Why does intelligence have such a liberal bias?

Why does intelligence have such a liberal bias?

I want to be more conservative like you guys, but my intelligence prevents me from doing so.

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yeah but the op is clearly dumb so your theory doesnt work

>american intellectual

Because cuckholding is the thinking man's fetish. Fly too close to the sun and you get burned.


The reds infiltrated our schools with pinko socialist idiot professors (they even referred to them as idiots, because they were not respected by the communists, but thought of as uncritical, easily brainwashed sheep). So these idiots would teach lectures at their universities and go on about the wonders of socialism and evils of capitalism until we had generations of brainwashed college students thinking that socialism improves their lives and society, not realizing that THEY are the bourgeois scum that the proletariat will wipe off the earth.

I don't think liberals are all that smart. Anarchists, hippies and pot smokers tend to be liberals and they also tend to be exceptionally stupid. Feminists, activists and community organizers tend to be liberal college students and they too tend to be exceptionally stupid.

The people with the highest IQs are always, without exception, extremely right-wing.

Degree-toting Starbucks-guzzling/serving hipsters skew liberal but are artificially conflated as 'highly intelligent' due to having a worthless degree in sociology or whatever.

>liberalism = inteligence meme
Why are niggers liberals, then? You're not intelligent. You're just soothing your own ego. You're rationalizing your willful ignorance because your greed and jealousy rule you rather than your intellect.

Liberals are all about the feels. You are an idiot. Some moron psychologist publishes a biased study to make himself feel better and you wrap yourself in his flawed conclusions because it makes you feel good.

Your mother should have aborted you, faggot.

> 138/133 IQ here
> Nat Soc
Intelligent people that are lefties are insulated from the real world.

Way to completely talk out of your ass.

Steven Hawking is a left leaning centrist, Garry Kasparov is a liberal Christopher Hirata is a Liberal.

Who exactly are you even talking about?


Almost finishing my bachelors in molecular biology with a good GPA. Totally believe in lynching niggers.

>Fuck off shill

intelligence does have a liberal bias, you just don't realize that Cred Forums is the most liberal out of anybody.

>Why does intelligence have such a liberal bias?
You are longer exposed to brainwashing during your education.
You have more money and can isolate yourself more easily from reality.

Liberals have made it taboo to recognize patterns, which is a hallmark of intelligence.

Pattern recognition is what has allowed mankind to survive, flourish and prosper.

It enables us to predict the future in a way.

The most important pattern of our time is the rapid decline of the west combined with our demographic displacement. Another important pattern here is what happens to countries that have sub 90 average IQ populations as the majority.

Yet liberals are oblivious to these patterns.

So much for intelligence.

intelligence and redpilling are completely separate things
just because a persons very smart doesnt mean theyre more inclined to be interested in politics
a lot of smart people ive known were apolitical and claimed to be medium right, centrist or medium leftist, i.e. firmly within the realm of what is considered to be socially acceptable

Oh wow, biology.

We got a biologist here guys!

Why are liberals so dysgenic?

You're thinking of leftists, not liberals.

>Why does intelligence have such a liberal bias?

>leftist politicians
>dumb as rocks
>smart followers

>right wing politicians
>dumbass followers


Because leftists bully people who speak opinions they disagree with, so there is an illusion that only "smart" people are leftist. There isn't really anything leftists do that isn't predicated on social shaming and fear honestly

Intelligence is a racist darwinist term. I am sure liberals don't like it. See their hatred of population IQ statistics.

>believing in one big psyop
>thinks he's intelligence

i guess thats how it can make you feel

He's probably talking about the fact that many Nazi leaders had a very high IQ.


I think it is because the stupid people prefer simple explanations, the not so stupid people dont want to be stupid people and are against everything that the stupid people say. They build higher and higher interlectual towers that eventualy become devoid of facts and reality.

To be a true Übermensch think for yourself and question everything. Sometimes the simple explanation is the right one, sometimes its not.

>Your mother should have aborted you
I thought you retards were against this.

>le my IQ is 200 according to internetiq.com

*tips fedora*
*drinks mountain dew
*dies of obesity

Fallacy of hypocrisy.

Good job showing your clearly massive intelligence, gentlesir.

Good job showing your fedora, Reddit.

"Stupid people" get a daily dose of reality. Their neighborhoods are slowly ethnically cleansed. Their children have to go to schools with lot's of minorities (often the majority). They are the ones who have to compete with immigrants over jobs. They are the ones who see their wages fall. etc etc.

>Why are niggers liberals, then?

They aren't.

Most blacks are conservative at heart. Wanting government welfare checks and voting democrat has nothing to do with being a true liberal.


that is literally the arts degree of STEM degrees. Everyone in community college is either studying biology or nursing, great fucking accomplish pal.

Remember all those intellectual sophisticates in those trailer parks? Right

The mass of intellectuals are progressives in any time. The mass amount of remembered intellectuals are right-wing in nature, especially because those are rare.