"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can over-trow the gubbmint!"

>"Ah need mah AR-15 so ah can over-trow the gubbmint!"

Do you gun nuts realize how insane you sound? It's time to stop the killings. It's time to implement common sense gun control, like Mexico, Canada, England and Venezuela have done.

Other urls found in this thread:


>1post by this ID

Or just implement some common sense about using guns, period.

You realize that is not America right? That is from a country with strict gun control. AKA Mexico


>Mex Corpse Dump.jpg

Here's the reply you desperately crave

>Mexico, Canada, England and Venezuela

>Like mexico


He knows, read his post again.


>slide thread spammed daily
>BTFO OP's nigger assumptions daily

It's just old at this point.

All the Hajis have is some AK47's & RPG's. They use them to obtain mortars & Artillery rounds to make IED's.

Last time I checked they are holding their own against our conventional forces even with Air support.

Don't think for a minute it would be a quick & easy deal to quell a rebellion here.

It would suck, a lot of people would die, suffering would be massive. Who ever won would have a hollow shell of a country to rule over.

I wish I were wrong.


Mexican is just a euphemism for mestizo, meaning Amerindian mixed with European. The women in OP's pic related are really not that different than any of the injun squaws who roamed the Americas for the last fifteen thousand years. They are savages. Cannibalism and human sacrifice are part of their culture. This is what happens when you have a population with a low average Amerindian IQ. Leftists will blame drugs, poverty, gangs, guns, anything they can think of except for IQ.

Why would you cite Mexico as a successful example of gun control and then show a pic of Cartel power?

Ugh, trolls....

Best form of gun control is this:

"Keep your booger hook off the bang switch until you're ready to fire."

Also, good breath control and accurate groupings by actually knowing what the fuck you're doing.

Mexico is the perfect example of the kind of safety and security you can achieve with gun control.

The stricter the control, the safer the nation, and Mexican gun laws are among the strictest in the world. (ie guns are banned or 'heavily regulated')

Really makes you sage

thats a sad waste of perfectly good pussy right there.

Oh look it's this script again

This is good though look at those girls. They wouldn't of helped anyone and are probably just as likely to shoot someone else as the people who shot them.

Not unusual in a gun-control paradise like Mexico or brazil m8.

What kind of pure evil scum homo would kill such cuties? i mean, some chains or ropes, a basement, and you'll have four sweet ladies to hug and kiss.
Makes me sad.

why did they kill this qt

i wonder in countries that bad if maybe.. they still pimp them out later.

i'm just asking because i'm wondering if there's a market i should know about or maybe some referals.

According to the online reports, the qts had friends who were drug dealers, and friends in the police. One of the druggie goys (remember these goys are hard core killers in Latin america)

One of the druggies saw her phone a text to her policia amigo, and he suspected her of narcing on them to the police, so they shot her and her amigas. Just another day in a gun control paradise.

>Four fatalities.
>Zero coverage on the international news.

Stupid fuck. Those are Mexicunts.

Go shill on 9gag where you belong.

Such a waste, I really want to be a mortician sometimes.

attractive holes are a dime a dozen to the powerful

Someone post the webm of that cartel guy with no face and no hands getting his throat repeatedly slashed.

Getting shot is like a gift from God compared to that brutality.

those are huehuehue-ho's from BRa7:1L

Being shot while you're still in your whore clothes - what a way to go.

If those girls had AR-15's they'd probably be alive.

I can't even bear to look at that kind of stuff. Stacked up corpses is enough to show what kind of safety they have achieved in Mexico, once they banned guns.

This should be enough to convince Americans to give up their guns and join Mexico among civilized nations, who have given up their guns.

wtf is that? cartels killed them?

So was she actually informing on them?

Someone willing to go on a shooting spree can easily acquire guns through illegal means.

You should NEVER trust a government that attempts to disarm the population.

>Mexico, Canada, England and Venezuela

Yeah Mexico and Venezuela have no gun crime at all and are total liberal utopias.

Absolutely nothing stopping the govenrment from applying gun control immediately to itself - using liberal logic that would surely help cut down gun crime.

Completely unknown. I can only re-state what I read in the article which some Mexibros translated.

