It's all over the news now

It's all over the news now.

Yes I browse Britbong news.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cool, another thread about this.

Check the catalog before making a thread, newfag.

Praise Keek.

>pepe the frog a hate symbol

Imagine how will Cred Forums react if this was posted a year ago

Wow times do change

What might be the future implications of this be?

Mass ban of mean frog dude?

We need to buy up copies of Boy's Club before Amazon pulls it. The comic is a sacred relic of Kek and needs to be preserved.

Owning Boy's Club will become akin to owning ISIS propaganda.


>stolen African penguin

Did they mistake it for a bike or something?

i really hope that stolen penguin gets found

fucking hell man hes probably scared :(

Why does Cred Forums care?

Pepe became one of the most normie memes ever like a year ago. This isn't a Cred Forums action, it's done by a bunch of teenagers in high school.

post pepes

Penguin and frog is not good symbol. Very bad days will come soon. Remember I am writing this.

Holy shit I hope the penguin is gunna be ok!


>Pepe became one of the most normie memes ever like a year ago.

Yeah and they dropped it like hot shit when POO POO PEE PEE became the dominant theme in new pepe images. That was more like two or two and a half years ago actually.

>Why does Cred Forums care?
Penguins are super goofy and cute dude.

Wasn't this the guy keeping the current government from going full-retard with their settlements/military actions? I had thought he was more or less the paperweight keeping the whole stack from blowing all over the place. Israeli-anons confirm/clarify?

>That was more like two or two and a half years ago actually.


Pepe represents the red pill journey from normie to national socialist.

Praise kek.

>african penguin

the fuck?

I have not seen one thread about penguins