Moments your powerlevel showed

>be me
>german boi
>lying in bed with gf after sex
>scrolling through my Phone
>see news article about a refugee that was shot by police because he tried stabbing another refugee that allegedly raped his 8 year old daughter
>massive laughing fit
>gf sees what i am laughing about
>is super pissed

Why i am so much of an autist Cred Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

/toy/ will suit you better.

"Hey, dad, I want to talk to you about something..."

>Oh yeah, what's that?

"The Jews"

>*glares at me like I'm literally Hitler*

Why would you laugh about your gf being raped?

What? Are you mentally retarded?

>>see news article about a refugee that was shot by police because he tried stabbing another refugee that allegedly raped his 8 year old daughter
>>massive laughing fit
Wait, is this an abnormal reaction? Here this is what you would see from almost any kind of person, only ones who would be upset are the hardcore leftists

Trash is just sorting itself.
Why would she be sad ?

>get new housemate and go out for drinks
>desperately try to avoid talking about politics
>she keeps talking about trump
>look her in the eyes and tell her I would never vote Clinton
>she asks me if I respet women
>tell her it's a weird question and I'm not a feminist
>she drops the issue
>later on tells me that she thinks we'll get along

Calm down woman usually don't break up because of shit like that. Only the SJW types do. And then you are better of anyway.

>telling dude i hate radical leftists
>he says he is a radical leftist
>ignores me instantly
>some dude says to me i made a blunder

what the fuck is wrong with these people

Wear the red hat
they're 2 bucks on ebay, chinese knockoff

I thought about buying a MAGA hat but I don't want it to be chinese

>Drinking with gf's leftie friends
>one is an actual Antifa who firebombs the 'nazi' parties offices etc
>When politics come up I act like the moderate center-right to balance the always-leftism a bit
>Never really go too far just put on some facts that make people say "yeah thats also true"
>Antifa friend takes me outside for a smoke, I'm drunk, she's sober
>Knows I'm drunk and will answer without inhibitions
>Asks me who I'd vote for
>Tell her I'll vote for the party she likes to target with paint and firebombs, as they're the only party that will ever bring attention to the very real problems of immigration and that if the other parties don't like it maybe they should give it some attention too instead of just calling everything racist because it will only push moderate people to the far-right
>She doesn't really speak to me anymore but has no argument so let's it go
>Next morning I tell her it was pretty cowardly to pry in a drunken man's views

Ehrlich gesagt hast du alles richtig gemacht. Die Linken verlieren zunehmend ihren Rückhalt in der einfachen Bevölkerung. Arbeiter und Arme, der Mittelstand, diese Leute verlieren sie an die AfD. Und das liegt auch an genau diesem moralischen Überheblichkeitskomplex der Linken.

Je mehr sie uns schneiden und sich von der echten Welt abkoppeln, desto besser.

>YOU made a blunder for openly daring to tell someone that extremists are not good
Yeah, you'd better feel real bad for hurting a feelsie of a radical terrorist..
The fucking delusion is real. Everything slightly further right wing than center is 'literally Hitler' even if you mean economic right wing, while even the radical far-left terrorists are just peacefu protestors who deserve freedom of speech.

Cred Forums is an English speaking board

Is she going to firebomb your house now?

No she's actually a decent person and I've never seen her angry. We've had several debates and through all the lefty propaganda I noticed she did have an ability to reason and admit faults. I think she's genuinely gotten in with the wrong people.

Cred Forums is an international board ya twat

Never Change

>Muh womyn feel
>imagine if i would be raped

Ah no she won't break up with me but she is now pissed to have a racist bf.

I know that problem. I am actually pretty libertarian myself but towards the ayyrabs and Muslims this isn't working. You have to show them who is boss.

International? Yes.

But English speaking


I found out that you really have to push for the diverging narratives in leftist thought. Mainly the feminism angle versus the Islamophobia angle.

They really have no answer to the survey data that show how homophobic, antisemitic, and chauvinistic Muslims are.

Good to see that there are still based waffles.

Halt die Schnüss!

I actually know a lot of people like this. They just buy into the >Muh leftism is the good side of History meme.

Then they don't really question that because they have the wrong friends and instead do a lot of mental gymnastics.

>>be me
>>german boi
>>lying in bed with immigrant bf after sex


>decent person
>a literal terrorist
Choose one.

>advocating buying a fake


Nothing interesting on /r9k/? So you come here to be salty about people having gfs?


Stop projecting.

This time

>Whatcha eating, user?
>steak, brown rice and asparagus
>lol, that's pretty white
>So? White people invented everything of any worth throughout all of history
>turn around and finish lunch at my desk

There's no reason to cry to people who speak in another language. It's not a big deal.

Indeed, at the end of the day, if you're well-prepared or well-read up there's so many facts they simply can't deny or refute. So their only defence often really is just becoming angry and accusing you of racism so de conversation ends 'on their terms'.
That means that with people who are actually somewhat decent and not aggressive, they ultimately allow themselves to hear what you have to say and eventually they can't help but accept it as long as it's nuanced and not covered in typical far-right buzzwords.

The first time we actually 'clashes' was during newyears.
This is how it went (btw I didn't mention refugees at first)
>reports come out
>her: oh noes poor womyn
>me: seems like a lot of people are saying Muslims
>her: lies, can't be true it's just typical nazis who say that lol
>news: confirmed mostly or all Muslims
>her: probably exaggerated, most were probably white
>news: virtually all were Muslims and most refugees
>her: well there were definitely some white people among them

It is always amazing to see them cling on while backtracking, but Cologne was an eye opener for her too, at least a bit.

I know, and I tell her it's retarded because those offices are payed by taxes, so ultimately she's just wasting innocent people's money and the parties don't really care.

