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Every Québécois elects their most cucked representative so that they can destroy the entirety of Canada.

Quebec is the Palestine of Canada. Trudeau is their biggest insult yet.

Meh. Havent read anything about these guys. Just a bunch of pussies.

Why are canuckies so against removing Quebec? Actually curious here



>Quebec is the Palestine of Canada. Trudeau is their biggest insult yet.
wat. . . . .



Seems they just like getting cucked by the big Franco cock


This country would be so much better if the FLQ didn't blow up a bunch of people and require the rest of us to have to learn french

you guys lost at the plains of abraham. fucking get over it and assimilate to english canada

Eh metaphorically. They are closer to Ireland

There was an event called the quiet revolution where Quebec really really wanted to break off Canada. And so they letter bombed politicians and took hostage a few people. Ended up with the government of Canada giving every Québécois a hard time and snuffing the leaders of the separatists movement quickly in a short while.

We are a bilingual country because we are mainly English but we still have a large population of French colonists. We are whatever stragglers of the British crown that didn't want to break from England's authority.

All our signs are in English and French. But in Quebec to spite us everything is in French only, not only that they design signs to be the exact opposite format that everyone is using.

They are the most passive aggressive cucks on the planet.

It used to be that old people used to go there just got the day. Now I imagine mass sjw hipsters going over there for school

>Quebec is the Palestine of Canada

wtf i h8 Québec now!!!

Quebec will NEVER get Labrador!!

Long live Newfoundland!!

Are you fucked? Quebec is the only place in Canada where they basically told immigrants fuck you, you cant wesr your stupid garbs in the public sector. Cucked? More like based.

It's first world problems. I'm not beaten up for speaking English in Quebec, I'm just looked at oddly.

Quebec French is also incredibly ugly, it convinced me not to learn another language because of how awful it sounds, it's not like I can even understand it, but you just are repulsed anyway.

It's like redneck ebonics of French, how's that for an explanation.

Child, take a look at every Québécois pm. The most cucked representative in the long list of leaders have French names.

learn your history facts faggot, the flq made alot of holdups to bring money in, but it was proven after that they didn't blow up people or buildings, it was orchestrate by pierre trudeau as a cover up since he hated quebec nationalists, he even called the army to kick our asses and made bogus arrests .

How do we deal with the Quebec City problem?

shitskins wont learn french so they flock to montreal where french isnt necessary (or even english in some areas), thats why quebec has less immigration

Quebec city is being a peu cucked but so what? All the immigrants go to Montreal

your tin foil hat is too tight m8

Can confirm, Montreal is a disgusting mudslide sitcoms shithole

>low diversity is a problem
>looks like a paradise for whites

I would move there if it was an english city

Trudeau is a Canadian federalist, how is he one of ours? That's like saying a muslim born in the Vatican is christian.


Quebec City is full of cuckservatives who still listen to radio so fuck them!


>go grocery shopping
>only hear english, Indian, Chinese and sometimes Arabic spoken

Fucking anglos had to ruin our beautiful city.

Arrét you frog cuck faggot

will quebec go full north ireland mode someday?

>the oldest city in North America

Of course it has to be preserved.

based quebec

They Already did. It was called the "quiet revolution" for a reason.


Some claim that the leaf abhorrent shitposting is done by quebecois to ruin Canada's reputation on this board. Is it true?

>Not weighted by population

You handle numbers like a wishful thinking leftist.

God I fucking love Montreal, most beautiful city in Canada. And it's like a little Europe.

The people are rude fucking cunts though. Shame how they can ruin a trip 100% of the time.

So Québec is basically the Germany of Canada?


Looks based.


Holy shit people are actually listening to us? Thank you for paying attention!

Those fuckers literally elect a shitposter to ruin the entire country's rep on top of shitposting endlessly. They have no loyalty except for that fantasy of being independent.

I confront all the Canadian cuck threads and the ops all end up throwing insults in French. It explains everything

We are already the most taxed, 15% on every purchase. I dont want them to add more because we are now independent


Like Toronto

Everything is relative.

Can't wait for next Xmas

Support for Quebec independence is higher outside of Quebec than inside. They have the highest taxes in North America and the lowest standard of living in Canada. They can't balance their budget 9/10 years even with $11b in yearly welfare and 1/3 federal jobs. We should have done to them what the Americans did to their French.

This is why so many people hate French and vice versa. You cunts justify and rationalise improper behaviour.

I asked a ticketer at a subway for help and the bitch just waved me off. This wouldn't be done by anyone else

Very few people are against Quebec leaving they would have been independent in 1995 if they let everyone vote. Note that the aboriginals that control 90%+ of their natural resources have made it clear they have absolutely no interest in leaving Canada. If Canada is divisible so is Quebec. America also would never recognize it unless we did first just as they wouldn't let Mexico break up either.