That is how it was reported-- The narco guys suspected one or more of the senoritas of narcing on them, and killed them.

The truth was probably based on that, with the usual media spin and twisting.

Uh, note that OP posted a picture of exactly what happens when you implement "common sense" gun law.

I just want my country to join the civilized world and ban guns. We could be this safe too, if we just make the right decision--- GUN CONTROL@@

Fine pair of legs and a fine ass on all four of them. RIP.


Bullshit. You can literally go outside and ask a cholo for a cheap .25 or 9mm.
If you want something heavy you need to ask narcos.

Sick fuck. Once the breath of life is gone it's a husk with piss and shit all over it.

Missing the point there, wall builder

Yeah that's fine, but then you become a criminal yourself, in the eyes of the law, no different from a narco, and you might end up in jail for many years, or killed by the police.

You end up with a society like mmmmm pic related?? You know more about Mexico than me, you tell me???

pic related

Amazing...they torture and murder but what...leave the clothes on for modesty's sake?

Come and take it.

I love that it's all women.

Probably some "Womyn stronk, we deserve more money too! Like all the drug dealing men!"

If I wasn't already in my work clothes I'd beat off to this.

You can have my guns when you take them from my cold dead hand.

I come back after a week and the literal first thread I see I remember another exactly like it from when I left. Never change, guys

Um, I guess it depends on which "mass murder and mass corpse dump in public" you are talking about.

BTW-- You know gun-grabbers want us to turn in our guns too like Mexico did, and literally be this safe.

>cold dead stumps

And that is EXACTLY the problem with outlawing guns. Criminals don't care about laws, so they really don't mind owning an illegal gun if it means they outclass almost everyone elses weaponry by a few factors.

Also, are the girls in OP's pic whores? Is that why they were killed? They're all pretty attractive looking, and fully dressed, clothes not roughed up or torn at all.

>it's this thread again

Fuck, sage

It's time for America to join the civilized nations of the world, and ban guns!

Press F to pay your respects to all those who were b8'd in this fine thread.


>all these newfag niggers replying to obvious bait
You better fucking type SAGE in the options field before you post faggots. You're the reason we can't have nice things.

>It's time to stop the killings
>like Mexico

I just want my country to be safe Polanon, like the Liberals tell me. (We need to ban guns, like Mexico did, for our safety)

Is it time to play football?

looks like the handiwork of a good goy taking out the trash

s a g e

This is how you clean out the commi scum at universities. Get to work goys.

kikeball season started yet?

If you live in a pro-gun state, you can take on this position, but it's pretty damn cynical.

Especially when white numbers are going down, in an influx of shitskins, we need to keep as many whites alive and reproducing as possible. We can redpill their children if need be, later.

Do unarmed, liberal manlets realize they cannot win? We have the guns.

As long as 'Murrika is armed, there will never be a mainland invasion. There will be a gun behind every blade of grass, a guerrilla war the likes of which the world has never seen. The Congo and Vietnam are as playthings before our bloodthirstiness. A glorious death awaits us amongst the corpses of our enemies!

Why do they kill the waifus


Would happily fuck their dead bodies.

Fuck off to a cuck county if you don't like it, OP.

Actually its 12 posts by OP now, you are fucking retarded

A lethal lesson from a lethal weapon

would suck on their cold clammy toes desu

Leftist gun control brown people paradise Mexico...

How new are you? Of course they recognized that was bait, it's called ironic shitposting. God, these newfag t_d Drumpftards are really the worst. Get the fuck off of my Cred Forums you idiot.

So sad.

>sensible gun control
Sure working out with those literal cartel armies taking and holding cities and destroying the autodefensas that form to kick them out.

No more boom boom for this mama san.

Way to prove his point dumb ass. Whats the point of banning guns if it doesn't stop the violence or the criminals? All it does is make it so that the law abiding citizens can't defend themselves. It worked in Europe because they were demographically homogeneous. Now they have no guns and Sweden gets to enjoy weekly grenade attacks. Here is why you are wrong.

>hur I'm pretending to be retarded on the internet

>England gun control
>common sense
You just went full retard.