>Aspargus white
>Rice white

Left was never for anyone not rich and they were always pretty open about it.
Its just that retards keep voting them anyways.

SPD, Grün and LINKE are actually growing. The ones that have decreased are CDU/CSU and FDP.
The funnily even with the "rise" of the AfD its the left Spectrum that benefits the most from the current state because now its possibly to force left into every government and in extreme cases even form pure left governments.

>retarded because those offices are payed by taxes
Kek, a friend of mine was happy about the burning police cars in Frankfurt one year ago. Then I told her this argument and she was quiet.

That's not true. The three left parties are at 40% for more than a year now.

Das stimmt nicht. Sie hat vor allem von den Nichtwählern profitiert. Aber immer auch Stimmen von allen anderen Parteien erhalten. Linke und CDU waren besonders betroffen, Grüne kaum.

Das Linke Lager ist (zum Teil deutlich) geschrumpft was die Gesamtzahl der Sitze angeht



>Cologne was a huge dealbreaker

True. They often tend to just ignore the topic in germany though. If you bring it up its they quickly try to change the topic.

I literally had people Call me a nazi at uni because i said that all the refugees are tearing apart society and that they are endangering our freedom.

Breed her.

A lot.

Say laughter is how you cope with tragedy

If she doesn't get onboard with your beliefs then fuck her. She ain't for you nigga

Haha fucking retards. I just don't get the targeting of police or police vehicles, outside of perhaps riots. It just reeks of this childish rebel/guerilla fantasy to me.

Those topics are gladly forgotten here, too though. They'll know what Antifa faggot died in a riot in 2002 while throwing rocks at police but they seem to be conveniently void of memories on the last 3 major terrorist attacks in the last six months etc.

That's it really? I called a classmate a nigger in the 3rd grade for calling me a honkey. Have literally called niggers niggers to every gf ever. That's just the tip of the iceberg. I told the guy cleaning my carpet the other day that was bitching about his Brazilian wife not assimilating and not working he should have had kids with a white woman instead.

You have to factor in that AfD wont be allowed into government so the old parties have only ~80% to work with so when the center decreases the most the left will benefit even with a decrease of net votes as their relative influence increases.
In short center will need even more help from the left which turns even more leftists from opposition to government.

cringe threads belong on Cred Forums fuccboi

Oh yeah. I also really like the tolerance meme.

>You just need to have more tolerance towards their culture user.
>I have showing women who is boss is not generally a bad concept.
>You are an asshole user.
>No for real now why don't you show respect towards the AfD

Actually pretty good.

I dunno man. Apparently we whites like asparagus like niggers like chicken.

>Not having a white blond right-wing GF

It's like you want to be cucked

>favorite spiced chicken of nignogs
>Made by a white man
>white ppl don't use spices lol
Fucking retarded logic

I didn't understand a word of that greentext bro

>White people
No such thing. Fucking racist. Respect our heritage.

>Invented everything worthy of note
True. The Germans and Britbongs invented pretty much everything. Samurai swords aren't all that worthy of note. Other races BTFO.

In4 Frauke.

>be economics student
>have mother worried about the stability of the Euro
>asks me about monetary system
>Say that fiat money is essentially Jewish lies
>Literally use these words
>Deliver a half hour lecture on the superiority of the gold standard, because the Jews can't manipulate it and control it
>End with "And that's why we need to hang the Jews on the lampposts, every last one of them"
>Grandpa that's only ever happy when he talks about the Nazi times quietly nods along in the corner throughout the whole thing
>Mother is silent
She never mentioned the monetary system again. She's started noticing (((coincidences))) though.

>Asparagus not white

All species of asparagus are from the Old World, cultivated as far back as Rome, Greece and Egypt.
It's also a favourite of central Europe cuisine.

If you think of blond beer as white, you'd best start thinking of asparagus as white.

Retard. They won't go in government but still in parliament. And the lefts still have 40 %, not more.

>They want you to tolerate ayyrab """"culture""""
>They won't show tolerance towards anything right wing in the western culture

>Moments your powerlevel showed
ITT: autism the thread
"powerlevel" threads are equal to "alpha" threads on Cred Forums
fuck off

Deus Vult

Okay, schau dir mal da Frankreich an. Da regieren derzeit die Sozialisten und die Franzosen haben vielleicht ein paar zehntausend Flüchtlinge (wenn überhaupt) reingelassen.

Es mag zumindest - auch wenn ich selbst das nicht glaube, sondern Grün-Schwarz für wahrscheinlicher halte - möglich sein das wir es dann mit einer Rot-Rot-Grünen Regierung zu tun bekommen. Aber wie du in Frankreich sehen kannst bewirkt eine aktive, effektive Opposition manchmal Wunder. Sie kann die Regierung gehörig unter Druck setzen. Oder anders gesagt, obwohl die CDU bei uns regiert haben wir erlebt:

1. Die Aussetzung der Wehrpflicht
2. Die Energiewende
3. Die Katastrophale Merke'sche Flüchtlingspolitik

Letztendlich wird die AfD so oder die Politik mitbestimmen, Akzente setzen und vor allem wachsen, solange die Etablierten nur weitermachen wie bisher.

Die Deutsche Bank Rettungshilfen werden sicherlich nur das nächste in einer nicht enden wollenden Kette von Ereignissen sein, die eine alternative geradezu herausfordern. Zum Isländischen Modell hatte die Regierung schon weder in der Finanz-, noch in der Eurokrise den Mut. Bedenke Ackermann feierte seinen 60. Geburtstag im Kanzleramt.
Gerade die Eurokrise ist ebenfalls unbewältigt.

Auch Identitätsfragen lassen sich immer schlechter und nur noch mit mehr und Propaganda überdecken. Das einzige was die AfD mit ihrem gegewärtigen Momentum stoppen könnte, ist ein radikales Umschwenken der Etablierten. Und das wird ganz sicher nicht passieren.

