Poll rigging hurts Donald Trump

Guys, stop poll rigging. You are making the Donald over confident, and then he won't prepare for the next debate. At a bunch of rallies he is talking about how he won...

What youre actually saying is I should stop voting in online polls

Cred Forums never "rigged" the polls. We just voted in them and urged others to vote as well.

this. I thought he won so i voted for him. Where are you lefties so butthurt about Clinton losing the debate?

It does not hurt him, you are a simpleton.


>Guys, stop voting. You are making the Donald President of the United States, and then he won't prepare for the next election. At a bunch of Celebrations he is talking about how he won...

Boi. We are making Trump too confident, and he won't prepare next time

He's not as retarded as you. Egotistical prick.

Explain to me how Trump going around believing he dominated the debate is good? He missed way to many opportunities... And we want him to do better next time.

How dare his supporters vote in a way that represents their feelings.

democracy only counts if you vote for the candidate your supposed to. duh.

Figure it out yourself, use your brain for once.

>It's okay for his supporters to show support by being dishonest and pumping up non-scientific bullshit
you literally think like a nigger

Nobody is being dishonest.

"If you don't counter rig your enemys polls they win"

You dumbass, anything we have done CTR should have done better. Not our fault they suck ass

>"we never rigged no polls!"
>"we wuz voting n sheet!"

It's not like they can't do log analysis after the fact and figure out 500k votes came from proxies in eastern europe, or that the same IP voted 150 times, or that the exact same incognito browser string voted from a bunch of proxy IPs in the U.S.

They know. They can see screenshots of the threads from the night of the debate. At least own it, 4chins.

OP is correct. OP, this should be an "oh yeah. I'm on Cred Forums" moment for you.

I literally think he won, Jose.

Glad to see CTR is catching up with the memes

>Botting polls is not dishonest
Then I guess you'd have no problem with the Departmen of Homeland security rigged our electronic polling since nobody is being dishonest their either you fucking moron

>way to many

Fuck off OP. Let them do their thing.

I'll be glorious come November.

>If you vote for Trump, Hillary wins

The desperation hurts.

He already knows he needs to do better in the next debates, polls in favour won't change that, stupid assumption

It's causing the media to talk about rigged polls which makes most Americans distrust all polls, not just online polls.

Go to hell Shlomo.


CTR still fanny fractured over Monday nights blow out.

Start looking for another whale to be a barnacle on, shilling here is the equivalent of begging shoppers leaving a store.

Yeah it totally backfired in the primaries when we did the same thing remember?

>Trump wins polls
>it must be rigged because it's not the result I want
How self obsessed can you be?

Thank you for correcting the record, 10 penises have been deposited into your wife's ass.

Why are you so autistic? The majority of the election polls show Trump closing the Clinton, and yet, I can guarantee nobody here will agree that he's definitely losing

Trump knows exactly how he did, he was there.
Fuck off faggot

Nigger please, Trump will do what Trump does no matter what we or anybody else says, we wanted YOU to know he won

Cred Forums also urged to vote multiple times using proxies and incognito mode, which *did* rig the polls.

>muh rigging
>when we vote in polls it's democracy in action but when our enemies do it it's "brigading"

>>> from httplib2 import Http
>>> from urllib import urlencode
>>> h = Http()
>>> data = dict(name="Joe", comment="A test comment")
>>> resp, content = h.request("bitworking.org/news/223/Meet-Ares", "POST", urlencode(data))
>>> resp
{'status': '200', 'transfer-encoding': 'chunked', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding,User-Agent',
'server': 'Apache', 'connection': 'close', 'date': 'Tue, 31 Jul 2007 15:29:52 GMT',
'content-type': 'text/html'}

Who is this Cred Forums? He must be brought to justice


>trump preparing for a debate
yeah sure that will make him prepare

obviously didn't work faggot

>voting is rigging