"Quebec's aboriginal leaders have already stated that they have no interest in separatist demands for an independent Quebec and will do all in their power to remain in Canada. Canadians sympathetic to aboriginal claims will surely urge the federal government to step in to protect Quebec natives. Quebec, on the other hand, will be insulted by any suggestion that it discriminates against natives and will see any effort to wrest territory from a sovereign Quebec as an affront."

"Aboriginal people inside Quebec and outside the province are strongly opposed to Quebec separating and taking along aboriginal people and their lands without consent. According to a June 1994 Angus Reid/Southam News poll, they are supported by 8 in 10 respondents in English-speaking regions of Canada who believe that aboriginal people in Northern Quebec have the right to chose to remain in Canada. Some oppose separation so strongly that they may be willing to take action that could lead to violence to prevent separation. Cree Chief Billy Diamond has gone so far as to guarantee violent confrontation with Quebec."

Also Quebec owes $45b+ for their electricity projects which are almost entirely on native controlled lands. They would have to immediately default on their debt (they would regardless as they get a $11b welfare transfer payment from us every year) and they would have virtually no source of electricity. They already lost their entire banking sector and more than half of their manufacturing sector during the 80's and 90's referendums.

aboriginal are stupid to want to be in canada.

english canadians tried to genocide them while french canadians made alliance with them.

you know that in quebec most of the aboriginal still know their native language ? its not the case outside of quebec. ontarians aboriginal speack english instead of cree, inukti etc...


You almost made it back in 1995, very close margin by the way.

lost the banking sector.

Desjardins, BAnk of Montreal


Quelle problème mon ami?
Looks like a nice place to live.

take what is yours boys

also kek is with u

>the oldest city in North America

but that's wrong

Quebec is the most redpilled place in Canada. We need our own flags, don't want to be associated with anglo leaf scum.

We're everything the Canadians wish they'd be: Nationalists, strong unique culture, our capital city is 95% white, we enforce laws against everyone that's not us (literally have language police that can close a shop if you use too much english in your advertising/menus/etc).

Feels good to live in a place where you are allowed to be proud to be white, proud of your heritage, and proud of your identity as french speakers.

Canadians are literal cucks compared to us.

Un osti de trou socialiste

Plein de péquiste trisomique

Crevez dans votre misère

that would be a middle finger to all leafs, so i aprrove

>BAnk of Montreal
Headquarters moved to Toronto. Employs almost four times as many people in Ontario than in Quebec.

Tiny as shit. Employs more people in Ontario than in Quebec. Technology hub was moved to Manitoba in the 1990's.

Your banking sector was absolutely decimated Montreal was the banking capital of Canada until the referendums when virtually all banking left. Nobody disputes this.

Quebec has the highest taxes in North America and the lowest standard of living in the country. They are by and far the biggest marxists in NA and every single open borders marxist faggot like the Trudeau family came from Quebec. Nice try. You cucks would rather bring in a french nigger or muslim than a 10/10 german or swede.

Quebec is so silly. They should stop being so silly.

>we enforce laws against everyone that's not us (literally have language police that can close a shop if you use too much english in your advertising/menus/etc).

This is why people dislike. You get mad at people for wanting to speak or use English in an English speaking nation. French only became an official language from you faggots throwing a hissyfit.

And you guys are definitely not "redpilled" lmao. You always vote for lefties, and the province is full of feminists and marxists.

This so much

Too bad they speak Frog and worship cheese eating surrender monkeys.

stay mad leaves, Quebec will never be english

>you know that in quebec most of the aboriginal still know their native language ? its not the case outside of quebec. ontarians aboriginal speack english instead of cree, inukti etc...

That's because Frog is a useless language in the world.

Clearly Quebec is now more French than France. Maybe we should give it independence as a memorial to the fallen.

When the total is that skewed it really doesn't matter.

Well we are protecting our heritage you should do the same before everything is Chinese.

A free quebec would be doom for Canada and Quebec. Without Quebec, english Canada will be annexed. And it will be laughable to see Quebec try to survive when its surrounded by a sea of English speaking Americans

>free quebec
You get what you pay for.

>Quebec is more french than France
sadly true

I agree, I think the Quebecois deserve to be "freed".


Just saying :

Post red-pilled Quebec music

We're going to uncuck ourselves soon enough.

> lefties,feminists and marxists.
Philippe Couillard as prime minister

Not redpilled but pretty good.

the worst fucking song

Almost all french canadian shitposters have such poor french that they are either anglo false flaging or shitskins.

>we have pont de québec
>drop it from 100 meter
>no ship cant past under
>we cuck block you an all your industries
>industries need to moove out of US or ontario to have boat acces
>dont ever tell me québec is a hole of debt for canada caus we can fuck hard US an ontario
> a new pont de québec would cost half less
>so why we should build it this hight

This is how it is done bros...stay united stay strong:


Plains of Abraham tier savagery.

Thanks to you for all your experiments on us..