Lass dich bloß nicht von "Wahltaktischen" Überlegungen einlullen. Wähle was du für richtig hälst.

Didnt you hear Hans? Muslims are the new feminists xD

>Why i am so much of an autist Cred Forums

Because you're German.

>AfD 2017

Ich bin drin

I'm over 30.

So I'm the racist uncle. Feels good.

Hang out with your racist uncle for maximum comfy.

Alles richtig, bedenke aber, dass die Franzosen die ganzen Neger aus Algerien, Marokko sowie allen anderen ehemaligen Kolonien im Land haben. Insgesamt ist der Ausländeranteil wesentlich höher als in Deutschland, und deswegen ist auch der FN starker.

Hahaha amazing

Aspargus came out of Egypt which is debatable on it's whiteness, but after Rome fell it was almost exclusively maintained in the Levant. Since it came into Europe through Spain and Greece, one might assume it came by trading with non-whites on the med.

Pretty much.
I tell em time and time again, "The reason I don't tolerate Islam is because I am a liberal which means protecting the weak, lgbt, women etc and Islam goes against all of that"
Really the only people against that are dense idiots with no experience with Islam who genuinely think it's a religion of piece, or people who are just so much against the West and Western culture they're willing to give up anything to facilitate a horde of barbarians for the purpose of destroying White culture.

Can't even get a fat leftist nigger gf. A cute blonde right-wing one is only a fantasy for so many.

>AfD won't be allowed into govt.
Shill detected.

Why do they keep winning user?



Seems so, Good that I already have one.

You're grand father is going to die now that he knows the family torch has been passed on.

A few times. I never really hide it I just match it level per level when someone asks, that way it's a steady pace of blunt hits to the other person.
>hang out with American friend whos black
>goes on about white people to an understandable degree
>asks what I think of slavery
>say I'm glad it happened.
>asks me why
>say It's cause we would never be hanging out if it didnt happen.
He's a chill guy.

19 year old french girl I was banging at the time.
>goes on about the refugees
>how there is unwarranted racism and they are just people.
>says a few phrases Cred Forums keeps prattling on about in threads that gets 100s of posts
>get visibly annoyed but strum her hand with mine
>asks me what I think
>just ask her how much she actually knows about muslim culture and the history of the middle east.
>list off the French terror attacks then work backwards from there in brief strokes
>she gets bored

Oh and this one.
>be drinking with german friend of mine
>eventually we talk about the war
>silence him by sayings "he shouldn't be making jokes cause my grandfather died in one of those camps"
>tell him "It's his own fault really, he fell off the guard tower"

All germans are either secretive or self hating nazi's

More Frauke.

Finding a white german gf is no problem. Finding a right wing one is, leftism is the Norm for girls here.

Ah shit sorry i forgot.

If i bring that argument the answer is always: You aren't liberal, because you hate other cultures/violett their religious freedom. If i point out that in order to protect liberalism you have to weed out extremism the conversation quickly degenerates into leftist shouting about white people beeing much worse.

>SPD, Grün and LINKE are actually growing.

no they are losing just look at the latest elections in the federal states.

>The funnily even with the "rise" of the AfD its the left Spectrum that benefits the most from the current state because now its possibly to force left into every government and in extreme cases even form pure left governments.

and those "pure left" governments will dismantel themselves with even more stupid decisions paving the way for AfD.

check and mate cuckling

>Be with some normie friends
>Talk about religion
>"Christianity and Greco-Roman tradition is what made Europe the greatest civilization to ever exist"
>"Well user other societies also did their stuff, look at the Chinese; and Christianity does not allow you to fuck who ever you want"
>"Because roads and bridges were build just by fucking"
>[Introduce Unwin's model of sexual liberation and social collapse]
>[Introduce mouse utopia experiment(the reddest of the redpills) and compare the results to the current European demographics]
Melted their neurons right there

good read, ösifriend

>Finding a right wing one is, leftism is the Norm for girls here.

Exactly. My first GF was like "Ouh, I dont have a problem with those ppl" and I turned her into "Fuck this, we need to throw them out of our country, they rape our women and children!"



→ #
→ #
→ #
→ #

i loled

>at first i was like...
>but then...

oh the joys of the magic red pill...priceless

Good lord who is this

>one might assume it came by trading with non-whites on the med.

While I don't disagree with the facts of asparagus cultivation, that line of thinking would remove some other "white" foods, such as apples. There comes a point where you're allowed to think of these things as yours.

Someone put the JUST hair on her please

>>Tell her I'll vote for the party she likes to target with paint and firebombs, as they're the only party that will ever bring attention to the very real problems of immigration and that if the other parties don't like it maybe they should give it some attention too instead of just calling everything racist because it will only push moderate people to the far-right
Vlaams belang
also kek

>who is this
Frauke Petry, burger

>All germans are either secretive or self hating nazi's
i can confirm this when i was on vacation in sunny beach i met some who were drunk as shit and talked about nazi stuff with me i had a great time one guy even took out his dick and put his balls on a egg carton while eating pizza in the middle of the street i laughed like a mad man.

>be me
>german boi
>lying in bed with gf after sex while Jamal is in the shower
>scrolling through my Phone
>see news article about a refugee that was shot by police because he tried stabbing another refugee that allegedly raped his 8 year old daughter
>massive laughing fit
>gf sees what i am laughing about
>is super pissed


>imagine a threesome with both

I slowly managed to redpill parts of my family:
>started using the words Negro,Musel etc. around them
>started talking about the danger ayyrab refugees Pose
>uncle starts using my vocabular
>Mom gets hit on by a pack of feral negroes while waiting to pick me up at the train Station
>Mum: I always thought you were joking but you actually have a point.
>Everything went better than expected.

