Pepe the dog?

Will the MSM declare this cute dog a hate symbol?

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Pepe the Frog was plenty cute and they made him a symbol of hate.

>left hand on right leg

You had one job

need to meme Link into being a white nationalist symbol.

Gannon represents the Muslims


Just keep memeing things

he goobed up real bad

I am a Holocaust survivor that survived the gas chambers 6 times, the yellow colour is reminiscent of the stars I used to wear. Oh vey it's anuddah shoah!

These memes are getting too hot.

They might take Cred Forums down for good soon.

Do you guys really think anyone outside of ourselves gives a single fuck about what we do here?

just start memeing the star of david. its like the google operation where you replace a certain word with google

definitely going the 'Dede the dog' route... at least is differentiates one from all the single brain cell sharing Cred Forumslution particulates, if nothing else

...though, I would prefer a PUG 'Dede'...

That's a frog baby.

They've literally declared Pepe a symbol of hate because of us.

They do - that's what's tripping me out. WaPo ran an article yesterday about a cartoon frog.

Anything on here could be interpreted as a hate symbol.

Cred Forums could collectively meme Trudeau into a hate symbol.

We've influenced a presidential election.

That's Andy!

I like this dog picture. What shall his name be?
Dende the Doggo?

It's better this way

pepe the dog is the new pepe, spread the word

Every dog can be a hate symbol

One can mream


>tfw frogs are now symbol of hate

I can't wait for liberals and leftist getting triggered when they see a real life frog.

I fixed it.

He Dendu Notin

Poochie the Doggo.

Poochie the Pupper.

Rusty the Retriever.

What's wrong with his paw? It's backwards. He's deformed.

People more creative than me can give him some fine-tuning.

some oc


So someone made a obscure article about something obscure like a green frog

You guys know that pepe is also big on Reddit and many other forums, right?

See how Pepe went from sad (depressed), to classy (self-aware), to smug (self-confident). They started hating him the moment he became self-confident and called him a fascist.
Also see how they never attacked Wojak, who stayed a poor beta.

(((They))) don't want you to be self-confident. They want you to be alpha.

>Pepe Da Nog
>he dindu nuffin

They DON'T want you to be alpha, sorry.

Make Pepe into every race and have a Pepe race war.

that makes it even better

Needs both front paws to be right hands.

Peppa da Pig

yes, more pepes

the evil and hateful elephant

Fuck you my sides.

Falco the Falcon

Now I'm wondering... If us memeing something like Pepe could result in it becoming shunned as a symbol of white supremacy, could we meme LGBT propaganda like Steven Universe as a symbol of pro-pedophilia?

You fucking genius

someore oc

It will only work with things that you care about.
It's this envious behavior when they will destroy anything you create and try rub it in your face.

Do One with All the images from this thread in it

Best just leave it to the Finns.

Pepe the dog is called Pepi, btw.

you should.
nice. ty
yeah baby yeah!

How much longer must us Canadians endure these travesties?!?!?

makes it even funnier

imagine seeing this on the news, with that retarded leg

Who the fuck else is making nazi pepes?

It was only bants lad

*Sees flag*




Please, a version without collar.

Otherwise fuck you.

t. libertarian

Pepe has no collar, original Pepi too.

Fuck off shill.

glass the kikes race war bow wow is literally that hate symbols motto

Roo to the rescue. Fucking alternate dimensions mang

it probably wouldn't be too hard

if all the twitter shills started using that for a week the ADL would probably add that to the list

Here's a sitting version.

Can not say gas because your masters may be offended?


can he raise his pawn at command?

No they will not, it is psy-op against PEPE.

You heretic want to abandon Pepe the frog(sic!) to a dog with collar?

Kek disapproves.

a long life will come to your pupper if you respond to this image 'GOOD BOY PEPI KILL ALL JEWS"

no roads edition

Nature is your god.

This is nigger one.

This was on snapchats CNN "news" thing they have

Speaking of hate symbols why not use Muhammad peace be upon him?

Drawfags start making muhammad memes Because he is the new face of the alt right

i love his facial expression here

its perfectly coupled with the text

this is almost genious, if they attack our meme they attack Islam.

When you see the word appropriation being used non-ironically you just know it's a nigger writing this shit.

>why is everyone looking at me like that

Policing meme images now. When will people stop caring about the ADL?

please make pepe the dog the new pepe. Each time pepe is declared racist you must create a new animal form of pepe until all animals are declared racist.


We need Drawfags or even some photoshop of him killing minorities or wearing a MAGA hat to start this off

>arabs killing goyim while shouting allah ackbar
>lol np religion of peace

>Cred Forums making some dank memes

Just use Muhammad and by the left's logic, he is now racist, the prophet of Islam is in fact a white supremacist

Maga burka

No just drawing muhammad will throw muslims into a bat shot frenzy. Its absolutely haram to them.
So drawing a pepe muhammad while raping a wojack luna dunham

Islam is now the religon of white supremacists

Let's see the left go apeshit as we go Muhammad for trump

Trump is my prophet, peace be upon him

>pepe muhammad

meme it

There are actually some "pictures" of Muhammad available. Someone make him wear a MAGA hat

It will be glorious

Please don't post stygian fully semiautomatic rimfire assault small game murder rifles. I have children that use the computer. thx. ^_^

>not calliing him Rex the keks


In the turban


Let it happen. We need to get the memes going

Dino the dingo


Fuck, I lost it hard at work. Good thing I'm already quitting.