumb nerds it isn't a teleprompter, thats the "cleaner" guy taking Hillarys notes from the podium

Why not focus on what we know? Its obvious they're trying to slide the actual hard evidence we have. Her campaign needs to respond to what this tube/box was. CTR is running with any disinfo they can to try and prevent people from talking about the box. I agree the light in the podium looks suspect, but we have good evidence of foul play already. A demonstration of the light in the podium would be enough to shut it down, how do you explain all the odd details of the box? (Too big, wires go over her shoulder- even though most modern mic are wireless?)

Good for you little Timmy, you're king of the retards.
Go kill yourself now.

Pretty good evidence of CTR running with the "cleaner guy" narrative to discredit us

go back to /r/eddit. this board is for intelligent Trump supporters, not the retards like you who make us look bad.

Where is Trump's?

>Donald lost the debate so badly that Trumplings are coming with dumb conspiracies to justify his incompetence

Are you concerned?

Eight examples where ‘fact-checking’ became opinion journalism


Lester Holt shows he doesn’t know the meaning of ‘impartial’


Lester Holt Asked Trump 15 Questions, Clinton 2 Questions


In debate, Clinton gets no follow-up questions, Trump gets 6


Everyone knows she got BTFO, Poolani.


If it was the warning light to indicate whose turn it was to speak, as I am speculating it was, then their lights wouldn't be the same color simultaneously. Since he was last to speak his could have already been shut off. Hers was red indicating it wasn't her turn to speak.

Pretty much any explanation is more plausible than that being a teleprompter.



nothing to see here.
sweden's speach to text turned on

Where will the other debates be and what about the moderators?

Thank you. I'm gonna copy and paste this to fuckbook biased groups against Trump

The one in is better formatted, try using that one.

Trump held his ground, that's it. he knows the media is stacked deep against him.
He didnt give hillary the blow she needed
Appearances are everything though. That said this shit took place during football. THe last debate will be the most important.
As it stands right now Cred Forums is absolutely inundated with shills the likes I haven't seen

Yeah..that's a light.

Uh ohhhhhh

It's supposed to poison the well, convince a few idiots to argue with Hillary supporters by saying "she had a teleprompetetetermajig and THE DONALD DID NOT ARRRRGGG" all to further their narrative that only idiots are leading our country into oblivion by supporting this rich idiot.

Because the alt-right is all retarded frog worshipping rednecks. (((their))) strategy is literally this stupid. Why the fuck would you have a teleprompter when you already have all your lines in a folder right in front of you? Even the democrats aren't THAT fond of needless spending.

She only did well (using that term loosely) because the moderator was antagonizing Trump. And it turns out that this actually did not work out well for her because it made everything think she used her corrupt politician powers to rig the debate, which is almost definitely what DID happen.

>be a corrupt bitch
>act completely not like a human
>be surprised that you're not ahead by 50 points


Everyone. Literally every person I've talked to about the debate has laughed and agreed with me that it was completely unfair and biased against Trump. If not because Hilary made it so, then just because Lester Holt is a fucking cuck and a half. Even the Hillary supporters had to agree if not being smug about it. Democrats are running an increasingly negative campaign and it's failing miserably.

Polite sage

>custom made podium
And people thought her special snowflake podium would only have medical equipment integrated.

Rejoice, amigo. Kek approves of both your humor and your veracity.

Her pantsuit contains a web of tubes to disperse her waste so it doesn't have to be concentrated in a single, obvious bag.

The Alt Right has always been a joke. Time to rebrand... AGAIN!

Muslim faggot.

Cred Forums has been in fine form the past 2 days, the levels of delusion you guys have reached