>News comes on about trump building wall
>Me, Thank fuck he's trying to save what they have left unlike europe.
>Nods and agreement all around about fucking refugees should fix their own country, mini rant by my nan about those terrorists that wear 'those head things'

Such is life in Australia when everyone's against immigration. Feelsgood.


>say I'm glad it happened.
>asks me why
>say It's cause we would never be hanging out if it didnt happen.
When racism turns in to bromance

>she gets bored
They often do that. Pretend they're passionate at it but it's often just to virtue signal, and when it get's to a deeper level it's outlived the purpose of bringing attention to how 'good' they are and it becomes boring.

Jup, they resort to accuse you of being far-right eagerly. But in the end they either run off angry pretending they 'won' or they accept that Islam and liberalism doesn't go hand in hand.

Told the mouse experiment to some people too, generally they agree that it's a bit too earily similar to Western life atm

Sure, but for me it's more just an origin thing and not anything of any social importance like American niggers think it is. I don't really care about it in that way. Dishes can be cultural/racial but fucking vegetables, semantics really.

True though, more votes for VB and you can already see that de sosse are admitting they didn't 'always do everything right' because they're afraid of votes shifting out of their favor.

>pretending to be passionate

I hate this so much. The accuse you of beeing nazi and when you actually respond with political facts they just want to talk about some other Mainstream shit.

That's the future Chancellor of Germany. Kek wills it.

>Why i am so much of an autist Cred Forums
Because you're a German.

>Why i am so much of an autist Cred Forums

You just need some Bird Of Happiness in your life.
Or pet dog that shares your autism.

Why the fuck to leftists try to suppress humor and joy ?

You can't change the fact that something is funny. You are just attempting to replace humor with feigned indignation and anger it makes you a faggot and a bitch and it makes people want to kill you

>admitting they didn't 'always do everything right'

Also wanting voting rights for 16 year olds.

If there's any sign of them getting their ass beat.

>>lying in bed with gf after sex
Normalschwuchteln raus.

Germany has changed a lot, greatest ally...

>get my school's confession page closed because I kept going on about the superiority of western culture, failures of socialism, and importance of the bill of rights and lefties got pissed because they could never disprove anything I said
Going to try to restore it, I was redpilling a fair number of people.

Ist that Heidi Klum?

Just look what race mixing does with the genes. Her kids are the best examples for comparison

>Right, ugly nigger girl from seal
>Left, pure white beautiful girl from the first guy

So a few weeks ago I had a huge family dinner with relatives and their partners/ kids coming from everywhere to celebrate with us. We were around 90 people and some of them started talking about the refugee crisis and the need to help them. Some even went as far as saying Germans are Nazis for hating refugees solely because they are Muslim. Then a Muslim apologist debate came up with everyone participating and saying not all Muslims are terrorists and that white people are worse than Muslims when I couldn't take it anymore.
I dropped so many truth bombs about Islam, about the role of women in Islam, the rapes, the terrorists, that Muhammad was a pedophile rapist warmonger and that every Muslim strives to be like him, I talked about Wahhabism about child marriage and couldn't stop for like 5 minutes. I saw my mom crying and my dad getting angry because my grandpa left the party.
My aunt finally got me into another room, screamed at me 10 minutes straight and asked me why I decided to ruin Ramadan for everyone.

You better be Spanish...

>wake up
>remember that you groped girls and ranted about the holocaust not happening

Every time.


>why I decided to ruin Ramadan for everyone.

Kek, got me m8


>Heidi Kohlenbrenner




>Grandpa that's only ever happy when he talks about the Nazi times quietly nods along in the corner
I laughed out loud. 10/10.


>asked me why I decided to ruin Ramadan for everyone.
top kek, achmed

hahah my sides

>wake up
>drink another beer
>reminisce about all the times you made libcucks cry during your drunken rants
>chuckle as you remember their reaction to the word "rapefugees"
>liberals will never know this feel

Mein Google.

jesus christ, i feel bad for the black girl. i dont know what she will go through growing up with a sister like that.


>>Grandpa that's only ever happy when he talks about the Nazi times quietly nods along in the corner throughout the whole thing

witnessed, and saved

>at work
>my department usually sits near human resources department
>on of hr women is an idiot 24 yr old feminist
>she's laughing at trump supporter who got hat taken away and punched leaving a rally
>"tough luck, maybe he wouldn't have been attacked if he wasn't dressed like that"
>look of horror in her eyes when she understood what i was saying
>a few people at the table chuckle, she excuses herself

I dine on degenerate, idiot liberal tears often.

I watched a documentary about comedy and one of the old comedians even touched on this subject even though it wasn't really anything to do with politics

>"When I started, back in the '70s, we used to do the social clubs, you know the working men's clubs and tour those"
>"They were all in poor areas, the same kind of place I was from and because of that we had a connection"
>"Everyone was fair game and no one was off limits, we took the piss out of being poor, we took the piss out of the rich, we took the piss out of people in the audience, it didn't matter if they were black, white, yellow or whatever. If you were there you had to be prepared to laugh at yourself and they did"
>"Then when they seen how much money could be made, in the early '90s, from it they started forcing out the older comedians like me and started saying "you can't do those jokes, they offend people" and when I asked why no one ever complained they I never got a straight answer"
>"So people like me were replaced with these public school educated comedians and the social clubs were replaced with town halls. They still took the piss out of the audience, except it was only white people they took the piss out of and the poor"
>"And that's what they don't get now, they aren't laughing along with the audience they way I was, they're sneering at them and mocking them. They won't take the piss out of the rich like themselves because they all have thin skin and can't take it"
>"What it is that gets me is that they tell me "we needed equality and to end racism" and let me tell you, back when it was "racism" everybody was equal, everyone was just as likely to be a target. The only people who noticed skin colour were the anti-racists so what does that tell you?"
>"If you don't laugh you cry and since they stopped booking comedians from my era, the poorer places, the places we went to no longer have anything to laugh about"

I had never heard of him until I seen his interview and he was right.

the mouse utopia is pretty horrifying, I dont see how leftist cunts can complain about overpopulation and environment issues whilst at the same time saying how countries need refugees because our population is ageing

>stealing that user's hanukkah greentext
shameful tbf


Yeah, but you're all savages.

That being said, I lold at that article too. :^)


>gf probably supports rapefugees flooding the country

You better drop that Schlampe, user.

>act like a total faggot in front of others, get embarrassed by normal human beings
>m-muh powerlavelas showing
and i thought Cred Forums was autistic

Give us the full story, faggot.
Come on.




Don't worry, she probably already blames white people for everything.


Show her that with open borders show. Works super good on women.

Also femme youtubers like crusadergirl evalion etc

In which case she wouldn't be wrong. Heidi Klum is a white bitch after all. At least before she transitioned to a coalburner.

i know what you mean.
having sex with SJWs is just too fkn funny.

Re-arrange the original letters and you get
"America be thrift".
Should be on top of every Goldman Sachs.

she already planned to poison you, kamerade.

>asks what I think of slavery
>say I'm glad it happened.
>asks me why
>say It's cause we would never be hanging out if it didnt happen.


Gott mit uns

>we cant have trump he'll drag us into a useless war with them.

>Oh well...better to kill muslims than releasing paedophiles from prison like Hillary did.


Erzähl die ganze Geschichte, Franz.

>be at birthday party of my friend
>sudenly say that holocaust didnt happen
>explain my reasoning, not yelling or sperging
>its still sperging when you are denying holocaust apparently
>morning regret and cringe

Höchstes Käck!

What is it about this Rechtspopulist that makes her so strangely attractive?

Is that even legal there?

hes mad cuz his daddy fought on the wrong side of history

>be me
>out to dinner/drinks with tradionalist Catholic friend and his fiance
>they are right wing but in the American libertarian sense, not fascist yet
>after a few drinks decide to red pill
>talk about how great Hitler is, compare him to Trump as a positive thing
>"but user, what Hitler said about the Jews wasn't true. What Trump says about the illegals is true, thats the big difference"
>explain how the communist Jews took over Munich for 2 weeks in 1919
>make it seem like the Nazi fears of international Jewry were not fringe ideas, that they were based in fact
>guy friend is buying it, fiance is not
>hit my climax
>explain that there is a cabal of "international cosmopolitan elites" that control world capitalism and they care nothing for men of "blood and soil"
>idk user, sounds like if you replaced what you said with the Jews you'd have Nazism

They don't talk to me as much anymore.

gah. You should have befriended her, found out what her next target was, and tipped off the police. Or find out if she has any incendiary material, and tip off the police that she's planning a terror attack.

Are you from Surrey?

its not


>In uni
>Whole class + professor are having a circlejerk about taking away guns
>Raise my hand
>Ask what part about "shall not be infringed" do they not understand
>A black guy accuses me of being a future school shooter
>Get sent to student services for counseling

why is your country such shithole

Well it is only for militias.

nice cancer thread, fag

Eternal Anglo and Eternal Jew share control of it
Puritan descendent Anglos hold disproptionate power from the time of colonies to now
Civil war was fought for them to keep that power
Jews came in later and out jewed Anglos

I dunno man. How hard is it to get into your country? I need to be somewhere without an entire brainwashed generation.

Pic related. Euros and liberals who can't speak English wouldn't understand :^)

well not my country then. i would recomment hungary or poland. our country is turning into liberal shithole and is full of degenerate hedonist with opinions like "her body her choice" etc. every women here literaly fucked 30 niggers and men are cucks who doesnt mind that. also shit ton of abortions, divorce rates etc. shithole country desu,


Did you argue with them at least?

I want freedom, too

Be careful having that picture on your computer, you might get arrested.

That's the age of FB desu. Politics has never been so popular among teens and young adults as now, it's just a way to show you're 'cool'. Most of those type of people I know don't actually care or know about politics, aside from the HufPo articles their friends share on FB.

It is! And it's disgusting, they know their voter base is comprised of easily impressionable teens with no clue and immigrants, the latter who are part of the youngest population group. It's like they want to exploit those brown votes as soon as possible before Europe turns right wing.

I'm ok with her, not friends but we get along. But she knows me and is clearly keeping the juicy details out of my reach kek.
I know some of her friends are literally just 35yo junkies that never got out of it and resort to hanging with young teens who look up to any 'cool guy' with beer and 'knowledge' and others are wannabe punk posers who think rebelling means choosing for big governement bc they're 'for the people' while 'the people' are also who they demonize for being uneducated right wingers. It's crazy.
I don't want to fuck her over, but I have looked into online groups and seeing if I could infiltrate to some extent.

It's Rubio

Arrested by whom?

Vote Hans.

Just vote.

by merkel diversity tactical units, they will take your gf and let her be enriched by black dicks infront of you

You should be scolding/mocking your girlfriend for having retarded beliefs.

That incident was hilarious indeed.

Police man is charged of murder btw

>Police man is charged of murder btw


Good thing there isn't such a task force. Also Merkel is too busy getting that superglue off her fingers...


Deutschlerner hier, was ist „Schnüss“?

Liberal girls are easy to get.
After I fucked them I go mostly full hitler mode and many of them will just agree with you if you fucked them hard enough. And cunts who go full triggered can fuck away because what will they do? They're got fucked anyway.

I think he means her.

So glared at you in awe?

He's Malaysian. Doesn't have enough evolve points for this discussion.

t. Tonald Crumb

the cuter form of "Schnauze" (engl. snout)

>inb4 "Halt deine Schnüss" (shut the fuck up)

>pic related

Warum lernt einer wie du deutsch?

I hate that everytime I go to KFC the only four niggers in my town are in there. They're appropriating muh culture.

this is a beautiful story, I love your grandfather

Why do Americans do that thing where after they've finished a statement, there is this cringe worthy pause, then they say 'a lot'?

What's up with that anyway, Woes? Why are you so active? You barely have "enrichement" in Scottland, do you?

Too many words at once they need a break for breathing

Deeper down she's ecstatic that she has a racist bf. It will come out in the sex.

neck yourself

(((ZDF))) said so 5 minutes ago

Police and jewish lawyers are investigating this shit right now

Why are you at KFC if you can have double fried cheeseburgers and shit?

Do people still use samurai swords for anything other than decoration?

And some people say Germans don't have a sense of humour

just check how our countrymen sperging out about poland banning abortions kek. this country is atheistic shithole.

He's on point though.

But them a Stalin biography for Christmas or whatever the hell it is they celebrate

Nah not really enriched just hate that I can't enjoy my Scottish invented fried chicken without seeing a couple of niggers.

You can't buy genuine merchandise from the Trump site if you're non-US citizen. It violates campaign financing laws.


Hey, at least it's the fitting dish when you play Battlefield 1 together.

go get 'em

>muh christian values
>le every life is sacred
yeah, that's why all Poles come to have abortions here
because the life is so sacred for them right, you sperg?

he's generalising an entire country based on some leftist bimbos from FFUK, that's what he's doing
I admit that the amount of divorce rates here sucks, but then again, I don't see why should I care

No thanks. Not going near that dumpster fire of a (((game)))

>>Grandpa that's only ever happy when he talks about the Nazi times quietly nods along in the corner throughout the whole thing

That makes me wonder, what do old Germans say about WWII and Nazism?
Do they talk about it at all?

Kek... there's something Korean about them personality-wise

top kek

>be pretty normal neither left nor right
>browse Cred Forums to compare news and ofc for shits and giggles
>decide to show Cred Forums to gf
>proceed to humorthread Cred Forums edition
>we both burst out laughing at every meme
>afterwards best sex ever

well that escalated quickly

>he's generalising an entire country based on some leftist bimbos from FFUK, that's what he's doing
>I admit that the amount of divorce rates here sucks, but then again, I don't see why should I care

fair enough

Most older folks I know say under hitler was everything better and we need a new hitler.
In my rural at least.


you should care because degenerate behaviour leads to apathy which leads to not caring about your country and your countrymen. just look at our politics, literaly 70%+ in pols have leftists. ANO is full of antiracists which are actualy making antiracist and SJW laws. and yea christians values are better for masses then no values since average persons needs something above him to lead him.
>I admit that the amount of divorce rates here sucks, but then again, I don't see why should I care

because it leads to less new marriages which leads to less birthrates. when people have no children they stop carring about future of their country and they try to buy tickets to heaven by helping those poor niggers.

stolen/10 but in a very creative way. have a (you)

I'm guessing they're talking pre-1942

>girl i know is really into conspiracy theories
>starts talking about israel and how wall street financed hitler on kikebook
>redpill her on the third reich's banking system and how (((They))) stopped financing hitler when they found out what he was doing with the germanys central bank
>my comment got 7 likes including grill and a hippie called me "woke as fuck"

>started using the words Negro,Musel etc. around them

I've been doing that as well for the past 2 years. At first they were all shocked but nowadays they don't even care or secretly agree.
The only person who still bitches from time to time is my sister when I use the word "negro". She tries to shame me but it never works. I usually answer with something like "Oh so brave of you to defend all the drug dealers loitering around your neighbourhood who turned your part of the city into the biggest drug market in all of Germany, these people surely need your support". These people shut up real quick when everybody else starts laughing at them.

I also answer the question "are you a racist" with a simple "yes". I usually follow it with explaining to them that there are significant differences between races (or ethnicities) if we are speaking on a demographical level and ask them if they believe in evolution.
It's magnificient how fast their expression changes from smugness to horror. They think they got you and that now you will nervously try to defend yourself and instead you just steadfastly stay behind your beliefs even turning the table around and now it's them having to explain themselves.

If she isn't a landwhale I might actually start getting a little bit jealous, user.

>Mfw Hitler was authoritarian centrist

>Dear Ladies, gentlemen, and degenerates.

Based German humor.


>Wife giving birth
>General election results on TV in delivery suite
>Tories start to pull ahead
>Express more happiness with result than having a son
>Sour grapes from labour voting NHS staff delicious

oy vey the goyim cop cannot shoot a poor refugee just because of his different culture

>be at work, doing phd in physics, so only academic people around (all physicists)
>unknown black guy walks around our offices and labs looking for stuff (black guy in a german physics lab is already a major red flag)
>turns out it's a "poor" unemployed friend of one of our female master students looking through our rooms to just take empty plastic bottles (in germany you get 25cents for every bottle returned to the supermarket and we have hundreds of these bottles around, supply for 30-40 people).
>people start asking who the fuck he is and female master student comes to my offices asking if I have seen said person. Tell her it's some random black guy walking around in our labs
>triggered, goes off at me why I'm so racist and labeling her friend as black (ohboyherewego.jpg)
>ask her why her friend is going around basically stealing our stuff
>"oh I allowed that because the bottles are standing around you know"
>tell her that this is not okay because we pay for that shit
>she goes off again why nobody wants to help the poor guy and asks why it is not okay to give him the bottles
>"because you don't have the military dictatorship available to redistribute my wealth at your whim, Stalin"

What the fuck man. This was actually my first rl encounter on that scale with a liberal sjw. The other in my office were laughing their asses off when she stormed off. Fucking hell, these people need to be exterminated.

Very different. You can't generalize that. Some want the Schnauzbart again, others hate Hitler.

Nu Germoney will still vote 80% for the great replacement in 2017, just wait and see. They have no future, we have no future. It's over.

>be chilean
>dad is a Pinochet supporter
>mum is a Pinochet supporter
>I'm a Pinochet supporter
>We openly talk how we want to see niggers hang.
>Visiting Hungarian inlaws... they openly talk how much they hate niggers and want to see muslims hang.

gott mit uns

tall (1,85 m) , nice curves (about 80kg and dropping), bro tier humor and a nympho... do i need to say more? :^)

Something similar happened with me.

>told father about some bullshit that happened to me in uni the other day
>obvious mudslime shilling by professor
>conversation with dad evolved into "who could be doing all this? How did peope start thinking like this?
>tell father it's cultural marxism and explain it to him
>tell him that it began with Franfurt School et cetera
>wanted to name the Jew but father is super muh greatest ally about Israel
>didn't name the Jew outright so he doesn't flip out

Otherwise, it was a good conversation.

>you should care because degenerate behaviour leads to apathy which leads to not caring about your country and your countrymen
that's a huuge stretch you are making right there
so you think living in some teocracry makes a country less degenerate?
what does degenerate even mean to you? something that you don't like?
>literaly 70%+ in pols have leftists
I will need some source on that, since I guess everyone left of DSSS is a leftist for you
>ANO is full of antiracists which are actualy making antiracist and SJW laws
I never said ANO doesn't suck big donkey balls, but then again, every political party here does
>and yea christians values are better for masses then no values since average persons needs something above him to lead him.
yeah, that's right comrade
>because it leads to less new marriages
elaborate, I don't see less people around me getting married that before, but maybe my friends are not a representative sample

I'm not saying you are 100% wrong, you are just making a lots of conclusions based on what sounds like parroted Cred Forums memes

I don't understand

>"because you don't have the military dictatorship available to redistribute my wealth at your whim, Stalin".

Spanked. Hard. Well done

>mouse utopia
What is this?

I know where to move once I'm done with uni.

Women in politics, science and """"sciences"""! What a great idea! But you should be glad. It's probably A LOT worse in anything humanities related.

Sure and for many people who say we need a new hitler it's not really about hitler, he is more a symbol that we need/want someone who can change things for a better country and get shit done instead of doing nothing but talking and destroying this country even more.

Vielen Dank!

What did he mean by this?

Fresh banter lads
(Leaked pic of salty dude)

I am ;-;


Hearty kek.

They can't keep getting away with it.

1,85 for a woman is fucking huge. not sure about the weight, but sounds okay. but nympho might get you cheated on. anyway: enjoy the good dicking!


>1,85 for a woman is fucking huge

i'm 1,95 :^)


>"because you don't have the military dictatorship available to redistribute my wealth at your whim, Stalin"

Help me pol.

>dating Cutie, things are going well
>she knows that I have qualms with the Google culture and am right-wing. She's a left-wing cutie but knows that she hasn't researched any issues and just goes with what 'sounds good'.
>debate happens
>user did you watch the debate? I didn't...what happened?
>tell her my thoughts
>she told her friends
>all her friends started to pry into my political views yesterday
>kept calm but finally snapped when one said "anyone who could support such a racist, sexist idiot IS an idiot"
>revealed power-level

>she called me last night saying her roommates and suitemates won't shut up about how I'm going to be violent and that I'm a sociopathic liar that is manipulating her into believing I'm smarter than everyone else and that she will lose friends over me. They think she is in an 'emotionally abusive' relationship and told the RA.
>She told the RA that I'm not at all abusive etc., but apparently once the RA heard that I supported Trump he decided that she IS in an abusive relationship and told her that he HAS to inform the school even if she does not consent.

I'm whiter than you, ahmed

Of course of course you're right.
#notallgermans :^D

Thats nice one )))

teleports behind you and draws sword
>pff its nothing personal kid

i do it all the time but not around anyone i dont know really well. whats the point in being woke if you let others, especially those you love, stay shleepin?

Sure Carlito

feminists here make it a point to scream at anyone for saying women deserved it for their actions (clothes/getting extremely drunk/etc.)

Nice. I'm taller than her, too. But still YUGE for a gf. - needs a big bed!

Fucking lefties, this world is a nightmare and I cant wake up. Stay strong brother.

Meeh too tall.
150-170 is best I like my women small . Makes my pee pee even more bigger.

everyone in my family was jew wise. it surprised me.

Why would you laugh about someone dying?

> revealing your powerlevel while enrolled in the most marxist institution in the country

you dun goofed bro, I'd cut my losses and split from her asap, this can only escalate badly for you

Well, they might all be roaches, but stabbing another roach for a good reason like revenge for a rape is a reason I support.

It should have been the rapist that got shot imo.

Aww, what a cute, little pee pee

>"tough luck, maybe he wouldn't have been attacked if he wasn't dressed like that"

>"Maybe she wouldn't have been raped if she hadn't dressed like that."

He's pointing out the double standard.

But how did you not know? Did they all arrive at that point independently and not tell each other until you started asking questions?

>Democracy is problematic desu

stehst wohl auf gammelfleisch

>revealing your power-level within the most sjw contaminated area possible
you wouldn't infiltrate a enemy base just tell everybody who you are really working for senpai

> On Cred Forums
>Can't even die Sprache des drittes Reich lasen.

Fucking casual


Had a similar experience:
>riding with dad to go pick up his truck from service
>listening to conservative local talk radio
>election crap
>dad, turning down radio: "we're screwed either way"
>me: "yeah, if Hillary gets in it's a slow burn--"
>dad, interrupting: "and if Trump gets it we're just as screwed"
>me: "I dunno, I think he'd be alright, plus if he tried to do anything crazy the cuckservatives in Congress wouldn't let him anyway"
>dad: "....."
>me: "besides, the Fed will probably just pull the plug on all the artificial economic growth they've caused with quantitative easing and mass-buying wall street assets, something like $5T"
>dad: ".......user, I don't really want to get into this. I get it, I'm just tired of hearing about it in general."
>changes channel to music
>me: "oh, okay...."
>silent rest of car ride to service place
Sucks to be the only fully redpilled member of your immediate family.

Wir müssen die Juden ausrotten! Es ist Zeit für Reich!

He should have give her the D

Offensichtlich um bei Volkswagen zu arbeiten.


>implying France doesn't secretly want to invade Russia again too

From my point of view. Show her your hurt by all this and that her friends don't even trust her own judgement but only hint at that. Be as innocent as you can be and get a romeo and Juliet thing going. Hint at what she thinks of her friends roping her into agreeing with their way of thinking instead of hers. Ask her why are they acting like you committed a murder for not thinking like them to the point where its now abuse of power.

Basicly make them out to be really shitty people and shes shitty for even thinking of siding with them and breaking up will make her feel all the more shitty. Then walk away as respectful as possible. You'll have landed a killing blow on the people she thinks are friends.

If they charge a cop with murder for doing his job - especially taking action against a raging, violent invader - the rest of the police force will just check out. Mentally if not literally.

They'll know they're paper tigers at best. And that their own bosses won't have their back if they ever had to defend themselves with lethal force.

The whole shaky structure of trust and authority would come crashing down.

Smart Germans would use this as a lynchpin to co-opt police. Get them over to your side and help to stage a takeover of government.

custom build loft bed.

>>me: "besides, the Fed will probably just pull the plug on all the artificial economic growth they've caused with quantitative easing and mass-buying wall street assets, something like $5T"

+5 sheckels

Your father is a good fucking goy.

I hadn't heard of this until now, just read about it.

>Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against.[2]

We're fucked, aren't we?

Which state are you from?


There is always a Mordkommission when a cop kills somebody.

>be me
>in english class
>teacher asks us to why we should bring more rapefugees in
>write a speech about the rapes in Cologne, the violence they cause etc.
>next day
>first few that read out are pro~refugee
>teacher looks at me and says "user. Cam you read your speech out please?"
>"Certainly sir" stand up and start reading
>read for a good solid 15 mins putting raw emotion into it, blaming extreme regressive leftists, political correctness, rapefugees and calling the EU a dictatorship
>feel like Hitler at one of his rallies
>using hand gestures the lot
>teacher is writing on the board all the awesome techniques I used
>he can barely keep up
>lefties getting utterly horrified
>whole class is silent.
>finally finish
>thank them all for listening
>sit down
>Entire class claps
>mfw said teacher people should write speeches like mine
>mfw redpilled the entire class
>pic related

I once told my family that our immgrants are not USAs problem, it is ours and we should solve it by ourselves and not let them leave Mexico.

Then they told me that i'm a racist malinchista.

Informing people about the Frankfurt School is the best way to redpill people without going overboard. You don't have to explicitly name the Jew. They'll figure out that it's the Jews once they do their research.

>italy feeling white

You got me user.

Have a cookie.


>Living in the dorms at a jewniversity
>Talking any politics at all.

Dun goof'd. You might get reported, but as long as she doesn't turn against you, it shouldn't be too bad.

What do they think of Nicaraguans?

Right wing demos ect. always say thanks for the police and we stand behind you so yeah you're right. Only lefties are the idiots who trow stones against the police

I work at a small finance firm and was talking to the CEO one day. And slipped up and said "the Jews control the media" which he responded with "you're not wrong, but don't let anyone know you know that". He is probably the most redpilled person I know aside from myself.

Tell her it's who you are and if she feels uncomfortable that maybe you would be better seeing other people. Tell her you take accusations of abuse very seriously and don't mind what her friends think but ultimately are here for a solid education. Mention that it's ashamed too because you "really like her" and thought you had a really good time together. Resist contact till she's dtf. remember women go for bad boys, she'll be sneaking over to suck the dick the next night.

Thanks, man. Feels bad

Definitely what it feels like. I can't stop raging over this whole nonsense about the RA HAVING to report even without my gf's consent. Unbelievable.

Dun goof'd alright. Forgive me, sensei.

Well luckily she is not agreeing with them at all, yet. Give them a few more weeks of their shitflinging and that might change, but as of now she is just upset that people are all talking shit about me and PRESSURING her to break-up with me even if she doesn't want to.

Romeo Juliet thing sounds good, though. Thanks.

puny little girls can't master my aryan schlong only stronk women like valkyr can (and i mean the strong type of valkyr not the obese stereotype)

Well Duced!

Fucking Boomers man. Classic head in the sand syndrome.

Fuckers let it all go to hell now they don't even want to think about it.

Meanwhile we are all doomed to live and die in the dystopia they allowed to be created.

Tempted to get the goldliner down to wherever the fuck you are and buy you a drink

Worst generation ever

That's another crazy part. I don't even go to the same school as she does! Even if I did, I think this lack-of-consent reporting bullshit from the RA is ridiculous, but I DON'T even live there.

rare pepe saved.

Thanks for the advice

At least mine isn't.
"Genießt den Krieg, den der Frieden, der wird schrecklich sein" was a proverb then - enjoy the war, for the peace will be terrible.

In the end, they always feared death, yes, but they stood as free Germans, and they died as such. Two of his brothers did at least, and his father was heavily wounded.
But in the end, wouldn't you rather die than slowly see how everything you fought for gets perverted and the people that you tried to defend, or their children at least, spit on you on the street?

You've got a fire inside you son.

Follow the path it lights for you; it burns brightly.